Chapter 31

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   Link had to admit that the Rito Village looked pretty cool. It was built around a huge rock pillar with rope bridges crossing to different thin islands leading to it. It was centered in the middle of a large lake and cliffsides. It was majestic, even if it was a little chilly. Perhaps that was its proximity to those frozen mountains to the north.
   As Link started walking up to the village with his friends, he got his first glimpse of a Rito. Or, well, second. He'd already seen a Rito in his first memory. This one looked much like the Champion, but a different color. He looked like a guard and simply eyed them as they walked past.
  They reached the next island when the Divine Beast cried out, like Ruta and Rudania had done when Link neared.  It sounded like an eagle screech, which made sense seeing as the Divine Beast looked like an eagle.
   "Those sounds are so unnerving," Zalie said, shivering. Link couldn't tell if that was from the cold or not.
   "Does that always happen?" Kenton asked. Link noticed he wasn't as excited as he had been earlier.
   "Every time so far," Elyza replied. Elijah nodded.
   They walked to the next island and the next over the bridges, nearing the actual village. Elijah forced them to stop for a moment though because he noticed fish swimming in the pond on one island.
   "It's so big and long. It probably tastes delicious," Elijah said, crouching down next to the water.
   "It's just a fish, Elijah," Kenton said, looking kinda annoyed to be stopped.
   Elijah looked at him. "Do you want dinner? Because I can make it for everyone else if you wanna be like that."
   "It is just a fish," Kenton muttered but let the matter drop.
   They kept moving after Elijah decided to come back later for it. Link led the way right up to the actual village and decided he should probably talk to a local. There was a guarding Rito near the stairs that spiraled up the large pillar. Link walked up to the brown Rito.
  "Hmm? Are you a traveler?" the Rito asked. Link nodded. "I'd like to show you around, but now's not really a good time.  This is the Rito Village, could say we're not in a welcoming mood. Talk to the folks in the village to hear all about it. Any questions for me?"
   "What's going on?" Link asked. 
  The Rito turned and looked up at the sky. He pointed his feathery "arm" at the Divine Beast. "Did you see the beast in the sky? That's Divine Beast Vah Medoh. It showed up a while back. The Rito warriors who flew to check it out were shot down. They say it used to be a divine being that protected the village, but it doesn't seem very divine to me." The Rito turned back to him. "Thankfully, the thing only shoots at anything flying high above the village. But is pretty demoralizing for us Rito to have to fly so low to the ground. Any other questions?"
   "No. Thanks," Link said. The Rito nodded and so they walked past him.
   Kenton pulled ahead of Link, walking quickly up the stairs. He'd probably head straight to the top. Zalie followed him.
   Link just wanted to talk to some villagers. It seemed that Vah Medoh had actually hurt people intentionally. Rudania had dropped rocks but that wasn't directly attacking, and Ruta was trying to drown people with rain. Medoh had actually shot down Rito. It needed to be stopped. As soon as possible.
   Link walked up the stairs and stopped when he was by two Rito talking.
   The red one glanced at him. "'re a traveler. We were just chatting about that monster in the sky. You know, Divine Beast Vah Medoh. Turns out that a long, long time ago, that thing was on our side."
   The brown Rito spoke up. "Right. A long time ago, the Champion of the Rito Village, Revali, tamed that beast and used it to protect the village...according to the elder at least. And I believe him!"
   "So the story goes, but why did it start attacking us now?" the other Rito said. He shook his head. He walked away.
  Link noted the inn as he kept walking up the village. He would make his way to this elder. He probably would help him; all the others had.
   As Link walked—the twins following behind him—he passed a few more Rito, including women and children. He could hear their conversations.
  "Kheel, why must you always insist on worrying your poor mother?" the female Rito said, face evidently stressed.
   Link couldn't help himself. He walked up to her and asked, "What's the matter?"
