Chapter 41

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   Link noticed Zalie and Kenton walking back, holding hands.
   Good for them, Link thought. He'd been wondering if they'd get together. Of course, it'd only been a week or two since they'd met Kenton.
   He turned away, staring out into the sandstorm that held flashes of lightning and the thumping of Vah Naboris. His task for tomorrow. Link pulled the Thunder Helm from his bag. Did it really have the power to withstand lightning? An heirloom...perhaps it had belonged to Urbosa? Link didn't know much about her but it made sense. She was a Champion and her Divine Beast was currently shooting lightning.
   Link stood, putting the Helm back in his bag. He put his bag on his bag—no need for it to get stolen again—and climbed on top of the inn of the Bazaar. He sat down, looking out again at the storm. Or perhaps it wasn't really a storm. It was probably just the sand and dust Vah Naboris was kicking up from stomping around the desert. That would explain why the sandstorm wasn't dissipating.
   This was the final Divine Beast. After he finished, Ganon came next. He'd gather all his memories but, after that, he'd face the same challenge he had 100 years ago. Where he'd failed. Link didn't know if he could do it.
   He had his skill, the Master Sword, and evening some the other Champions' abilities, but was that enough? This was THE Calamity. It had crippled Hyrule, leaving pockets of civilization. Even with his friends beside him, could he really do it?
   Zelda. What would she think of him? If he failed again? She'd already defended Hyrule from total destruction for 100 years. Wasn't it his turn? Link felt out of place. He should've been long dead by now. Having led a happy life after defeating Ganon the first time. With the other Champions having done the same. Mipha...Daruk...Revali...Urbosa. Zelda. They could barely live on in his memory.
   What if Zelda had grown old inside that castle waiting for him to come and the reason he was back was because she was nearly dead? Then he would truly be a relic from the past, out of place until he died. A past he couldn't remember.
   What an empty shell he was.
  But, he'd try to defeat Calamity Ganon so that everyone else could get the life he missed out on. His friends deserved that.
   Link watched until he fell asleep on top of the inn. It was a little chilly but Link had his warm doublet. It was fitful but he managed to make it the night. Link set out for Gerudo Town after changing into his vai clothes. He left before Elyza or Zalie could make fun of him. Or really any of his friends now that everything was back to normal.
  He made sure he had the Helm, and teleported away. Link wasn't going to walk if he didn't have to. He stepped out into the pleasant warmth of the rising day and into Gerudo Town.
   He figured Riju would want to see him right away so he walked straight into the palace, the guards giving him looks. He walked into the throne room, but found only Buliara there. She gave him a disapproving look as he approached.
   "Where is Lady Riju?" Link asked.
   "Normally people aren't allowed into her sleeping quarters, but she has given you permission it seems...Be on your best manners. If she deems you to be a disturbance to her, it will not end well for you!" Buliara warned.
   Link nodded, taking a step backwards. Her turned away and walked towards the stairwells in the corner of the chamber and walked past a guard to the top where he could see Lady Riju staring out at Gerudo Town. She spoke as he approached.
   "I've been waiting for you..." She glanced at him. "Oh, you needn't say a word. As the chief of the Gerudo, I can sense the power of the heirloom from you. I know that you've succeeded."
   Link nodded.
  "I am, as you have no doubt noticed, still but a child," Riju continued. "The people look at me with nothing but warmth in their eyes, but even this brings me some pain, I must admit. I've tried so hard to be worthy of their love, to be a worthy chief... and to prove to myself that I was worthy, too.
   "When my family heirloom was stolen, I felt as though a shadow had fallen over me...yes, your arrival in the midst of all this must be the work of Lady Urbosa...Now, please give me the helm," Lady Riju said.
   Link pulled the Thunder Helm from his bag and handed it to the Gerudo chief. She took it and put it on her head, covering her eyes.
   "Um. How do I look?" Riju asked.
   Link stared the Helm, and blinked as he entered his memory.
    He was on a Divine Beast—Vah Naboris—that was still. He was walking towards a Gerudo woman judging by the very long bright red hair—which he could see just fine despite the darkness of night. The Thunder Helm sat beside her. A woman, Link realized, that was Zelda was asleep on her shoulder.
