Chapter 8

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Elijah really liked his new sword. It warmed him so that he didn't get cold, which was nice because Elijah had never liked the cold all that much, and it trailed fire. How often does a teenage boy get that? It made it easy to start fires on wood or bokoblins! It was so cool. Elijah tried not to use it to much, so he wouldn't damage it much. After all, the sword couldn't be that commonplace.
    Elijah hummed to himself as he rode in his horse to Kakariko. Their group had gotten up earlier so that they could get to Kakariko quickly. It wasn't too far from the stable. They were going at a slower pace and hadn't been going for long so they had just gotten past the Kakariko Bridge. They were on their way up the hill when Link said, "Stop for a sec."
    "What is it, Link?" Elyza asked.
    "It looks like a grown up Korok. Give me a second."
    "What does?" Ignoring Elyza's question, Link hopped off Elyza's horse and walked over to the edge of the path. He looked like he was staring at nothing. There wasn't anything there. Elijah frowned. What was he doing?
    Link started talking to nothing. It was very odd. Elijah couldn't see anything there. Well, I think Link has gone crazy. Not a thing or person is over there, Elijah thought.
   Link eventually walked back over to us. "Come on," he said, "Let's go."
   "Wait. What just happened?" Elyza asked. She looked just as confused as Elijah.
   "We're going to go help Hestu. Didn't you pay attention to the conversation?" Link replied, seeming confused.
   "Uh, Link? We only saw you talking to...air. I have no idea what you are talking about," Elyza said.
   "You can't see him?"
   "Who?!" Elyza asked, exasperated.
    "Hestu! The tree looking thing over there. He lost his maracas and he asked me to go fight some bokoblins to get them back."
   "Link. I don't see anything. Did you hit your head?"
   "No. I'm fine," Link replied curtly. "But it appears that I'm the only one who can see Hestu. Strange. Well, Hestu is over there. His maracas that he...dances with were stolen and he asked me to get them back from the bokoblins who stole them. The bokoblins are over there, through those rocks," Link explained.
    "You do realize that you sound insane right? A dancing tree with maracas? What in Hyrule?" Elijah said.
   Link looked at him. "It's true. Promise." He looked sincere, but it was kinda a bizarre story.
   "Ok. We'll go help I guess. I trust you," Elyza told Link.
   "Thanks." With that, Link motioned for the twins to follow him. He walked over to the opening under a large rock and crouched. The twins followed in suit and together they peaked around the corner.
   On the other side of the rocky tunnel, there was a small bokoblin camp. 3 of them. Red or blue coloring, they sat around a fire and appeared to be conversing in their own language, gesturing around. They hadn't heard us. Their weapons were resting nearby against a log. No maracas. You know, that's a very strange thing to have to look for. I mean, who, even bokoblins, cares about having maracas? They must be some special maracas, Elijah thought.
    Link motioned for us to back up so we could whisper and not be heard then whispered, "I didn't see any maracas laying out."
    "Me either," Elijah said softly.
    "Maybe in a chest? Bokoblin camps have them a lot of times," Elyza offered quietly.
    "Possible. Should we just run in head on?" Link asked.
   "You and Elijah can. I'm going to climb up and shoot them from up there," Elyza said. With that she snuck up to the rocks and silently pulled herself up and crouched on the other side. She motioned with her head for them to head in. Link and Elijah nodded and unsheathed their swords. With that the two rushed in.
   The bokoblins quickly spun towards the sound and saw Elijah and Link immediately. They all ran for their weapons and Link sprinted forward and slashed one before he could get to one and finished him off. The others grabbed clubs and one got a shield. They turned to fight Link and Elijah while Elyza shot one in the head from above. It perished and then there was one left. This one's mine, Elijah thought with determination. He dashed forward with his Flameblade and got a glancing blow on the bokoblin.    
   The bokoblin caught fire. Literally. It started hopping around, frantically trying to, well, not be on fire. He thrashed more then finally fell limp to the ground, dead. "Man, I love this sword," Elijah noted, tossing the sword up and catching it by the hilt before putting it back into its sheath. "So, where are those maracas?"
   Link shrugged. Elyza hopped down from on top of the rock and pointed to a small watchtower thing with a chest on top. "I'm going to take and guess and say that it's over there if it's anywhere." The eyes of the chest changed from purple to yellow. Link nodded and hopped up the ladder to the top. He threw open the chest while the twins talked.
   "Why maracas? I mean, of all the instruments you could carry around, why maracas?" Elijah wondered.
    Elyza shrugged. "I don't know. Why not?" Elijah nodded. Why not indeed?
    Link turned back from the chests to them and held up decorated red maracas. "Found them. Now, we gotta take them back to Hestu. Won't take long. Then we'll finally get to Kakariko." Elijah rolled his eyes. It wouldn't have taken so long if they hadn't detoured so much. They could have gotten there days ago.
