Chapter 15

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   Link was on his knees, eyes wide in front of Elyza. He didn't seem to be seeing her in front of him.
   "Link? Link?! Are you ok?!" Elyza said, concerned.
    Link's eyes unglazed and seemed to see her. "I remember them. I remember," he gasped.
    "You remembered some of your memory?" Elyza asked.
    "Yes. I remember them. The 4 champions. Zelda," Link said, shakily getting to his feet.
   "Really? That's great, Link!" Elyza said.
   "Yeah. I think the memory was of Calamity Ganon coming. The champions must have gone to their Divine Beasts," Link said.
   "Yeah." Link fell silent.
   "You ok?" Elyza asked. Link's face had fallen suddenly.
   "I was just thinking that—that they must have all died soon after that memory," Link said. He looked down.
   Elyza stood quietly a moment before replying, "It's not your fault, Link. It's sounds like you weren't with them when they fell if they were at their Divine Beasts. You must have been doing something else."
   "Yes. I was probably with Princess Zelda. But, what happened to me? I woke in the Shrine of Resurrection. I must have been mortally wounded..."
   "I'm sure you were doing your best to protect the Princess," Elyza said firmly.
   Link shook his head. "I thought that getting some of my memory back would provide some answers. Instead, all it has done is give me more questions."
   Elyza laid a hand on his arm. "Then we'll find the answer. We'll piece together the answer."
   Link nodded. Standing up straight he said, "Alright then. Let's go back to Impa—she said she wanted me to see her once we found a memory— and then we'll get on the road and get quickly to Zora's Domain. If we hurry, we'll get there tonight."
    "Ok. Let's get going then," Elyza said. Link helped her onto Frihet, to her embarrassment, and climbed aboard Ellis.
   They rode back through the broken promenade quickly, and got back to Kakariko in no time. Link helped Elyza up the stairs to Impa's house—she refused to be left behind—and inside.
   "Ah. You're back. I assume you found one of your lost memories?" Impa asked, as they got inside. Link nodded. "Well, now that you have seen some of the Princess's memories, you must have started to remember certain things...Here. I will hand this over before I forget." She turned around on her cushion and pulled something from behind her. It was a bright blue tunic. "Your Champions Tunic. This is something of yours that I have been keeping safe, by request of the Princess. This clothing was specially made for you when you became a Champion. Please handle it with care." She handed the tunic to Link, who stared at it. "Now. You must go. Free the Divine Beasts. Zelda has been waiting an awful long time..."
    Link put the tunic reverently in his bag and helped Elyza back out the door. He didn't say anything. He simply half carried her down the stairs.
   "Link? Um, do you think you could get something for my ankle? It's getting a little swollen," Elyza said hesitantly.
   "Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry," Link said. He walked off to one of the shops. Elyza lowered herself to the ground. She wished she knew what Link had seen. He had been so excited to find his memories before. Her ankle proved that. He seemed...less excited now. Like he, deep down, didn't really want to find out what happened 100 years ago.
   Link came back out just then, appearing to have changed into his Champions Tunic. It looked natural on him, which made sense considering it had belonged to him. He was carrying some long cloth for her ankle and handed it to her as he reached Elyza.  
    As she started wrapping her ankle she said, "So, are we heading to Zora's Domain then?"
    "Yeah. We'll get to the road there tonight if nothing else. We might have to wait though. Elijah had far to travel, so he might not be there for a while. Anyway, sorry about your ankle. I didn't mean to make you twist it," Link said.
   "That's ok. I'll be fine. You were excited; there's no fault in that," Elyza replied, waving her hand.
   Link nodded. He helped her up into the saddle and got on Ellis. They set out of Kakariko, traveling through the winding path out to the bridge. Elyza ignored her throbbing ankle—it was starting to hurt less. It was inconvenient though.
   The two of them sped out of Necluda at a gallop, and went through the Dueling Peaks. They crossed over another bridge and headed north along the river. They could have taken the road but it was faster to cut across the countryside. Along this route, the Riverside Stable came into view quickly. They stopped to ask the people at the stable further directions to Zora's Domain and if they had seen a red haired boy—Elijah—come through here. To their great surprise, they had.
    "Yeah, they came through here maybe a few hours ago," the stable man was saying.
    "'They?'" Link and Elyza said together.
    "Yeah. That boy and some girl. Traveling together looked like."
