Chapter 10

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When Elyza woke up the following morning, she found that Paya was just getting up too. Since Elyza didn't have much money left, Impa had let her stay with her granddaughter for the night and Link and Elijah were downstairs. They were planning to get moving soon so that they could get to Hateno Village in good time for Link.
"Hey Paya," Elyza greeted, rubbing her eyes.
"Oh, hi," Paya replied nervously. She didn't seem to know what to do when around people but especially boys. "Um, are those boys you came with still downstairs?"
"Yeah, why?" Elyza asked, with a raised eyebrow.
" reason..."
"It's ok. You can tell me," Elyza said comfortingly.
"Uh, well, I just get anxious around them and well...when they're nice and...other stuff, it gets worse," Paya said, her face in her hands.
Elyza giggled a tad then said, "Do you want me to go see if they're awake so you can go down?"
"...That would be nice..." she replied.
Elyza smiled then got up and snuck quietly down the stairs past Impa, who looked like she was dozing on her cushion. Link and Elijah were fast sleep on the floor in the corner of the room. Elijah was even snoring quietly. It was still relatively early in the day. Only 7:00. Not everyone was awake. Elyza would have thought Elijah would have been up because of how much he had wanted to be home. Noting it all Elyza snuck back up the stairs.
Paya was standing at the edge of the stairs anxiously even if there was really nothing to be anxious about. "Um...are they asleep?"
"Yeah, sound asleep. So's Impa. You're good, Paya," Elyza whispered.
"Thanks. You're really nice to do something so trivial for me," Paya said, with a small smile.
"Well, sometimes things that don't seem big to you are to others, so I take care not to judge too much. You find out true character that way," Elyza replied, smiling too.
"Well, I better go. It was nice to meet you Elyza," she said then slipped down the stairs.
Elyza turned around and went to get ready. They had to make it to Hateno today which would take majority of the day, maybe go to the tower over there, go to the tech lab, and probably something else after that. It would probably be a long day.
Elyza threw on her customary shirt and trousers with her hood and went quietly down the stairs to wake her Link and Elijah. They were both deep sleepers it seemed because they didn't move at all when Elyza nudged then with her foot. She tuned around to face the room and noticed that Impa had awoken and was watching Elyza with a smile. She probably noticed their deep sleep.
Elyza turned back to the sleeping forms and kicked her brother and shook Link.
They both started awake and both glared at Elyza immediately. Elyza chuckled then answered to their unasked question, "I did nudge you but you were sound asleep. Anyway, you gotta get up. It's a full day! Up. Up! Let's go! No more napping!" When Link rolled back over and closed his eyes, Elyza nudged his foot forcefully. He opened his eyes again. "Especially for you Link. You had a 100 year nap. You've had enough sleep for 100 years."
"It was more like a coma because I was recovering from the brink of death, Elyza," Link retorted.
"Yeah, well, you still need to get up, Link," Elyza told him. She turned to her brother. "C'mon. I thought you wanted to go back to Hateno. Honestly, you guys move as fast as a Chuchu."
Link and Elijah grudgingly started to gather up their stuff to get ready, throwing annoyed looks at Elyza. She just smiled. Elyza turned and walked back upstairs to grab her bag that was already packed and went downstairs.
"Hey guys, I'm going to buy some food for the trip, and grab the horses. Be ready in 10. We'll leave after I'm done," Elyza told them. She turned and walked out the door and walked to the High Spirits Produce near Impa's house. She slid the door open and an older woman was waiting inside.
"Hello! How may I help you, child?" The woman asked.
"Well, I need some supplies and food. My brother, me and Link will need food on our travel to Hateno Village," Elyza explained.
"Ah, you are the ones traveling with the Hero, are you? Well, I suppose I should give you a good deal on you food for your trip," she said. "Oh, and my name is Trissa. My husband Steen grows all the carrots I sell here. They are scrumptious! Would you like some?"
"That's sounds delightful! But, how much are they?" Elyza asked, because they didn't have much money left really. She didn't want to spend much because Link might need to travel all over which would require some money.
"You know what? I think I'll help you this once and give you the supplies you need for your trip free of charge," Trissa said. Elyza was surprised. She hadn't expected that. Trissa noticed her surprise apparently and went on, "It's a big sacrifice to travel around with the Hero. He has a big responsibility. It's the least I can do to help such a nice girl."
