Questions and Apologies

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I woke up next to Fred with the sun shining through the window. My eyes felt tired since I didn't sleep the best, but I was just happy I was back with Fred. I wrapped my arm around his waist making him shift a little.
"Good morning love," he whispered.
"You okay?"
"No, but I will eventually." I sighed thinking about last night. He then shifted facing me.

"I'm sorry you had to go through with that." He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I didn't know why I was tearing up.
"Hey don't cry, love. I know we lost Rosie, but we're reunited." He pulled me into his chest. I listened to his heartbeat calming down.
"Last night I saw her, Rosie. She had your eyes as well." I whispered. There was a silence.

"Can we go to the flat? I don't want to be around so many people at the moment." I broke the silence after a few minutes.
"Whatever you want. Let me get ready first, so I can apparate to the flat to get you some fresh clothes." We pulled apart before Fred got up. I pulled the covers back on lost in my whirlwind of thoughts. Rosie, how those death eaters will pay, and if me and Fred will ever be the same again.

Fred POV
As I took a shower I let out my emotions. I cried as the water fell on me. I never got to have a moment with my firstborn. Y/n had been through so much and I couldn't do anything about it. I always pictured how it was going to be when y/n gave birth. I would be at work when I got the news she was going into labor. I would rush to St. Mungos and then I would have our child in my arms, rocking them.

After I finish taking a shower I put on some jeans and a red and blue striped shirt. When I went back to my room I saw y/n asleep again. I didn't know how to react to Rosie. I was trying to stay strong, but it broke my heart the state she was in. I grabbed my wand from the nightstand and apparated to the flat.

When I made it to the flat I had left a small suitcase by the door for y/n filled with things she might need. I grabbed it and apparated back to my room.

When I came back to my room I heard some noises from downstairs knowing that everyone would be awake. I walked over to y/n to wake her up.
"Wake up love. I have your stuff." I whispered, lightly shaking her. She groaned before opening her eyes. They were red and slightly puffy.

"I have a little suitcase filled with clothes and other things." She walked up to the suitcase and opened it. I had completely forgotten that mum had packed some gender-neutral clothes for the baby as well. I looked at her reaction and she looked at the clothes in shock. She sighed before grabbing leggings and a navy blue hoodie with the crest for Ravenclaw.
"Thanks, Freddie," she lightly kissed my cheek. I saw her wipe a tear before leaving my room.

After the shower, I relaxed a little. Seeing those clothes just brought me pain and flashbacks. Rosie was gone from the beginning and there was nothing I could've done about it. That was a fact I needed to accept.

When I returned to Fred and George's room the room was empty. I sighed knowing Fred was probably downstairs where everyone was. I quickly put my stuff back in the case ignoring the other clothes.

As I walked down the stairs the chatter was growing louder. I took a deep breath as I approached the kitchen.

When I entered everyone's attention came to me. The talking now was silence. I could tell no one knew how to approach me.
"Good morning dear," Molly broke the silence.
"Good morning everyone," I replied with a fake smile.
"Good morning," everyone replied dully. I scanned the room but noticed Ginny wasn't anywhere to be found.
"Where Ginny?"
"In her room, she won't come down," George replied leaning against the counter. I had a feeling why.
"Excuse me. I want to talk to her." I walked back up the stairs.

I knocked on the door.
"Come in," I heard her reply quietly. I opened the door and she looked at me in shock. She quickly turned around facing her back towards me.
"Let's eat breakfast downstairs together." I sat on the edge of her bed. I heard her lightly crying. I turned her around to see a few tears fall down her face.
"Don't cry Ginny," I pulled her in a hug.
"It's my fault," she shakily said.
"No, it's not." I pulled her away to make eye contact. I knew exactly what she meant.

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