Chapter 24

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   "Does anyone have a telescope or something? A small one?" Elyza asked, squinting up at Death Mountain.
   "Uh, no, we do not. I doubt we'd be able to see much with it anyway, sis," Elijah replied.
   "Fine." As Elyza watched, the Divine Beast let out a cry and opened the four circles on its back. It released a bunch of flying drones that spaced themselves out along the way up the volcano. The Beast itself continued its slow climb around the mountain.
   They waited there for a while. Maybe 2 hours. Made sense, seeing as Link had to hike up a volcano with a Goron. It was pretty boring except for periodically throughout, they could see a ball of red launched at the Divine Beast who would then cry out and climb farther.
   Elyza was sitting on the ground with her eyes closed when she heard another roar of the Beast. She opened her eyes and saw that Rudania was climbing up the volcano but vertically. It reached the top and then fell into the volcano.
   It caused a huge splash of magma to come spraying out of the mountain and it was coming towards them.
   Elyza yelped. "Guys! Get under cover!"
   They sprinted for an over hanging of rock and huddled down. Luckily, nothing splashed them, though it was close. They cautiously left cover and looked up at the mountain.
   "Did Link weaken it enough to get inside?" Zalie asked.
   "Probably. He'll be in there a while. We should probably go back down to the city. If it's like Zora's Domain, that's where he'll reappear," Elijah answered.
   "Ok. Let's go then," Elyza said.
   They walked away from the Bridge of Eldin the same way they came and back down to Goron City. They got back there pretty quick and Elyza noticed that a lot of Gorons were looking and pointing at the volcano. She caught some of their conversations.
   "...ya see that? Rudania jumped into..."
   "...don't know why. Must have been the boss."
    "...what happened up there? Who did that?"
    "...hope Rudania doesn't cause anymore magma bombs..."
    "...don't Yunobo and the boss drive Rudania away?"
    "...don't know what to think. Could be good or bad..."
   Elyza shook her head. Hopefully Link could defeat the Divine Beast quickly. Honestly, what kind of people live on a volcano? And not just a quiet one, but actively flowing lava. That was just crazy. Just because you can stand the heat doesn't mean you should live there.
   So, the three of them basically waited for a few hours by a cooking pot where Elijah was cooking some vegetable curry. They weren't really worried, as Link had already handled a Divine Beast, but it was a long time to wait. They did notice that Yunobo came back down and so Elyza went and talked to him.
   "Yunobo! Hi, I'm Elyza. I'm one of Link's friends. Is he ok?" she asked.
   "He's crazy, goro. He jumped into the volcano down to Rudania," Yunobo said.
   "Did he make it down ok?" Elyza asked.
   "Yeah. I saw him land on Rudania and go inside I think. It was pretty far down. It was cool, but probably not smart. I gotta go tell Boss. Link destroyed all the drones along the way and used the canons just as well as him," Yunobo exclaimed. He waved and rolled away.
   Elyza went back to Zalie and Elijah. They looked up at her questioningly.
   "So, is he good?" Elijah asked.
   "Yunobo said he made it onto the Divine Beast so he was good then. Not sure about now," Elyza answered.
   "Well, I think he'll be fine. As long as he got in."
   "What if he has to fight another blight?" Zalie asked.
   "He'll figure it out. He's probably almost done anyway. I expect he'll be back soon," Elyza said.
   "If you say so," Zalie said.
   They had started eating but Elyza spotted a ball of light coming down from the sky towards the gate of the city. She pointed towards it and the others understood. They set there food aside—it wouldn't exactly get cold here, if anything it would burn—and rushed over to where the ball of light materialized into Link. He looked fine for the most part. He had a few cuts and bruises but they were superficial. He could heal anyway if it got bad enough.
   "Link! How was it?" Elyza called to him.
   He shrugged. How helpful.
   "Was that a good or a bad?"
   "I'm mean, it was fine, as evil infested, giant, high tech machines go," Link said, dryly.
   "Are you ok? Was there another blight?" Zalie asked.
   "Yeah, there was. Fireblight Ganon. He wasn't too bad. He just threw fireballs at me and stuff. I think Waterblight was more annoying, if only because of the terrain near the terminal," Link explained.
   "Cool," Elijah noted.
   "Not really. It's kinda hot in the middle of a volcano," Link said, grinning.
   Elyza smiled. "Well, if you're hungry, we've got some food. Also, I think we should probably leave the city today. We might not have enough potions to get us out of the death zone if we stay another night."
   "Ok. We can do that then."
   "Great! I really didn't want to burn alive!"
   Link gave her a look and shook his head. They all went back to the cooking pot and ate quickly. They packed up there stuff and we're about to leave when Yunobo stopped them.
