Chapter 4

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Elijah walked back outside into the village. He stormed over to his friends house. Ivee worked and lived at the East Wind, and since it wasn't closing time yet, she was still up. She was doing her customary sweeping out front. She looked up as Elijah walked over.
      "Hey, Elijah. You look worked up. What's wrong?" Ivee asked.
      Elijah sighed, frustrated. "Elyza wants to leave Necluda. She wants to go off chasing some legend she thinks is coming to pass."
      "Well, I mean, those towers didn't just pop up for no reason, I'm sure. Maybe she's right. Besides, she's actually doing something actively. It's better than her lethargy for the past 2 years. So, maybe, you should support her in this. Maybe she'll realize she has other responsibilities. Also, she might do something rash if you don't support her," Ivee replied.
     "I know. You're probably right. But, she wants to leave! How could she want to leave our home?" Elijah pleaded.
      Ivee shook her head, "I know you don't want to confront this, but really? She probably doesn't see this as really her home anymore, since your know. She didn't have anywhere to go though, so she stayed. For you, if nothing else."
      "'re saying that she doesn't want to stay because she doesn't have a reason to? That the only reason she stayed was because of me? That's silly. She lives here!"
      Ivee looked over at him, then smirked, "You don't know a whole lot about volatile female emotions, do you?" Elijah flushed, embarrassed. He really didn't get them. (Authors note: that's ok. I don't either and I'm female) "Look. All I'm saying is that you should be there for her. I don't mean to be, well, mean but really you aren't needed for anything here. I know I know. This is your home and always will be, but you can leave and that's ok. Yes we'll miss you but we want you two to be happy also." Ivee smiled at him. "Anyway, time for me to go inside. Have a good night Elijah." With that, Ivee walked inside.
      Elijah turned and walked back to his house. He sat down on his porch. Leave? he thought, Because Elyza isn't happy here anymore? But I am, aren't I? I mean, I have my friends, house, and garden. What else do I really need? But...would it really be possible for me to be happy here without Elyza? My twin, basically my other half? It wouldn't come to that. He wouldn't have to choose between them. Elyza wasn't that rash. Elijah paused, then admitted, Well, maybe she is. But not stupid. Probably. Elijah stood and then went inside and went to bed.

      When Elijah awoke the next morning, Elyza was still in her bed. She had her head under her covers and was curled up. Elijah sat up and got dressed, but noticed that some of Elyza's clothes were missing. They shared a dresser because it didn't make sense to take up more space for separate ones when they didn't have that many clothes. Elijah turned and looked back at the bed. He poked the lump on the bed and it wasn't very solid.
      Now worried, Elijah threw off the covers. Elyza was not there. It was just pillows. Elijah quickly went to the kitchen and found that the flint and steel was missing, her bow and arrows, food, and even a tent. He went to the closet and found that a bedroll was gone. Elyza had run away.
      How long has she been gone? How far has she gotten? Elijah thought, frantic. He rushed out the door and ran to the stable. Ellis was still there. Elijah frowned. Why hadn't she taken the horse? Elijah turned and ran to the entrance to the village where Thadd guarded the entrance. He would know if she left. "Thadd!"
     Thadd turned and looked at him, "What?"
     "Have you seen Elyza?" Elijah panted. Too much running.
     "Well, I seen her dis mornin'. Real early. She ran righ' outta town. Didn't seen to much o' her though. Can't be sure it was her."
     "You let her leave?! By herself?! With a pack on her back?!" Elijah exclaimed.
     "Well yeah. I thought she was goin' huntin' or somethin'. You don't always go wit her. It didn' seem that unusual. Should I'ave stopped her?" Thadd asked.
     "Yes! She's ran away! How could you let her go?!" Elijah said, angry.
     "Look here now. How was I supposed to know she couldn't go nowhere? I don't keep track of everythin' in the village. Besides, she's her own woman. She doesn't really need a babysitter," Thadd said, defensive.
      Elijah turned angrily and ran back to his house. He grabbed a pack, shoved clothes in, some supplies, some rupees, and a bedroll. He snatched his sword and ran out of the house again towards the stable. Elijah would have to go after her. He didn't even know where she'd gone! How would he even find her? She's so stupid! He couldn't believe her! What if she gets hurt?
       Elijah got Ellis from the stable and led him out then loaded his stuff on him. He got on and galloped out of Hateno down the trail. He urged Ellis as fast as he could go. Elijah had to catch up to his twin before she got too far. But where did she go? Did she leave Dueling Peaks and Necluda behind? Or did she go to Kakariko Village? Well, she's probably on foot unless she found a horse somewhere. That means she can't go very fast while I have a horse. I can check Kakariko quickly and if she's not there I'll run to Dueling Peaks, Elijah thought, determined. But, what will I do when I catch her? Drag her home? Go with her? He didn't know. He'd deal with that when he came to it. Right now, catching up to her was his goal. He was worried he would never find her. She could have gone off-road and been fine. She could take care of herself in there, but Elijah would never find her that way. He had to hope she took the roads. She didn't know Necluda very well outside of Fort Hateno. Elyza couldn't have gotten far; she'd only been gone a few hours. Of course, Elijah didn't really know that area well either. Best not to dwell on that though.
     Elijah galloped out of Fort Hateno into an unfamiliar area. Supposedly, Kakariko was in the hilly like mountains to the northeast. Hopefully, Elijah would reach a cross roads soon.
      Eventually, Elijah did reach a crossroads. One led to the right, theoretically towards Kakariko. To the left was a stable. He turned right and galloped off. He quickly made it into town and rode in. Elijah noted a hill that would have a good view over town and went up it. He got off Ellis and looked over the town looking for a flash of red hair against all the white hair. Ellis wandered a bit while Elijah searched.
      Eventually, Elijah gave up. It didn't look like she'd come here. He sat down. She probably moved on and—. Elijah stopped. He swore he had seen red hair. There! There she was, walking out of an arrows shop. She then ran up the hill and hopped on a horse. Where she had gotten it, Elijah didn't know. Elijah dashed to Ellis and hopped on, ready to chase her down. She was already trotting to the exit. Ellis refused to move. He was eating the grass with vigor. "Hey, boy. We gotta go! We have to catch Elyza." Elijah finally got Ellis's head up and tried to gallop out of town after Elyza, who he could see anymore. He stubbornly stayed at a trot until he got eventually to the gate of Kakariko. He finally broke into a gallop and raced after Elyza.

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