"Oh wow! Thank you so much!" Elyza exclaimed. "We really appreciate that."
Trissa smiled wide and gathered up some carrots as well as a few carefully packaged eggs. She handed Elyza the food and said, "As for supplies like arrows, The Curious Quiver across the way has a nice selection."
"Ok. Thanks again, Trissa!" Elyza shot her another smile and turned and left. She'd wanted to go look at the arrows for a while. She probably would get any, money problem again, but they were interesting to look at. They had cool designs and uses.
Elyza walked across the street over to the arrows shop and inside she went. It was much the same since the last time she came. Normal arrows were there and arrows. Now those would be cool to have. They don't have those in Hateno. Just bomb arrows. She would love some fire arrows. Unfortunately they were pretty expensive. Stupid money, Elyza thought. She shook her head.
"Ah Elyza! It's nice to see you again! What can I get for you this time?" Rola asked from behind the counter.
"Hi Rola. More just browsing today. I don't have much time to spare. I'm going back to Hateno today with Link and my brother," Elyza said.
"Wait. You're traveling with the kid who has the Sheikah Slate?! That's awesome. Traveling with the Hero. Wow. You know what? Just take a few of those fire arrows. Just a few won't hurt me," Rola said.
"You mean it?" Rola nodded. "Thanks so much! They are so cool. You're great, Rola," Elyza exclaimed. She ran over to the fire arrows and picked up a bundle. There were 5 in it. Elyza felt like she could almost feel heat coming from them. "Thanks again!"
Rola waved good bye and Elyza dashed out the door to the front of Impa's house where Link and Elijah were waiting.
"Where were you?" Elijah asked.
"Grabbing supplies and some goodies. Meant to grab the horses but I got distracted. Oops."
"Well, I guess we should go get them and get going," said Link. Elyza nodded and together they walked to get their horses and saddled them. They hoisted themselves up and started to ride out of town.
They had just made it near the bridge when they saw a man on the side of the road. He was looking around and had spotted us.
Link turned to Elyza and asked, "Uh, should we stop? He looks kinda lost."
"I guess," she replied. Link hopped off the horse and walked over to the man. He looked like a traveler. He spoke to Link as soon as he walked over and Elyza could hear what he said.
"I can tell you've trained your body well... I'd say you're familiar with both sword and bow, correct?" the traveler said. "That's a good skill set. Why don't you join the Yiga Clan?"
Link glanced at Elyza, who shrugged and answered, "Yiga Clan?"
The traveler looked surprised. "What? You don't know?" Link shook his head. "Fine...I'll tell you...The Yiga's...A powerful, brave group of warriors, founded by Master Kohga and dedicated to defeating a hero thought long dead." The mans face suddenly went dangerous, his position hostile. "I will take your life!"
Link stepped back and whipped out his sword, as the traveler jumped back and there was a poof of red smoke and then the "traveler" was wearing a white mask with a red symbol that looked like and upside down Sheikah symbol. He was holding a sharp looking sickle.
Link charged the Yiga man and the man charged back Link backflipped over the Yiga's sickle and dashed forward inhumanly fast and slashed. The Yiga man held his side a moment before poofing again, leaving rupees and a...banana(?) on the ground.
Elyza was stunned a moment. It had happened so fast.
"Welp, I guess he wasn't lost. He just wanted to kill me," Link noted.
Elyza regained her voice and said, "What was that?"
"The Yiga Clan, apparently. Not sure who or what entirely that is," Link replied. "Anyway, we should probably get going."
Elyza nodded as did Elijah. Link got back on Frihet with Elyza and they got going once again.
They rode at a steady brisk pace, to make good time, so that by noon they were near the Cliffs of Quince. They decided it would be a good time for lunch. They rode until they were under the overhang of the cliffs and got off. Elyza handed them some food and they ate in silence. Link looked deep in thought.
"Rupee for your thoughts?" Elyza asked.
Link shook his head. "I was thinking about what Impa said. That I had to free the Divine Beasts. I don't even really know what those are. I have to find the four races across Hyrule for more information but I don't even know where to look."
