Chapter 17

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Elijah and the rest of their group walked down the artfully crafted bridge over to Zora's Domain. But just as they started down it they heard an earth shattering wail that grated on Elijah's ears.
   "What is that?" Zalie yelled over the noise.
   Link looked at them. "The Divine Beast! It knows we're here."
   "How can it?" Elyza cried.
   "I don't know!" Link responded. The cry of the Beast stopped. Shaken, they all continued down the walkway. Nothing to do but go on
   Looking over the side of the bridge, Elijah could see a large cascading waterfall. Actually, there were a bunch of waterfalls falling from the blue cliffs. It was darker now and so Elijah could see luminous ore scattered around. Up ahead, there was a statue of some Zora centered in the Domain. Really, the whole place was beyond description. Elijah really hoped they had some good recipes. But they were Zora so, who knew what they ate?
   As they neared the end of the bridge, that Zora Prince came running up, and completely ignored the other three people.
   "Whoa!" Sidon said. Link gave a little wave. Sidon gave one of his weird grins. "I've been waiting for you, Link! Welcome! Behold the pride of my people, Zora's Domain." Frankly, Elijah could see why. It was beautiful. "Now I shall introduce you to the king. Hurry, this way!" Sidon walked off, probably headed towards the big fish. Elijah could see stairs leading into it. Link followed him. Elijah started to go but caught Elyza wincing behind him. He turned to her. She acted like nothing happened.
   "What's wrong?" Elijah demanded.
   "Nothing," Elyza responded, not meeting his eyes.
   "Elyza..." He said warningly. She sighed.
   "It's just my ankle. I'm fine," Elyza said defensively.
   "You don't seem fine," Elijah said.
   "Well, I am," Elyza said, then she walked away, but it was obvious she was taking care not to limp. It must have been hard their entire journey, and she'd probably made it worse than it had been by walking on it. Zalie had turned around to see what was happening and was looking at Elijah confusedly. Elijah shook his head, but followed everyone. He'd get her later or he'd let Link know. Elyza listened to him.
   Link had started towards the big fish but he was now lingering at the statue of that female Zora. Elyza was by him and so Elijah walked over to hear what they were saying.
   "...saw her in my memory that I recovered. She was one of the Champions but I don't remember her name or anything about her," Link was saying. Elijah cocked his head. Link got his memory back? 
   "Well, maybe being here will bring back some memories. That or some of the Zora here could tell you her name. They probably know," Elyza responded. Apparently, Link had only gotten some of his memory back. Curious.
   Link nodded. "After we talk to the king, we'll ask." Link looked at the statue again before walking around to the elegant stairs going to the head of the silvery blue fish. Elijah, Elyza and Zalie followed him up those stairs. Elijah noticed some guards and a Goddess statue as they walked up another set of stairs into the fish to where Elijah assumed the throne room was.
    Sure enough when Elijah saw inside, he saw the king. He was an absolutely enormous blue Zora. Tall and wide, Elijah did not want to guess weight or height. Either way, he took up a lot of space. Sidon was standing near him as well as another old looking green Zora.
   The throne room itself had a thin layer of water on the floor, which made Elijah glad that he was wearing his waterproof boots. This never ending rain was really putting it to the test. There were fountains as well and a platform in front of the king. Elijah stood in the back with Elyza and Zalie while Link walked past that green Zora—who did not look happy to see him—onto the platform.
   "Ah. You must be the Hylian that Sidon brought here correct?" the Zora king boomed. Link nodded. "You did well to come all the way here! I am King Dorephan, ruler of the Zora. Hm? That object upon you that not a sheikah slate?!" Link nodded again. "HMMM?! Now that I have gotten a good look at you, it is all too clear who you are... You are the Hylian Champion Link!" Link stepped back in surprise. "Do not tell me you have forgotten me..."
   Sidon looked startled as well and jumped in, "The Hylian Champion? You can't mean THAT Link? THAT Champion?! So that's where I've heard your name before! What a fateful coincidence that we should cross paths!"
   "I cannot believe it. The Hylian Champion, Link, has appeared before us...We have met numerous times, I'll have you know," King Dorephan said. " many memories! My mind is overflowing with nostalgia, my friend. I had heard a terrible rumor that you had fallen in combat, but it appears you managed to survive. Extraordinary!"
   Link shuffled a bit. "Well, your majesty, I...lost my memory. I remember very very little of what happened 100 years ago," he explained.
   Dorephan looked shocked. He leaned forward and responded," Come again? You say you have lost your memory? But surely you must remember my precious daughter, Mipha, yes? You do, do you not?"
   "I'm afraid it doesn't ring a bell, your majesty. My entire memory was erased," Link said sadly.
