Chapter 37

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   Kara Kara Bazaar didn't have all that much to do. Kenton was jealous of the girls. Gerudo Town obviously had so much more to it. At this point in Kenton's travels, he was here for the experience since he'd already lived his dream.
   Link had followed the girls as part of his job as Hero, and so Kenton was stuck with Elijah.
   Don't get the the wrong idea, Kenton liked Elijah enough. But he didn't really know him. They'd hadn't really talked all that much.
   Kenton thought about how much he actually knew about Elijah. He likes cooking and is good at it. He has a twin. He is from Hateno. Zalie is his cousin. He can use a sword. His parents are dead, Kenton thought, counting on his fingers. That was about it. Hmm.
   Well, obviously he'd have to do better today. A whole day without the girls and Link.
   Elijah was currently laying on his bed, reading some book. All of their stuff was there, including everyone's weapons expect for Link. Kenton was above Elijah's bunk, hands crossed beneath his head.
   "I'm bored," Kenton sighed.
   Elijah grunted. "So?"
   "So let's do something. The girls are having their day, why don't we have one?" Kenton asked.
   "And what would we do?" Kenton heard a page turn.
   "Er...maybe you could teach me to cook or something?"
   "You don't know how to cook?" Elijah asked.
   "Not really. I can maybe roast meat over a fire without burning it most of the time," Kenton replied, shrugging even though Elijah couldn't see. "The stable had group meals and I never really had to cook 'cause I never left."
   Elijah's head appeared and Kenton looked over at him. "Alright. Well, that needs to be rectified. We can start simple. Come on."
   (It has come to my attention that Elijah is an underrated character. I will do better)
   Kenton rolled off his bed onto the floor—gracefully, of course—sticking his hands in his pockets. He followed Elijah out of the inn out to a cooking pot near the water.
   He was carrying his bag and sat down next to the pot. Kenton joined him.
   Elijah pulled a ladle out of his bag. "Alright. We are going to learn the basics of cooking. Meaning, we are going to cook some simple meals."
   "Ok, what meals?" Kenton asked.
   "Well, with a cooking pot, there are only so many things you can make. (Realistically at least) Mostly soup, curry, and other stuff like that. It's harder to make things like cake and pies. Bread is possible but slow," Elijah explained.
   Kenton nodded. "I don't want to do something too involved so maybe slow is better."
   "We can make bread then. Luckily, the ingredients are simple," Elijah said. He opened his bag pulling out the appropriate items. Wheat, salt, etc.
   They started with making the dough. Elijah showed him how to mix effectively and what order to put the ingredients in. He showed him how to knead too.
   While they waited for the bread to rise, Kenton decided he really should get to know Elijah better.
   "So, where'd you learn to cook?" Kenton asked, sitting back.
   Elijah glanced at him. "My mother taught me."
   Ah, right. Could be touchy subject. Stay away from dead parents. Awkward.
   Elijah sighed. "Look, I don't care if you ask about my parents. They've been gone for a long time. And you're obviously unsure what to talk about and silence appears to make you uncomfortable."
   "Er...right. So, what were your parents names?" Kenton asked.
   "Kaiya and Eric."
   Kenton nodded. Then he realized something. "Hey, what's your surname?"
   "Miric. Zalie's is different. Not that that will really matter," Elijah said, eyeing Elijah. Kenton thought he saw the hint of a smirk.
   "What? What was that look?" Kenton asked.
   "Nothing. Not my business anyway."
   "Why? What's not? Zalie's surname? What?!"
   Elijah chuckled but did not answer. It made Kenton a little frustrated. Kenton took Elijah's shoulders and shook him. "Tell me!"
   "Tell you what?" Elijah asked, smirking. "Something about Zalie?"
   Kenton stopped and let go. Hylia. That's what he was referring to. Was it obvious? That he liked her?
   Elijah yawned. "Sorry. Weird subject? It was just kinda obvious."
   Kenton sighed softly. "It was?"
   "Yeah, though Elyza also told me," Elijah added. He mumbled something else.
   "But, I don't think I told her about that. And what did you say?" Kenton asked.
   "Elyza may or may not have told Zalie herself as well."