"Oh. Well, doesn't your Slate show the locations?" Elyza replied.
"Technically yes." Link help up his slate. It showed 4 blinking dots. "But it's not really helpful because, well, there's no map. I'd just have to head in a general direction till I got there. On top of that, what even are the four races?"
"Well, not counting Hylians of course, there are the Zora, Gorons, Rito and the Gerudo. My mom used to tell me about them. They are basically in the four corners of Hyrule. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think the Zora are very far from Necluda. I think it's straight North," Elyza said.
"Yeah, the Gorons are that direction too, just more west," Elijah piped in.
"See, we know general locations of two! It won't be so bad," Elyza said.
Link sighed. "Maybe."
"Anyway, we should probably get going again. Well probably make it in an hour or so, riding hard."
Link nodded and the group swung back into their saddles. They started up again and headed at a swift pace towards Hateno.
The group rode along the path and quickly made it to the forest near Hateno. Elyza explained the terrain and soon saw the tower Elyza was dubbing Hateno Tower. It probably had a more official name but this one fit for her. They passed through the forests until they saw the gate to Hateno in sight. They slowed as they neared it and got off their horses and led them to the gate where Thadd stopped them.
"Who are you?! Be on your way, you...suspicious man!" He said, directing it at Link. He obviously knew Elyza and Elijah.
"Thadd! Calm down!" Elijah said.
"I'm a traveler," Link explained.
"Hrm? You certainly do appear to be a Hylian like the rest of us...Hylians are generally good folk, so...sorry for getting all worked up... You're free to go. We're just a waypoint in your winding road, huh? Ah, the life of a traveler. Well, you can get most things you need at the general store, and the inn is just back there," Thadd said, then nodded to us. "Though these two already know that." Thadd nodded again and let them pass.
Elyza waved Link forward. "C'mon. Let's go put our stuff down at our house and then we'll go up to the lab."
Elyza led the way to her house with Elijah at her side, Link following. They went past the East Wind to their house and walked in.
"It's not much, but there is only 2 of us," Elijah said, gesturing to everything. "The beds are back there, you'll probably have mine tonight, and this is the kitchen. You can drop your stuff anywhere though, as long as it's not in the way."
Link nodded and set his stuff down as did Elyza. "Well, Elijah, I take it you're going to work on your garden?"
"I was planning on it. I'm also going to make dinner for tonight," Elijah replied.
"Yum. He's a good cook, Link. I'm ok. We'll eat good tonight. We can help him when we get back from the lab," Elyza said. Link nodded. "Ok, see ya later Eli (E-lie). Come on Link."
Elyza walked out of her house, Link at her side and headed in the direction of the inn.
"Elyza? How did your parents die?" Link asked.
She stopped and looked at him. That was a random and painful question.
"Um, if you feel like telling me," Link said, perhaps realizing how personal that question had been.
"It's a valid question, I guess, even if it's a bit sensitive." Elyza looked away for a moment. She finally answered, "A fire."
"Oh. Was it in your house?"
"Not at first. It's spread to ours though," she said softly. "My parents had gone out to help some of the other villagers and got trapped inside one of the houses. It burned to the ground." Elyza felt her eyes well up, so she turned away from Link and started walking again. "I wasn't there. I woke up with my house ablaze and ran outside to look. Elijah was though. He'd been up. He told that they were gone." Elyza felt a silent tear fall. She quickly wiped it away and walked ahead of Link. He was silent. "I was fourteen. After that, I was pretty despondent. Hardly did anything or said much those first few months. All I saw in town was what I had lost. The fields that they worked in, the tree they told stories at, the pond, the woods, everything. I couldn't look at it all day." Elyza looked back at Link. "So I left. But, seeing it again, well, I don't feel the same. It still reminds me of them, and I'm still sad, but they would want me to move on."
"I think I understand. I don't remember my family. I wish I could. Not even my friends. Nothing. I forgot them. And it hurts even if I can't remember them," Link replied quietly. Elyza nodded. At least she remembered her parents. She couldn't imagine losing all her memories. It would hurt more than their death.
Elyza and Link continued on their way up to the tech lab. They were nearly there and were just walking up to the front of it. It had a big telescope on the side. Elyza gestured for Link to open the door and he pushed it open.
