Chapter 23

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   Zalie woke up the next morning to see Link walking out the door, armed and ready.
   "Link! Where are you going so early?" Zalie hissed at him. It was maybe 5:30 in the morning.
   He hesitated. "Uh, I was...gonna get a head start on the day," Link sighed. "You know, go talk to Bludo and stuff. Maybe tackle the Divine Beast while I'm at it."
   "And you thought you were gonna sneak out without telling us or asking us?" Zalie demanded. She was no longer being quiet. The Goron at the reception was awake after all.
   The twins stirred beside Zalie and they sat up drowsily. "What's going on?" Elyza asked, rubbing her eyes.
   Link gave Zalie a suffering look and sighed. "I was just gonna go talk to Bludo. I was gonna go free Rudania today. You know, since Zelda can only hold Ganon back so long?"
   "Well, then, we are coming with you," Zalie said. Link opened his mouth but Zalie cut him off. "You can go talk to Bludo while everybody gets ready and stuff. Ok?"
   Link sighed again and nodded. He turned away and walked out of the inn quickly, as if afraid Zalie would stop him again.
   Zalie got off the hard bed—who made beds out of rock anyway? Zalie shook her head and grabbed a fireproof elixir and downed it, noting an absence of a bottle. Ah, Link took it. She put the bottle down and put her dark hair in a ponytail. She grabbed her spear and affixed it on her back. Elyza and Elijah were getting ready too but slower.
   "You know, I think we might need more elixirs. We probably won't have enough to make it off the mountain," Elyza said, frowning.
   "They probably sell some in town. We can check when it's a problem or whenever," Elijah said, voice muffled. Zalie glanced at him. He was face first on his bedroll. She rolled her eyes.
   "Ok, well, I'm gonna go find Link. Y'all (oops. Southern came out) can come when you're ready," Zalie said. She waved and walked out of the inn and over to where they had met Bludo the day before.
   Sure enough, Link was there talking to Bludo. Or maybe it was Bludo talking to Link. Link didn't seem to talk as much with strangers.
   "...then. Well, I took my painkillers, so I guess it's time to meet up with Yunobo," Bludo was saying as Zalie walked up. He didn't even glance at her. Ouch. "I mean no disrespect to Daruk's legacy, but if I'm not there to give that Rudania a good walloping..."
   "Daruk?" Link asked.
   "Are ya really tellin' me ya don't know about Daruk? The Goron Champion?!" Bludo asked incredulously. He huffed and turned to face that big enormous statue at the edge of town. "See that statue up there? That's Daruk!"
    ——Link's POV for a sec——
   Link stared up at the statue, squinting. As he did, memory blossomed in his mind.
   It was windy and Link was standing on Rudania with a enormous Goron who Link assumed was Daruk. The Divine Beast was climbing around.
   "Yeah! I think I'm finally getting the hang of controlling this Divine Beast!" Daruk exclaimed. His voice was scratchy and deep. He stopped controlling the Beast and stretched. "I tell you what...sure is a blast piloting a toy like this around. Let those other Champions know, they better eat their gravel if they wanna keep up with Daruk. Speaking of which, can you believe this view?" Daruk gestured towards Death Mountain. "Just look at all those delectable rocks sprinkled on those mountains.... Mighty tasty. I may not know a whole lot about this Calamity Ganon thing...but mark my words, I'll protect this land of ours to the death!" Daruk turned back to Link. "Right, little guy?"
   Daruk slapped Link on the back. Link stumbled forward—he was really strong. Link winced in pain. Link got the feeling that he was used to this though, because it didn't break his back as it probably should have.
  Daruk laughed, grinning. "Hey, by the way, congrats on becoming the princess's appointed knight. That's a really big deal! Protecting the king's pressure!" Daruk put a hand on Link's back. It covered Link's entire back but it was much softer just heavy. "Seriously, though. The princess is a strong personality—so strong she can't quite see the range for the peaks. Remember that, and you'll be fine."
   The ground started to rumble, somewhat violently. Link stumbled a bit.
   "What the—?!" Daruk said. He looked up at Death Mountain again. The ground shook more and Link heard a cracking of rock above him. They both looked up to see a boulder falling right above them, aiming to smash. It barreled right towards them but Link didn't move. He would have moved himself had he been able but it appeared that the Link from 100 years ago knew more than he did. Daruk turned to face it and Link saw a glowing orange-red shield circle around Daruk just as they rock hit. It broke and flew away at the force of the impact.