   Kenton felt his mouth drop open. Never before had he felt such sheer panic. Oh, Hylia, I need the Calamity to come and erase me out of existence. Hylia, Hylia, Hylia. I'm so screwed. Kenton stood and started pacing. What if she didn't like him back? When did she find out? Recently? It would be awkward. It had to have been recently, or it meant that she felt something similar? Wouldn't she have said something? No. Probably not. After all, he hadn't.  
   "Kenton, chill. It was back after we went into the Lost Woods. So she's known for like a week," Elijah said, then added, "Weird. It feels like I've known you longer than that but I guess this whole thing has only been, like, 3 weeks."
   Kenton really only heard the first part of that. He sat down at the water, staring down at himself. His usually tied back blonde hair was loose and hanging in his eyes. He forced himself to take a deep breath. Zalie had known for a little while already, and she hadn't been awkward. But was that because she was just good in social situations or something else? Well, now he had to talk to her which was sure to be the most awkward conversation of his life.
   "Soooooo...anyway, let's side step that topic and talk about something else," Elijah suggested.
   Kenton turned away from the water and joined Elijah again. "Right. Well, uh, what did you like to do in your village?"
   "I kept a garden, and I cooked basically. On off days it would vary a bit more. Same things most days," Elijah said.
   "Ok, well, then what did Elyza do with her days?"
   "Well, since I did most of the work, she got to do other stuff. She'd hunt sometimes, sleep, sit around, stare off into space, generally angry at the world."
   "Ah. Anyone ever tell you how blunt you are?"
   "Yeah. I don't make time for people's crap," Elijah said.
   "Alright then." Kenton sighed. "How long does this dough need to rise anyway?"
   "Depends. Never done it in heat like this but it shouldn't take longer than a couple hours."
   Eventually, Elijah deemed the dough ready to be baked and he had Kenton separate the dough into equal loaves and set it next to the fire to cook. It was probably a couple hours past noon. And the girls weren't back from town yet.
   Honestly, Kenton wasn't sure he wanted to talk to Zalie yet. It would probably be fine since they had been getting along great, but now that Kenton knew that she knew, it just seemed awkward all around.
   Kenton looked up, in the direction of Gerudo Town and was not all that surprised to see Link. He didn't look particularly happy. He reached the lounging guys by the fire. He sat down, sighing.
   "I take it they wouldn't let you in," Kenton said.
   Link shook his head. "I got thrown out a couple times trying to walk in and then they caught me trying to climb in. If I wasn't already not allowed in, I'd be banned for life."
   "Did you find out any way to get in that didn't involve that? I don't know, ask their chief to come out or something?" Elijah asked.
   "Well, I talked to this guy who was spying on the town by the shrine and he told me that a guy has gotten in," Link said. "Apparently he travels between town and the Bazaar. I don't know where he could be though."
   Elijah yawned. "Well, I saw someone climb onto the roof of the inn earlier. Looked like a girl though so it might not be who you're looking for."
   "Worth a shot I guess." Link stood. "Oh, the girls said they'd be back in the evening. Probably by dinner would be my guess."
   Elijah nodded, and Link left them and walked around the inn to a ladder, climbing it.
   "Should we go with?" Kenton asked.
   "Nah, he's just gonna be talking to someone," Elijah replied. "I think I'm gonna start on dinner. You're welcome to help if you want."
   "I might, but I think I'm gonna take a walk," Kenton said. He stood, and wandered away. Kara Kara Bazaar had a few shops but didn't really have much else to do. Kenton kinda wished he were back in the Rito Village. He missed the cool weather at the very least. He had always lived in temperate places. At least it got cooler in the evening.
   Sometimes, Kenton kinda wished for something like Elijah did. A simple life. But he couldn't deny he liked the thrill of battle and adventure. This week that he had been with his new friends had been long and fulfilling, despite how short it actually had been. It felt more like months. (Or maybe that's just me)
   He'd never imagined that his life would've turned out this way. As a kid, Kenton always thought that he would always live in Akkala with his parents and sister. Just goes to show life never turned out the way one thought. Everyday was new, and never the same. He just enjoyed living for the most part. Hyrule wasn't as ideal as it was hundreds of years ago, but it could've been worse. It could've been destroyed for one thing. Once Link saved Hyrule, Kenton would have to thank the Princess. She was really sticking it out.
