Chapter 6

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Tense, Link held his blade towards the two strangers that had just climbed the Shiekah Tower.
     He had been about to jump off and glide away when these two people had climbed up. A girl and a boy. They didn't look older than 17. They were both defenseless and soaked. They held their hands up as Link held his sword threateningly toward them.
    The girl spoke first. "Um...hi. Look we aren't going to attack you or anything. We were just curious as to why the tower was blue. Uh...who might you be?" She sounded more curious than scared. The boy looked anxious.
     "Why?" Link asked, not putting his sword down.
     "Curiosity. And legends," the girl answered. The boy seemed more reserved but Link could see similar curiosity.
    "Why would I have anything to do with legends?" And why do you know I am? Who are you?
    "Just from a book I've read. A Hero will come to save Hyrule. It just seemed odd that this tower was blue when the rest I've seen are orange. I promise I'm just a normal girl though. I have no ill intentions," she said, probably noting Link's suspicious gaze.
    "My name is Link. Can't tell you much else," Link said, finally answering her question. "Now. Who are you? What do you want?"
    The girl blinked. "You're kinda blunt." She shrugged then pointed to herself then the boy next to her. "Well, I'm Elyza and this is my brother Elijah. We're twins. He didn't really want to come with me but I just wanted to help you out if I can." Her brother looked incredulously at her.
     Link slowly lowered his sword. After all, they probably couldn't do too much harm without weapons. Now that Link had determined they were little threat, he noticed the two looked very similar. The girl, Elyza, was pretty. The boy looked stern. What am I doing? I have a job to do. It's to save Hyrule and the Princess that Rhoam said was his daughter and holding back Ganon. You need to get a move on. Who knows how long Ganon will be trapped? Link straightened, then put his sword away. The boy and girl took that as an ok to stand and stood up.
    "So, do you need any help?" Elyza asked.
    Link eyed her and her brother. Well, I don't really know my way around, because of my apparent memory loss. Perhaps they could direct me to this Impa Rhoam told me about. "Yes actually. I need to get to someone named Impa. Do you know her?"
     Elyza replied, "I've heard of her I think. She's a well known Sheikah. Probably lives in Kakariko Village. I can take you there."
    "Kakariko sounds right. Alright, take me there," Link said. Elyza smiled and motioned to her brother who looked annoyed for some reason.
    Link moved to the edge of the tower and jumped off.
     He could see those twin's shock as he fell. Link smirked. He whipped out his glider and drifted to the bottom. He waited there for the two to get down. When they got down he could just barely hear the boy, Elijah, mutter, "Show off." Well, he doesn't like me too much. Link shrugged to himself and motioned across the river. They had horses on the other side. He might have to catch a ride or get one himself. Unfortunately, he didn't see any around.
   They all dove into the water and swam across easily, with Elijah puffing a bit. Probably not as physically inclined. Link smirked again. They reached the shore and wrung out their clothing as best they could, but they would be wet until they found somewhere to change. Or at least the other two could. Link himself didn't have really any other clothes except for his warm doublet, and it was too hot to wear them. He sighed.
    Elyza was the first to notice Link didn't have a horse. "Oh!" She said, "You need a ride. You can come on Frihet here. She's strong enough for us both."
     Link shrugged and moved to climb on when Elijah sputtered, "Wh-What? No way. He can walk. He seems perfectly capable."
    Elyza gave him a look that said "you idiot that makes no sense" and told him, "We'll go faster if he rides. He won't have enough stamina to sprint the whole way to keep up with us. He's riding unless you take him." It was clear he didn't want to, and he didn't respond fast enough because Elyza motioned to Link to climb on her horse with her. Link hid his smile and hopped on with her. He hadn't really wanted to be annoying to him, but Elijah had already decided how he felt about Link without even knowing him, and people like that just irked Link. So, he didn't feel bad that he was riding with his sister.
