Chapter 32

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   The temperature seemed to drop rapidly as Kenton stepped into the snow. It was a good thing they had made some strong elixirs so the cold was negligible.
   He was walking by himself to the Flight Range. The others had decided they didn't want to and Link was going to glide there. He was in the village preparing; something about Snowquill armor. Well, Kenton didn't need that. The Flight Range wasn't far apparently so Kenton would walk there. He could've stayed but the Rito trained there. He had to see it.
   Walking in the snow was a strange experience though. It didn't really snow many places in Hyrule so this was new. It melted when he picked it up and held it. It slowed him down so he couldn't walk as fast. His boots left footprints in the snow. It was kinda cool. Way more fun than regular water, even if it wasn't very convenient.
   Kenton walked faster. If he could, he'd like to help Link in the Divine Beast. The others had probably done that before, so it was Kenton's turn. Of course, Kenton didn't really know what they would find in a Divine Beast. It was probably different in each one.
  Well, even if he couldn't help, just being with the Rito had been incredible so far. Their village wasn't like any other. Built spiraling upwards, it was cool to say the least. He could see so far up there. He hadn't see much of their archery but Link had mentioned a bow maker to him. Perhaps Kenton could get a bow from him. And the other Rito warrior could teach him archery! Kenton could learn from the best. It was a dream come true. Sometimes it was hard to believe as real.
   Kenton just couldn't believe his fortune. He was actually here. It wasn't some cruel fantasy. He had friends and was traveling all over. It was beyond exciting. He had already done so much more these past few days than he had his entire life. It made Kenton want to skip—that is, if he hadn't been a manly guy. (Y'all, he is so fun to write)
   Kenton was still walking when he thought he saw a figure gliding towards where Kenton was going. Well, Link would beat Kenton there unless he sped up.
   Kenton broke into a quick jog, determined to meet Link before he landed at the Flight Range. No way was he going the let Link meet the best warrior in the Rito Village without Kenton. Best right now at least.
   Running in the snow was draining but Kenton made it to the pass that Link had said led to the Flight Range. Link himself was still gliding down and landed by a shrine. Kenton ran over to join him.
   Link activated the shrine and Kenton thought he was about to go in but he didn't.
   Link noticed his confusion and said, "I just want to be able to teleport back later so I can do it. I'm not doing it right now."
   Kenton nodded. He looked at the pass. "Ready?"
  Link nodded too and so they walked through the snow and the pass. The wind had picked up, and they found a hut like the ones in the village, only this one had a ladder leading up to it and a short bridge leading off to a pit.
   Kenton gasped as he realized what that pit was. He walked to the edge. There was a strong updraft, so strong Kenton felt as if he could float on it with a parachute or something. There were many shining blue targets all around and it made sense that it was for aerial combat. You'd have to be flying around to hit all those targets. Still, it was awesome. It would be some rigorous training.
   Link had left Kenton behind as he'd been gawking and was climbing the ladder. Kenton noticed a grey-white Rito sitting on  the bridge, messing with a bow. Kenton hurried to join Link but stayed back. He really shouldn't be here anyway, so he would do his best to be unnoticed.
   Teba glanced back at Link and turned away. "I don't know you. And I'm actually pretty busy here. You should probably go," he said, voice gruff.
   He turned away, and continued testing the bow's tension. He seemed to think they had left. A little presumptuous but he was a renowned warrior; he was probably used to people listening to him.
   Link didn't leave however and Kenton hadn't expected him to. Link walked closer, and Teba glanced back again, seemingly a little annoyed.
   "...did you need something? I'm busy here," Teba said.
   "I can help you," Link replied.
   "Help me? With what exactly?" Teba asked.
   "Vah Medoh..." Link said, calm. He wasn't fazed by Teba's unfriendly demeanor.
   "Let me get this straight...some random Hylian wants to help me bring down Divine Beast Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it," Teba said, sarcasm evident. Kinda rude, but warriors weren't really prim and nice, were they? "What's your name, stranger?"
   "Link, huh? Well, Link. I'm Teba. But you already knew that," he said. "I'm guessing the elder asked you to come here and talk some sense into me. Am I right?"
   Link hesitated. "That's right."
