Chapter 12

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   Elijah walked away from Hateno, leaving his sister and Link behind him. His pack on his back, he set out on a brisk walk towards the beach they'd been at earlier. There was a much shorter route to Lurelin if Elijah cut through and took a direct route. This was the route Elijah's parents had used to go to Lurelin Village before they died because they hadn't had nearly enough horses to take the long road there. Elijah and his sister had been old enough to handle the short climbs of the route and he was more than able now to do so.
   Elijah turned down a side path that led in the direction of the beach they had gone to earlier. It was a short walk up the hill then down again but Elijah went to a bridge across the path that led to the beach. He crossed it and walked down a rough path but turned away from the cavernous overhang to a small steep cliffside. Elijah started up it, puffing slightly.
   He climbed to the top, resting a moment by a tree then pushed himself to his feet and started walking again. It was an easy path for now to Lurelin though Elijah vaguely remembered something about a camp of bokoblins.
   Along the vague path was a small marsh or something, but Elijah walked around it. He didn't have extra shoes. The sun was bright and it was getting muggy and hot as Elijah made his way to Lurelin Village. He started to sweat a lot and was relieved when he got to a downhill slope that he knew was close to Lurelin. Elijah wondered if his aunt that lived in Lurelin Village would have some nice dinner for him because he had forgotten to bring a lot of food.
   Elijah's Aunt Kiana was a great cook. He remembered even still from that trip long ago. His uncle was a fisherman, if he remembered correctly. They had 2 kids that had been toddlers the last time Elijah had come but they were probably 7 or 8 now. At least Zuta might be. Kinov was probably 6. They wouldn't remember him so it'd be nice to see them again. They had another child, a daughter, who had been around his and Elyza's age named Zalie. She might remember him.
   Elijah jogged down the slope, eager now that Lurelin was so close. He wasn't satisfied with his speed so he pulled out his battered shield and hopped on it, now sliding quickly on the grass down the hill. He did indeed see a big camp ahead of him so he leaned away from it and headed for the actual road near it and crouched down farther as he was spotted and a horn blew.
   Luckily, he went fast enough that the bokoblins lost sight of him or were too slow to catch him, because they didn't follow him as he slid into town. He slowed as the land leveled out and picked his shield up off they ground. He walked onto the sandy ground, trying to remember where his aunt's home was.
   Looking around, Elijah remembered how small Lurelin was. Around the size of Kakariko Village but not quite as big as Hateno. It was getting darker as the sun set, so Elijah tore his eyes away from the view out on the ocean. He remembered his aunts house being near...there. Elijah was almost right next to it. He even saw his Aunt Kiana standing in front of the cooking pot.
   "Hey! Aunt Kiana!" Elijah called, running towards her.
   Quite tan and dark haired, she turned at her name, looking confused. She lit up though as she recognized Elijah. "Elijah? Is that you?!" Elijah nodded and gave her a hug. "Oh my goodness! What're you doing here? Where's the rest of your family?"
   Elijah smiled wide. "I've come for a little visit. It's been a long time."
   "Yes, dear, but where's your mother? Where's your sister?" Kiana asked, looking behind him like they were coming up the way.
   Elijah's heart dropped. Kiana didn't know...that mom was...dead. He didn't exactly want to be the one who told her. "Oh, Elyza's back in Hateno. She had other stuff to be about," he said, avoiding mention of his mom.
  "Ah. Well, I suppose you'll be staying with us then? That's wonderful. I'm sure Zalie will love to see you. I don't think Zuta and Kinov will remember you though. They should be back soon. I sent them all out to gather up some stuff for dinner. Oh, and Sebasto will be back soon too. He was out at sea today," Kiana added.
   "Great! Is there anything I can help with right now?" Elijah asked?
   "Not really. Until they kids get back, I can't really start dinner. You can go set your stuff down inside the kids hut though. I'll have your uncle get a mat out for you to sleep on later."
