Chapter 26

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   Zalie walked at the front of the group, though she could hear whispering between her cousins. That other boy, Kenton, was slightly behind her. She could see him out of the corner of her eye, and he looked like he was building himself up or the like. He kept opening his mouth then closing it. Zalie kinda felt bad. It was probably awkward for him, being around so many random people. (Oblivious?)
   "So...Kenton, you live at the stable? I don't know if I remember seeing you when we were here not too long ago," Zalie said, drawing the blonde boy into conversation.
   Kenton looked up. "You were here before?" He sounded surprised. "When?"
   "Um, about a week or so I think? We just left our horses here. Three of them," Zalie replied.
   "Ah. Well, I remember more horses than usual. But, I don't know if I saw you. I usually hang out on top of the stable, which would be why you probably didn't see me," Kenton said. He seemed glad for the chance to talk.
   "So, why were you out there? You know, fighting a whole bunch of monsters? That's not very safe, especially by yourself. None of us take on so many by ourselves. We all do it together," Zalie said.
   " was originally only one monster. The others surprised me. I was out there because I was going insane from boredom at the stable," Kenton sighed.
   "So, Uh, who are are the people in your group? I mean, I caught there names, but that's a little fuzzy, and I'm curious. I don't see too many groups of travelers, especially ones my age," Kenton asked.
   Zalie laughed. "Yeah, I guess we are quite the group. Well, those two red-headed siblings? They're my cousins and they're twins. They are from Hateno Village and the whole group started with them. Or, well, Elyza. She kinda dragged Elijah along. Elijah came and got me not too long after. I live in Lurelin Village way down south by the ocean. It's a fishing village. The whole reason we are traveling though is Link."
   "The quiet blonde one."
   "Yeah. You see...he's...kinda really old," Zalie admitted.
   "What do you mean? He looks like he's 17," Kenton said, looking back at him. Zalie looked back too. Link met their gaze and Zalie waved.
   "He's a little defensive right now I guess. He's actually really nice, though he can be pretty quiet. Anyway, he's actually over 100 years old," Zalie explained.
   "How can that be?" Kenton asked, looking bewildered.
   "He's Link. The Hylian Champion from 100 years ago. He was Princess Zelda's appointed Knight, and knew her. He held the Sword that Seals the Darkness. He is the Hero of Hyrule," Zalie said, serious. "We are traveling with him to free all the Divine Beasts so he can defeat the Calamity and free Hyrule."
   " all those big machines that have been perching themselves have been because of Link? The Link. That's... wild," Kenton said, eyes wide.
   "Yeah." Zalie turned around, walking backwards to talk to Link. "Isn't that right? Don't look like you're gonna kill someone, Link. Kenton won't hurt anybody; he's actually really nice."
   "Sorry. Hi, Kenton," Link said. He still looked tense and way too serious.
   "There. Now you two know each other," Zalie said, hands on her hips. Kenton gave a hesitant wave. Zalie turned back around.
   They reached their horses and all got on their normal horses. Kenton looked unsure of where to go.
   "Uh, I can just walk," Kenton said. Zalie looked at the distrustful siblings, who didn't look like they'd offer.
   Zalie huffed and got off Frihet with Elyza. "I'll walk with you, or Elyza can ride with her brother and you can ride with me." Zalie an accusatory look at the twins.  They had the decency to look uncomfortable. Link was fine. He had at least said hello. (Man, I love writing Zalie. She's such a mom but not)
   Elijah fidgeted then sighed. He hopped off Royal and gestured somewhat passive aggressively to Royal and joined Elyza on Frihet. Zalie gave a pointed smile and waved for Kenton to join her as she climbed on Royal.
   "Great! We can go now!" Zalie said. She started moving and the rest followed.
   They trotted to the stable and were there in no time. They dismounted and Zalie turned to face Kenton who had a full face of blush.
   "Are you ok, Kenton?" Zalie asked, confused.
   Kenton nodded and turned away from her, taking in deep breaths. Zalie shrugged and walked over to Link, who was sitting down at one of the tables. She sat in the chair next to him.
   "Link, where are we going? I know that this is the other corner of Hyrule that we're headed to, but, do we actually know where we're going?" Zalie asked.
   "Well, I want to get my sword people keep telling me about. Apparently, that's around here. After that, I think the Rito are next," Link said.
   "Wait. You guys are going to the Rito Village?
   Zalie and Link turned to see Kenton had walked up to them.
   "Yeah, after we get Link's sword," Zalie replied.
   "Wow. I've always wanted to go there. you think...that...I could come with you?" Kenton asked, shifting his feet.
   Zalie looked at Link who responded, "I suppose, you can. You seem like a good person. I'm not against another in our group. Just one question. You live here, right?"
   "Do you know anything about the sword that seals the darkness?" Link asked.
   "Hmm. I've heard of it. Legends and stuff," Kenton said, finally sitting at the table with them. "If it's around here, I'd guess that it would be in the Great Hyrule Forest."
   "Great Hyrule Forest?" Link said. He pulled out his Sheikah Slate and muttered, "I need the map for this region."
   "What was that?" Kenton asked.
   "Each area we come to, Link can get a map from the Sheikah Towers. There is one up the hill that we need to get," Zalie answered.
   "That orange tower? I don't know if you can get to it. It's surrounded by a whole bunch of monsters and a bottomless bog. You'd have to be able to fly to get there, unless you fought your way across it all," Kenton warned.
   "That's why I've got friends. I could do it myself, but they don't like it when I do that," Link said, smirking slightly.
   Zalie punched him lightly. "That's because you don't have any sense, Link."
   Zalie did not notice Kenton frown at the interaction.
   They both turned back to Kenton. "Anyway, I think we can handle it, and, if you're to join us, you can come help," Link said.
