Chapter 44

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   It was late evening by the time their reduced group made it to the Riverside Stable. They'd done some hard riding and the horses were exhausted. Frankly, so was Elijah. But it was nice to be back in Central Hyrule, and so near to Dueling Peaks.
   Elijah dismounted, and pet Ellis' neck. Zalie was riding Royal—much to her discomfort—and so he got to have his actual horse back.
   "Elijah, would you board the horses for us?" Elyza asked.
   He turned and nodded. He took the reins of his horse and Elyza's and came back for the other two afterwards.
   Once he finished, Elijah joined his family and Kenton by the cooking pot and started pulling ingredients out of his bag to he could make food and he listened to the conversation as he did.
   "So this is the other side of Hyrule? Fun," Kenton said.
   "It's not even that different," Elyza said.
   "No, but Dueling Peaks is something I've only seen from a distance," Kenton replied. "I didn't realize they were so big."
   "Ken, they're mountains," Zalie laughed. "Pretty sure big is implied."
   Kenton shrugged. "Not all mountains are super tall, you know."
   "Name a mountain that isn't tall, Kenton," Elyza said dryly.
   "Erm...I don't...really know too many mountain names," Kenton faltered.
   They all chuckled. Zalie rolled her eyes, smiling. Elijah shook his head, stilling laughing quietly to himself. Their relationship was strange to him but they seemed to get along just fine. It was probably because they were both dorks.
   Elijah continued making dinner as they all talked. He was a listener anyway.
   "Eh, I prefer the ocean," Zalie was saying.
   "I suppose ocean views are pretty but mountains and hills and cliffs provide far more variety," Elyza argued.
   "True, but there's a simple endless beauty to the ocean," Zalie said wistfully.
   "Well, I'm a sucker for valleys and forests," Kenton jumped in. "I doubt we're going to agree on such a subject."
   "Does Akkala have a lot of those?" Elijah asked, finally joining in. "Valleys and forests?"
   Kenton nodded. "I don't know if you can really call them valleys since there's not really mountains on either side, but yeah. Lots of forests too. The trees are beautiful—they looked like they're trapped in fall. It's just something you have to see."
   "Does it have lots of waterfalls?" Zalie asked. "I miss Zora's Domain."
   "Yeah actually. Lake Akkala is absolutely beautiful. I used to live at the East Akkala Stable and I could see the huge waterfalls from there. Maybe I could take you in a date there," Kenton answered. Zalie smiled, kissing his cheek.
   "Hey, hey, no PDA. I don't need that," Elijah protested, shielding his eyes.
   Zalie laughed. "Sorry, but not that sorry."
   Kenton stood, taking Zalie's hand. "We'll just go for a walk. When you're done with dinner just give a holler. We won't be too far." They walked off together leaving Elijah with his sister.
   "Kinda weird to be so close to home," Elyza noted.
   He nodded. "I bet my poor little garden has suffered by now."
   "Is that the only thing you're worried about?" Elyza asked.
   "What else should I be worried about?"
   "I dunno. I feel like I'm a whole new person than I was a month ago, but that's because of all this. What if I sink back down?" Elyza said, eyes glazed.
   "You won't. I think you've gotten past that," Elijah assured her.
   She shook her head. "It's not for me, Eli. I don't think I can stay in one place indefinitely."
   Elijah was quiet a moment. "So once this is all over, you won't stay in Hateno?"
   Elyza smiled weakly. "No, not for very long." She scooted over to him. "I've thought a lot about it recently. And, after Ganon is defeated, Hyrule will need some cleaning up. Central Hyrule used to be full of towns and ranches. There are so many ruins that used to be homes and I think that everyone will need some help fixing everything. I'm thinking I could help with all that. I know one person doesn't make much of a difference but..."
   "But you'd rather be out doing some good," Elijah finished. He set his ladle down.
   "I know what you're thinking. But you don't have to join me," Elyza said.
   Elijah glanced at her, skeptical.
   "The reason you came with me out here was to make sure I was ok, right? Well, the only reason I was ever in danger was because of the many monsters and guardians and Ganon but once Link defeats him, you don't have to worry about all that," Elyza explained. "Not that I would mind you coming with me but I know you'd rather be in Hateno."
   He thought about it. Was he really going to have let his sister go? Could he even do that?
   The answer surprised him. Yes. He could.
   Elijah trusted his sister. He knew she was capable and more formidable than himself if she needed to fight. She was going to do what she wanted to and Elijah just had to support her.
   But more than that. Elyza had always trusted him. She knew him better than anyone and knew what he wanted. And they didn't have to want the same thing by any means.
   And maybe Elijah hadn't always understood that.
   Family. It didn't mean that you had to always be physically near each other or see eye to eye. It meant support and trust on all levels. Because the only thing you wanted for them was happiness.
   Elijah met his sister's eyes. "Thank you."
   Elyza blinked. Apparently she hadn't been expecting that response. "For what?"