   Daruk turned around, "Alright, so what was I saying..." He looked back at the mountain. Softer, he said, "That was a little far as I know, Death Mountain has been quiet for decades. But if the mountain is shivering enough to send down a bunch of boulders that size, then—never mind. Forget I said anything." They both continued to look up at the mountain...
     ——back to Zalie——
   Zalie watched Link as his eyes glazed over, like he wasn't seeing what was in front of him. It was just like what happened in Zora's Domain. It didn't take quite as long so he came back after a little time. Bludo had kept talking but had noticed to unresponsive Link. Link gasped softly and focused again on Bludo.
   "...what's gotten into you? Hylians sure are strange," Bludo said, gruffly. "Anyway, Yunobo is actually a descendant of the Great Daruk. That's why that slacker can even use Daruk's Protection! He uses it t and protect himself when we fire him at Rudania. That's the only way we can chase that blasted Beast away. We have no choice because normal cannonballs are no good against him. All right, that's enough outta me. Time to go drive off Rudania!"
   Bludo went to move but there was another crack, like the one that happened the day before.
   "Arrrgh...youch...owwwowow..." Bludo grunted.
   "Are you ok?" Link asked, concerned. He glanced at Zalie, and Elyza and Elijah who walked up just then.
   "Oh, yeah, just peachy. Dumb traveler. OF COURSE I'm not OK," Bludo grumbled, irritated. "Owww...arghhh... I'm afraid I won't be goin' anywhere today. I hate to put you on the spot, but...can ya please go tell Yunobo that I'm gonna have to cancel for today? He should be at Eldin Bridge."
   Link nodded and started off. Zalie and the twins hurried after him.
   "Link, don't you need to get into the Divine Beast?" Elyza said, catching up.
   "Yes." Link kept walking.
   "Then don't you need to, you know, not cancel this?" Elyza continued.
   "Yes." Still walking.
   "Right, well, what're you doing?"
   "I get the feeling that if I'm gonna get into Rudania, I'm gonna need Yunobo's help, so I'm gonna need to see him anyway," Link answered. He kept going, walking faster up and out of the city.
   They walked by some hot springs with two Gorons sitting in them. One was a child and looked to be halfway drowning but he was, you know, a rock so...Zalie thought they probably couldn't drown. The other was an old Goron. Link walked right past them without even waving or being friendly. Zalie waved instead, giving them a smile.
   Elijah fell back a bit and walked beside Zalie. "Hey, does it seem like Link is more anxious to get this Beast done than the last one?" he asked softly.
   "Yeah, actually. I wonder why," Zalie whispered back. "It might have something to do with the memory he got back."
   "He got another one?"
   "Yeah, right before you got there. At least, I think he did. It was like what happened in Zora's Domain. He probably remembers more about the Goron Champion Daruk. You know, the one they have carved into the mountain towering over the city?" Zalie said quietly.
   "Yeah. I figured it was their champion. Maybe Link was closer with this Champion?" Elijah suggested.
   "Probably. I doubt he'll tell us, even if we ask."
   "True. Have you met this Yunobo guy?"
   "Nope. All I know is that he has the same protection the Goron Champion had." Zalie hesitated. "And...I think that Bludo has shot him at the Divine Beast multiple times. He'll probably really tough and brave. I doubt I could do that," Zalie said, thinking aloud.
   "You're probably right," Elijah agreed.    (If only)
    They started walking under some over hanging lower rocks when the ground stared shaking, sending more of those magma bombs tumbling off the mountain and hurtling in lots of directions. The four of them pressed themselves up against the wall under the overhang, hoping that a  hot boulder wouldn't crush them. Luckily, it didn't last very long but the occurrences were worrisome for Zalie. One boulder could end one of them in an instant. Link might survive, with his healing ability he had, but the rest of them? Squashed.
   Zalie continued on though, uneasy. They walked along, and had to fight a few lizalfos on the way, but they made it fine to where Link's map said the Bridge of Eldin was. Sure enough, it was there but it was straight up into the sky. It had an angry Goron face on its underside. Zalie didn't understand why it was up like that though.
   As they neared the bridge, Zalie heard someone yelling.
   "Yaah! Someone, please help me!" that someone yelled. Link started running towards what looked like a giant canon. A glowing orange shield was around a Goron—Yunobo—who was cowering inside it. There were two black Moblins trying to attack Yunobo.