    Link and Elyza looked at each other, confusion written on their faces. Elyza turned back. "Do you know where they were heading?"
   "Well, they were asking about Zora's Domain, just like you. Stopped here for lunch," the man replied.
    "Ok, thank you, sir," Elyza said. The man nodded in acknowledgment and walked away. Elyza turned to Link. "So, it appears that Elijah is traveling with someone? Some girl?"
   "Seems like it. Wonder who it is," Link said musingly.
   "Well, we'll find out tonight. It looks like they are ahead of us by a few hours."
    Link nodded. They both got on their horses—Elyza with some difficulty because she refused help this time—and rode away at a gallop. They now had to catch up to Elijah and this mystery girl. Elyza was suspicious of this newcomer. Who was she? Why was Elijah traveling with her? What did she want? How much did she know? The questions teased at Elyza. Her mood got fouler as the hours went by. They rode past the Wetland Stable without stopping, despite Link's protests about food. They rode onward over a very green hill. Elyza stopped her horse at the top abruptly, Link pulling to a fast stop behind her.
    "What? Why'd you stop?" Link asked.
    "Look. Over there. Across the bridge by the road," Elyza said, pointing to a crossroads. Link squinted at it. Over there was a pink horse and a boy—obviously Elijah with that hair—who was seemingly alone. Elyza did not see a girl near him.
   "I just see Elijah, Elyza," Link said, frowning.
    "Exactly. Didn't the man at the stable say that he was traveling with a girl? I don't see a girl."
    "She might not be in view, you know," Link said.
    Elyza ignored him. "Maybe he left her, or was giving her a ride to the next stable!"
    "You sound very excited about this. Why does it matter if he's traveling with someone?"
    Elyza continued to ignore him. "C'mon. Let's go meet him." Elyza struggled onto her horse and rode off, Link behind her. She hurried down the hill and over the bridge over to where Elijah was now sitting next to a fire under a little shelter.
   He looked up at the sound of hooves and his face lit up when he saw who it was. "Elyza!" Then he noticed her wrapped foot. "What happened?"
    "Oh, I just twisted it. It's fine. How are you?" Elyza replied, as Link dismounted.
    "Good," Elijah replied. "Great actually. You'll never guess who's with me. It's—"
    "Elijah! I found some!" A voice called out.
    It must have come from behind the hill because Elyza couldn't see who yelled. It's sounded female. Elyza narrowed her eyes.
   A girl with dark skin and black hair came over the hill. She had a bright triumphant smile on her face. She noticed Elyza and Link almost immediately.
    "Oh my gosh! Elyza!! I've missed you!" The girl squealed. She dashed forward and pulled Elyza into a crushing hug. "It's been so long!"
   Elyza gasped. She did not know who this was but this girl obviously knew her. Elyza struggled to remember. Elijah had gone down to Lurelin.... "Wait. Zalie?!" Elyza said incredulously.
   "Yes! Yes! It's me!"
   "Oh my Goddess! I haven't seen you in like 6 years! Is that why Elijah went down to Lurelin?" Elyza exclaimed, a bright smile on her face to match Zalie's.
    "Yeah, that's why. I figured another person might be nice," Elijah said, smiling. "I explained everything too."
    "Yep. He told me that you hadn't come with him because you were helping the Hero—" Zalie stopped. She had just noticed Link standing awkwardly to the side. "You actually. You're Link, right? I'm Zalie." She held out her hand for him to shake. Link shook it. Elyza noticed that he looked very uncomfortable. "I've heard lots about you from Elijah. He speaks highly of you!"
   "Does he?" Link replied. He smirked at Elijah. Zalie's friendliness seemed to have infected him.
    Elijah coughed and looked away. "Anyway, we we're just about to have some dinner. You're just in time." Elyza smiled knowingly.
   They all sat down around the fire, the horses grazing nearby. They ate the delicious, savory meat that Elijah had cooked with some peppers. The warmth that Elyza felt thought was not entirely due to the hot meal. It was nice to see her cousin again. They had been great friends the last time they'd seen each other. Link was talking with Zalie, getting to know her. Elijah was quietly explaining his trip to Lurelin to Elyza. Elyza was surprised that their Aunt Kiana hadn't known her sister was dead, but, in reality, they hadn't actually sent word so it made sense. They had a nice evening and soon drifted off to bed. Zora's Domain was an adventure for tomorrow.

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