Chapter 46

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Link teleported away from his friends to go find his memories. First up: the one facing Dueling Peaks. It seemed identifiable enough.
He had chosen a shrine on the Central Plateau because he didn't have shrine in the middle of Hyrule and it seemed close enough to where he wanted to go.
Once he had gone to the edge, the first thing he noticed was a lake and birch trees like the one in the photo. Well that was easy, Link thought. He jumped off the edge and glided towards the lake to find the memory.
It didn't take long for him to find it. And into his memory he went.
Zelda was walking in front of him by the lake, holding the Sheikah Slate. He was quiet as always while she spoke.
"From here we'll make our way to Goron City. Then, we'll need some adjustments on that Divine Beast so Daruk can manage it as easily as possible," Zelda was saying. "He's figured out how to get it to move...however, it's apparent that we still have much more to learn.
"But to think, that Divine Beast was actually built by people...that means we should be able to understand how it works and how to use it to our advantage. These Divine much we don't know...but if we want to turn back the Calamity Ganon, they're our best hope."
She slowed to a stop, her arms dropping to her sides as she turned her head over her shoulder to glance back at Link. "Tell me the proficient are you right now, wielding that sword on your back?" Zelda asked. "Legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside it. Can you hear it yet...hero?"
And then the memory faded away and Link blinked back. As his memories seemed to go, that hadn't been so bad. But it seemed he had no memories of her actually happy. He still had more to get, but it was disheartening. Link must have known her well if it had been his job to travel with her all the time. Surely they had happy memories?
He shook his head. Link shoved the memory out of his thoughts and looked at the 12 pictures. He had 5 of them now. So, which one next?
It was difficult to try and gage based on the terrain. Frustrating even. Link put his Slate away. The first thing he needed was the map of Central Hyrule. And that meant he was going to the tower before he could find the other memories. He had all of tomorrow anyway. Teleporting was infinitely faster, which made him feel guilty.
Pushing his thoughts away, Link decided he should change into his stealth gear which would probably be needed. After he had done so, he started a steady jog towards the tower. It wasn't too far but he only had so many hours left in the day. No time to walk.
It took less than an hour but only barely to get close to the tower. Unfortunately, it was crawling with active and alert guardians. He saw two walking guardians, and some stationary. On top of that, there were a few wandering bokoblins. He didn't really want to fight them. He wanted to be in and out as quick as he could.
Link snuck up the hill near the Sheikah Tower. An idea sparked in his mind. He felt stupid for not thinking of it earlier. Revali's Gale. He might be spotted and shot at, but, in flight, he'd be able to avoid the beams. He crouched, took a deep breath as an updraft started to blow, and released himself into the air.
He glided over to the tower, but as he neared it, Link was spotted by not one but two of the stationary guardians. Fortunately he dropped onto one of the platforms of the tower before he was blown up. They were active and he probably get spotted again going up but he'd be fine. Link climbed to the top without exploding.
As he waited for the map of the area, he looked out at Hyrule Castle. He knew that two of his memories were there. Elyza had told not to go by himself, to fight Ganon, but Link desperately wanted his memories back. He could go and no one would have to know. It's not like Link was going to fight the Calamity; he just wanted to get his memory. So he wouldn't be breaking his promise necessarily...right?
However, if he went, he doubt that his friends would see it the way he did. It was better that they never knew.
Decision made, he took his Sheikah Slate and looked at his new portion of the map. He glanced at the pictures. Which one next? Link glanced up at the sun. He had a few hours before dark. He looked back at the castle. He could go and get 2 memories before dark if he hurried. He could see the ruins of one of his memories plainly on his map, though he didn't know his way around Hyrule Castle.
Well, it's not like anyone was going to force him to bed after dark. Link stepped up to the edge and called upon Revali's Gale to pull him into the sky and he flew towards the ominous and dark castle, ignoring the guardians who targeted him and tried to shoot at him. They couldn't catch him in the air.
The field in front of the castle was crawling with guardians, the ruins especially. He could seen flying guardians off to the side. Link landed softly in the overgrown grass and crouched down, unmoving as he scanned his surroundings. He was still a ways away from the cluster of trees surrounding the Sacred Ground Ruins and there were two guardians he could see, both walking. Fun.