    "Ok." Elijah turned and walked up into the hut. His aunt and uncle had to huts for their family, one for them and one for the kids. Elijah walked up into the kids hut and set his stuff down and took off his hood and boots. Barefooted, he walked back down the steps to see his cousins coming back to the hut. They were holding what looked to be blue shelled snails. They all were darker skinned and dark haired like their mom. Elijah grinned as they walked back towards the house and hid underneath the hut as they came back. He whispered for his aunt to not tell them and waited until they reached the huts.
   The girl, obviously Zalie, was talking animatedly to her mother and didn't notice immediately that Elijah had come out and was now sitting casually in the stairs. The two little boys did notice and Kinov ran behind his mom and Zuta just pointed insistently at him.
   "What is it Zuta?" Zalie asked looking at her brother. Elijah grinned wider. Zuta pointed at Elijah more insistently. "Wha—" Zalie has turned to look and stopped. She squinted at him for a moment, then her eyes widened. "Elijah?"
   Elijah grinned and started to nod but Zalie rushed forward and grabbed him in a tight hug. Elijah felt the wind whoosh out of him. "Hi, Zalie," he wheezed.
   "What are you doing here?! I haven't seen you since I was 11!" She exclaimed, releasing him.
   "Yeah I know. Thought it was time for a visit," Elijah replied.
   "Definitely," Zalie agreed. "But. Where's Elyza? And Aunt Kaiya? Uncle Eric? (Their parents names)"
   "Elyza didn't come. She's still in Hateno right now."
   "Oh. Did she not want to see us?"
   "I'm sure she did but it's kinda a long story why she's not here."
   "Well, you'll have to tell me later then," Zalie said. She looked at her two little brothers who were still staring. "Guys, this is Elijah. Our cousin. He's from Hateno Village."
   Zuta was the first to speak. "Hi!" He seemed very similar to Zalie now that he had gotten over the stranger aspect of Elijah.
   Kinov still looked nervous but gave a little, "Hello."
   Kiana said, "Don't worry. They'll get to know you. They were too young to remember your last visit."
   At that moment, a man was walking up to the gathered group. He looked a little confused and was staring at Elijah. Elijah recognized him as his Uncle Sebasto.
   "Um Kiana? What's going on here?" his uncle asked.
   "Seb, don't you remember? This is my nephew Elijah! His family came to visit us years ago," Kiana replied, putting her hands on Elijah's shoulders. Elijah nodded.
   "Ah. I believe I remember. But wasn't there two kids?" Uncle Seb asked.
   Elijah piped up, "My twin Elyza. She's back in Hateno right now. I came alone."
   "I see. Well, welcome back to Lurelin I guess. I assume that we're having a nice dinner Kiana?"
   "Oh yes! I'm making Seafood Paella. You'll love it! Kaiya was the one who gave me the recipe you know. Is she really not coming, Elijah?" Kiana asked.
   "Er—no. I'm afraid not. Neither will dad. They can't," Elijah replied, uncomfortable. He felt guilty not telling his aunt her sister died years ago.
   "Ah well. Next time I guess. You really should come more often. I would love to see Elyza. She was always so happy to be around," Kiana said, shaking her head.
   "Mom, when do you think dinner will be done? Elijah and I have some catching up to do," Zalie jumped in.
    "Perhaps a half hour," Kiana said.
   "Ok, see you then," Zalie said. She turned around and grabbed Elijah's arm and towed him behind her. Elijah stumbled. She was pretty strong. Gosh, what does she do in her free time? Elijah thought.
   Zalie pulled him up to a little pond and waterfall near the upper part of the village. She sat down on the little dock. Elijah sat down next to her, feet dangling in the water.
   "So, what's been happening these past 5 years?" Zalie asked.
   "Oh, a lot. A lot recently too," Elijah replied.
   "Ah, well, we'll get there. Where's your mom and dad?"
   Elijah shifted uncomfortably. "At home."
   "Elijah. I can tell that there's something you're not saying. Spit it out. I won't tell anyone," Zalie promised.
   Elijah sighed. "You probably won't want to hear it. It's a little...sad."
   "What happened? Is everything ok?" She looked worried now.
   "Well...if you really want to deserve to I guess," Elijah said, looking down into the water. He hadn't really wanted this to come out of this visit but it really wasn't ok to keep it a secret. They'd find out sooner or later. "My parents...are...gone."
