Chapter 19

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  Zalie always tried to be happy. She found that most people needed to see that someone saw the bright side of things, especially when they didn't. Life was a good thing. If she wasted time being angry or sad or annoyed, then she wouldn't get to enjoy it.
   So, when Zalie woke up way too early the next morning to Elijah and Elyza's arguing, she put on a smile. "What're you guys talking about?"
   Elyza huffed and turned away. "We don't know where Link is. And Elijah doesn't want to go look for him."
   "He is fully capable of taking care of himself, Elyza," Elijah said, folding his arms.
   "Yeah but—"
   "Guys," Zalie interrupted. "Have you noticed you two argue a lot? It's not a big deal. Link is probably just walking around. There's no need to worry and no need to look for him."
   The twins grumbled but said no more. Zalie shook her head and left the inn to take a walk.
   Zalie had been around, living by the sea and all. She'd been all the way up to Akkala and back with her dad when they fished. You found lots of different fish that way. When she'd done that, she found she loved seeing new places. She'd mostly only been to places by the sea. There was a lot of variety in Hyrule. That's why traveling with the Hero himself was like a dream she hadn't known she had. Zalie could go with him and finally see the rest of Hyrule. However, those twins really put a damper on the trip. She had thought they had gotten along pretty well. Apparently not.
   Zalie walked up by the throne room, passing by it but paused as she heard Link's voice. She went up the steps and looked in. Link was talking to King Dorephan.
   "Her spirit?!" Dorephan was saying. "So that means Mipha really is...did...did she say anything to you?"
   "Yes, she thanked me for setting her spirit free," Link replied. "But she is...gone."
   "I see. My dear Mipha...I simply cannot believe it. There was nothing I could do to save her.... Still...Mipha fulfilled her heroic duty as Champion," Dorephan said, solemn. "And she will never be is my duty as her father to watch over her, even now." He was silent a moment. "Link...she really loved you, you know. There is no mistaking that even now she is overjoyed to be able to help you. Promise me...that you will always remember her. Promise me that."
   "I'll never forget her, your majesty," Link replied, giving a slight smile.
   "I appreciate you saying that. You are a good man. If you ever run into trouble, know that you are always welcome here. No matter the time, we shall all greet you with open fins! Link...thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
   Link nodded, bowed and walked out of the throne room. He noticed Zalie and walked to her.
   "That was nice of you. He probably needed some closure about his daughter," Zalie told him, giving him a warm smile.
   Link nodded. "He probably never got to say goodbye to her. In that memory I got not long ago, Calamity Ganon came. It took us all by surprise. He wouldn't have known that was the last he would see of his daughter. I just thought he would want to know."
   "I wonder if the other lost Champions had similar stories. I suppose we'll find out," Zalie said. "Speaking of which, when do we head out again?"
   "Soon. Hopefully, tomorrow at the latest.  We can't waste too much time relaxing here, even if it's tempting," Link replied.
   "Right. So then, where are we going?"
   "Well, thing is, I'm not exactly sure where the closest other race in Hyrule is. There is one northward but I don't know much else."
   "Oh, well, up north is Death Mountain," Zalie said, tapping her chin. "You know, the Gorons?"
   "How do you know?" Link asked.
   "I've gotten around. It's right next to Akkala. They talk about it a lot there. I've never seen a Goron though. They're supposed to be pretty big and strong. A lot of precious gems come from Death Mountain," Zalie explained.
   "Oh. Ok, then," Link said.
   "Yeah, anyway, Elyza was looking for you. She was worried."
   "Right." Link walked off.
   Zalie shook her head. She was ready to be off. It was easier to be busy; that way you wouldn't think to worry or fight. Zalie's  mom had always sent them out when she  fought with her siblings to get stuff.
   She eventually went back down to the inn, and walked over to where she'd been sleeping and started repacking her stuff. Link was doing the same—though he didn't have much—but Elyza wasn't around and Elijah was standing at the nearby railing. Zalie paused in her packing. Perhaps she could help them get along. She stood and walked over to Elijah and leaned against the railing beside him.
   "Ok, what's wrong? Why are you fighting with Elyza so much lately?" Zalie demanded. Oops. She had meant to be gentle. Ah well. Elijah blinked at her tone. "You've been at each other's throat since we got here. Why?"
   Elijah looked away. "I don't know."