   "Link! I don't know what you were doing up on Rudania, but...well, it seems to have calmed down, goro! Thanks! Ya know...while I was up there...I coulda sworn I saw Lord Daruk stadin' on top of Rudania! I wonder...was that his ghost?!" Yunobo said. "I dunno how to explain it, but somehow I feel a lot braver now, goro! Oh! That's right! I talked to boss about you, and he said to bring you to him! An order from Boss can't be refused. Move it, goro!" The Goron rolled away.
   Link looked at them and shrugged. He walked to the center of the city where Bludo was standing outside his house. He noticed Link immediately.
   "Hm? Hey! It's you! Yunobo told me everything. You really are somethin' else, brother. Ya know that?" Bludo boomed. "I can't believe you conquered Rudania... color me impressed. But good grief...did ya have to do it just when my back pain went away? I was all ready and rarin' to go at Rudania myself! Now you've gone and made it look like I was just fibbin' about my back pain this whole time! Imagine that! ME!" He laughed. "Oh! And I'm also happy to see Yunobo also got his act together. I know that's your doing, as well. But enough back patting and other such nonsense. Take a look at this!" He looked up at the volcano and looked back.   
   "The Divine Beast Vah Rudania has calmed down and returned to its peaceful ways. Now we can get back to diggin' for ore around Death Mountain. ...Oh right! I've still gotta thank you, brother! There's some treasure in my house. Grab it. Keep it. It's yours. It's a sharp blade that Daruk himself once wielded. I'm sure you'll be able to make good use of it!
  "However... well, as a Hylian, you probably already know this, but...apparently, 100 years ago, the Hylian Champion has a legendary blade—the sword that seals the darkness. It's supposed to be to the west of here. Come to think of look just like the Hylian Champion who fought the Calamity alongside Daruk!" He laughed hard and waved Link away.
   Link looked back at them and gave a confused shrug. He walked past Bludo and into his house and came back a minute later with an enormous hammer-like club. It looked very well crafted.
   Well, I guess "sharp blade" is a relative term, Elyza thought. He put the thing on his back and walked over to them.
  "Ok, I think we can go now. I...I think I need this legendary sword people keep telling me about," Link said.
   "Ok, well, then that's where we are headed next," Elyza said.
   They headed out of town and made their  way back down the mountain. It went much faster this time as they didn't get randomly attacked and ambushed. They had to avoid some enemy camps, that igneo talus, and a guardian on the way down but other than that, it was uneventful.
   They stopped a minute at the hot springs to rest a bit but made it back to the stable within the day. They checked on Ellis, Frihet, and Royal who had been staying at the stable and got beds for the night. They all went to sleep, as the day had been long, and got up the next morning and had breakfast but got going again quickly. They did let Link get a shrine or two as they had seen them the day before.
   Around noon, they had made it back down to the entrance of Zora's Domain and were riding by the big camp structure and on the sand back to the sign that the group and re-met up at when they heard faint yells. (Ooh)
   Elyza looked around but couldn't see anything or anyone. "Did you guys hear that?"
   The others shook there head and stopped their horses, listening. More faint yells. They didn't sound very happy but they weren't super panicked either. More surprised than anything else.
   "I hear it now," Zalie said. She looked across the bridge they were near. "I think it's coming from over there."
   "Should we go help?" Elyza asked.
   "Yes," Zalie and Link said together.
   "Ok, then let's go," Elijah said.
   They pushed the horses into a gallop and raced across the bridge. They hopped off the horses—the terrain was to rough—and sprinted towards the yells. They were growing more alarmed now. They were also coming from what looked like a giant stump.
   Zalie led the way in, weapon ready. They got inside and saw a red wizzrobe and some fire chuchus and a few bokoblins . Those monsters were attacking a cornered teenager who was shooting them with his bow, but they were in close range so it wasn't doing much good.
   Elyza shot the wizzrobe in the face—he dropped—and Link and Elijah got the chuchus while Zalie attacked the bokoblins that were close to the poor guy.
  It was over fast with so many people fighting and the beleaguered teenage boy—probably their age—dropped to the ground in exhaustion.
   Now that Elyza could actually stop to see him, she saw that he was blonde and his bow was a knight bow. Pretty nice bow. Better than Elyza's, which made her a little jealous.
   "Wow. Thanks a bunch. Your arrival was timely. Remind me never to do that again. Who are you?" the blonde boy asked.
   "Travelers," Link answered.
   "Right, but I meant who are you? Like, your names?" the boy clarified.
   Zalie stepped up. "Well, I'm Zalie, that's Link, Elyza, and Elijah." She pointed to each one as she went.
   "Thanks then, Zalie, Link, and you obvious siblings," the archer said, getting to his feet. He shook their hands.
   "Who are you, might we ask?" Elyza questioned. The others looked curiously at him.
   He replied, "Me? Just a lone traveler. But you wanted my name, huh? Well, my name is Kenton."

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