   "Just like the elder to trust any fool wandering into town," Teba muttered. Louder, "Look—you seem like an all-right guy, but let's make one thing clear: I'm not going anywhere. As a Rito warrior, I can't rest until my people are safe. There only one way I'm going back to Rito Village. Once Divine Beast Vah Medoh falls from the sky. If I have to kill be it. Only then will I return to the village."
   "Then let's get started," Link said. He smirked.
   "Are you serious?" Teba asked. He barked a laugh which was kinda weird for a bird. "Well, far be it from me to talk you off the ledge. But it's as the elder said: the only way to stop Divine Beast Vah Medoh is to get inside it. Fat chance of that happening. There's no way we can set foot in Medoh."
   "Actually..." Link started.
   "So not only are you're brainless too," Teba said dryly. "Let me fill you in—the only people able to enter the Divine Beasts are the Champions of old. And unfortunately for us and the rest of Hyrule, they all died a hundred years ago. If it hadn't been for Ganon...never mind. Let's focus on bringing down step at a time.
   "If we approach Medoh recklessly, it's canons will blast us out of the sky before we even get close," Teba said. " I'm going to need to test you before I take you with me. We Rito warriors use the updraft in this ravine to hone our aerial archery skills. The updrafts are so strong here that  a person could just open up a cloth over their head and float up easily."
   Well, wasn't that convenient.
  "Now let's see what you're capable of," Teba said. "You'll have to maneuver through the air and destroy 5 of the targets set up in this valley in 3 minutes."
   "I'm ready," Link affirmed.
   "Then go destroy five targets with your arrows," Teba said. Link nodded. He glanced back at Kenton. Link already had a bow with him but it looked worn. He had his own arrows too.
   Kenton felt at his bow and took it off. "Link. Catch." He tossed his bow to Link. "Yours looks like it'll snap any minute." Even though it kinda felt like handing someone his best friend, Kenton would probably get a new one here anyway.
   Link smiled gratefully and raised a fist. He grinned at Kenton and put the bow on his back and jumped off the ledge.
   Kenton grinned. That was something he would do.
   Just like he expected, Link had pulled out his glider and floated upwards. As Kenton watched, he swore that time seemed to slow for what was only a split second but it seemed longer. Link had pulled out his bow and shot two targets in the blink of a eye and grabbed his glider again.
   Wait, what. How. Did. That. Work.
   Kenton stood there gaping as Link did it again. The blue targets shattered as the arrows hit and Link glided back to the ledge near Teba. Teba looked surprised and even amazed. Well, Kenton could understand the feeling.
   "You're...a skilled archer," Teba finally said.
   That was the understatement of the year.
   "It was as if time stopped with every arrow you let fly," Teba said, seeming awed. "I've got to tell you, Link...when you first showed up I thought someone was pulling a prank on me. But after seeing you handle that bow, I can tell you're the real deal. You must have seen a battle or two."
   "I've seen a few," Link said.
   "Don't be modest. I can tell just looking at you," Teba said. "Link...I feel I've heard the name somewhere before...well, if you really want to help me bring down Medoh, it's now or never. I'll get you into position so you can give it's canons all you got. Inside that chest is a bow I've modified. Take it and let me know when you're ready." Teba walked to the ledge over the ravine.
   Link looked at him and walked to the chest off to the side. Kenton joined him as he opened it.
   Link pulled out a bow but it wasn't a regular old Hylian made bow. Kenton recognized the design though. It was a Falcon Bow. He gasped.
   "That's awesome," Kenton breathed. Link grinned. "You just got a Falcon bow! Rito bows in general are know for shooting the straightest for the longest time and this one is one of the better ones. It's no legendary bow like the one the Rito Champion used, but I envy you Link. I want one of those."
   "A Falcon bow huh? Cool," Link said. He tested the tension of the bow. He grabbed an arrow and notched and aimed at one of the far targets. He loosed and it flew quickly and didn't fall or drop barely at all. Kenton whistled.
   Link took off Kenton's bow, and handed it back. "Here. You'll probably need this for now. I appreciate it though. I've got this one."
   "Sure thing," Kenton said. He took the bow back and shouldered it.
   "Well, you should probably go back to the village. That's where I'll come back to. I'll be up there for a while probably. Depends on the puzzles inside and stuff," Link said. "You'll probably see me for a bit but I'm not sure what'll happen once I'm inside. It's different every time."
   "Well, good luck, Link. Can't be too hard, right?" Kenton laughed. He gave Link a fist. "Have fun up there and don't fall off."