    Elyza nodded and followed Link back down to the spot he had been earlier when he had talked to air. Elijah shook his head then followed behind them a ways. When he reached them, Link was talking to nothing again.
    "...if you could allow them to see you. They think I'm crazy," Link was saying. There was a weird pause but Elijah didn't hear anything being said. It was weird. "Thanks Hestu!"
    Suddenly, a weird tree thing appeared from nowhere. It did indeed look like a Korok but all grown up. There was a tree growing on its head. It did have a leaf on it's face but it was more its mouth than its whole face. Its eyes, if they could be called that, were like bushy eyebrows. All in all, it was very strange.
   Elyza yelped out in suprise. "I can see it!" Link raised an eyebrow at her. She blushed.
   "Hmm. Guess you were right Link," Elijah said.
   Link smirked. "Told you."
   Hestu cleared his throat. "So, is there anything I can repay you with? Oh! How about I expand you inventory? You know, more space in your bags! In exchange for getting my seeds back for my maracas." He had a high voice.
   "Uh...sure. I only have a few seeds," Link said. They had found a few more in the way.
  "Well, I can expand your inventory with a few. I'll take them. So, what inventory do you want expanded?" Hestu asked as Link haded him his few seeds.
   "Sure thing!" With that Hestu started to dance around and play his maracas. This whole thing was very strange. Elijah was just kinda stunned.
    Hestu danced a few more times then told us he had to leave, to try to find his home. The Korok Forest or something. We said goodbye then got our horses and rode onward.
    They were finally going to get to Kakariko. Who knew it was going to take so long for such a short trip. Elijah pushed the group into a gallop so that they arrived quickly.
   They trotted through the gateway arch past an old lady. It's was probably 3 or 4 in the afternoon so most people were out, going about their business. They got off their horses and left them by a tree and walked further into the village. They stopped someone on their way to ask where they could find Impa. They got pointed to a large building in the center area of the village.
   "Uh, guys? Can I get some new clothes? I don't really want to meet Impa in these ratty clothes," Link said.
   "Oh! We were going to get you new ones. Let's do that," Elyza said then looked around. "Where's the clothing shop?"
   Elijah rolled his eyes then pointed to a building right next to them with a girl yelling to them about the great selection of clothes they had. "Right there, Ely (nickname-pronounced like Ellie). Literally right there. In front of you."
   "Oh! The Enchanted Clothing Boutique! Perfect! That'll do. C'mon Link!" Elyza said, towing Link behind her as she rushed into the shop. Elijah trailed behind. Elyza walked straight up to the counter and looked like she was doing some selling. Link was looking at the options. There were two sets. One was normal Hylian gear and the other was a sleek Sheikah gear. Link was staring at them.
   Elijah walked over to him. "You should probably check the price before you get the idea to buy them."
    Link glanced at him then asked the lady at the counter, "How much is this set?"
   "Oh! I love that one! The Claree Collection! As in a high-end collection curated by me, Claree. BUT OF COURSE. I personally selected each and every item in here using my flawless fashion sense. It's all HIGHLY recommended. Each item has its own unique features and abilities. That one in particular allows for you you movements to be masked and it's harder to be spotted by monsters. Isn't it lovely?" the woman went on.
   "Yes, but how much is it?" Link repeated.
   "Oh. All together it's 1800 rupees," Claree said.
   "Link, it's nice but that's simply too much to buy right now," Elyza explained as Link looked crestfallen. She turned back to Claree and asked, "How much for the Hylian set?"
   "Much cheaper. It's 270 rupees. Is that the one you want?"
   Elyza glanced at Link, who nodded, and said, "Yes."
   "Perfect. And if you don't like the colors you can go to Hateno's dye shop to change it. Now, that'll be 270 rupees."
   Elyza handed her the money and Claree handed them the armor. "Thanks Claree." She smiled.
   The group was turning to leave when Claree asked, "Does that young man need a place to change? I've got a place in the back."
   "Yeah, that'd be great!" Elyza replied. She handed Link the clothes and Claree led him into the back to change.
   He came back a bit later all dressed in his tunic, trousers, and hood. Elyza blushed then turned around as if to hide it. "Um...are you ready to meet Impa now?"
   "Yeah I think so. Let's go," Link said. Then the three of them walked out of the shop down to the big house where the guards stopped them.
   "What do you think you're doin—hey! That's a Sheikah Slate! You have one?" one guard asked.
   "Yeah. I need to talk to Impa. Might I get past?" Link responded.
   "Sure I guess. You don't often see the returned Hero with his Sheikah Slate everyday. But I must ask that your friends stay outside," the guard said.
   "What?!" Elyza exclaimed.
   "It's fine Elyza. Wait out here." With that, Link went up the stairs into the house, leaving the twins behind.

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