   Zalie and the twins raced after Link. Link was already fighting both Moblins but couldn't attack really because he was dodging so much. Zalie got one's attention with a stab in the leg. It turned around, beady eyes angry. It swung a club and Zalie ducked. Elyza hit the thing in the face with an arrow, and Zalie took the opportunity to impale the moblin in the gut. It stumbled back and roared at them but Zalie stabbed again and it dropped. Zalie turned to help Link but Elijah already was and it died as Zalie watched. Link jogged up to Yunobo and the rest of them followed.
   "WOW! You're crazy strong, goros! You saved me again!" Yunobo said.
   Now that Zalie could see him fully, she could see that Yunobo was a young Goron. Maybe even a youth. That would explain his...less than brave behavior.
   "Thanks for saving me, brother! I would've been in real trouble if you hadn't shown up when you did, goro," Yunobo said, talking to Link. He sighed. "Still no sign of Boss, eh?"
   "He's not coming," Link said.
   "Huh? Not coming? But why, goro?!" Yunobo asked.
   "His back hurts," Link told him.
   Yunobo put his hands on his head. "After we went through to get them...the painkillers didn't even end up working, goro. Well, if Boss can't help, there's nothin' else we can do. I suppose I'll just head back now..." Yunobo started to move but Link interrupted him.
   "Wait a minute!" Link exclaimed.
   "Huh? You're not goin' back?! But why, goro?" Yunobo asked.
   "I wanna board Rudania," Link said.
   "Who do you think you are...Lord Daruk? It's dangerous in there, goro!" the goron youth said. "Though I guess if you weakened it first, it might be possible...but why risk it?! Hmm. Well, i don't really get it, but I'm sure you have your reasons, goro..."
   Link nodded, looking very determined.
   "The problem is...good ol' boss raised the Bridge of Eldin to make sure that mean Divine Beast couldn't get over here. In order to get to where Rudania is, we'll have to find a way to get the Bridge of Eldin back down, goro," Yunobo explained. "Boss would normally use the canon to lower it...ugh, we can't get across unless we figure somethin' out! If Boss can't come down here, then he can't use the cannon to lower the bridge. That means we're out of luck, goro!"
   Link just looked at him.
   "Oh! It occurs to me that YOU know how to use the cannons! Don't you, goro?" Yunobo realized. Link nodded. "Maybe we can get across after let's just do what I do to help Boss sometimes. That means I'm gonna be the cannonball ! And you'll launch me, goro!"
   "Are you sure?!" Link asked him. Zalie didn't think that was very safe but she guessed if you have a shield, then it wouldn't be so bad.
   Yunobo brought up his magic shield in response and said, "I've got Daruk's Protection, goro! My ancestor's help can't possibly fail me! That means I can crash into anything and it won't hurt one bit, goro! My ancestor, Daruk, was a big deal, goro. That's what Boss says, so it's just gotta be true! And I can use Daruk's Protection just like Daruk could! That means there's no need to worry, goro! So rest easy, got it? Well, go on then! Take aim at the Bridge of Eldin and fire away, goro! Just, y' kinda gentle about it..."
   Well, Zalie thought he sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
   Yunobo went over to the canon and hopped inside with his shield. Link took out his sheikah slate and pushed something. A bomb appeared in his hand. Zalie yelped. She backed away but Elyza came over and quickly explained. Zalie nodded slowly but still stood away. Link fired the cannon with that bomb and launched Yunobo at the bridge. Yunobo bounced away after he hit. The bridge wobbled then fell across the lava flow so that it could be crossed. Yunobo was over by the bridge, holding his head. 
   Link turned to his friends. "Hey, um, you guys have to stay here. This is gonna be like Ruta and..."
   "Yeah, yeah. We can't go with you because we can't help you with the Divine Beast," Elyza said, folding her arms.
   "We'll just sit here and worry for a while like last time," Zalie added.
   "And wait for rocks to fall on us," Elijah said.
   "Uh, yeah. Sorry. I'd contact you if I could but I can't. Don't worry though! I'll be fine. I was last time, after all," Link said, shifting.
   "We're joking. Kind of. We know you can do it, Link," Zalie said.
   "Thanks. Well, I have to go. I'll see you guys...later." Link waved and ran across the bridge to join Yunobo.
   Zalie and the twins stood and watched as those two went up and Rudania released drones as it cried out.
   They'll be fine. Link has done this before, at least similar stuff. Besides, he has that healing from Mipha and Gorons  are basically rocks, Zalie thought. I know they can do it.

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