   Link smirked. "I'd be fine even if I did. But thanks. See ya."
   Kenton nodded. Link walked to Teba.
   "Why are you doing this? Why risk your life to bring down Medoh?" Teba asked.
   Kenton listened curiously.
   "I can't just watch..." Link said. Kenton frowned. It seemed like there was more but Link didn't say whatever it was.
   "You can't just sit and watch innocent people be terrorized. Then imagine how I fell as a proud Rito warrior..." Teba said, understanding. "That's fair enough...... right, get on."
   Teba knelt, wings/arms to the side. Link walked around and climbed onto his back. With that, they took off into the sky up towards Medoh, quickly becoming a small figure in the sky.
   Kenton sighed. Now he had to walk back to town. Kenton climbed down from the hut, feeling crunching in the snow. It felt slightly colder to Kenton so he figured the elixir was slowly wearing off. He should hurry back to the stable and the village.
   Kenton broke into a moderate jog, but he watched the sky. He was watching as Medoh threw up an enormous pinkish shield around itself. Link and Teba were at it already. Too bad only Champions could get one Divine Beasts; Kenton would love to get up there.
   If nothing else, it was interesting to look at as he jogged back. There was occasional deadly lasers that shot across the sky—presumably at Link or Teba. But, he didn't see anyone fall from the sky so they must be fine.
   Kenton made it back to the stable as he had really started to get cold. He didn't see anyone else so he reluctantly broke into a jog again across the bridges to the village. Another beam shot across the sky. At least Medoh couldn't destroy anything up there.
   Kenton reached the village and went up the stairs, looking for everyone else. Perhaps they were at Revali's Landing? It had a good view. Kenton walked up farther, legs burning. That was more than enough exercise for today. He wasn't walking anymore today if Kenton could avoid it.
   He finally made it up and he found them. That was good because he wasn't climbing anymore stairs. Granted, he had just jogged a few miles and up several flights of stairs so he couldn't really blame how in shape he was.
   "Hey guys," Kenton said, walking over to them and plopping down on the ground and laying back to watch the sky. That felt nice.
   Zalie giggled. "Regret walking now?"
  "Nope. It was awesome. I'm gonna train there if it's the last thing I do," Kenton said.
   "Well, do you think Link is ok? Medoh has stopped firing and the shield go down and I thought I saw a Rito flying down back to the Flight Range," Zalie asked.
   "If Medoh has stopped firing and the shield is down, Link is probably inside. That's means he's fine, unless he falls off," Kenton said.
   "Don't say that!" Elyza snapped.
   "He's coordinated. He's an amazing shot. Better than me even. Unreal," Kenton said, thinking back.
   "Well, to be fair, he is 100 years old and the Hylian Champion chosen to defeat Ganon holding the Master Sword made by the Goddess whose friends are the 4 other champions who control the Divine Beasts and Princess Zelda who has divine power from the Goddess Hylia," Elijah said, folding his arms.
   Everyone was silent a moment.
   "Thank you for summing that up, Elijah," Elyza said.
   He shrugged. "Well, that is the reason he's a better fighter with everything."
   "Well, that's fine. I'm the best shot out of ordinary people at least," Kenton said.
   Elyza rolled her eyes. "Don't be too cocky. One day you'll mess up and something will just be gone. No matter how good you think you are, someone is always better."
   "Maybe, but not Link. He really is the best. Medoh won't be a problem and Ganon won't be either."
   "You do realize that the Calamity crippled Hyrule right? There used to be way more towns, people, farms...and Link couldn't do it last time, though it's probably not all his fault," Elijah said.
   "Whatever. I believe in Link. Besides, he's got me. And you guys too. Who's gonna stop us? I don't think you could," Kenton said, sitting up.
   "Until you split us up," Elyza said, ever the realist.
   "Yeah, but what are the chances of that? You'd have to be some freaky, skilled ninja playing dirty to get any one of us. 'Cept for maybe Elijah," Kenton said, grinning.
   "Anyway, all I'm saying is that everything is going good for once. Let's just be content with that, because it doesn't happen all that often," Kenton said.
   "Famous last words," Zalie whispered.

(Is the foreshadowing too obvious? Should I make it clearer? No?)
Sorry for that gap I lose track of how long it's been, but as always more recent chapters are on my Instagram @b._o._t._w._

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