Link snuck quietly through the tall grass until he passes through the trees onto the old ruins. He stepped up into the center, praying he wouldn't get shot while he was in his memory, and entered his mind.
Link was kneeling on the stone, Zelda in front of him wearing a formal dress, the long sleeves drooping down. Link could see the Champions standing off to the side out of the corner of his eye.
"Hero of Hyrule," she said, her voice depressed and defeated, "chosen by the sword that seals the have shown unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessings of the Goddess Hylia. Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeping in the glowing embers of twilight...the sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the Hero. We pray for your protection...and we hope that—that the two of you will grow stronger together, as one." Her hand dropped to her side as she sighed. But she continued her dull words. Link was distracted when the other Champions spoke, as if Link and Zelda couldn't hear them.
"Gee, this is uplifting...she's making it sound like we already lost," Daruk said, frown evident in his voice.
"Wasn't this you idea?" came Revali's condescending voice. "You're the one who wanted to designate the appointed knight with all the ceremonial pomp, grandeur, and nonsense we could muster! And if you ask me, the whole this does seem to be overkill. I think I'm on the same page as the princess regarding...this boy."
"Oh, give it a rest," Urbosa said. "That boy is a living reminder of her own failures. Well, at least that's how the princess sees him."
The princess fell quiet and her hand dropped to her side again as the memory slipped away.
Link blinked back, processing. This memory appeared to have been before Zelda and Link had gotten along. Perhaps the first chronologically.
He glanced around and started to make his way to the castle. He didn't have a good idea of where the other memory was in the castle, but it was outside so that was a start.
The front wall was broken so it'd be easy to get through but it looked like there was Malice everywhere. And Link knew from experience that it hurt to walk on. Excruciating even.
Link took a breath and sprinted to the wall, immediately being spotted by at least two guardians. But he had seen a window and he jumped into it into a small room, out of sight of the angry guardians. There happened to be a chest, so Link kicked it open, found a silver rupee inside and pocketed it. He straightened and climbed up a ladder to the top of the wall. It looked like the wall had been blown apart now that he had a closer look.
Turning away, Link gazed out of the remains and ruins of Hyrule Castle Town, as his map told him. It was hard to see; he'd probably wandered those streets many times 100 years ago. But he didn't really know. And now it was covered it active guardians and Malice.
It'll be rebuilt. Once Ganon is defeated, it can be rebuilt, Link told himself. He used Revali's Gale again to fly past the center square towards the big gate. He wouldn't be able to use again till it "recharged." It was more that Revali's spirit need to regain energy. After all, the ability wasn't really his.
The castle was much bigger up close and Link could really see the damage the Calamity had done. But he moved past it. The gate was closed and a flying guardian was circling it. It looked to be metal so Link could probably use Magnesis to yank the doors open.
Link used his Sheikah Slate to yank open the door and ran through. He was targeted by a guardian, of course, but Link brought up Daruk's Protection and simply kept running. It shot at him but his shield deflected it after it flashed like it was breaking. But it hadn't really.
He ran up the hill, dodging Malice if it came up. He came to a building but it didn't look like the one he wanted so he turned away. It wasn't safe to stay put very long but Link looked around. He spotted a tower branching off from the castle. It looked promising with a bridge leading to the main part of the castle.
Heading in that direction now, Link heard Revali tell him that his Gale was ready so he launched himself into the sky, flying towards the tower. Some turret-like Guardians spotted him and he quickly got out of sight as he reached the stairs leading upwards. He climbed them, until it led him into a room—a bedroom. It was occupied by a Moblin so Link had to defeat it before he could further inspect the room.
It was trashed, the bed having collapsed and rubble all over the floor. Past the doors leading out into what could have been a hallway, he saw that it had collapsed. Link went back into the room, noticing a desk with and open book on it. Curious, he looked at it. It was still legible which was unusual for a room in ruins.
After turning the pages, Link immediately realized what it was and where he was. Zelda's diary. This was her chambers. Link snatched the book up—he couldn't read it well here in the increasingly dim light. He carefully placed it in his bag and climbed upwards where there should have been stairs. It led out onto a bridge. Link crossed it into the tower. It held a small room, but, oddly enough, there was a Silent Princess flower growing. How it had managed to do so was a mystery to Link.