Inside, there was a man with white hair, like that of those in Kakariko, and a young girl with the same color hair. She looked to be 6 or 7. Link, with Elyza following walked up to the girl.
"Hello," the little girl said, "This is the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Do you have some business with the director?"
"That's right," Link replied.
"The director is in the back," she said. "A terribly busy person, that one. Please try to keep it brief."
Link nodded and walked over to the older man in the back.
"Hello. I imagine you've never seen so many books in one place. Pretty incredible, isn't it? We've gathered all of Hyrule's known literature on ancient civilizations here. As for the number of books, well.......Hmm? Is that... That thing on your waist? Is that a Sheikah..." the man looked intently at the Slate. "There's no mistaking it. That's a real Sheikah Slate, isn't it?! I've never actually seen one in person! If you could just show me the runes on it, I'd be most appreciative." Link got out the Slate and held it up to the man. "Stasis...ah. Magnesis... yes, yes. The remote bomb and Cryonis... And what else? Let's see... So that's it for runes...but...hmm...strange... It doesn't seem like you have the basic runes... I don't understand why they're missing. There must be some reason... Ah! Where are my manners? I nearly forgot to introduce myself! My name is Symin. You are...Link right?"
Link look quite surprised. "You know my name?"
Symin laughed, though it sounded more like coughing to Elyza. "Lady Impa caught me up to speed. You see...we were told, 'A young man holding a Sheikah Slate will appear. And you must do all you can to help him. He will be the hope that awakens from the Slumber of Restoration. His name will be Link.' Oh dear! I forgot to tell you something very important." Symin turned to talk to the little girl across the room. "Director! Listen, Ms. Director! This is a REAL Sheikah Slate!"
Link looked very confused. "Director?" He asked, looking at the girl.
Symin looked back at him. "Oh, that's right... I haven't introduced our director. Ms. Purah happens to be right over there... As the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab director, Ms. Purah is the world's foremost authority on ancient Hyrule culture."
Link looked back at the little girl, Purah, who exclaimed in a very six year old voice, "Check it!"
Symin explained, "I have the utmost respect for Ms. Purah and all she's accomplished. I'm honored to be her assistant." Symin leaned in a bit, speaking more quietly. "On that note, Link... you see, the director might look like a young girl, but...well..maybe it's not my place to be telling you these things. You should talk to Ms. Purah herself." Symin turned back to his book shelf. Link glanced at Elyza, looking confused, but walked over to Purah.
Purah giggled loudly as he walked over to her. She jumped up and down. "Hey! Heeeey! Are you surprised?! The director of this laboratory is Not Symin. It's ME! Snappity snap! Anywaaay. Linky! Do you remember any dreams from your time in the Slumber of Restoration? You don't look like you've changed a bit in the last 100 years but SOMETHING must have happened in all that time!" Link shook his head, still looking bemused. "Well, no matter! I'm just happy you're in one piece. ...Linky? What's with that look? You do still remember me, right?"
"I don't remember..." Link said.
Purah looked pouty. "Really?! Well I'm so shocked I don't know if I'll ever be able to recover from this! Even though, 100 years ago, I took you to the Shrine of Resurrection after Calamity Ganon fatally wounded you... Even though I was the one who put you safely into the Slumber of Restoration... Despite all that, you still don't remember me?
"I don't remember," Link reiterated.
Purah pulled out a note book from somewhere and started writing. "Hmm... As expected. After 100 years in the Slumber of Restoration, subject...has...lost...all...memories. Noted!" She looked back up and put her note book away. "Oh, sooooorry... I have a bad habit of taking notes rather abruptly like that. It's a charming quirk, isn't it? you have any questions for me?"
"Aren't you a child?" Link asked, a question he looked like he really wanted the answer to.
Purah made fists and put them at her side huffing. "How very rude!" She straightened. "Hm, or perhaps it's not very rude at all... I suppose that's actually a rather logical conclusion to jump to. The truth is, I look this way because of a failed experiment. Well, I say 'failed,' but in some ways, it was a success. I documented the full affair in my diary upstairs. BUT! The whole thing is embarrassing, so I insist you refrain from reading it!
