Chapter 36

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   Being back in the desert was great for Zalie. It reminded her of her past travels, and she was super excited to show Elyza around town. The boys could figure out what they would do.
   And so, Zalie had dragged Elyza out of bed—she was not happy about that—and they were now walking to town. It wasn't too hot yet so the walk was pleasant. Zalie has missed the feeling of sand beneath her feet. It made her a little homesick.
   But, she would be home in no time. After Link defeated Vah Naboris, she could go home for a day or two. And then they would go to Hateno.
   "So, what is there to do in town, Zal?" Elyza asked, yawning.
   "Lots of stuff! There's a bunch of shops—clothing, jewelry, food—that we could go to, there's a cooking class that I told Elijah about which he really wanted to go to but couldn't, there's a bar but we're too young for that, and oh! We can rent out seals and go sand surfing! And the inn in town has massages and spas. I've never done it but it's supposed to make you feel amazing afterword," Zalie said excitedly.
   "Alright, what do you suggest we do first?"
   "Well, I kinda wanted to visit the shops. Maybe get something," Zalie said.
   Elyza nodded. "Well, we have all day, so why not?"
   Zalie smiled. "Great! A girls day!"
   Or so she thought. Because, as they were walking, she heard footsteps in the sand and glanced back and found Link jogging towards them.
   She sighed and stopped. Elyza turned and stopped too, folding her arms.
   Link caught up to them and stopped as he reached the girls. "Hey, sorry, but I'm coming with you."
   "Link, they won't let you into the city," Zalie said.
   "They might if they know I'm going to stop the Divine Beast," Link responded.
   "Yeah, I seriously doubt they'd believe you. It's an out there claim. I get the feeling they don't trust men a whole lot," Elyza said.
   "Ok, well, in order to stop Calamity Ganon and save Hyrule, I'm going to have to get in by any means necessary," Link said.
   Zalie threw up her hands. "Alright, alright. You can try." She turned and started walking again. They would still have a girls day anyway, because he wouldn't be able to get into Gerudo Town.
   They ended up walking to town quietly. It was a little awkward, but Zalie was a smidgen bitter. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. Link was just doing his duty. Zalie couldn't really hold that against him.
   It wasn't too long of a walk so they made it to the outer wall of town. The palace where the chief lived was visible. Link stopped at the shrine by the front, and let the girls go. Zalie waved and she walked with Elyza past the guards through the gate. Elyza gasped when she saw the town.
   The palace was straight ahead, waterfalls falling next to it from a asymmetrical pillar of rock, and palm trees shading the square. The mosaic tiles along the edges stood out against the tan stone. The Gerudo women were tall and all had very red hair. Much darker than Elyza's or her brother's. 
   When Zalie had been here last, it had been much like this, but without the troubled faces of the people, and had been a little more active. Understandable, given they had a big sandstorm forming because of a giant camel that had random lightning strikes in control of Ganon.
   Zalie sighed but smiled. She wouldn't let that ruin her day. She took Elyza's arm and led her over to a jewelry store—the Starlight Memories. Zalie didn't often wear jewelry because there was never a good enough occasion to, but she liked pretty gems.
   They walked inside finding a distressed looking Gerudo woman standing there, who was not really wearing much—not that Zalie was a prude—but that was normal for their culture and in the desert. She turned and gave them a halfhearted smile when they came in.
   "Hello! I'm Isha, and this is the Starlight Memories. Unfortunately, we are not open right now," the woman said, sighing.
   "Why? Are you ok?" Zalie asked.
   "I'm fine, but ever since that Divine Beast started stomping around, business has been low and on top of that I don't have any flint to creat jewelry anymore," Isha explained, defeated. "If only I had some flint, I could open. I have regular jewels right now, but not many. Just a few."
   "Well, are you sure we can't see those?" Elyza asked.
   Isha hesitated. "I suppose, but they aren't really my finest work." She walked back behind the counter, opening up a drawer. "You're Hylians right? You usually like smaller jewelry and less flashy. Quite different from us Gerudo, but I suppose that's to be expected." She came back over to the counter, holding a box. She set it down. "I keep these in that drawer because most of my customers aren't interested in them. I don't see too many traveling Hylian vai."