There was a desk that held another legible book. The handwriting was the same as Zelda's diary so he assumed it too was written by her. He pocketed it too. Perhaps it was stealing and an invasion of privacy but Link hardly cared about those things. He had bigger problems.
Link turned around looked at the other room. It looked like the picture in his memory so he walked out a little ways on the bridge as he entered his memory.
They were standing on that same walkway, Zelda ahead of him wearing her formal dress. She walked eagerly to the wall, looking out to wear a guardian glowed a bright orange—quite different from the glow of Ganon Link was used to seeing—and was walking around under the direction of the Sheikah scholars.
"Incredible...we're at a point now where we can actually control them," Zelda said, her interest evident. "At the current rate, we'll soon know all we need to know about the guardians and the Divine Beasts!" She turned to look at Link. "And should Ganon ever show itself again, we'll be well positioned to defend ourselves."
"What are you doing out here, Zelda?" came a deep, disapproving voice from behind the princess. Link looked and immediately knelt when he recognized the Zelda's father, King Rhoam.
Zelda turned. Her hand formed a fist at her side. "I...I was assessing the results of the experiment with the Guardians. These pieces of ancient technology could be quite useful against the—"
"I know that. They are essential to Hyrule's future, and our research demands that we keep a close eye on them," Rhoam said. "However, as the princess, you currently have a crucial unfulfilled responsibility to you kingdom. Let me ask you once more...when will you stop treating this as some sort of childish game?"
"I'm doing everything I can," Zelda replied, defensive. "I'll have you know that I just recently returned from the Spring of Courage where I offered every ounce of my prayers to the Goddess—"
"And now you are here wasting your time," the king interrupted, angry. "You need to be dedicating every moment you have to your training. You must be single-minded in unlocking the power that will seal Calamity Ganon away."
"I already am," Zelda said, upset. "Don't you see—there's nothing more I can do! My hope hope is that you—that you'll allow my to contribute here in whatever way I can."
"No more excuses Zelda!" King Rhoam said sharply, shaking his head. "Stop running away from your duty. As the king, I forbid you to have anything to do with these machines from this moment on and command you to focus on your training." He turned away to look out at the guardian. "Do you know how the gossip mongers refers to you? They are out there at this moment whispering amongst themselves...that you are the heir to a throne of nothing...nothing but failure. It is woven into your destiny to prove them wrong." He looked back at her, face stern. "Do you understand?"
"Yes," Zelda said quietly. "I understand."
The king turned away and left them as the memory faded.
Link blinked back, backing up instinctively as a flying guardian flew by. He had met Rhoam on the Central Plateau—he had seemed nice enough. In that memory, Link thought he'd been harsh. From what he heard, Zelda had already done a lot. She didn't deserve that.
Punching his thoughts away, he pulled out his Sheikah Slate. He would rest for now and find the rest tomorrow if he could manage. So he teleported away, to a shrine near a stable. It ended up being the Woodland Stable.
Link paid for a bed and went to sleep. It felt like an instant before he woke again. It was early, but the sun had risen enough. He pulled on his boots and grabbed his bag and weapon before walking out. He was going to go to the back of the stable to teleport away—it seemed to startle people when he suddenly disappeared—but was stopped.
"Excuse me, but, weren't you one of the boys traveling with my grandson?" the old man said. Link turned. It was Kenton's grandfather. Ashe? Was that his name?
"Yes," Link replied.
"Where is he?" Ashe asked.
Link paused. Had he asked them where they were going? He'd heard their ideas but he wasn't exactly sure where they went. "Well, we separated but I'm meeting back up with them tomorrow."
"Ah. Was he alright last you saw?"
He nodded. "Yeah, just fine."
"Thank you. His sister and I have been anxious. Perhaps...could you tell him to come by when you see him?" Ashe said.
"Sure." Link nodded again and walked behind the stable. He looked at his pictures. He was close to the Lost Woods so that memory would be a good one to get next. He teleported up to the tower not far from the stable. He looked at the increasingly mountainous terrain to the East. It would be somewhere up there.