   "Oh, I have nothing against going with you. It's boring here; that's why I left in the first place," Kenton said.
   "Great! I saw you with that bow. Are you any good? Elyza is our archer," Zalie said.
   "I'd like to think so. I'd say I'm pretty good, having nothing to do but shoot arrows all day long," Kenton said proudly.
   "Really? Nothing at all?" a voice said from behind them. They all turned to see the twins walking up. "No chores?" Elyza said, expression unreadable.
   "Nope. The others here do those," Kenton replied.
   "Kenton! Kenton! Where'd you go?" A little girl ran up to Kenton and latched onto him, seeing all the other people.
   "Hey, 'Mae. I just went for a little walk," Kenton said to the girl.
   "Is that your little sister, Kenton?" Zalie asked.
   "Yes, this is Shamae. My grandfather is here too. It's just us here," Kenton said.
   He picked up the little girl and put her on his lap. She looked to be 5 or 6.
   "No parents?" Elyza asked, expression softening. Kenton shook his head. "Oh. I'm sorry." Elijah put a hand on her shoulder.
   Kenton shrugged, as if he'd gotten over it. Zalie made a mental note to ask him about that later. It helped to talk through stuff like that.
   "Anyway, Link, If you want to know more about the Great Hyrule Forest and the Lost Woods, you should ask my grandfather. He's over there," Kenton said, pointing to an old man on the other side of the stable.
   "Thanks. I'll talk to him," Link said. He stood and walked over to the old man, and Zalie joined him, leaving the twins with Kenton. They started talking.
   "Excuse me, sir, I was—" Link started.
   "Yes, yes. Is there something I can help you with?" the old man asked.
   "Uh, the Great Hyrule Forest?" Link asked.
   "The Great Hyrule Forest is north of here. It's the largest forest in Hyrule... In the heart of the Forest sits a terrifying group of enchanted trees called the Lost Woods," Kenton's grandfather said. "I once got lost there while collecting firewood when I was but a boy. As I went deeper into the forest, the wind was blowing this way and that! Chilled me to the bone. I got scared and ran as fast as I could, trying to get away from the howling wind. Then all of the sudden, the fog lifted, and I was standing outside the forest.... There's something dangerous hiding in those Lost Woods. Don't go wandering in there."
   "Right. Thanks," Link said. He walked with Zalie away. "Well, that about sums it up for me. My sword is in there. It's protected by the Lost Woods."
   "You're probably right. How will we get in though?" Zalie asked.
   "We'll have to figure it out there probably," Link said. "Zalie, I'm going to go do that shrine near here. You guys can wait here at the stable. When I get back we'll get the tower, ok?"
   "Sure thing! Don't take too long!" Zalie said. Link waved and jogged off.
   Zalie walked over to where the twins and Kenton were talking. She sat next to Kenton.
   "...really? We should test that," Elyza was saying.
   "Elyza is pretty good. I don't know if you could beat her, Kenton," Elijah added.
   "Well, I had nothing to do with my time other than to get good at the bow, so I think I'll give you a run for your money," Kenton said, folding his arms and leaning back with a smirk. "I'm self taught too."
   "Fine. Let's have a little friendly competition. Winner gets...something," Elyza said, putting her hands across the table and leaning across.
   "Winner gets the best bow we find in our travels," Kenton said, standing.
   "Deal." They shook hands. Zalie smiled. A "friendly competition" was a good way for them to become friends. They could start trusting each other's abilities at least.
   They stood and marched away, Kenton leading. Elijah walked by Zalie. They walked behind the stable put by the pond and stood on the rocks.
   "We'll start simple for you Elyza. Shoot across the pond and hit a crab. Easy," Kenton said. "I'd go first but I don't want you to lose hope."
   Elyza fumed and stepped up onto the rocks. She took careful aim and loosed her arrow. Zalie could see a crab on the other side and she thought that Elyza's arrow hit.
   "I'll judge. I'll go see who did better," Zalie offered. The two competing people nodded so Zalie ran around to the other side of the pond by the shrine Link had gone into. She inspected the crab. Elyza hadn't killed it but she hand pinned it to the sand by its leg. She waved across and so she saw Kenton step up and loose an arrow. He had aimed at a different crab and Zalie saw it hit. She walked over to it and inspected it. The arrow had speared right through the crab in the exact center. It was very dead.
   Zalie ran back over to her friends holding the two crabs. "I think Kenton wins."
   "Ha!" Kenton said.
   Elyza scowled. "I was just warming up. Let's do another one."
   "Fine. We'll do a different contest," Kenton said.
   And so they did. A whole bunch. Many contests that Kenton won each time. Elyza always did worse. Not a lot worse but just enough to lose. They shot apples off heads (of course), shot birds, tossed things for them to shoot, etc. Kenton had proved himself better, much to Elyza's anger. It was mostly good natured. They were still doing contests for the fun of it when Link came back. He joined Zalie and Elijah and looked confused.
   "What are they doing?" Link asked.
   "They are doing contests to see who's better at archery. Kenton has won each time and Elyza hasn't really accepted defeat," Zalie laughed.
   "He really is quite good, though," Elijah added. "You can tell he's put a lot of time into it."
   "Right, well, that's fun. Anyway, I'm ready to go get that tower and go get my sword back. I had to teleport to Zora's Domain for a quick sec to pray—I said hello to everyone—and I think I'm ready," Link said.
   "Great! Then let's grab our stuff and go," Zalie said. "Elyza! Kenton! Stop showing off and let's go! Link's back."
   "I hope I succeed in getting my sword back. I hope I'm still worthy of It," Link said.
   Zalie put a hand in his shoulder. "You will be. Besides, you've got us. There's no way anything can stand against us."

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