    They rode on, with Elijah in the rear. Link could practically feel the glare on him. They went through the the Dueling Peaks at a steady trot. Link wished they would hurry. He didn't know how long he had. He had a sense of urgency that the Princess needed him and sooner rather than later. Yes, he didn't really know but he felt he had to move faster. He had some things to be about. He didn't know exactly what, but he had a faint idea. A remnant of a memory. "Hey, um, Elyza?" Link said hesitantly, "Do you think we can go faster? I feel an urgency to get there sooner."
    "Oh, yeah. Sure, we can do that," Elyza replied. She looked distracted for some reason. She pushed her horse into a gallop. With this, they made swifter progress and Link felt better.
    "So, do we ride straight to Kakariko? Or is there another stop?" Link asked.
    Elyza seemed to shake herself then responded, "We could, but I was thinking about a quick stop at the stable. There are some people there that I want to talk to. I heard them mention treasure, and I figured that some rupees might be nice on the journey. Is that ok?"
    Link was unsure, for it might take a while, but it would be useful to have some rupees to spare. Link had barely anything himself. "Yeah, that would be nice," he decided.
    Elyza smiled then said, "It'll be an adventure! Let's hurry though so we can be on the road again." They sped up again.
    Elijah called out, "Why'd we speed up?"
    "Adventure!" Elyza called back.
    Link could hear Elyza giggle quietly at her brother. She went even faster and Elijah was hard pressed to catch up, and fell farther and father behind. "Meet you at the stable, brother!"
    "Hey!" Link and Elyza sped ahead and arrived at the stable very fast. Elyza let her horse rest up inside the stable and walked back to Link.
    "I guess we wait now," Link said.
   "Or we could go find the treasure now and leave a note for him telling him to wait," she suggested mischievously.
    Link shook his head. "No, we shouldn't. Your brother hates me enough as it is and I've only known you for an hour at most."
    "I guess that's true." She wander out a ways into a nearby field, wild horses grazing nearby, with Link following her. "I don't really know why though. Guess he's just protective. Like I need it. I've always been the best in a fight."
    "You are?" Link said, surprised. She glanced at him like he had said something stupid. "Uh...what are you best at then?"
    "The bow mostly. I'm ok with a sword," she said.
    "How'd you learn?" Link asked, curious.
    She turned away. "My father. He's gone now though."
    "Oh. I'm sorry," Link said, abashed.
    She shook her head. "It's fine. It's not like you knew. Me and Elijah have been on our own the past couple years. Just us."
    Link let out an "ah" of understanding. This would be why Elijah was so protective. The only man of the family with his sister to watch over. "Who's older?"
    "Him. Barely. Used to rub it in my face when we where younger. Of course, then I'd fight him."
    "Elyza, where are you from?" Link asked.
    "Hateno Village," Elyza replied. "It's here in Necluda. Not that far off. Hours of riding though, feels like."
    "Your brother, he doesn't like me much," Link said.
    She turned back, "I know. You see, he liked Hateno. Didn't want to leave. I, well, I couldn't stay. That tower we met on, one popped up just outside our town. I climbed it and suddenly I could see basically all of Necluda. It was beautiful. But, I had never really left Hateno much. And since my parents death, I hadn't wanted to stay but had nowhere to go. But then your towers popped up and I wanted to find out why and explore the area I've lived in but never seen."
    "My towers?" Link said, puzzled.
    "Yeah. You know, the ones to guide you on your way to defeat Ganon? Don't you know what you're supposed to do? Don't you remember?"
    Link looked down. "I have an idea from what a spirit told me, but I really don't remember anything from before I woke. Nothing. I don't know who my friends where, my family, nothing. So, no, I don't have a great idea of what I can do."
    "Oh. I'm sorry," Elyza said, looking embarrassed.
    "Do you have any idea what I'm supposed to do? Anything would help. I can fight but if I don't know where to go or what to accomplish, I can't really do much," Link said.