   "I cannot believe it," The Zora King said. "Have you truly forgotten my dear Mipha as well?"
   Link nodded, looking very sorry. Elijah felt bad. It would be the worst thing ever to lose your memory like that.
   "You and Mipha were so close...yet you do not remember her? Young hero...please look upon the beauty of Zora's Domain," Dorephan implored Link. Link turned to look out the of the fish. "Do you see that statue? Does gazing at Mipha's immortalized form still not jog your memory?" Link looked out at the statue for a moment, past Elijah. He turned back and shook his head. "Well, perhaps you memory will return in time. I dearly hope so." The king looked down sadly at Link.
   Sidon chose that moment to speak up. "Father...I do not believe discussing my sister is helping matters at the moment. Link seems confused."
   "Oh? Yes, of course. But first, it is worth noting how remarkable it is that Sidon brought a Champion here without realizing it. That is quite a feat, my boy!" King Dorephan boomed. He gave a deep hearty laugh. "That is a good one!" He got more serious. "Link, I doubt not that you have endured a great many trials. Still, I must ask you to hear my plea." Link nodded. "Now then...Hero...I must inform you that Zora's Domain is in danger of vanishing because of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. I shall do you the courtesy of speaking bluntly. We alone cannot stop this beast. Will you lend us your strength?"
  Just as Link looked like he was about to respond, the green older looking Zora cried out, "What?! King Dorephan! My liege! Please do not speak so! To ask a Hylian for help...why, the thought of it curls my fins!"
   The king looked at him reproachfully. "Muzu, I expected more of you. How can you still protest?"
   "Muzu! It is rude to speak that way to your king and his guest. Link is here because I invited him!" Sidon said. "With such unprecedented rainfall, we have no choice but to rely on the air of a trustworthy Hylian. Have we not already discussed this and arrived at that very conclusion? He is the key to saving Zora's Domain. I have no doubt in my mind."
   "Indeed. Link is a Champion through and through," Dorephan said. "As things now stand, Zora's Domain...nay! Perhaps all of doomed to be swallowed by the sea. This is bigger than all of us, my friend. Zora and Hylian alike must put our differences and band together."
   Muzu looked outraged. "Have you forgotten already, my king? We cannot trust these lowly Hylians! A hundred years ago, they abused the power of an ancient civilization and turned Hyrule into what it is today! And that is not the least of it!"
   This guy clearly has a grudge about something. I don't think we were that bad, Elijah thought.
   Muzu shook his head and turned away. "It is their fault that Lady Mipha was lost to us..."
   There was silence for a moment. The King Dorephan said, "Link...Divine Beast Vah Ruta has great power. It has the unique ability to create an endless supply of water. Of late it has been mercilessly spouting water into the air. As a result, this area has been plagued by heavy rains. For us Zora, water and air are as one, so you would not think this would've quite so critical of a problem. Sadly, the rains have filled the eastern reservoir nearly to the point of flooding. If the reservoir bursts, as it soon will, I fear immense damage will befall not only Zora's Domain...but also the area downstream from us. There, Hylian lives are in very grave danger."
   Just then, the same cry of Vah Ruta came again, ear piercing. It sounded vaguely mechanical.
   "Hmm...the Divine Beast is crying out once again..." Dorephan said, looking eastward.
   Elijah thought he heard a great amount of water crash and move but he wasn't sure. He also heard the cry continue. It was like the Divine Beast was moving.
   "The Divine Beast Vah Ruta... Your princess, Zelda, often studied the Divine Beasts. That is, in the time before the Great Calamity," King Dorephan said. "According to her research, the orbs located on Ruta's shoulders...are mechanisms that can control the amount of water it generates. However, they require electricity to work. These orbs are clearly out of control now because there is no electricity coursing through to stop them."
   "Seggin, who is quite shock resistant for a Zora, hit one with a shock arrow. Sure enough, it slowed the water a bit," Sidon added. "Unfortunately, as an aquatic race, we Zora are terribly vulnerable to the power of electricity. Perhaps because we could not safely strike it with enough electricity at once, the water soon returned to its full force. That is why I went in search of a Hylian who could help us!" Sidon gave one of those grins. "Link, I am certain that you have already figured this out, but...we need you to use shock arrows to get those orbs working properly again! I will aid you in anyway I can, of course. Please, hero...I beg of you. Help me to stop Ruta's rampage of destruction!"
  "I, um...well, you see, I've been instructed by the princess to appease Ruta from within," Link said.
   "Whaaat?!" Dorephan boomed. "Princess Zelda herself instructed you to board the Divine Beast and appease it from within? So then...Princess Zelda is still alive?"
