Chapter 29

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   Kenton was the first one up the next morning. He had been sleeping on the floor even though he had a bed here. He'd let Elyza sleep there because there hadn't been enough beds for them all.
   He walked out into the frail sunlight. It was way earlier than he usually got up. Kenton figured he ought to get used to being up earlier because it was almost guaranteed that saving Hyrule would include some early mornings.
   Either way, his grandfather was up and he needed to talk to him. So, Kenton walked over to Ashe and sat down at the fire.
   "Ah, Kenton, you are up so early. You must need something," Ashe said, walked over and sitting down by the fire too.
   "I just have to ask you a question. I've decided to go with my new friends to help them on Do you object?" Kenton asked.
   Ashe looked thoughtful. "Well, I rather you not go but that is because I am your guardian and would like to know you are safe. But...I suspect that if I told you to stay, you would resent me and leave anyway. Am I correct?"
   "Yeah, probably," Kenton admitted.
   "Then I suppose I'll have to let you go. However, you do have to come back eventually, if only to take care of your sister. I won't be around forever," his grandfather said.
   "Of course, Grandfather," Kenton said. He smiled and gave his Grandpa a hug. "And thank you."
   "I couldn't hold you back even if I wanted to, my boy. Just promise me you'll go get that girl. The tan one," Ashe said.
   "What? What're you talking about?"
   "I've seen how you look at her. I—how do you young people say it—'ship it,'" Ashe said, chuckling.
   Kenton flushed. It only made him laugh harder. He turned away and strode away from his now cackling grandfather. Crazy old man, Kenton thought. He fled to the top of the stable, climbing the walls and structure of the stable. He pulled himself onto the horse head and sat to watch the sun rise.
   Honestly, he wasn't quite sure how he felt anymore. And it had only been a day.
   He liked Zalie to be sure. She was amazing. But then there was Elyza.
   She was much more complex and conflicting. She had an edge to her. They shared the fact that their parents were gone. She was actually nice when she wanted to be. She had a wry wit and intelligence and was pretty sarcastic. Elyza was a very different person from what Kenton was accustomed to.
   Zalie was super genuine. She was beautiful. She had the kindest eyes and voice. Considerate and aware. Observant. Strong. She was always concerned about others and never about herself. She was talented as well and she was funny sometimes. She didn't seem to have any dark part of her. But, didn't everyone have one?
   Kenton just didn't know now. He'd barely known them for a couple days and he already was completely uncertain. He hadn't quite realized this would be an issue. Grandfather clearly liked Zalie.
   Kenton sighed. He turned himself westward, looking at that flying thing in the sky. In a couple days, he would be underneath it in the Rito Village. He could be learning archery from the best archers in Hyrule. What if he stayed there? The rest of them had been functioning fine without him. He could stay and learn from the Rito. He never really wanted to see anywhere else. Besides, Kenton didn't actually know where they would go after that.
   But would he really just sit and wait for Hyrule to be saved? What if they couldn't do it with out him? This was the Great Calamity for Hylia's sake! But what difference would one person—even an extraordinarily talented person—make?
   Kenton just sat and watched the sunrise for a while. He eventually got out his map of Hyrule and looked at their path. Was it too slow?
   "Kenton? Keeeennnnttooonnnn?! Where'd you go?" Elyza's voice called. She clearly didn't know he was up on top of the stable.
   Kenton quietly climbed down the head and down the side of the stable. He silently stepped up behind Elyza. He tapped her shoulder. "Boo!"
   Elyza yelped and whipped around and accidentally—at least he hoped it was an accident—slapped him in the face.
   "Ow!" Kenton complained. He rubbed where she slapped him.
   "Don't scare me like that, idiot!" Elyza exclaimed angrily.
   "Did you do that on purpose?" Kenton said, wincing at the lingering slap. He could still feel it.
   Elyza eyed him. "It was an automatic response. Ask Elijah. He got slapped so many times he stopped scaring me."
   "Great. Noted." Kenton rubbed his cheek again. "Now what did you want?"  
   "Well, we were wondering where you were because we were going to eat—Elijah is making it now—and leave. It's going to be long day," Elyza said, folding her arms.
   "Okay. Let me go pack my stuff," Kenton said. She nodded so Kenton walked into the stable and grabbed a backpack and packed it with essentials. He didn't have that much stuff so it wasn't hard. Maybe he could pick up souvenirs.
   He set his pack on his bed for the moment and went out to the fire where his new friends were all sitting. Grandfather Ashe was standing near them and Zalie was talking to him. She noticed Kenton and smiled brightly at him.
  Kenton, of course, blushed a little. This whole experience was weird for him. He was usually unfazed by everything and was collected. This was doing a real number on his mind. He managed a wave though.
   "Hey guys. When are we leaving?" Kenton asked, sitting down on the dirt and smelling the food being cooked.
   "Soon," Link replied, looking at his Sheikah Slate. He looked frustrated. "Is there a faster way to this place?"
   Kenton nodded. "Yeah, if you don't want to take the road. I was thinking about that.  I was looking at a faster route that would get us to the Tabantha Great Bridge faster and safer than going through Central Hyrule with all the guardians, and, you know, Ganon."
   "Ok, I'm listening," Link said, putting his slate away.