He used Revali's Gale and flew as far as he could before starting to climb up the sunburnt rocks. It took a little while to get up on top of where he thought his memory was. But then he turned and it wasn't quite the right angle. Which was dumb because he didn't get his memory.
Apparently it was picky.
He moved off to his left with Revali's Gale which now had to recharge. This other stumpy tower of rocks was flatter and had a bunch of monster—fire chuchus and lizalfos—around it. But Link landed at the top and it finally looked right. And he entered the memory.
Link was sitting on the hard ground, Zelda inspecting his arm which held a cut. They were surrounded by dead monsters—multiple lynels and many bokoblins. Link surmised that he had been the one to kill them all.
"That cut doesn't look too bad actually," Zelda said. She let go. "You're fine for now. But you know, there's a fine line between courage and recklessness. As brave as you are, that does not make you immortal." She looked at the many dead monsters, seeming troubled at so many. "It seems that, not only is that frequency of these types of attacks on the rise...but the scale of beasts we are facing is intensifying as well." She pulled a hand to her chest in worry. "I fear that—I fear that is an omen which portends the return of Calamity Ganon."
Zelda stood, dusting herself off and looking at Link. "And, if that's the case, I'm ready to expect the worst. We'll need to make preparations as soon as possible." Link stood and the two walked off together as the memory faded.
He came back to reality. Well, she hadn't hated him in that one so a plus there. It was also surprising to Link that he had killed so many monsters by himself. 3 lynels no less.
Link glanced up at the sun. Perhaps 8 in the morning. He pulled up the pictures. One was of Hyrule Castle at an angle. That memory would be farther west. But close-ish to where he was.
He teleported back to the tower and flew west, getting pretty far before he had to start running. Link was grateful for his endurance; running for miles wasn't easy. But maybe he should get a horse after recovered his memories.
Either way, it took a while to get in the area he thought the memory was. 'Course he was spotted by mounted bokoblins.
Link pulled out his bow and shot them off the horses without injuring the poor animals, and used the master Sword to end the monsters. He hopped onto one of the horses and started riding.
As he topped the hill, Link spotted a tree that looked familiar. He looked at the Sheikah Slate, comparing. It looked right so he rode over. He dismounted and got to the right angle. Sure enough, Link slipped into memory.
The sun was bright as Link knelt in the grass and wildflowers with Zelda. She was excitedly holding her Sheikah Slate and taking pictures.
"There's one! Oh! And another!" Zelda exclaimed, snapping pictures of the flowers. "The flowers we have here in Hyrule aren't just beautiful...they're also quite useful as ingredients for a variety of things." She took another picture and paused, then gasped softly. She leaned over, looked at a blue and white flower, with five delicate petals open to the sunlight. "This one here is called the silent princess. It's a rare, endangered species."
She scooted closer to it in all fours and Link joined her, trying to look at the little flower.
"Despite our efforts, we can't get them to grow domestically yet. The princess can only thrive out here in the wild," Zelda explained. She sat back. "All that we can that the species will be strong enough to to prosper, on its own." She suddenly gasped crawling quickly away to grab something before turning back to Link, something hidden in her hands.
"I don't believe it, but I actually caught one!" Zelda said excitedly, talking fast. "This delicacy is known to have very, very potent effects under the proper circumstances." She opened her hands to reveal a frog shaded in multiple greens. "Tada! Research from the castle shows ingesting one of these can actually augment certain abilities. We wouldn't be in a controlled environment out here, and with your level of physical'd be a perfect candidate for the study!" She shoved it up into his face causing Link to inch backwards in surprise and exclaiming in slight alarm. "Go on! Taste it!"
But the memory clouded away before he found out if he had eaten the frog or not.
Link smiled. A happy memory. She obviously loved to experiment and research. Zelda seemed most herself when talking about such things. He found that he desperately wanted to know her as he must have 100 years ago.
Sighing, he checked the pictures once again. He had 3 more. Link decided he would do the Spring. Kenton had said it was in Akkala and Link sort of knew where that was. It'd take the most time so it was better to get it out of the way.
Unfortunately, he didn't have shrines in Akkala. The closest was the Eldin Tower. So be it. Link was pretty sure that it was outside of the area where the air was burning so he wouldn't catch fire. Probably.