   Zalie put her hand over her mouth. "Like gone gone? You mean they're..."
   Elijah nodded quietly, feeling a lump in his throat.
   Zalie was silent for a while. Elijah looked at the lapping water beneath him. Elijah never really had time or really the ability to grieve for his parents. He had needed to take care of Elyza and had ignored his own grief. He seemed to hit him now. Now that Elyza wasn't here. She was taken care of. By Link. He didn't have to take care of her right now. Elijah felt a tear trail silently down his cheek. He really missed his family. Mom's cooking lessons everyday. Dad's tips in the farm. He'd never been able to say goodbye to them. Or explain that he was sorry for everything he'd done. Or tell them he loved them. Elijah felt himself cry harder, silent. Zalie leaned over and pulled him into a hug. Elijah to pull himself back together.
   " Elyza still ok? She's not gone too right?" Zalie asked.
   Elijah shook his head. "No. She's fine. She actually is back in Hateno."
   "Does...does my mom know?"
   "No. I haven't told her. I didn't want to be the one to tell her."
   "Well, um," Zalie fumbled. She seemed to be searching for some other topic. "Well, why didn't Elyza come with you?"
   Elijah pulled himself back together. "Its a long story."
   "Tell me anyway."
  Elijah nodded. "Well, I guess it all started when that big tower showed up outside the village..." He went on, telling her about them checking the tower out, finding out about the Hero. How Elyza ran off to chase this legend about that Hero and how Elijah went after her. That they had found this legendary hero from 100 years ago with the Calamity, and helped him on his way to Kakariko to find Impa and then went back to Hateno to talk to Purah, an expert in ancient Hyrule. Elijah seemed to talk forever, but it only took 20 minutes to give a report. "So, Elyza's back in Hateno right now with Link. They set out tomorrow for Kakariko again and from there, Zora's Domain. I'm supposed to meet them there."
   "Wow. That's a lot to take in. You've had a busy last couple weeks, Elijah," Zalie said.
   "Don't I know it," Elijah sighed. "Anyway, we should probably get back. Dinner is probably done."    Zalie nodded and they both stood and made their way back down to the huts where they could smell delicious seafood paella. The rest of the family was already sitting around the cooking pot with a yummy looking dish resting on top.
   "Now we can eat! Help yourselves!" Kiana said.
   The whole family partook and ate. It was extremely filling and tasted like something Elijah's mom had made. Which, he supposed, made sense as Aunt Kiana had gotten the recipe from his mother. They talked a lot, or at least everyone but the two little boys who talked to each other, and laughed together, telling stories. Elijah was glad to hear about the last few years of their family, having missed it all. Elijah didn't even think about his guilt about not telling Kiana about his parents death. That is until it was brought up again.
   "Kaiya used to do that all the time, you know. She would pester everyone for recipes and then made them herself. They always tasted better when she made it. She had a true gift, one you seemed to have inherited Elijah. I would love to come up to Hateno to see her again. It's been so long without word. She used to send me the occasional letter," Kiana was saying.
   "Yeah..." Elijah shifted on his seat.
   "Maybe I'll come up with you when you go. She'd be so surprised! And I'm sure Elyza has matured beautifully. I haven't been to Hateno since me and Kaiya were kids. How about it?"
   Elijah started to panic a bit. How to find a way out? Elijah noticed that Zalie was staring at him, as if daring him to lie. She obviously thought that her mom should know.
   "I'm afraid that there wouldn't be much to see mother," Zalie said.
   "What do you mean?" Kiana asked.
   "Only Elyza is there," Zalie replied.
   "My parents are on a trip. They are going to be gone a long while," Elijah said before Zalie could say more. Zalie threw a look at him that said "you'd better know what you're doing."
   "Oh. Well, I guess Eric did like to travel. He's been all over hasn't he?" Kiana asked.
   "But Elyza is in Hateno right? Why didn't she come again?"
   "Well, it's a long story... I can summarize for you though," Elijah said.
   "Please do. It's been so long since I've seen her. She better have a good excuse for not coming to see me."
  Elijah smiled and once again explained what had happened the past couple weeks quickly. Kiana looked very shocked about them finding a living legend.