   The green Rito looked at him. "My youngest daughter, Kheel, wants to go to Warbler's Nest. She won't stop stalking about it. I have 5 daughters, and ever since that beast appeared, they've been getting needier by the minute. At times like this, I wish he was around..."
   "I wish I could be a kid again and think only of myself," she continued. "But that is the thing about being a parent—you have to be bigger than your children."
   The little Rito girl turned to him, looking dejected. "They say it's too dangerous to go outside the village right now. But all I want to do is go sing with my sisters at the Warbler's Nest...That Divine Beast Vah Medoh is a big jerk!"
   "Kheel! Watch your language!" Kheel's mother scolded.
   "But, but..." Kheel stared longingly out of the village.
   Elyza walked up beside Link and knelt by the child. "How 'bout I sing with you?"
   "You mean it?" Kheel asked. "I mean, it's not the same, but I don't get to sing with a Hylian every day."
   "Of course. Do you have a favorite place in the village to sing?" Elyza asked.
   Kheel nodded. "Yeah. It's near the shrine, up near the top of the village. My papa plays his music for us when he's here and my family sing, but not since Vah Medoh."
   "Well, you'll have to show me some of your favorite songs and I'll sing you some of mine," Elyza said. She smiled. Kheel lit up and she ran up the stairs with Elyza behind her.
   "That was real sweet of your friend. My name's Amali, by the way," Kheel's mother said.
   "My name is Link," Link replied.
   "Hmm. That sounds familiar for some reason. Either way, please enjoy your stay here, though it won't be as good as it would without Medoh," Amali said. She smiled and walked down the stairs.
   Link started back up the stairs again, passing by the Slippery Falcon, and Elijah ditched him to buy ingredients. Link was now walking by himself. He kept going but even he stopped at the next shop—the Brazen Beak. It was an armor shop and the armor looked very warm. The Snowquill gear was  expensive though. They would have to sell before they could afford that. Link only had his doublet which probably wouldn't be enough. He'd have to ask his friends.
   Link left the shop and continued up. He stopped as he saw the shrine and Elyza sitting with the little Rito, Kheel, but Zalie and Kenton were there too. He could hear Elyza's song.
    🎵Across the land, from the Gerudo to Hateno, a breeze blows through the meadows on a bright and sunny day.
    It won't be long until the sun's rays go away, waiting for the dawn. But children play anyway, under the moon's soft glow.
   But, nothing last forever. The simple moments fade away because life goes on. But, always and forever, a breeze will blow through the meadows on a bright and sunny day.🎵
   Link smiled. Elyza had a pretty voice. He turned away, wondering why any of his friends were still with him. They all loved their homes—except for maybe Kenton—but they stayed anyway. He wasn't sure he deserved that was nice.
   He though of the champions. He now knew all their names but one. Mipha, Daruk, and Revali. He didn't know anything about Revali yet, but he was sure to get a memory back soon. He had with the others. Perhaps the elder could help him.
   Link finally reached the top of the village where there were more of those open huts. He figured the elder was in the last one. Link stopped when he saw a grayish black Rito wincing and holding his wing inside one. That didn't look good.
   Link walked in a little ways. "What's the matter?"
   The Rito glanced at him, wincing in pain. "No offense but this is not your concern. That cursed monster..."
   "Are you alright?" Link asked.
   "Not really...if this is what we're up against, we should have put more stock in the elder's words," the Rito said, wincing again.
  "And you are?" Link knew he was being a little annoying but the guy wasn't very responsive.
   "I am Harth, the bow craftsman. But...I cannot raise my right arm right now, so business is not exactly booming," Harth said. He winced again.
   Link finally let the man be and walked out and to the final hut where the walkway ended. He walked inside and found a big Rito that looked more like a really big owl, and a Rito Child. He thought it was a girl but he wasn't really sure. The elder—at least that's who Link assumed he was—didn't seem to notice Link immediately. Link looked at the child.
   "I...I'm scared of the bird monster. I hope it doesn't eat me...did the village elder tell you about it? Are you scared of it too?" the little girl asked.