He teleported away, appearing in the extreme heat but he didn't catch fire so that was good. He used Revali's Gale and started flying to the northeast. Link would have to run eventually but gliding allowed him to cross such distances pretty quickly.
It was an unconventional route. He climbed the rocks he wasn't able to fly over and ran along some ledges before dropping into Akkala. It was beautiful but he didn't take much time to admire anything. The fall colored trees and open fields was all he really noticed until he started looking for the spring. The picture looked to have walls around it and waterfalls so it was probably built into the ground.
Link used Revali's Gale to give him a better view. Sure enough, there looked to be a big area deeper than the rest. He traveled along the area above it. There were flying guardians because why not? Link didn't fight them. Instead he went to the opposite side which was separate.
He dropped quietly to the floor. A glance behind told him it was just an empty stone hallway, leading out to the quarry. Link walked up to the platform before the water and entered his memory again.
Link was facing away from Zelda in the spring behind him, listening to her pray to the Goddess.
"I come seeking help...regarding this power that has been handed down over time..." Zelda said. "Prayer will awaken my power to seal Ganon away...or so I've been told all my life...and yet...
Grandmother heard them—the voices from the spirit realm. And mother said her own power would develop within me."
Link turned his head, to hear her better.
"But I don't hear...or feel anything!" Her voice was bitter. "Father has told me time and time again...he always says, 'Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!' Curse you..." Her hands splashed the water. "I've spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! I've pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods...and still the holy powers have proven deaf to my devotion." Zelda wrapped her arms around herself as her voice started to break. "Please just tell me...what is it...? What's wrong with me?!"
Link turned all the way around as his memory ended and he blinked back, sagging to the ground. He leaned his weight on the sacred blade a moment, processing. He found himself becoming almost angry. He shook himself and climbed back to his feet.
The serene statue of the Goddess stood before him. It seemed a mockery of Link's thoughts and Zelda's struggles.
"I don't understand. I'm missing so much," Link said to the statue, his voice echoing and almost accusing. "Zelda didn't deserve that. Why didn't you give her that sacred power? What happened? Why...?" He looked down at his clenched fists. "Why did I have to lose everything I ever knew?"
16 memories weren't enough. 4 from the champions and 12 of Zelda. And it seemed like he'd never get back what had been lost in the Shrine of Resurrection.
There was a scrape behind him.
Link spun at the noise, eyes narrowed. "Who's there?" He didn't see anybody but he had heard someone.
He sighed quietly. It didn't matter. He had places to be anyway. He pulled the Sheikah Slate out, checked the memory pictures and teleported away.
Once he had reappeared back in Central Hyrule, he set off across the bridge he had crossed forever ago to get to the tower where he'd met Elyza. But he left the trail to go south. He needed a certain angle of the bridge and the mountains behind it in the distance of the picture. It couldn't be too far.
It wasn't. He found the tree and the hollow with the statues after 10 minutes of walking and wandering around. And so he entered his memory for the fifteenth time.
Link was training in the rain, with Zelda sitting under the cover of the tree.
"I doubt this will let up anytime soon," Zelda muttered quietly. Link barely heard. She looked at him, Link grunting at his swings. "Your path seems to mirror your father's. You've dedicated yourself to becoming a knight, as well. Your commitment to the training necessary to fulfill your goal is quite admirable." Link stopped his swinging and turned to look at her. She gave a quick half-smile. "I see now why you would be the chosen one."
Zelda looked down. "What day... you realized you just weren't meant to be a fighter." Her tone was sad, like she was about to cry. And he got the feeling she wasn't really talking about him. "Yet the only thing people ever said...was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing you were ever told...I wonder, then...would you have chosen a different path?" And the memory ended.
Link actually gasped this time. His father? He had a father? Of course you do stupid, Link thought to himself. This was the first time he had heard mention of his family. His father had been a knight. A royal guard.
He turned his thoughts to Zelda's question. Would he have? He understood how she felt now. Link had woken up without memory and ever since, all people told him was to save Hyrule from the Calamity. An understandable thing, but her question made him think. In truth, Link couldn't really think of what else he could've been. All he really is wanted was a Hyrule without danger, so he could walk, maybe cook, and just live.