    "Well, I might be able to. You see, there's this book I used to read when I was little that had a bunch of stories on Heroes of Hyrule. The last chapter of that book...well, I think it's on you. We would have to go get it from my hometown though," Elyza added.
    "Maybe after Kakariko? And that treasure. Oh, by the way, where's your brother? Shouldn't he have caught up by now?"
    Elyza stood and looked down from where they had come. "Huh. Yeah, he should've been here by now. Where is he?" Link shrugged. "Hmm. I guess we'll wait some more. We weren't that far ahead. I guess he slowed down. Well, we can wait." Link nodded.

-switching views to Elijah for a sec-

     Man, I really don't like that Link guy. He just walks in, even started out by threatening us, and my sister is already staring at him. He thinks he so great, Elijah thought. And then they sped off with each other leaving me behind. I can't stand it. Link and I are gonna have a little talk when I catch up.
    After they had rode off, Elijah had stopped in protest. He had since started up again and was at a steady trot and was almost there. He had thought to calm down and think rationally but picturing them together on that horse just made him furious.
    He was nearly there, he was almost to the bridge that led to the stable. He could see them talking.
    They sat next to each other, both with small smiles in their faces. From a distance, they would look like a couple. Not if I have anything to say about it. Oh, we're going to have a talk. Not to Elyza. She won't listen to me. But Link, I'm going to give you a piece of my mind, don't you worry. Elijah sped up and quickly reached them.
    They both turned to him. "Elijah! I was afraid you wouldn't catch up. We were getting worried," Elyza said standing up and giving him a hug, during which Elijah glared at Link. He looked away.
    "Hey, Elijah? Me and Link were thinking to go find some treasure some people at the stable were talking about. What do ya think?" Elyza asked.
   "Do we need to Elyza? I thought Link here had somewhere to be," Elijah replied.
    "Well yeah. But we agreed that it would be nice to have some rupees. So, what do you say? Coming with us?"
    "Well, how about just me and Link going? You know, male bonding. You can stay here," Elijah suggested. He could get him alone then without interference from his sister.
    "What!? But I was the one who came up with the idea!" Elyza protested.
    "Elyza!" Link said, "It's fine. You can ride and grab that book you were telling me about. I'd like to read it."
    She calmed a bit, "But what if we end up going to Hateno anyway? Then we'll have wasted time."
    "Look, how about we go find out about this treasure and see how far it is. Then we'll decide," Link compromised.
    "Fine." They all went inside the stable to see two guys standing in  the corner talking. They all walked up to them.
    "What do you want? Get out of our business. We're trying to solve this riddle," one said.
    "Excuse us, but we were wondering what this riddle was and about," Elyza started.
    "Hah! You would be able to solve it if Domidak hasn't. No chance," the same guy replied.
    "Please?" Elyza asked, with big eyes.
    "Oh fine. But if you want more clues than the riddle, it'll cost you 100 rupees." He smirked.
    "Oh no. I think just the riddle will be fine. What is it?"
    The other guy, Domidak, responded, "You sure about this Prissen? Ok then. The riddle is 'The little twin steps over the little river. My cave rests above that rivers source.' It refers to Misko, the Great Bandit's treasure. But I bet you won't be able to solve it."
    "That's right! Nobody is better than Domidak," Prissen agreed.
    "Thanks anyway," Elyza said. Then turned away with Link and Elijah. They all walked back outside near the horses. "So, what'd ya think?"
    "I think that this is crazy," Elijah offered.
    "Is there a 'little river' around here?" Link asked.
    "I don't know. But there is a Little Twin Bridge. Maybe it goes over the little river?" Elyza responded.
     "Seems our best bet. But, it's getting pretty late. We should probably rest and do it tomorrow," Link reasoned.
    "Yeah, you're right." Elyza straightened. "We'll rest up and get on it tomorrow!" Elijah nodded grudgingly accepting that Link was right.
    Together they all walked out a ways from the stable, leaving the horses there to rest, and set up camp and they all went to bed by their fire.

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