   Elyza and Zalie joined her at the counter as she opened the box, revealing the necklaces within. There was one with a small gold chain and a dangling drop of jade, which was a deep green. Another was a crescent moon, that looked to be opal, with a silver chain. The last necklace was a red crystal heart, with a few other rubies attached along the chain. There were a couple rings and bracelets as well.
   "These aren't your finest work? But they're beautiful!" Zalie exclaimed.
   Isha smiled. "Thank you. I specialize in items that grant certain attributes from the gemstones used. These are simple and small, but I believe they have minor attributes. The opal and ruby ones at least."
   Zalie picked the green one up gently, holding it up to Elyza. "Oh, Ely, this one brings out your eyes!"
   She smiled. "Well, I think that opal one suites you."
   "Isha, do you have a price for these?" Zalie asked.
   "Yes, of course. That jade necklace is 100 rupees and the opal is 95 rupees. They are much cheaper than my usual items. Do you like them?" Isha said.
   "They're lovely!" Zalie exclaimed. She looked at Elyza who smiled big. Zalie looked back at Isha. "We would love to have them!"
   Isha smiled. "Well, it's nice to have some business at a time like this."
   The girls paid for the two necklaces and left the shop, grinning. They put them on.
   "Well, I think we need some new clothes to go with these necklaces, huh?" Elyza said.
   Zalie grinned and nodded. Elyza didn't often act girly, and Zalie didn't really either to be honest, but today they were indulging themselves. Between the five of them, they had plenty of money, and the occasional selling of materials they didn't need gave them extra for spending. Almost too much.
   Fortunately, there was an armor shop across the way called Fashion Passion. A Gerudo woman was standing next to some mannequins that held the clothing items that looked like traditional Gerudo garb. The girls approached the smiling woman.
   "Welcome to the Fashion Passion! Do you like what you see? Is the color not what you want? Never fear, for there is a dye shop in Hateno Village! Interested?" The woman asked. "I'm Saula by the way."
   "We are interested. Do you happen to have more than one set?" Elyza asked.
   "Certainly! I'll have to go inside and get it though," Saula said.
   "Would you?" Zalie asked.
   Saula hesitated before smiling. "Yes, yes, sure. Stay right here!" She walked quickly around the side of the shop down a street, glancing back suspiciously. She stopped at a door and whispered something before going inside.
   Elyza glanced at Zalie. "That's kinda weird."
   Zalie nodded, frowning slightly. She shrugged and walked over to the set of clothing, looking at the price. 180 rupees each. For two sets, that was...(I'm bad at math give me a sec)...1080 rupees (I think. Wait probably not. Never mind. Ignore the bad math). Not bad all things considered.
   Elyza had walked up behind the set of clothing, poking at the curtains shading the doorway. She looked confused and jumped back as they heard footsteps coming back. Saula appeared a moment later holding another set of clothes.
   "Thank you for waiting! You know, I don't usually have people who buy more than one set so I'm going to give you a discount! Only 900 rupees," Saula said.
   "Wow, thank you!" Zalie said. She dug out the money and paid Saula.
   "Your hands look a little full. Do you want bags?" Saula asked.
   The nodded and Saula procured one for them. They set the clothes inside it.
   "Don't forget you can dye them if you like!" Saula called as they walked away.
   The girls nodded and waved.
   "Alright, what next?" Elyza asked.
   "Spa maybe? Or maybe a drink?" Zalie suggested.
   "Does the bar even have non-alcoholic drinks?"
   "Probably?" Zalie grinned. "We can get some milk. Or juice I suppose."
   "Why not?" Elyza said, shrugging.
   They walked down a side street, Zalie leading the way. The bar came into view—it was obvious because of the giant bottle on top of it. The sign said " The Noble Canteen."
   Before they walked in, they heard alarms  sounding and guards calling that a voe had been spotted. Some guy sneaking in. Zalie shook her head.
   The girls walked up the stairs, inside. An old Gerudo woman stood at the bar, with a face full of wrinkles and the bright red hair tall on her head, with gems decorating it. She eyed them when they walked in.