   Kenton walked for a while, alone with his thoughts. His boots were full of sand at this point, and the sun would undoubtedly give him a nice tan. He couldn't imagine being the twins, with that fair skin. They must be burned all the time.
   He wandered back to Elijah eventually, helping him with dinner as the sun made its way down the horizon. It was surely evening now, but the girls weren't back yet. Strange. Zalie wasn't the tardy type, and Elyza was with her.
   Link strolled over to the two of them, looking amused, but in a bemused way. He just shook his head, sitting down.
   "What?" Elijah asked. "Did you find that guy?"
   "Yes and no. It was a guy but dressed like a woman," Link said.
   "Huh? And he got into Gerudo Town that way?!" Kenton asked, incredulous.
   "Apparently. And if I want to get into town, this might be the only way," Link said, sighing. "I bought the clothes from the guy and he made me put them on, which was weird. But, if it works, then I guess I need it."
   Elijah chuckled. "Have fun with that. Good thing I don't desperately need to get into town."
   "The girls will laugh themselves silly," Kenton said. "Speaking of which, shouldn't they be back by now? Dinner is basically done."
   Link frowned. "They aren't back yet?"
   Elijah shook his head. "No. The sun is going down, and it'll be dark soon. Should we go look for them?"
   "If they're in town still, we don't really have a way of knowing," Kenton said. "Unless Link wants to try out his new outfit."
   "I suppose I need to see if it'll work anyway. I can go look in town. You guys can check the road," Link said. "I can teleport to town which is faster than walking."
   "Got it." Kenton stood. He glanced at Elijah. "Are you going to stay here?"
   "I would come, but I want to make sure dinner doesn't burn. And you might miss them and they'll come here so...Come back and tell me if you can't find them," Elijah said.
   Link nodded and he left, teleporting away using his Sheikah Slate. Kenton stood and ran to grab his bow before leaving Kara Kara Bazaar in the direction of Gerudo Town.
   He couldn't walk as fast on the sandy ground or see—it was pretty dark now but the moon was bright—but after a while, he saw 2 dark brown bags in the sand, partially covered. Kenton frowned, kneeling by them. He didn't seem footprints but that didn't mean anything in these shifting dunes, with the wind. He grabbed one of the bags, shaking the sand off it. It looked like Zalie's. He opened it, and, sure enough, he found Zalie's clothes inside. Odd. Why would she leave this? She'd been wearing them when she went to town, which meant she must have changed. He didn't understand the implications quite yet.
   Kenton looked around but stopped as he noticed a folded up piece of paper halfway buried in the sand. He snatched it and unfolded the paper. He was quite surprised to see that it was addressed to him.
  Dear Kenton,
  I'm writing this letter to let you know how I feel. I know we haven't really known each other all that long, but...I really like you. You're funny and kind and always make me smile. You're so determined and helpful too.
   I don't know if you feel the same way even though Elyza says you do. If you don't, let's just never speak of this letter again. I think I'd die of embarrassment. I just thought I'd let you know how I fell, especially since it's entirely possible we won't survive when we go to Hyrule Castle to help Link. Better for you to know sooner rather than later.
   Kenton's mind did not process what he read, so he reread it. And again. He blinked. Did...this mean...she really liked him too? He grinned, nodding to himself. He folded up the letter—carefully—before putting it into his pocket. Maybe this day wasn't so boring after all.
   He shook himself. He had to find her first and he had her bag, as well as Elyza's—judging by the fact her clothes were in the other bag.
   Kenton took a deep breath. There was no sign of the girls around. He had their bags that looked like they had been dropped, as well as a letter. The sun was nearly gone, and there was no one around. The guard from before had said...that the Yiga Clan had been attacking travelers on the road! Kenton thought quickly. Ok, other than me, the others have been traveling with Link for a while, and I'd guess it isn't a secret. If the Yiga Clan is allied with Ganon, and are probably gonna stop Link, they must have spied on him before and seen him and what better way to get more information and get to him than by through his traveling companions who are also his friends! By the Goddess!
   Zalie had been kidnapped by the Yiga Clan.
   And Elyza too.
   Kenton stood, grabbing their bags, and ran as fast as he could back to Kara Kara Bazaar, adrenaline pumping.

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