   Zalie grabbed his arm and he looked back. "Yes you do.Tell me."
  Elijah sighed. "I really don't know. I'm just annoyed I guess. Honestly, I...I—I wanted..."
  "Wanted...?" Zalie prompted.
  "I wanted...some new recipes," Elijah said. What a terrible liar. "The Zora though, I don't really know what they eat and so..."
   "Elijah. You're a terrible liar, you realize."
   He sighed and nodded. "I know."
   "Great. Now tell me actually."
   "I don't know. I can't really explain it. It's a whole bunch of things."
   "Like what?" Zalie asked.
   Elijah sighed again. "Like, I kinda just want my simple life back. It was peaceful. I didn't have to worry about Hyrule being destroyed by the Calamity. I didn't have to worry about my sister or really anything very stressful. I guess I'm just stressed. I don't mean to fight all the time."
   "I guess you just need some relax time, Elijah," Zalie concluded.
   "That'd be nice," Elijah admitted.
   "Lucky for you, I've got an idea."
   "What is it?"
   "You'll see in the next few days I'm sure," Zalie said mysteriously. He rolled his eyes. "Right. Anyway, I'm gonna go talk to your sister. She seems just as wound up as you." He nodded.
   Zalie walked off, looking for Elyza. She wandered for a bit, wondering where she could be. Eventually, Zalie spotted her on one of the little watery raised platforms with the twirling path up to them. She walked over to one and walked around it and over to Elyza.
   "Hey," she said as Zalie approached.
   "Hey. You good?"
   "Yeah. Just wanna be on the move again. Lots to do."
   "Yes we do. Link talked to you?" Zalie asked.
   "Yep. I guess I was worried for no reason," Elyza said, sighing.
   Zalie nodded. "So, you know where we're heading next?"
   "North. The next Divine Beast."
   "Yeah. Death Mountain."
   "The big volcano, I assume?" Elyza said.
   "Yep! The Gorons are up there. I don't really know much else though. It's not exactly near the sea. My dad only took me  sometimes when he traveled on land to trade. So I've been to the Gerudo Desert before but not Eldin and Hebra," Zalie explained.
   "Wow. I never knew you'd traveled so much," Elyza said, looking surprised.
   "Yeah, well, it has been a long time since you saw me. It's not your fault," Zalie said. "Anyway, what's been wrong with you lately? You've been arguing a lot with your brother."
   "Only because he's been annoying lately. Like he doesn't want to be here."
   "And does he?" Zalie asked.
   "Well...he didn't really want to go," Elyza admitted. "He'd rather be in Hateno again.  He's only here because I am. I know it."
   "Exactly. Elyza," Zalie told her, "you need to realize that a little more. He supports you over himself and his wants. Just be a little more understanding. He doesn't want to fight with you. He's just stressed out, ok? Don't be so hard on him."
   "He doesn't think that I can take care of myself," Elyza protested.
   "And how do you know that?" Zalie challenged.
   "He wouldn't let me go with Link to help him!"
   "Elyza. You had a sprained ankle. You weren't exactly going to be much help. And he couldn't take anyone with him. That was Elijah being logical," Zalie said, rubbing her forehead. Oh, Hylia.
   Elyza sighed and nodded grudgingly. "I guess."
   "Just try a little harder to not argue. It's hard on the rest of us when you do that." Zalie nodded to her and walked away.
   With that mending, Zalie went back to the inn the finish grabbing her stuff. The twins joined her, not saying anything. Zalie thought she could practically smell their guilt. Link walked in just then and looked at the twins, noticed their expressions, and walked back out. Zalie chuckled softly to herself. 3. 2. 1.
   "I'm sorry!" The twins blurted out at the same time. They both stopped and looked at the other.
   Zalie stood with her pack and walked out of the inn and as the twins apologized to each other and hugged. A job well done, Zalie thought. She won.
   Zalie went over to the entrance of the Domain with a spring in her step, happy to have helped.
   "You behind that, Zalie?" Link asked from behind her. She turned and smiled.
   "What? Me? Do what?" Zalie replied, feigning ignorance.
   Link smirked. "They made up. You're good with people."
   "Oh, they had it in them. I just helped work out their little misunderstanding. I didn't do much," Zalie said.
   "Yeah, well, they wouldn't even talk to each other, so I think you did," Link replied. Zalie shrugged.