   "You girls look a little young for most of what we serve here," she said, her voice raspy.
   "Yes, we just thought we could maybe have a non-alcoholic beverage? It's kinda early anyway. We'll pay of course," Elyza said.
   The woman sighed. "Sure, sure. What would you like? Minus the alcohol."
   "Something fruity and tropical, please?" Zalie said. The woman nodded and turned around to prepare their drinks.
   Zalie and Elyza sat down at the bar as they waited, tapping the counter lightly. The bartender was finished after a couple minutes and handed them their drink. Zalie thanked the woman.
   She started sipping her drink—which was absolutely delicious and cold—and angled herself towards Elyza. She was drinking hers too.
   Elyza sighed. "This hits the spot. I'm glad we're having a girls day. Those boys stress me out sometimes."
   "Then we'll have to get to the spa sometime today and get massages," Zalie said. "After we go sand surfing."
   Elyza giggled. "Deal. I almost feel bad that the boys can't come with us. Speaking of boys..." She eyed Zalie. "What's up with you and Kenton?" Zalie blushed. It only made Elyza laugh. "Embarrassed? Aw."
   "Hey, don't jump to conclusions!" Zalie protested. "Nothing is going on between us."
   "Uh huh. Do you like him?" Elyza pressed, stirring her drink with her straw and smirking.
   Zalie blushed deeper. "W-well, I mean... maybe? He's nice and funny and talented and adventurous and friendly and..." She probably looked like a tomato by now.
   "Everything Zalie wants from a man?" Elyza teased. "I guess I have to make this happen."
   "Elyza!" Zalie hid her face in her hands. "Don't say it like that! It's so embarrassing! I've never liked a guy before."
   She laughed. "Really?"
   "I don't have many options back in Lurelin, ok?"
   "We just needed a nice, good looking boy from Akkala, and then we had a match made by Hylia," Elyza said, giggling. "At least you've admitted that you liked him. Only step left is to tell Kenton."
   Zalie looked up in fear, meeting Elyza's mischievous eyes. "Oh, Hylia, please don't tell him! I'd die!"
   "Why? He likes you. It's obvious. I just need something properly heartwarming or heart wrenching to get him to tell you the same thing," Elyza mused. "But what?"
   Zalie groaned. That would only end horribly. She'd become a hermit after that. No one would ever find her again. Hylia above, please save me from my crazy cousin.
   "I might have to recruit help. Elijah and Link would help me, I'm sure. Or I could just talk Kenton myself," Elyza continued. She grinned at Zalie, a playful twinkle in her green eyes. "I have an idea. You don't have to say it out loud. Write him a letter or a note. Put it under his pillow then."
   Zalie paused. That could work. And if he didn't feel the same way, they could just never speak of it. "...ok, fine."
   Elyza smiled. She waved at the bartender who came over. "Do you have a sheet of paper we could have and a pencil we could borrow?"
   The Gerudo grunted. "Yes, I suppose so." She bent below the counter and came up with a sheet of paper and pencil and handed it to Elyza.
   She thanked her and turned back to Zalie. "Alright. Here you are. I won't read it if you don't want me too."
   Zalie took the pencil and paper hesitantly. This was crazy. Maybe that drink had something in it. Unfortunately, it just seemed that Elyza was persuasive without doing much.
   Zalie started to write.
   Dear Kenton,
I'm writing this letter to let you know how I feel. I know we haven't really known each other all that long, but...I really like you. You're funny and kind and always make me smile. You're so determined and helpful too.
   I don't know if you feel the same way even though Elyza says you do. If you don't, let's just never speak of this letter again. I think I'd die of embarrassment. I just thought I'd let you know how I felt, especially since it's entirely possible we won't survive when we go to Hyrule Castle to help Link. Better for you to know sooner rather than later.
  Zalie stopped writing, reading the letter over. It sounded mushy. More than was normal for her.
   "I don't know Elyza. Maybe this isn't a good idea," Zalie sighed. She folded the letter, tucking it into her pocket.