"Anyway. Enough about that! Back to the topic at hand! Here you are, after 100 years! Here to defeat Calamity Ganon, who is growing in strength with every passing moment! And to rescue our beloved Princess Zelda! That is, if you've got the courage to try. And to help the one true Hero, I, the one and only Purah, will restore the basic functions missing from the Sheikah Slate! Aaaand what do you say to thaaaat?" Purah looked expectantly at Link.
"Uh, yes, please!"
Purah giggled again. "I knew you'd say that! All right, then. First, I need you to run an errand for me." Link looked at her. "What's with that look on your face? You didn't think I'd fix your Sheikah Slate for free, did you?"
"I...kinda...did," Link said. So did Elyza frankly.
Purah pulled out her notebook again. "Hmm... Post Slumber of Restoration, subject is plagued by...presumptuous... tendencies. Noted!" Link look offended and annoyed at this. "Let me explain what this errand entails. You know the unlit furnace on the wall just outside this laboratory? Could you please bring the blue flame from the ancient furnace in town? Oh, and also use it to light our furnace? This sweet little guidance stone will start working once you do that, allowing us to restore your missing runes! Ok then. I'm counting on you for that blue flame!" Purah turned back to her work.
Link, looking bemused again, walked over to Elyza by the door. Elyza grinned. She grabbed a torch that was sitting against the wall. "Shall we?"
Link shrugged and nodded. Elyza pushed open the door and she and Link made their way down towards the village.
"She was a tad strange," Elyza noted.
"You said it. I hope these basic runes are worth it. She's a little crazy. I wonder how she turned into a little girl," Link said.
"I don't know. Let's hurry so we can be done though. I want to sleep in my own bed. Oh, and how long are we staying in Hateno?"
"I don't know. Probably another day unless we find out otherwise. I still need to find the four races. And you know, stop Ganon."
"Well, there is that. I think we'll have time though."
Soon they had made it down into town, where Elyza guided Link to the furnace explaining how old it was and that it was one of her favorite spots in the village. Elyza handed Link the torch and he lit it with the blue fire.
"Ok, what's the fastest way up?" Link asked.
"Um, probably crossing the stream and walking up the hill. C'mon." Elyza walked over to the edge of the stream and leaped across. She landed in the other side and turned back to Link. "Hey, hand me the torch so you can jump across."
Link handed it to her carefully and then jumped across. He took the torch again and lit a lamp next to a tree. They continued on with no trouble and had soon made it back up to the lab. Link walked over to the furnace and lit it. Suddenly, the ring in front of them lab started glowing. "Huh, cool." He did not explain his comment to Elyza. Link pushed the doors opened again and walked up to Purah.
"Hello! Linky, thank you so much! Now then, take a look over there!" Purah said, pointing to the guidance stone that looked like one Elyza had found on a tower. It had started glowing orange. "The guidance stone must be starting to react! There's nothing mysterious about it—this is pure science!" She spoke more quietly, almost to herself. "Heh... My sweet little guidance sure know how to make this old researcher's heart flutter!" Then more loudly she said, "We'll then...let's go ahead and restore those Sheikah Slate runes for you!" Link nodded. "Now, give me a nice SNAP! Go on, no time to be shy about it!"
"Snap?" Link look uncomfortable slightly.
"Hmm... that was pretty weak. But that's OK. Hokay then, Sheikah Slate repair...underway! Guidance Stone lock removed! Now, let's do this thing!"
Purah motioned for Link to go put his Slate in the stone. He walked over and did so, it turned and started glowing more vibrantly.
An automated voice said, "Sheikah Slate authenticated. Camera, Hyrule Compendium, and album missing files confirmed. Starting repair." The machine above the stone started glowing with symbols and and built up into a drop, Elyza guessed. It dropped from it onto the Slate and sprayed out some. Link leaned forward, looking at something Elyza couldn't see. She walked over to look at it.
Another rune had appeared, looking like...what had the machine called it? A camera. A description came with it, explaining its function. Apparently, it created true to life images. The voice came again, "A rune has been added." Suddenly there were those true to life images appearing on the screen. They showed areas from what Elyza assumed were around Hyrule. "Repair complete."
The stone turned again and Link grabbed the Slate from the stone. Link walked back over to Purah.
