Chapter 2

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Where did she go? Elijah thought. Why do I even wake her up if she doesn't do anything? He immediately chided himself. She was going through grief. She didn't deserve that. She had always been so happy and energetic. She hadn't been that way since their parents death. Now she was lethargic and unmotivated.
Elijah turned back to his work in the garden. He seemed to do all the work though. Elyza hunted for them, probably to work out aggression. She was a pretty good shot. Their father had taught her in the evenings, though he didn't really get around to the sword. He saw it as less useful. He'd always said that there was no point in hurting yourself going in close if you could do the same thing safely. He had been protective of them. Elijah has never had the talent for a bow, and Dad had stopped trying after many, many failures. He didn't mind though. Farming seemed more useful for the simple life. Or, well, gardening.
"Elijah!! Hey!" a voice called. Elijah turned at the sound. It's was Elyza. She looked...energetic, not quite happy but not depressed, which was enough to make Elijah listen. And curious.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" he asked.
"Well, I'm not sure. It's strange though. Come see!" Elyza said, as she paused. Elijah stood and followed his twin as she ran past the store up to the old flag that looked out over Midla Woods and Lake Jarrah. She pointed towards Mount Rozudo. "Look at that!"
Elijah looked, then frowned. In that direction was a big tower, glowing orange. Had that always been there? He didn't think he'd seen that before. It was a big structure to miss. Though, to be fair, I don't do much everyday but garden and help others farm. I'm looking down all day, Elijah thought. "Huh. That is strange. I'm pretty sure that wasn't there yesterday."
"Right? Wanna check it out?" Elyza said, turning to him. He hadn't seen her so upbeat in forever that he felt himself feeling swayed. It did seem interesting. But it was dangerous outside the village. Bokoblins were all over the woods.
Still...."Ok, fine. But we should probably bring weapons, just in case we run into bokoblins," Elijah said. Elyza nodded and ran back to the house and came back a few minutes later with her bow, arrows and a sword. She tossed the sword to him. He was passable with a sword, but he was awful with a bow.
Together they set out into Midla Woods, then turned left. They hadn't gone to far down the path when they were attacked.
Two bokoblins ran out from beyond a rock, a red and blue one. They charged the siblings with their clubs in hand.
Elyza reacted first, springing up on top of a boulder. Elijah swung his sword at the red bokoblin and scored a hit on its arm. It screamed and lunged at him, but Elyza had jumped into the air and seemed to slow time as she whipped out her bow and shot an arrow into its head as she landed. The blue bokoblin stopped and turned and ran off into the woods. Elyza strung another arrow and causally shot it in the back. It toppled.
"Nice shot," Elijah said. Elyza smiled and they continued on their way.
It didn't take long to get up to the tower but they did have to fight a few more bokoblins and even a moblin. They reached the top of the hill where the tower stood. It was surrounded by giant thorns growing up and around the tower.
"Well, now what?" Elijah asked.
"We obviously have to get rid of the thorns if we wanna get up. But how? They're wood. Maybe burn them?" Elyza replied.
"But...we don't have any flint or anything that can make fire."
"Oh! I just remembered. I do have flint. I didn't know how long we would be out so I threw it in my bag," Elyza said, getting her bag out and digging around in it until she pulled out some flint. "Now we need some wood and steel."
"There's a cooking pot over here, from the bokoblins. And we can use my sword for steel. Oh! And there's even a spare torch over here we can use," Elijah said, pointing to a nearby tree which had a cooking pot and a torch next to it.
"Convenient," Elyza noted, as she moved over to the pot and set the flint next to it. She waved for Elijah's sword, so he handed it to her and she struck the flint and got sparks that lit the wood. Soon they had a fire going and Elyza grabbed the torch and lit it and they both walked over the the thorns and lit them.
The fire spread rapidly and burned through the thorns quickly. They waited for it all to burn away to be safe. They started up the tower, using the platforms to save their stamina. They eventually made it to the top. What they saw took Elijah's breath away, and, by the sound of it, Elyza's too.
They could see all of Necluda. They saw the Dueling Peaks, the Pillars of Levia near Kakariko, and Elijah felt as if he could almost see beyond the 2 mountains. He felt he could see...wisps of blackness. He frowned. What was that? Was a trick of the light? Pointing at it, he asked, "Do you see that?"
Elyza squinted and replied, "Do you mean the mountains?"
"No, the wisps of blackness beyond the mountains."
"I think...I think I can see it. Huh. Weird. What do you think that is?"
"I don't know. that another tower? Like this one?"
"Yeah, I think so." Elyza turned around and walked to the middle of the tower. There was a pedestal thing there with a weird eye symbol on it. "What's this?"
Elijah walked over, "A pedestal. But what it does I have no idea."
"We should probably get back. It's getting kinda late and we still have work to do," Elyza said, moving to climb down. Elijah nodded, and climbed down with her, lost in thought. What is this thing? And why is it here?

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