   "We'll see how long that peace lasts. They just need to understand the other more. Strange thing to have a problem with when you're a twin, I think."
   "Or perhaps it's common. I'd imagine you'd want to be as different as possible from your twin," Link said thoughtfully.
   "True. Anyway, I think we'd best leave. No time to waste and there isn't too much we can do here."
   "Yeah. I've gotten the shrines around here—last night—and I'm eager to be off."
   "Right. Let me grab the twins and we can go," Zalie said. She walked back to the little inn and waved for the twins to grab their stuff and come. They followed her out and the group walked out of Zora's Domain, but Sidon came running up just then.
   "Link! Are you leaving?" He asked.
   "Yeah. I have to free the other Divine Beasts," Link replied. "Sorry, I can't stay," he added.
   "I see. Well, I just wanted to thank you again for saving my people. We shall never forget you!" Sidon said. "Perhaps we shall meet against some day.
   The walk was much more peaceful this time, since they had gotten all the monsters along the path. They could take the time to admire the scenery and relax a bit.
   Zalie was a little sad to leave it behind. This place was one of the most beautiful she had ever seen. Akkala was up there, but she'd never seen anything quite as majestic as the Lanayru area. Crashing waterfalls, a mighty flowing river, shining blue cliffs.
   She sighed. "I'm going to come back someday."
   "Yeah, it's really something, isn't it?" Elijah said.
   "Yes it is." Link and Elyza nodded in agreement.
   Zalie kept walking. There would be other places to see. Even if this one was the most beautiful yet. Oh, the Gerudo Desert was majestic in its own right, but it was harsh. Cold nights. Blisteringly hot days. It had reminded her of home some, as Lurelin Village was hot and sandy too, but it was a little cold at nights for her tastes. This area had been chill. Not cold or warm. Just in the middle. Akkala was similar.
   Now snow, that would something to see. She'd only heard of it, and maybe seen a little in the distance on Mount Lanayru, but never actually experienced it. It came like rain, but in flakes? What would that be like?  
   "Hey Link?" Zalie asked, a thought occurring to her.
   "Hmm?" Link glanced back at her.
   "Have you ever been in snow?"
   He nodded. "Sure. Recently too. Up on the Central Plateau, there's a snowy mountain. I had to go all around it. Why?"
   "I was just thinking how weird it would be. I don't snow what it's like. It's never happened where I've been," Zalie replied, smiling. (Ha! Bad puns!)
   Link chuckled. "Well, I suppose it would be weird then. It's frozen rain but, like, squishy, I guess? It's hard to explain."
   "It's sounds gross when you put it like that."
   "A tad. But it's not. Promise." Zalie nodded. Cool.
   They walked the rest of the morning, a little into the afternoon, until they finally arrived back to where they had began before they had gotten the tower.
   "So, now what?" Elyza asked.
   "To Death Mountain, right?" Elijah said.
   "Yeah," Link said.
   "Aren't you forgetting the horses?" Zalie asked.
   "Can they even go into a volcano?" Elyza questioned.
   "No, but there's another stable in Eldin. We can leave them there. It will make our journey shorter," Zalie explained.
   "Well, that sounds good," Link said. Zalie nodded in thanks and they walked the relatively short distance to the stable and retrieved their 3 horses.
   Link went to Ellis, Elyza to Frihet, and Zalie and Elijah to Royal. They all got on and rode back along the path they had just walked and came to the sign that pointed towards Zora's Domain, then Akkala, and Eldin. They turned to the left and rode a minute before they ran into a rock.
   Not literally ran into it, but it was a rock. Of sorts. It had a wide face, not much clothing, and a big pack on its back. It's skin—if it could be called that—was hard looking and looked like a big rock with thick arms and short thick legs that gave off the impression that it could crush you in an instant. Zalie's first Goron.
   Elyza yelped softly, Elijah looked alarmed, and Link wary.  
   "Uh, hello. Who are you?" Link asked.
   "Hey there! I'm Boldon, Goron City's ambassador of tourism! And I actually have bit of a problem..." The Goron replied. He had a deep, but happy, voice. "We've had fewer visitors to the Goron Hot Springs recently, and its all thanks to that sweltering, ugly thing!" Boldon walked away.
   "Wait! What thing?" Link called. The Goron did not answer but continued on its way. Link looked back at them all. "This sounds familiar."