But no. Link doubted such a thing would be possible for him. He didn't know what would happen after everything but he doubted he could relax for very long.
Forcing himself away from the topic, he looked at the final memory picture. It was in the woods. Rather ambiguous but it was probably in Central Hyrule.
Link searched the map on his Sheikah Slate. There were many clusters of forest. The picture was in a fender forest so he could eliminate spread out areas of trees. That left 4 or five areas to check.
The next few hours were very irritating. He had to walk—well, run—to them all, and they were scattered all over so it took forever. But, eventually, he found one that looked right.
He walked along it, looking around for the right angle. Link had to turn around to get it. But he finally entered his memory for what he thought was the last time.
It was raining and Link was running quickly through the woods, holding onto Zelda's wrist. His other hand held the Master Sword. She was panting, glancing backwards, full of panic. Her wrist slipped from Link's grasp and her turned back immediately to find her having fallen to her knees and hands in the mud, her face looking down and dress dirty. He ran back in front of her.
" did it come to this?" Zelda asked, grief evident.
Link knelt in front of her, sheathing his sacred blade.
"The Divine Beasts...the Guardians... they've all turned against was Calamity Ganon. It turned them all against us!"
She slowly looked up at him, her face soaked and water running down her face to mix with her tears. "And everyone—Mipha, Urbosa, Revali, and Daruk...they're all trapped inside those things," she whispered. She pulled her hands to her face as she started to sob. "It's all my fault! Our only hope for defeating Ganon is lost all because I couldn't harness this cursed power! Everything—everything I've done up until was all for nothing..." She looked up into Link's eyes, tears falling thickly. "So I really am just a failure!" Zelda cried.
"All my friends...the entire father most of all...I tried and I failed them all...I've left them all to die," she whispered. Her faced scrunched up as she fell into Link's arms, continuing to sob in the pouring rain. And the memory faded away...
Link gasped, falling to the ground. His heart was racing. Zelda's tear-ridden face was clear in his mind. Was that really how it ended? How did Link get into the Sheine of Resurrection? When did Zelda get her power? She obviously had or she couldn't be holding Ganon back.
There has to be more, Link thought. Then he remembered what Elyza had said a while ago. He should visit Impa. It was early afternoon; he'd be able to speak with her.
Link teleported to Kakariko Village. It was as peaceful as ever which was a sharp contrast to his mental state. (Same tho) He glided down to Impa's home, straight to the door. He pushed it open and found Impa where she always was.
She looked up as he approached. She studied him. "Hm? the sword has been returned to its rightful owner. Heh, just as I expected of you, hero."
All Link wanted to do was ask his questions but he forced himself to be quiet. Impa would probably answer his questions before he asked them.
"The sword that seals the darkness is you long as that blade is at your side, you shall wield enormous power," Impa continued. "The princess risked everything for you and that sword. Do not forget that, and do not waste this chance." She paused. "Ah, that's right...I sense it...their presence. Daruk. Urbosa. Revali. Mipha. A hundred years ago, I put my life on the line to fight alongside everyone. But...I could not protect them. They died without fulfilling their destinies. I have lived all this time thinking they died in vain. But this energy I feel from their seems they have not given up. I can also sense...that they were all overjoyed to see you again."
That got a smirk from Link. Revali certainly hadn't seemed that way.
Impa's face was suddenly intense as she leaned forward. "Now you all serve the same purpose! Now it is the time to attack Calamity Ganon, while he is weak! Hurry to the princess! Go, now! I believe you will find Calamity Ganon in Hyrule Castle. Even with the blessings of the Divine Beasts in your side, you must be careful. Calamity Ganon will be well protected. Be prepared for anything!" She leaned back. "By the are you faring thus far?"
"I'm fine. But, Impa, I've found all 12 pictures and the memories that go with them," Link told her. She had to know something more.
"No...all twelve pictures already? You've visited every place?!" Impa asked.
Link nodded.
"Hmm...then I suppose it's time. I will reveal the location of the final memory," Impa said.
Link's heart leaped.