   "Yes, in Hyrule Castle. She's been fending off Ganon for 100 years by herself," Link said.
   "I do not believe it...she was alive this whole time, just as you were! The events of 100 years ago cannot be altered, it is true. But if we can regain control of the Divine Beasts...they may yet prove useful in sealing Calamity Ganon once and for all!"
   "I did not know you had such grand ambitions, Link..." Sidon said. He grave one of his pearly white grins again. "Wondrous! Naturally, I shall help too! Once it has stopped rampaging, you can easily climb inside it. Come, Link! Let us appease Ruta together!"
   "I'm in. Let's do it," Link said, smiling.
   "Thank you, Link. Truly. We are in your debt," King Dorephan said, smiling as well. "Our goal is the same. That means our meeting was nothing short of destiny. Now then, allow me to offer you this gift as a show of faith."
  The king motioned for Sidon to grab something and so Sidon walked over to his father and grabbed something and walked over to Link. Elijah saw it and it looked like armor. It was blue and silver and looked specially crafted. Sidon handed it to Link, who took it.
   "So long as you wear this, you can ascend waterfalls just like a Zora," Dorephan said. "Please, take good care of it."
   Elijah had thought before that the king wanting Link's help had set Muzu off, but judging by his face, he was completely outraged now.
   "King Dorephan!" Muzu exclaimed, aghast. "Surely you do not really intend to give this outsider the Zora armor! Countless generations of Zora Princesses have gifted that armor to the one they have sworn to marry! Princess Mipha made that one there with her own hands! It is far too important to entrust to a shady Hylian! He may be a Champion but Mipha had no such relationship with him. So why should HE receive such an honor? This is just too much, my liege! I do not understand it one bit!" Muzu stormed out of the throne room.
   As soon as he was gone, the king said, "Hmph. That Muzu is not easily swayed once his mind is set. You must understand...Muzu was in charge of educating my dear daughter, Mipha. Naturally, she means a lot to him...just as she means the world to us. Ever since we lost her to the Calamity, he has grown to despise Hylians. I hope you can forgive his rudeness. Hmmm, but what shall we do now? I tasked Muzu with finding the shock arrows we will need to appease Vah Ruta. But now he has rushed off in a huff..."
   "Link! Do not his words concern you!" Sidon said. "I will work this out with Muzu. I shall return shortly!" Sidon jogged out of the throne room.
   "Sidon...I suppose that means you are going to tell him..." Dorephan said quietly, like he was more talking to himself. Louder, he said, "Link...Muzu is most likely at the square down below. Would you mind going down there? I would like you to try to speak with him."
   Link nodded and walked over to Elijah, Elyza and Zalie. "Well, it looks like I have a lot to do. Coming?" They all nodded and followed Link down to the square below with the statue of Princess Mipha.
   Muzu was standing there staring at the statue with Sidon talking next to him. Link walked up to join them and so the rest of them got close enough to hear.
   "Hmph. You came all the way down here, but it was in vain. I have no desire to speak with you," Muzu said, with a hint of a snarl.
   "Listen well, Muzu. There is something you need to know," Sidon said firmly. "He who stands here...the man called the one whom my sister, Mipha, had feelings for. I was only a child then, so I did not know it myself at the time. But it is so. I grew up hearing my father tell stories, some of which were about my sister's undying love for a Hylian named Link."
   Muzu looked shocked. "What?! No...You cannot fool me with such a fanciful lie. Not this Zora! How could Lady Mipha possibly have feelings for a Hylian like him?! The facts are clear. He remembers nothing. Even when he looks upon Princess Mipha's statue..."
   "It is the truth, Muzu. Though you never knew it, he was ever in Mipha's heart," Sidon said.
   Elijah watched from the side as Link looked up at the statue of Mipha. He stared hard at it, squinting. He suddenly gasped and his eyes glazed. Like he was seeing something that no one else could. He stood like that for a while causing Sidon to stare at him and looked confused that he was not answering him. Elyza looked confused for a second too but soon nodded knowingly.
   "What's going on, Elyza?" Elijah asked.
   "He is seeing his memory. It happened before back near Kakariko Village. He'll be like this for a few minutes," Elyza answered. Elijah nodded. She would know.
   They waited a few minutes when Link gasped and seemed to see again.
   "What is the matter, Link? Are you unwell?" Sidon asked, looking concerned.
   "Hm? You are quivering like a hatchling...whatever is the matter?" Muzu asked, looking confused.
   "Mipha...I remember," Link said softly. "Just now. I remembered a memory of her when I looked at her statue."