   He smiled, but didn't answer her question. "Just promise you'll come visit every so often."
   Elyza smiled back hesitantly. "Every couple weeks. Hyrule isn't that big."
   Elijah turned away, adding a bit more seasoning to his stew before proclaiming it done. Elyza called for the lovebirds to come back and they ate together, playful banter and all.
   After that, everyone turned in for the night in the the stable. Elijah tried to fall asleep but couldn't manage to. Eventually he got up and wandered outside, staring out at Dueling Peaks. Hateno wasn't too far.
   It'd be nice to go home. Elijah missed his neighbors and Ivee too. She was his best friend after all. He have to visit his parents graves when he got back too. It had been a while since he did that. Elijah considered  going right then but discarded the thought. He would be back in a few days. A short wait after weeks of traveling.
   Elijah sighed. Well, he wasn't going to do what Elyza did and run off in the middle of the night, so he turned away and walked into the stable. He eventually drifted off to sleep.
   The four of them started up early the next morning for Akkala. They decided they were going to go towards the Wetland Stable so they could stay out of Central Hyrule which was fortunate because they had been this way before, except for Kenton obviously.
   Riding at a steady but slow gallop, they made quick progress and passed the Wetland Stable within an hour of starting but didn't stop. They passed Crenel Hill which drew comment from Kenton.
   "Aw, look that's where you guys saved me from my stupidity," he said.
   "At least there's less screaming going by it this time," Elijah noted.
   Elyza chuckled. "True."
   "To be fair, I wasn't screaming I was yelling," Kenton replied, defensive.
   "It's ok, Ken. You have a very manly scream," Zalie said consolingly. She grinned.
   Kenton pouted. "You're mean."
   They continued on, riding along the road they took weeks ago to get to Zora's Domain and Death Mountain. It brought back memories, not all of them pleasant. Elijah shook his head to himself. Link nearly getting himself killed, me getting electrocuted, waking up to a guardian attack, fighting with Elyza, Elyza hurting her ankle, he thought, counting on his fingers. Fun times.
   Eventually, they passed the roads where Elijah had a vague idea of where he was going and they were now relying on Kenton's direction. Maybe it should have been a terrifying thought but Elijah didn't have anywhere to be for a few days. And he probably knew where he was going.
   After a little while, they came across a crossroads, one direction leading across a bridge and the other staying next to the cliff sides. Kenton pulled to a stop so everyone else did the same.
   "Why'd we stop?" Elyza asked.
   "You do know where you're going right?" Elijah asked.
   "Yes I know where I'm going," Kenton replied. "I just wanted your input here. Both ways lead into Akkala. One goes to a stable and the other leads over Akkala Falls. Any preference?"
   "The falls!" Zalie exclaimed eagerly.
   "Wait, Kenton, what's that big structure on that mountain with the tower on top?" Elyza asked, pointing.
   Kenton turned to face the mountain with the ruins built all around it. "Oh. The Akkala Citadel Ruins."
   "Like, a military stronghold?" Elijah confirmed curiously.
   "Yeah," Kenton replied, nodding. "But it's crawling with monsters."
   "Sounds like fun. Let's go," Elyza said, mounting again and started trotting across the bridge.
   Kenton looked at Elijah—who shrugged—and then Zalie. She shrugged too so Kenton sighed and led everyone after Elyza. As they rode into Akkala, Elijah noticed the fall colors of the trees. They were indeed beautiful.
   They caught up to Elyza, and Kenton tried to steer her away from the old citadel.
   "Elyza, c'mon, the rest of Akkala is this way," Kenton said, gesturing to the left.
   "I know. I want to explore this though," Elyza replied.
   "It's crawling with monsters and guardians Elyza," Elijah added.
   "Do we really need to get injured while we don't have Link to heal us?" Elijah asked.
   "And you guys call me reckless," Kenton muttered.
   "At least prepare to go. Don't just charge inside," Zalie said, attempting reason.
   Elyza sighed. "I just think it would be good practice seeing as Hyrule Castle is crawling with monsters and guardians too."
   "Ok, well, we'll discuss it. Let's at least get to the stable where we can board the horses and rest for a while. And if it's guardians you want to fight, the Spring of Power has some near it," Kenton said.
   Elyza nodded, finally following the rest of them and they stopped at the South Akkala Stable. It was around noon so they had a large chunk of the day left.
   Elijah made a quick lunch for everyone so that they could go wherever on a full stomach.
   "Ok, so where are we going?" Zalie asked.
   "I vote Citadel," Elyza said.
   "Yes, we know. Well, I think we should go to the Spring of Power," Kenton said.
   "As long as we go to the Citadel that's fine." Elyza stood up.
   "We could always split up," Zalie suggested. "Because I want to go to the falls."
   "That's sounds good. Elijah and I will go  to the Citadel and you two can go to the falls and the Spring of Power. And we'll meet up back here tonight," Elyza decided.
   "Ok. Don't get killed," Kenton said, standing.
   With that, they separated.

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