"'s done! So?! Is it all fixed up now?" She asked. Link held up the slate for her to see. "Hmmm, let's see here...which one is it... Camera, Hyrule Compendium, album... Yep, looks good! So, I know this is sudden, but hear me out." Link seemed brace himself. "Take a picture of me with the camera! And don't forget to lemme see it!" Purah turned back to her papers for a moment.
Link looked at her but looked at his slate a pushed a button then held it up to Purah and pushed another button. There was a snap. Link turned back to Purah.
"Hey! How's the picture taking going? Did you get a cute pic of me with the camera?" Purah asked.
"I took one," Link replied.
"Oooh, I can't wait to see it! Lemme see, lemme see!" she squealed. Link held up the Slate for her to see. "Hm? My, who IS this beautiful young creature?" Link put his slate back at his side. "Huh? Oh I guess that's my cue! Sorry I kinda lost it there. It wasn't on purpose. Hmmm... Ah, it's not just a pretty girl in those images. Yes, there are also some old landscape photos stored in the album. I know Princess Zelda had made frequent use of the camera feature, but this... Hey, Linky! It dawns on me that you were the Princess Zelda's appointed knight, which means...there's a strong possibility that you accompanied her to all of the places where these were taken." She stopped for a moment then continued, "Oh...right. The 'lost memory' thing could prove troublesome. But don't lose hope! It just means that these pictures could be the missing piece to help restore your lost memories! If my hunch is correct, I suggest you check in with Impa. She knows more about Princess Zelda than even I do! ...Oh yeah! There's just one more thing I need from you! You don't have to worry about this until after you see Impa, but I want you to bring me back some ancient materials! Bring them either to me or to Robbie at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab. As if my joy weren't enough, if you bring us ancient materials, we'll give you something good as a reward. All right! Let's do this!" Purah waved good bye.
Link turned around, shaking his head a bit and walked over to Elyza who opened the door. They walked out together.
"So, there's a chance to restore your lost memories?" Elyza started.
"Yeah, it would seem so. But now we have to go back to Kakariko to talk to Impa again. That's a lot more traveling," Link said. He sighed.
"Well, no use worrying at the moment. I'm starving. Let's go back to my house. Elijah should be almost done by now. I wonder what he made. It's always good."
Link nodded and together they made their way down to Elyza's house and could smell food cooking from a ways a way. Elyza breathed in deeply. It smelled spicy. Elyza sped up and hopped up onto her porch and opened the door, Link right behind her.
"Hey Elijah? What's cooking?" Elyza asked.
"Food. To be more specific, I'm making a spicy meat and seafood fry. I've been wanted to try it a while. It used to be in Mom's old cookbook. She used to make me memorize recipes so that I could make food without them. It's one of the ones I remembered," Elijah replied.
"Well, it sounds good. What can we do to help?" Link asked.
"Well, if you could skin this fish, Link, that would be nice. Elyza, please set the table then stir this. I have to go get some water to drink."
Link and Elyza nodded, and Elijah grabbed a bucket from over the oven and walked out. Elyza set the table while Link skinned.
"He seems to like cooking a lot," Link said.
"Yeah. Mom used to teach him all the time. He loves food and he had wanted to be able to make it for himself if he left home," Elyza replied, stirring the meat and remembering her mother and Elijah cooking at the stove every night. "It probably makes him feel closer to my mom when he cooks. He was always closer to her than dad."
Just then, Elijah walked back in bearing the water. He handed the bucket to Elyza and put the fish into the frying pan. A few minutes later he pronounced the food done. He dished up the plates and they all started eating.
"Wow. This is really good!" Link exclaimed. Elijah smiled with pride.
"It really is. Thanks, Eli!" Elyza said. They all continued to eat.
It was one of the times where you are content to just be in the moment. Sitting around the table with your family and friends tastes better than any meal could.
Link stood up and said, "I think we need a picture."
"Uh, picture?" Elijah said, looking confused.
"Link's Slate creates images called pictures that look just like real life. It's pretty cool," Elyza explained.
Link nodded. He motioned for the twins to come over to him and instructed them to smile. He turned the camera to face them and they all smiled.
Link took the picture and captured the moment. He sat back down at the table and looked at them both. "I won't ever forget my friends again."

Breath of the Wild: Link and FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now