Chapter 20

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  Elyza found she didn't much like the heat around Death Mountain. There wasn't really any wind or clouds. Just constant sun beating down on you. Elyza wished that she could bathe or at least be drenched in cold water. The sweat dripped off her constantly during the day. She'd never felt so nasty. Necluda was so much cooler. It was a good thing it was cooler in the mornings but it got really hot pretty fast.
   Elyza was putting all the fireproof elixirs she had bought in a bag when Elijah walked over to her into the stable.
   He was silent a moment before saying, "We haven't really been following rule 2, have we?" (See chapter 5 for those rules)
   "No. Not really. Either of us," Elyza replied.
   "We probably should."
   "Yeah. I don't really like having Zalie reprimand me. Though if you're gonna get reprimanded, make it by Zalie. Might as well lay it on thick. She makes you feel really guilty. It's like a parents disappointment with her," Elyza complained.
   Elijah smiled. "Yeah. Don't try to lie to her either. She'll catch you."
   Elyza chuckled. "I could've told you that. I've never seen someone so observant as Zalie."
   By chance, Zalie walked into the stable just then and saw them talking. She walked over.
   "Hey guys!" Zalie greeted. Elyza noticed that her happiness looked a little strained and forced. What was wrong?
   "Hey, Zal. Have you seen Link?" Elyza asked.
   "Yeah, he's taking a quick nap. Meaning he just went right to sleep when he sat down by the cooking pot. Elijah, I think you should make something to give him a little energy," Zalie suggested.
   "I can do that. I think I saw some honeycomb or something nearby. That's energizing. I can make that into some honeyed apples or maybe some candy." Elijah nodded to himself and stood. He strode out of the stable.
   Zalie turned to Elyza. "So. Are you two getting along now?"
   "We're fine. We're gonna make a better effort to get along. It's one of the rules we set when we started this journey weeks ago," Elyza replied.
   "That's good! I'm glad," Zalie said. Again, her happy attitude seemed forced.
   "Ok, what's wrong, Zalie? I can see something is bothering you."
   "W-What? Nothings w-wrong," Zalie stuttered.
   "I'm sure," Elyza said flatly. "Tell me what's bothering you."
   "Nothing is bothering me," Zalie said evasively.
   "Zalie. You're a sincere person. You clearly do not know how to hide your feelings well. I can see the tension in the way you talk and look. I know something is wrong. What is it?" Elyza asked, insistent.
   Zalie hesitates then sighed. She looked up at Death Mountain. "I'm just worried."
   "Right, but about what?"
   "About the Gorons and anyone else up in the volcano. Those rocks falling down the mountain and shooting out of it could be catastrophic. What if they are dying up there with every moment we spend down here?" Zalie looked down.
   Elyza walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Zalie, I'm sure that they are smart enough to take cover when that happens. You've said yourself that the Gorons are strong. They are a tough people who are probably used to the occasional rock fall. They'll be prepared for it."
  Zalie still looked slightly anxious, but looked better. She smiled. "Thanks Elyza." She paused a moment. "You know, I think we could all use a little relaxing."
   "Definitely, but where? All there really is around here is rocks. And just sitting in the heat isn't appealing," Elyza said.
   Zalie grinned. "You'll see." She walked off, a noticeable spring in her step.
   Elyza smiled, shaking her head. That girl.
  The group soon was ready to leave the stable. They were boarding the horses here, as it was too hot on the volcano. Elyza tried to pry out of Zalie what she was planning for relaxing, but Zalie would just smile and not say anything. (Have you guessed what it is?)
   Finally, they set out from the stable, walking in the scorching heat. There was a little shade under the towering rocks but it was around midday so the sun was high.  Elyza felt like someone had dumped water on her but only to boil her. Her sweat did little to help with the heat.
   They walked for a relatively short time when Zalie stopped. Elyza glanced at her. They had only gotten to the Maw of Death Mountain. She was looking forward but to the side. She smiled suddenly. Elyza thought she smelled...sulfur? Yes. A little sulfur in the air. She connected what Zalie wanted to do to relax.
   "Hot springs?" Elyza exclaimed excitedly.
   Zalie grinned. "Yep. There are a whole bunch in Eldin. I thought it would be a great way to release some tension."