   "Oh wow. That's really awesome! I guess it's a good enough excuse to save Hyrule from another Calamity," Kiana laughed. "Sounds like you need more help than just you and Elyza though!"
   Elijah hesitated a moment before speaking. "Well...part of the reason I came down was for help. I was thinking Zalie could come with me. I have to set out to Zora's Domain tomorrow to meet up with Elyza, but we will continue throughout all of Hyrule to help Link. All the help we could get would be nice. With your permission and her agreement of course," he added.
   "What? No, Zalie can't go! I need her to help me fish! I've been training her up! She's brilliant with the harpoon and we've been getting much more fish than we used too!" Uncle Seb burst out.
   "Seb! Calm down!" Kiana exclaimed.
   Zalie looked at Elijah. She looked thoughtful. "I would travel with you guys? The hero himself? Hmm. And I would leave Lurelin Village. I've really only been on the sea. How much would I really be of help?"
   "Me and Elyza haven't traveled all of Hyrule either," Elijah pointed out. "And we've got a big detailed map so we don't get lost."
   "Maybe, it does sound awesome though. I would like to go if that's ok with my family," Zalie said. She turned her pleading eyes to her parents.
   "Well, I think it would be fine if you go. Some experiences are good for you and will help you in your future," Kiana said.
   "But—but who will help me fish?" Seb sputtered.
   "Darling, you can take Zuta. He's getting old enough anyway to help," Kiana reasoned.
   Uncle Sebasto sighed, then grumbled, "I guess you can go."
   Zalie jumped up and gave her parents hugs. Then she gave Elijah a crushing hug and ran inside one of the huts.
   "When will you leave tomorrow?" Seb asked.
   "Well, I need to make it all the way to Zora's Domain which will take who knows how long, so I'd like to leave as early as possible. Elyza will kill me if I don't show up near the same time as they do," Elijah said with a grimace.
   Kiana laughed, "Just like her mom!"
   Zalie chose that moment to pop her head out of the hut and said, "Um, how much should I bring?"
   "Bring anything that you can't live without for a long time. You know, clothes, weapons, protection, that kind of stuff," Elijah explained. "But bring what you can carry, unless we can get a horse or two."
   "Ok." She ducked back inside.
   "You can borrow some horses from the stable. It's not too far from here," Kiana said.
   "We'll see. I don't have much money. Elyza has most of it," Elijah sighed.
   "Hmm. I think I can help you with that," Kiana said. She stood up and motioned for Elijah to follow, ignoring her husband's annoyed look.
   She went inside her hut, not the kids, and walked to a desk like thing and pulled a key out and unlocked a drawer. She pulled out a shiny gold rupee. Kiana turned around and handed it to Elijah.
   "Aunt Kiana...this is a lot for you to just give me," Elijah said, shocked.
   "Well, it's just sitting there collecting dust. I don't have much to buy in town. Anything they sell here we've already got from Seb's fishing or can get on our own. You take it. Just remember to visit more often," Kiana said, pointing at him. "And bring your sister next time."
   Elijah grinned and hugged his aunt. He went back out into the kids hut to find Zalie basically all packed. "Got everything?"
   "Yep, I just have to grab a harpoon, or maybe a spear. It's really the only weapon I know how to use with any skill," Zalie said.
   "Ok, we should probably turn in though. It's pretty late, and it's and early start," Elijah said, yawning. "Elyza will be happy to see you."
    "Yeah, but what's this hero like? What's Link like?" Zalie asked, looking a little nervous.
    "Link? He's a nice enough guy. Kinda quiet. Sturdy. Loyal. You'll probably like him," Elijah answered.
    "Ok, did my mom grab you a cot?"
    "Not yet."
    "I'll grab one for you," Zalie said than rushed off and came back a minute later with a cot like theirs.
    "Thanks," Elijah said. Zalie nodded, then blew out the lamp. Zuta and Kinov were already asleep, so Elijah lie down on the low cot. It was very warm and Elijah felt his eyes droop, but he forced himself to write a quick letter to his aunt. Once he finished, he lay back down and drifted off to sleep.

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