Chapter 48

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   Link strode into the Sanctum, a triforce standing out across the room, outlined against the reddening light of the sun. Above him was a strange growth on the ceiling that attached to a pulsing blob that reminded Link of a heart, especially with the magenta coloring.

   "Link...Link...I'm sorry...but my power isn't strong enough...I can't hold him..." came Zelda's pained voice.

   The heart on the ceiling started to radiate light, pulsing more violently. The light gathered, turning blue and suddenly started to shoot, wildly spinning across the room, destroying more of the already decaying room. But it made an X on the floor, missing Link. Once it stopped, the heart had more of those beams all across it, like it was going to cut it open.

   He must have guessed right, because the blob released a smokey gas, then burst, spraying nasty bits of Malice, and dropping a strangely shaped form to the ground in front of Link.

   The floor was unable to take the strain, and the weight made it start to cave, Link falling with it, resigned. The floor dropped, a big hole in the center and Link fell with the grotesque form. He automatically knew what it was.

               ——Elyza PoV——
   Elyza went after Link—unaware of what had happened behind her—stopping in the doorway and watching the scene unfold. She stayed back because of her promise to Link, but couldn't help herself when that wrongly shaped form fell from the ceiling and broke through the floor, Link falling with it.

   She ran forward to the edge of the hole. "Link!" Elyza cried, dropping to her knees to look over the edge. Link was falling but he had pulled out his paraglider, so he could drop softly to a distant floor. She vaguely wondered why there was such a room, but her worry overpowered it.

   It's fine. Link will be fine. He's prepared for this. I can't do anymore, Elyza told herself, trying to regain calm. She forced herself away from the hole, getting to her feet and looking over her shoulder towards the three people behind her.

   Or that's what she had expected. But she only saw two, both facing away from her. Elyza didn't think, but left the Sanctum, out into the strange light of the castle. It was good too, because, right then, bright and enormous lasers of blue light shot from four different places, meeting above the castle and shooting downward into the castle sanctum, and she heard distant yells of rage.

   Elyza was momentarily distracted by the extraordinary sight. She hoped that it  helped Link succeed.

   She turned back to Zalie and Kenton, who were both facing away from her. She didn't see her brother. Where was he?

   "Zalie, Kenton, where's Elijah?"

           ———Zalie PoV———
   Zalie heard Elyza's question, but did not process it. She was staring into the empty air where Elijah had pushed her out of the way, getting caught in the blast himself...

   He wasn't gone. He couldn't be. Her cousin was next to his sister, like he always was...right?

   Painfully, and slowly, she turned to look at Elyza, who was simply confused. She had not seen. Zalie opened her mouth to try and explain, but no sound came out.

   "Did he stay back in the gatehouse?" Elyza asked, not understanding Zalie's expression. "Whatever, we'll find him. Link is down below, you know, fighting what I think must be Ganon. It looked really wrong, but I expected bigger honestly. Anyway, what do you think we should do? Wait? Leave?"

   Zalie nodded, mind numb.

   "That wasn't really an answer. Let's just get out of the rain then," Elyza said, starting to walk.

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