  Urbosa must have heard him approach because she looked back at him. "Ah, certainly got here fast. I should have expected as much, from the princess's own appointed knight." She looked down at Zelda. "She was out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands now..." She turned her stern gaze back to Link. "So...? Spill it, boy. Have the two of you been getting along all right?"
   Link—the one in the memory—shifted uncomfortably. She gave a small chuckle.
   "It's ok...I know. Your silence speaks volumes," Urbosa said. She looked down at Zelda again. It was obvious the two had a close relationship from the fondness in Urbosa's eyes. "She gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees you carrying  that sword on your back. It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny. Don't worry, it's not like you carry blame in any of this. It's unfortunate. She's put more than enough time.
   "Ever since she was a young girl, she's gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication...she once passed out in the freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for it...that's the motivation driving her research. I'd be doing the same thing." Urbosa brushed hair out of Zelda's face. "She really is quite...special." Her tone turned very serious for a moment. "You be sure to protect her with your life." She looked back at Link and smiled. "It's quite the honor." Link nodded. "The night brings's probably time we take her in."
   Urbosa smiled mischievously. "Or..." She snapped her fingers and bolt of lightning struck the ground, the boom startling Zelda awake.
   Zelda looked around wildly. "Urbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that?!" She looked back and her eyes found Link. "Wait, what—how did you—what are you doing here?!" Urbosa laughed. "Wh-what's so funny?"
   The memory faded and Link blinked back into real time. Riju was still standing there wearing the helm.
   "What's wrong? You're just staring...anyway, what matters now is... is it? Do I look alright?" Lady Riju asked.
   Link thought it look big. "It's a tad big..."
   It slipped on her head and she had to straighten it. "...You don't say. The threat Divine Beast Vah Naboris poses has only grown since we began searching for the hierloom. I believe that Gerudo Town itself may be in danger before too chief, and as a Gerudo, I must find a way to stop that thing before it threatens my people. Will you help me?"
   "Of course!" Link said.
   "Heheh, who would have thought that just before such a momentous battle... hearing such a simple, confident pledge of support from you would be what puts me at ease? I'll head out now. Let's meet up at the lookout post south of town," Riju decided. "There's only one way to get close to Naboris, and that's with the help of a sand seal. The lookout post isn't too far from town, but you should tale a sand seal there. You can get some practice in that way. I'll be there waiting for you with my favorite sand seal, Patricia." The Helm slipped on her head again. " really is a little big..." She walked away, down the stairs leaving Link alone.
   Well, this was it. Time to enter the last Divine Beast.
   Link walked back the way he came, out of the palace. He should probably let his friends know he was going but...he didn't really have the time to walk back to Kara Kara Bazaar.
   He had something he wanted to check first though. He wasn't going to wear his vai clothes into a Divine Beast. They weren't exactly armor and he had heard rumors from his time in town of a black market of sorts. And Elyza told him about the suspicious behavior of the woman they bought their clothes from. So Link was gonna check it out before he met Riju. She probably wasn't expecting him immediately anyway.
                ——(sorry I'm lazy)——
   Link got his sand seal from town before changing out of his vai clothes in the Gerudo voe clothes. They'd been pricy but it was worth it. They looked cool.
   He got ready to ride the sand seal to the lookout post when familiar voices stopped him.
   "Link! Hold up!" Zalie called. Link turned. The rest were with her, Kenton holding her hand. Elyza noticed Link smile and gave a smug smile back. Well, knowing her, it was probably her fault that those two were together now. Unofficially though.
   Link waved. "Oh hey guys."
   "Are you going to the Divine Beast already?" Kenton asked.
   "Just about to go. Lady Riju is waiting for me," Link replied.
   "You got this Link. Last one," Elyza said, smiling still.
   Elijah nodded, giving him a fist. "Home stretch."
   "Thanks. I'll probably see you guys later, you know, unless I die," Link said.
   "Unlikely. Have fun," Kenton said.
   "Good luck! We'll be waiting here for you," Zalie added.
   "Right. I gotta get going. See ya," Link replied. He smiled grimly and turned away. Link rode away on his sand seal off to the lookout post.

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