The First Task

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Fred's POV
When y/n left I took a razor and shaved off the beard. I didn't like it either, but I wanted to see what she would say.
"She's smart, but we have to get her back. I don't care if you fancy her we need to get her back." I nodded at George. I wasn't going to make it too bad, but maybe some color changing hair potion.
"Not to mention you were a big flirt with y/n today."
"I don't know what your talking about." I replied looking at my white and ginger hair.
"Oh stop. You really think I didn't notice? The smile while we were talking to Granger before we drank that bloody potion. Talking about you beard that you obviously can't pull off except for me, asking for her opinion on it. Should I also mention the wink at the end?" While he started shaving his beard.
"Oh you saw that" I felt embarrassed. I thought I could hide it from George.
"If you think your slick then think again."
"Whatever and if you could pull off the beard then why did you shave it off?"
"Because my dear brother it's not time for me to grow one yet. It makes me look older and I'm only 16."
I scoffed, "yeah sure."

Madame Promfrey finally let us out. It took way too long for us to look normal again. As much as I lo-like y/n she has to pay.

When we entered the Great Hall we saw that Dumbledore was about to announce the three champions. Me and George walked over to the Gryyffindore table. When I looked up I had noticed that y/n was actually facing my direction.
She mouthed what looked like "looking good." I just rolled my eyes and she started laughing until Dumbledore started talking.

Soon November arrived and it was time for the first task. At first me and George were proud of Harry for managing to put his name in the Goblet, but y/n pointed out why it wasn't so spectacular. She did make a point. Once again Harry was in the spot light when he was trying to blend in. Hufflepuff wasn't happy with us Gryffindor's, but we really couldn't care less.
"It's going to be an exciting day today Freddie. First we use Crinus Muto on y/n, then we make some money from bets, and it's the first task." We were hiding behind a pillar right near the portrait hole to the Ravenclaw common room. I didn't know how she would react which made me nervous.
"Oh here she comes." George pointed to the opening portrait hole. Y/n was wearing red to support Harry. She looked real nice in red.

I had wanted to wear red to support Harry. I couldn't imagine what he was going through. Constantly being in the spot light. Me and Cho had walked out while she was wearing yellow. Then I felt a spell hit the back of my head while we were walking.
"Bloody hell?"
"Y/n you may want to look in the mirror." Cho kept holding in her laugh as she handed me her small mirror. I looked in the mirror and my hair was pink!
"Where are they?!?" I scanned the area looking for two ginger figures and then I spotted them.
"What is this for?!?" Pointing at my hair.
"Since you pranked us it was time for revenge. Did you really think we would let you off the hook?"George asked while crossing his arms.
"Don't worry it should only last for a day. You still look beautiful." Fred stepped closer, but I stepped back.
"If you think you can flirt to calm me down it isn't going to work. Now I have to go the first task looking like a crazy person?!?"
"No ones going to notice because-"
"everyone will be to focused on the task." Fred had finished George's sentence and have me a small grin. I couldn't help, but let some of that anger go.
"Fine. I'll see you there. Also before I forget here is 5 sickles. No bet just take it." I handed them the coins and walked away with a small smile. I couldn't stay mad at them after Fred smirked. I think I may stay clear of them for now because I really don't want anything to happen to me again.

I had entered the arena they created and everyone was looking at me while I was making my way next to Ginny and Hermione.
"What happened to you?" They both started laughing and my hair color was now yellow.
"Your brothers, that's what." Fred and George had been yelling and walking around for bets having their boxes on their shoulders.

"Excuse me, but I'm gonna check on Harry." Hermione got up and started going down the stairs.
I was tense and scared for Harry, but Ginny was more worried.
"You two don't need to worry." Fred came over and sat next to me.
"Exactly Harry can take care of himself." George had sat down next to Ginny. I was still scared and I think Fred noticed and held onto my hand. Our hands were intertwined and I couldn't help, but blush. It felt nice, but I couldn't help but feel that my hand was tiny compared to his.
"It's going to be okay. Harry will be fine." I look into his warm chocolate eyes. I knew that all I needed was Fred and I would feel safe.

The cannon had gone off and it broke our gaze, but I couldn't help but notice that our hands were still intertwined. I looked over and Ginny gave me a look and I just shrugged facing the pit now seeing Cedric Diggory entering the arena.

Everyone had managed to capture their egg. I was happy for Fleur, but Ginny and Hermione didn't seem to like her. I knew Harry was next and I had held onto Fred's hand tighter.
"If you squeeze any tighter I might loose it." Fred said jokingly. I hadn't realized we were holding hands the whole time.
"Sorry Freddie." I slipped my hand from his grasp. Harry had gotten the Hungarian Horntail. That was one of the most dangerous dragons, but I knew Harry could do it.

Harry had said a charm and I didn't know what it was until Harry's broom came flying over. Accio. Brilliant Harry! Then the dragon had got loose and started coming closer to us. I stood there shocked until Fred pulled me down right on time as it passed by us.
"You trying to get yourself killed?!?"
"Sorry Freddie. Thanks" I looked back up and the dragon was heading toward the teachers. They had barley dodged it when it went straight through their stand.
"WELL DONE DRAGON!!" Fred was cheering. I hit him on the arm.
"What?" I rolled my eyes laughing.

Harry had came back with the egg, but no sign of the Hungarian Horntail. He looked a little injured, but nothing Madame Ponfrey couldn't do.
"We're gonna see our brother Charlie. Do you want to come?" Ginny had offered while her, Ron, Fred and George started getting up.
"Sure why not." As I got up.

"Hey Charlie. Those dragons were amazing!" Ron greeted a man with a couple of scars, but had the signature ginger hair. They all started talking and I was just in the back hiding. Maybe I should let them have some time together. I started walking away until I heard him say, "so who's this with the purple hair?" I stopped in my path and Fred had grabbed my hand heading to the front.
"I'm y/n please to meet you and this" pointing to my hair "is from Fred and George."
"Pleasure to meet you y/n. I'm Charlie. I work with these dragons back in Romania." He shook my hand.
"So you must be Freddie's girlfriend then?"
My eyes had widened and looked at the floor while I blushed very intensely.
"No she's just a friend." I looked up and saw Fred look very uncomfortable. I didn't know how to react. In a way I was hurt because he said that we were "just friends." I mean he wasn't wrong, but I wanted to be more than that and I had realized that once me and Fred were holding hands earlier.
"Oh sorry about that." Charlie looked rather embarrassed.
"It's okay I should go back any ways. Um it was a pleasure meeting you Charlie. I'll see you guys later and congrats Harry." I had walked away not turning back. That's when I realized how much I lo-liked Fred. I know my dad would kill me, but I couldn't care less right now.

A/N-This was really fun writing. From y/n and Fred's moment to the awkward situation with Charlie

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