   "The next Divine Beast," Zalie realized.
   "Yeah. It sounds like the Gorons are having a problem with it too," Elijah added.
   "It's probably doing a similar terrorizing to the Gorons like Ruta was to the Zora," Elyza reasoned.
   They continued talking but Zalie was looking up at Death Mountain. She squinted at it. She thought she saw...
   "Guys! Look!" Zalie said insistently, pointing up at the western side of the mountain. The others looked up, squinting similarly, then gasped.
   They saw a Beast in the shadow of the mountain. It was probably as big as Ruta. It looked like a lizard. It was shadowed and seemed to glow that same menacing pinkish red as Ruta had. It was climbing around the volcano, and, as they watched, sent rocks tumbling down the volcano, probably creating havoc. Zalie hoped it hadn't hurt anyone.
   "Link, we have to get up there as soon as possible. What if that Beast makes the volcano erupt?!" Zalie said, very worried. Link nodded and they all started their horses up again at a faster pace.
   They raced through some scattered trees along the road, not stopping for a while. They came to another sign but didn't have time to read it and just went left. It looked like it led to Eldin anyway.
   It started to get steadily hotter as they got closer to Death Mountain. Zalie held on to Elijah as they went and she was glad for the wind of racing along. There wasn't a breeze. The grass got more yellow and the rocks were a dark tan. The trees had fewer and fewer leaves as they went on until they had none and were an ashy brown. Zalie then saw a stable ahead of them. Good. Their horses were looking exhausted from the run.
   They arrived at the stable quickly and hopped off their horses and led them up to the stable to board them. Elyza took care of that.
   It was really hot. There were no clouds and it felt like Zalie was baking. At least it had rained in Lurelin. It probably never rained here. Zalie went into the stable so she could have some shade. Elyza came in and joined her with the boys.
   "So, it appears that you can't go very far into Death Mountain without catching on fire from the shear heat. Like, the air is burning," Elyza said.
   "It already feels like that," Zalie grumbled.
   "So how do we make it up there?" Link asked.
   "Elixirs," Elijah stated.
   "I don't think a chilly elixir will do it, Elijah," Link responded skeptically.
   "No, it won't. But a fireproof elixir will. We just have to make it or buy some," Elijah explained.
   "Elixirs don't last that long though. We'd be on a time limit to get up the mountain. And we've never been here," Zalie said, worried.
   "We might have to go tomorrow then. And get as many elixirs as we can," Elijah replied.
   "But there are 4 of us. We'd need a lot of elixirs," Elyza said.
   "True. We'll have to go quickly up the mountain either way. They'll probably have some to sell up in Goron City and we can get more there," Elijah reasoned.
   "That's kind of a risk, Elijah," Link said.
   "Yeah, well, you can't ignore the Divine Beast. You'll have to go up there one way or another," Elijah responded logically. "Just ask to see if anyone knows how to make a fireproof elixir or sells them."
   "Right. Ok." Elyza stopped Link, pointed at a shrine, and walked towards some people around the stable to talk to them. "Um, I think she wants me to go get that shrine," Link said.
   "Alright. Go get it. We'll find the elixirs," Elijah said, shooing Link away. Link waved and jogged off to the shrine.
   "How long will that take?" Zalie asked.
   "Depends. Probably an hour or more," Elijah replied.
   Zalie nodded. She forced out a smile. Ok. This was good. Fine. Everything would be fine. She glanced up at the mountain. She hoped nobody got hurt from those rocks. Zalie was watching when the mountain sent out fiery rocks from the top, shooting out onto others parts of the mountain. She gasped. Those looked dangerous. Were they really going up there? Anxiety built up inside Zalie. No. No, Zalie told herself. They'll be fine. Gorons are hardy. That Boldon guy said they were losing tourists. It's really only dangerous to them. What did that mean for her group?
   Zalie forced herself to calm and be positive. Link was going to take care of it and she was going to help anyway she could. She wasn't any coward or wimp. Still, Zalie walked off to find something productive to do as they waited for Link to come back.
   Elyza came back a little later with the fireproof elixirs and they waited as it got later in the day. Anxiety slowly worked in Zalie and the waiting didn't help. Zalie forced her mind on other things. On her travels. It helped but she still had that nagging worry that went with her to bed after Link came back from the shrine.

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