   Link had kept walking and had now stopped. He looked at them, looking puzzled. "You guys coming?" he called.
   "We are gonna stop for a little bit Link!" Zalie called to him.
   Link walked back to them. "Huh?"
   "I don't know if you noticed, Link, but all of us are a little stressed out and anxious. We need a little relaxing time and these hot springs are great for that!" Zalie said.
   Link thought a moment and replied, "Yeah, ok. We can stay for a bit. Not too long though."
   Zalie gave him a hug and ran over to the nearest hotspring, Elyza right behind her. She took off her bag and shoes and put them to the side and jumped in, clothes on still. Elyza grinned and did the same. The boys were walking over, putting their bags down. They took off their boots and joined them in the hot water.
  Elyza swam over to a shallow area and sat there, legs crossed. She leaned back against the rock by the shore. The water felt really good. Like it could heal from near death (cause it can). In fact, Elyza felt like her burns from being in the sun all the time were hurting less. Like they were fading. She smiled, closing her eyes. This was nice. Heck, it might even be worth the trip and heat just for these hot springs. The water was hot but not scalding. Still, they probably shouldn't stay too long, or they might cook themselves. And, you know, they had things to do.
   Either way, Elyza let herself relax. She opened her eyes a bit. She saw the others were in similar positions, enjoying the hot spring. Zalie looked like she had even fallen asleep. Elyza felt that. She had the feeling that she could just float off into unconsciousness if she allowed herself. Or even if she didn't. Her eyes started drooping. It Elyza fell asleep too. 
   When Elyza finally awoke, the sun had moved majorly. In fact, it was nearly sunset. She started and sat up and looked around wildly. Everyone was there except Link. Zalie and Elijah were both asleep. Elyza stood and got out of the spring, looking around for Link. Where had he gone? She didn't see him anywhere.
   Elyza wrung out her clothes and put on her boots so that the rocks wouldn't burn her feet. She looked for their stuff. It was all there, including Link's. So, where was he?
   She started to get anxious and so she went and ran back to the springs.
   "Zalie! Zalie! Elijah!" Elyza shouted. They stirred but their eyes didn't open. "Wake up!! Link is missing!"
   Finally, Elijah opened his eyes a little. "What?" He asked drowsily.
   "Get up! We fell asleep and I can't find Link!" Elyza exclaimed worriedly.
  Zalie awoke and opened her eyes just then. She yawned. "Hey, what are we yelling about?"
   "Link isn't here!"
   "I'm sure it's nothing, Elyza," Zalie replied, frowning. "He disappeared in Zora's Domain too. I'm sure he is around."  Elijah nodded in agreement.
   "Well, we're not exactly in town or in an ideal place for a walk," Elyza retorted. She looked along the road. She saw something that sparked her interest and jogged over to it. Zalie and Elijah followed behind her, walking. "Guys look at this." She pointed at the rocks. They had a black mark across them. "It looks like something burned this."
   Elijah knelt down next to it. "A little, yeah. Like something exploded fire."
  "Do you think Link is ok?" Zalie asked. She looked worried.
   "I don't know. But, we're gonna find out. Grab his stuff. Let's go up the road," Elyza said. Elijah went and grabbed Link's bag and came back and they started up the road.
   There were many towering rocks and some metal brackets that looked like they were holding hot rocks. They gave off a glow that was more noticeable as the sun went down. Also along the path were metal things coming out of the rocks and dead  guardians. They were weathered and missing parts and their dead "eyes" made Elyza uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there was more along the path.
  She didn't see Link anywhere.
  Elyza walked faster, nearly jogging. Link couldn't have just left. He would have told them where he was going. So, what happened?
   She started jogging, rounding a bend and she saw a big arch ahead. (You know the one.) She ran up to it, forcing Zalie and Elijah to keep up with her. There were more hot springs over here. Elyza noticed something. She walked forward and knelt down. In front of her was a chunk of metal. And blood. (Oof) Elyza gasped.
  "Elyza? Elyza what is..." Zalie started but trailed off when she noticed the metal and blood. "Oh no."
   (I feel like I should just leave the chapter here but that would be rude of me wouldn't it? I'm such a slacker.)

Breath of the Wild: Link and FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now