   "Well, we would head along the road that we were planning to take anyway, but keep going straight once it heads into Central Hyrule. Its mostly grassland. I think there are some ruins along that way too. Essentially, we head around Central Hyrule until we reach the Tabantha Bridge Stable. We probably stop the night there and head along the road the rest of the way in Tabantha. It'll be faster and safer than going through Central Hyrule," Kenton explained.
   "Alright. My map only shows so much right now so you'll have to lead," Link said.
   "Ok, I can do that. We can make it there by the end of the day if we gallop the whole way," Kenton noted.
   "That would make the horses exhausted. Let's just try for the stable you talked about," Link said. Kenton nodded.
   So, they saddled the horses and loaded their packs on them. Kenton said goodbye to his sister too.
   Zalie didn't have a horse and so Kenton offered her a ride which she accepted. She rode side-saddle with her hands gripping the saddle. They started and maintained a steady trot along he road. Kenton felt awkward so he attempted conversation to pass the time.
   "Zalie," Kenton said musingly, something occurring to him.
   She hummed questioningly.
   "Is is short for something?" Kenton asked.
   "Zalie. Is that short for something or is it your actual name?"
   "Oh! It is short for something," Zalie said.
   "What's your full name then?" Kenton asked.
   "Zaline. I don't like it much though which is why I go by Zalie," Zalie said.
   "Zaline? Why don't you like it? It's a pretty name," Kenton said.
   "Well, it just sound too fancy for a simple girl. After all, I'm from a fishing village and my dad trades so I'm not exactly rich or anything," she explained.
   "I suppose that makes sense."
   Kenton struggled for another topic. "Uh, you have siblings right?"
   "Yeah, two little brothers. They are a lot younger than me though. Probably around your sister's age," Zalie said.
   "What're their names?" Kenton asked.
   "Zuta and Kinov," Zalie answered.
   "Do you miss them?"
   "Yeah, sometimes. They probably fight a lot more without me there. I had to watch them often. We got along well for the most part though."
   "I've never been to Lurelin. Is it nice there?" Kenton questioned.
   "It is to me. I love living by the ocean. I could just sail away and keep going for forever, all around the whole world," Zalie said, sighing. "It's pretty hot and muggy there though. We live in open huts but we like the simplicity."
   "It doesn't sound too bad."
   "Maybe not," Zalie laughed. "Are you from here though? Like, the stable?"
   "No. I've lived here a while but I used to live in Akkala," Kenton replied.
   "Really? I've been there! It's beautiful, but it's a little cold for my tastes."
   "Yeah. It really is lovely," Kenton agreed.
   "Why'd you leave?" Zalie asked.
   Kenton hesitated a moment. Well, he already shared the story once. "My parents died there."
   "Oh. I'm sorry! I didn't realize that was a touchy subject," Zalie said, gasping.
   "It's ok. It's been a long time anyway," Kenton said, shrugging.
   "Still. I'm sorry." She fell silent, perhaps afraid of conversation now.
   Kenton shrugged again. "Really, it's fine." He glanced back at her. "What about you? Any dark or depressing stuff in your life?"
   "Oh. Well, not really. I mean, my aunt and uncle died but I didn't know that until a couple weeks ago. Both of my parents are fine. Nothing is really all, traumatic in my life. Hearing everyone else's story makes me feel really lucky," Zalie said, somewhat awkward.
   Kenton nodded. At least she knew she was lucky.
   "Even guilty. But that's stupid. I would never wish any one of my family dead and I feel so awful for you guys. It's not fair to you. You guys are amazing and you didn't deserve that," Zalie continued.
   "Maybe not, but if those things hadn't happened, we all would be here right now would we?" Kenton said, turning his head to look at her. "We'd never have met. And Link would've done this alone. It sucked but maybe it was fate. I wouldn't undo it knowing I moved on and it led me to meet you guys."
   Zalie smiled. "I suppose you're right. I wouldn't want to un-meet you and Link. I only had so many friends in Lurelin."
   "See? It's fate. We needed each other and Hylia got us all together," Kenton said. He turned back around. "After all, I needed this. I was useless here and I never did much. Elyza needed to get over her loss and probably Elijah too. You needed to meet me and Link and Link needed our help to save Hyrule. Everything happens for a reason."
   "I never realized you were so insightful, Kenton," Zalie noted.
   Kenton laughed. "I didn't either."
   Zalie laughed too. "No, really, you are! I never thought of it that way."
   "Happy to provide a new perspective then," Kenton said. It was surprisingly easy to talk to Zalie. At least he didn't have to fight her for answers to his questions.
   The two fell into a comfortable silence, watching the scenery go by. They had made it far, time passing quickly. Kenton pulled out his map with one hand and glanced at it. They were pretty close to the stable now and the scenery looked different. The "trees" looked like mushrooms and the air was cool. In fact, Kenton thought he saw a storm.
   It was a little bizarre. It wasn't moving but was hovering literally like a thundercloud over a specific area. It wasn't all that big either.
   "Woah! Kenton check that out!" Zalie said, pointing at the storm.
   "Yeah. I think that area is called the Thundra Plateau. There is a perpetual storm there apparently," Kenton said.
   "That's so cool!"
   They moved on and had made to to the Tabanatha Bridge stable in no time. They boarded the horses and stayed there. It had been a lot of traveling and there would be more tomorrow.

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