   "WHAT?!" Muzu exclaimed. "Do now mistake me for a fool, Hylian! There is no way you remembered her just now, when it is most convenient. In any case, without any solid proof, I cannot possibly take you at your word! If you have any such proof, now is the time to show it. Do so, and... and I...I shall tell you how to get those shock arrows! Yes, as well as anything else you wish to know."
   Sidon took Link aside, closer to Elijah so he could hear what they were saying even though he was softer.
   "That stubborn fool. Lucky for us, we have proof! Link! Go ahead and show Muzu the Zora armor my father gave you!" Sidon said. Link nodded and took out the Zora armor and put it on. He walked back to Sidon and Muzu.
   "Muzu! Look closely at the clothes Link is wearing!" Sidon said, somewhat triumphant.
   "Hm? You really think changing your clothes is going to make me..." Muzu trailed off. "Eh?! What in the...That is the Zora armor from before! Lady Mipha made that by hand...and yet it fits you perfectly! What is the meaning of this?" Muzu demanded.
   "Now you understand, do you not?" Sidon said. "Now you know who her heart belonged to and who she made this special armor for. The fact that this armor fits Link perfectly should be enough proof that Mipha made it for him and him alone! You have always disliked Hylians, even before the Great Calamity. That is why Mipha never told you. Now that you know, you just promise to help him save us all, Muzu. Please...tell us where we can find the shock arrows we need. Knowing you, I bet you have already figured it out."
   Muzu looked at Link. "Hmph. I would never have imagined that she would make that special armor for one such as he..." He looked up at the statue of Mipha and was silent a moment. He turned back to them. "I do not approve of asking for help from a Hylian but I suppose it is our only option at this point. I am a proud Zora. That means I just take responsibility for my unwarranted behavior towards you. As promised, I shall tell you where you can collect as many shock arrows as you will need.
   "That tall mountain over yonder..." Muzu looked up at a tall mountain with a prominent jutting cliff. "It is called Polymus Mountain, and there you will also find Shatterback Point. A terrifying creature has made its home up there. This awful beast shoots volley after volley of shock arrows. Even a single one could be fatal to a Zora."
   "Aha!" Sidon exclaimed. "You just mean that Lynel! He is a man-Beast, that one! That beast does indeed wield shock arrows. That is certainly one way to collect them quickly. He is vicious, to be sure. But I am certain Link will rise to the challenge."
   "In order to appease the Divine Beast, I estimate that you will least 20 shock arrows," Muzu said musingly. "Do you think you can gather that many?"
   "Yes, I even have a few," Link said.
   "Hm? Well, well! What have we here? It seems you already have some shock arrows! Still, if you need anymore, you can always go to Polymus Mountain to restock," Sidon said. He leaned down towards Link. "Link...I'll be waiting for you at the East Reservoir Lake, right by the Divine Beast. When you are ready, come join me there!" 
   "I'm on it!" Link said resolutely.
   "Wonderful! Together we shall stop that Divine Beast's onslaught!" Sidon ran off towards a big dam in the distance. Link walked back over to everyone.
   "Well, I think we need to rest for the night and tackle this tomorrow. I'll probably have to go alone to the Lynel though," Link said.
   "What?! No way! We're coming with!" Elyza protested.
   "Not you, Elyza. You're definitely not going," Elijah said, firm.
   "Yes I am!"
   "Not with that ankle you're not. You'll only slow him down. Besides, with his armor, he can swim up those giant waterfalls to that mountain. We can't. In this, he kinda has to go alone. We can't exactly ride up on his back," Elijah stated. Elyza looked furious.
   "Sorry, Elyza. But I'm with Elijah in this. You won't be able to go with me, especially with that ankle. It needs to heal. You're staying here in Zora's Domain," Link said, shaking his head.
   "Well, I guess that means I can't come either," Zalie said. "Too bad. A Lynel fight sounds fun."
   "Yeah, well, by the sounds of it, it won't be much fun to fight," Link said wryly.
   "True, I guess. But we'll go with you to the Divine Beast," Zalie said.
   "We'll see," Link said. "For now, lets get some rest."
   Link waved for everyone to follow him to the inn and arranged some beds for everyone to sleep on. When they all finally laid down, Elijah lay awake.
  I doubt that we can go with Link into the Divine Beast, Elijah thought. Only Champions could go inside them. That's not us. He'll have to face it on his own. We will probably be able to watch him  and Sidon attack it to get inside, but we won't be able to do anything. Despite how Elijah used to feel about Link, he really didn't mind him so much anymore. He was a friend, kind of. He had good intentions. If anyone could save Hyrule from Ganon, it was Link. Elijah has to believe that. Otherwise, Hyrule was doomed.

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