To his surprise, Impa got up from her customary cushion, and walked over to the picture on the side of the room—the one of old and broken guardians. "Here is what happened...Lady Zelda gave me specific instructions. She asked me to wait to show you this."
Link walked over and joined her near the picture. It looked familiar. The field anyway.
She looked at it. "This is the final picture. Does it look familiar? From this village, you should be able to get there in a half day's time. Now go, child. Seek out what Lady Zelda has shown you." Impa walked back to her seat. Link stared at the picture a moment before taking a picture of it with his Sheikah Slate.
Without saying goodbye, Link ran out the door. Half a day? He could do it in less. With Revali's Gale. And he had a shrine near it. He teleported away, appearing at that shrine. He smiled as he remembered the last time he emerged from the shrine. Elyza had been attacked by a Stalnox without her bow.
Link's smile faded away as he remembered what he was doing. He shook his head and jumped into the water to swim across. He ran through the woods, passing the Stalnox bones, and jumped into the water again to swim across.
Running through scattered trees, Link reaches the swampy area in front of Fort Hateno. And all the broken and dead guardians scattered around. Link could see now, there must have been a battle here to have killed so many.
But now to find the memory. Link looked at the picture of the picture, searching as he walked. He couldn't go into the memory until the angle was right.
He eventually found the spot. Link put his Slate away and took a deep breath, bracing himself. This would explain what had happened. It had to.
Link entered his final memory.
In front of Link was a dying guardian, its last lights flickering in the rain. But there were many more active and blood-seeking guardians walking around. And another spotted Link, who was down on one knee, the Master Sword supporting his weight as he tried to catch his breath. His body was covered in scratches and gashes, his clothes torn. Zelda was behind him, holding his arm. He was protecting her from the rampaging guardians.
"Link, save yourself! Go!" Zelda cried. "I'll be fine! Don't worry about me! Run!"
But Link stumbled to his feet, wrenching Master Sword from the ground, preparing to fight another guardian. But he could barely see, so much was his wounds.
The guardian who had seen them crawled quickly toward them, perching itself on the remains of several, dead guardians that Link had slain. It raised itself up, its laser shooting forward to aim at Link who was prepared to die to save the princess.
But Zelda threw herself in front of him. "NO!" She started to glow as she threw her hand up at the guardian, a bright and pure light shining from her palm, a Triforce on the back. The light expanded rapidly, throughout the entire field.
The guardian that had been about to kill Link shook and then the light from Ganon left it and it crumpled onto the stack of dead guardians and fell farther to the ground in front of them. And the rest active in the field stopped the same way.
Zelda seemed shocked as she pulled her hand back. "Was...was that...the power...?"
But Link had fallen to the ground, wounds overcoming him as he fought for consciousness.
Zelda turned and saw, panic rising on her face. "No, no...Link, get up!" She shook him and pulled his head up into her arms. Link coughed raggedly, blood on his lip. He looked up at Zelda. "You're going to be just fine..."
Link stared into her eyes a moment before his neck gave out, eyes dimming. He started to fall unconscious. He was dying...
He distantly felt Zelda's head rest on his chest, tears falling. "No..." And Link fell unconscious.
But the memory didn't end.
The Master Sword started to pulse faintly with a blue aura and Zelda looked up at the sword in Link's hand. "The sword...?" It seemed to speak to her. "So he can...he can still be saved?"
"Princess!" came a yell and two men dressed the Sheikah Stealth gear ran up and knelt before her and the unconscious Link. "Princess! Are you alright?!"
She ignored that question. "Take Link to the Shrine of Resurrection," Princess Zelda commanded. "If you don't get him there immediately, we're going to lose him forever! Is that clear?!" The two men nodded. "So make haste and go! His life is now in your hands!"
And there the memory ended.
Link gasped and fell backwards as it ended. And then he heard Zelda calling to him like she had before.
"Link...Link. You have recovered all of your memories of us from 100 years ago," she said. "I am here...inside Hyrule Castle. It is now time for you to defeat Ganon."
Link felt his resolve strengthen and nodded. He turned and left that field. His friends would meet him tomorrow and Link would spend the night finding as many shrines as he could and completing them. He needed all the strength he could.
But the time for Ganon's defeat had come.

Breath of the Wild: Link and FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now