   "Of course it is! What if you die tragically and he never knew you liked him back?" Elyza said, leaning her head on her hand.
   "I...guess I just have to give it to him and see," Zalie said. She took her drink and downed what was left.
   Elyza nodded, taking Zalie's hand into hers. "I promise it'll work out, Zal."
   Zalie smiled, feeling more confident. Elyza had grown so much. She was so supportive now. Usually that was Zalie's job.
   "Now, I believe we have some sand surfing to do. But we should probably check outside the wall to see how Link is doing," Elyza said, letting go.
   They stood, and paid for their drinks before leaving and walking back out into the square and out of the gates.
   Link was there and looked rather frustrated. The guards were throwing him looks, and he was pacing in the sand. He noticed the girls immediately and sped walked over to them.
   "No luck?" Elyza asked.
   Link shook his head. "No. I tried to walk in and they blocked me. I even scaled the wall away from the gate and jumped into town but they caught me really fast and threw me out—literally. I was going to talk to a guy over by the shrine and see if he knew anything. They can't have caught all the guys that have tried to sneak in."
   "Well, maybe take a little break and come back? Do you think you could dye these outfits we got for us back in Hateno? That's be swell," Zalie said, holding up their bag.
   Link sighed. "I guess I can do that. What color?"
   "Light blue," Elyza replied
   "Purple," Zalie said.
   "Right. I'll be back later. Have fun," Link said. He brought up his Sheikah Slate and teleported away.
   The girl's went back into town and went and rented sand seals to ride and shields. They walked back out of town and went sand surfing.
   They laughed and giggled as they raced across the sand. It kept getting in their mouth and eyes, so they had to pull their shirts up to block that, but they got going pretty fast. Much faster than on foot.
   (I don't think y'all are ready for the turn this chapter will take. Too bad.)
   Elyza won most of the races—she was far more determined—but they just enjoyed themselves. They did get chased a few times by lizalfos but they couldn't keep up with the seal that buried itself in the sand as it went. It was exciting though.
   After maybe and hour and a half of the sun beating down of them—Elyza was burned pretty bad on her face but their was a permanent grin the whole time—they went back to town and turned the seals in.
   Zalie led her to the inn—Hotel Oasis—and bought them a spa plan which would supposedly relax them and leave their skin shiny and bright as well as energized. A nap would be nice too. Zalie asked the woman to wake them around mid afternoon once they were done with the massage and spa. Elyza ran out to grab their clothes from Link—which they changed into—before the spa.
   "I told Link that'd we would be back at the Bazaar in the evening," Elyza said. "He said he'd let Kenton and Elijah know. And you can give your letter then."
   Zalie nodded. She felt at the letter in her pocket. She'd switched it into the Gerudo garb for convenience. Her other clothes were in her bag.
   "Now, let's relax."
   The massage felt really good. Zalie hasn't realized how stressed she had been. And the overall spa felt amazing. Zalie had even fallen asleep on accident. The best sleep she'd ever had. Zalie would stay forever if she could. Too bad for the boys. Maybe they had a guys day at the Bazaar. They'd said something about that, hadn't they?
   After the spa plan, Zalie and Elyza—who was no longer burned somehow—went grocery shopping essentially. They got a variety of fruits and some rice and wheat along with a few mushrooms. They could have stayed in town to eat but Elijah's cooking was better. They did split a hydromelon between them however.
   Their bags were heavier (with stuff) and lighter (in money) as they left town for the day, the sun halfway below the horizon. They'd better get back soon. The boys might be worried.
   Zalie and Elyza didn't walk too fast though. The sand felt good and they had a chance to talk more. About everything.
   They passed two travelers—who stared at them—on the road as they chatted.
   "Well, I would never go back to Hateno if it meant I could always travel with my friends. Link needing to save Hyrule is a convenient excuse to travel with him," Elyza said.
   "He is the Hero. Why wouldn't his life be exciting? I-" Zalie stopped when she heard a poof, accidentally dropping their bag (and her note but she didn't know that) to the ground in surprise.
   The girls frowned at each other and turned around. She saw a flash of red and an upside-down Sheikah symbol before Zalie's world went dark.

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