Chapter 47

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(these last few chapters will have a lot of POV changes so keep an eye out but Zalie is starting out)

   Zalie and the rest were at the Woodland Stable as quick as they could the next morning.

   They weren't running on a lot of sleep because Kenton had insisted they go to the Akkala tech lab. He'd said something about a traveler named Beetle and ancient arrows. They'd met up with the twins who had been going to the tech lab too, oddly enough. They'd talked with Robbie who had agreed to help them once he learned they were traveling with Link.

   Of course, they had to retrieve a blue flame which Elyza had recognized from Hateno, and that had required much fighting to get to the furnace because they trail had been full of monsters. But they eventually managed it.

   But then they needed money, and had to run to sell extra materials and ore at the stable with traveling salesmen—which had ended up being the very same Beetle Kenton had talked about—which meant they had very few rupees left after they spent everything they could to get ancient gear. Mainly the ancient arrows, but they managed to get a cool spear, sword, and bow as well. So, basically, they were walking around with only the clothes on their backs and their weapons and food. Of course, the four of them needed the materials for all that which meant they killed all the guardians around the Akkala Citadel, and Ordorac Quarry before they had enough.

   It was early, early morning before they got to sleep a few hours and then rode as hard as they could to get to the Riverside Stable to meet Link.

   But they were there and Zalie had a shrewd suspicion that Link probably hadn't gotten much sleep either.

   She didn't know though because he wasn't there.

   "Where's Link?" Elyza asked.
   "Not here," Kenton said.
   Elyza cursed. "Do you think he went to Hyrule Castle alone?"
   "No," Zalie replied firmly. "You'd kill him if he did. And so would we. He's probably on his way. We didn't specify a time."

   Elyza accepted the answer but kept glancing towards the distant castle and pacing.

   Fortunately, Link appeared about 5 minutes later, looking tired. He waved as he approached.  

   "Link!" Zalie exclaimed. She ran over to him and gave him a quick hug. "You look exhausted."

   "So do you all," Link replied, yawning.
   "Did you get all your memories?" Zalie asked.
   He nodded. "Yeah."
   "All? Like, all all?" Elyza asked, her eyes narrowing.
   Link hesitated, but nodded.
   "So you went into Hyrule Castle without us?" Elyza pressed, frowning.

   "Just to get the memory. As soon as I got it, I left," Link explained. He quickly changed to topic. "Where did you guys end up going?"

   Zalie immediately remembered Link's distress in the Spring of Power.

   "Akkala," Kenton answered. He glanced at Zalie, clearly remembering the same.

   "Speaking of which, we got some stuff from Robbie. You remember when Purah mentioned him?" Elyza asked. Link nodded. "Well, after we gathered materials and lit his furnace, we got some ancient weapons and stuff from him." She went into the stable and returned with all of their purchases.

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