   "Not scared at all," Link told her.
   "Whoa! Really? Are you a Champion or something? I'm Kotts!" she said.
   The elder woke up at this—Link hadn't realized he'd been asleep—and looked at Link. "Ah, a visitor. Welcome to..." He trailed off, and sat up more, eyeing Link. His eyes widened and he leaned forward. "Oh. OH! That object on your hip...could it be...forgive me. Where are my manners? I am Kaneli, elder of the Rito Village. Now that not a Sheikah Slate dangling from your hip?"
   "That's right," Link replied.
   "Oh, my! So it's true!" Kaneli exclaimed, looking surprised. "That means you must be a Champion like Master Revali—one of the few able to board Divine Beast Vah Medoh!" He sat back, frowning and Link barely caught his words. "No...what am I thinking? The Champions have been dead for 100 years. This boy must be a mere inheritor of the Sheikah Slate." Then, louder, "Ah, forgive me... Champion descendant...if you would listen to this old man's request, you would have my eternal gratitude."
   "Of course," Link said. He wasn't a descendant, but it didn't really matter what they thought as long as he freed Medoh.
   "Thank you. Truly," the elder said. "Now that I know you have the blood of a champion, there is something I must ask you. How shall I put this...I would like you to deal with Divine Beast Vah Medoh. The giant beast circling above us. Only a chosen one, a Champion, can stop a Divine Beast. You must enter the beast and bend it to your will.
   "I tried explaining this to the more headstrong Rito warriors, but they won't listen to reason," Kaneli explained. "Teba and Harth tried to confront Medoh, but it did not go well, and Harth was injured. Teba escaped unscathed, but I fear he now plans to face Medoh alone. As a descendant of the Champions, perhaps you can help us. Please. Find Teba. If you work together, you may be able to stop Divine Beast Vah Medoh.
  "If you mean to help us, then allow me to fill you in on the particulars," the elder said. He waved for Link to ask a question.
  "Ok, who's Teba?" Link asked.
  "Teba is a warrior of the Rito Village," Kaneli said. "He lives right next door to my humble abode. He's the one who decided to confront Divine Beast Vah Medoh. He set off alongside another villager named Harth. Unfortunately, Harth was shot down by Medoh and had to retreat. This defeat only made Teba more determined. I fear he has set out to face Medoh by himself. As you can see, Medoh is still flying about up there. I hope Teba is ok. Teba's wife Saki may be able to tell you more about his whereabouts. Is there something else you wish to know?"
   "Who's Master Revali?" Link asked. He wanted to know more about this champion. Perhaps they had been good friends like Link had been with the others.
   "Master Revali was a fierce warrior from the Rito Village who died 100 years ago," Kaneli explained. "According to the stories, he flew like the wind itself and wielded a bow twice his own size with ease. His skill was recognized by King Rhoam, and he was entrusted to control Divine Beast Vah Medoh. Master Revali lost his life while piloting the Divine Beast during the great battle with Calamity Ganon. What could have happened inside Divine Beast Vah Medoh 100 years ago to kill such a celebrated warrior? Any other questions?"
  "No. Thank you for your help," Link said.
  "You, descendant of the Champions... please stop Medoh," the elder said.
   Link bowed and left the elder. He had to see this Teba's wife before he could stop Medoh. Link couldn't exactly get up there on his own, unless there was some serious shenanigans.
   Teba lived next "door" so Link wandered into the next hut and found a purple-pink Rito woman. Probably Saki. He walked up to her. He'd have knocked but there weren't doors around here.
   "Forgive my intrusions, but I overheard you speaking with the elder. It sounds like you intend to help my husband, Teba, in the fight against Medoh," Saki said. Link nodded. "But to tell you the truth, there is not much I can do for you beyond telling you where my husband went."
   "Where did he go?" Link asked.
   " husband headed to a place called the Flight Range. It's in Dranoc's Pass at the base of the Hebra Mountains," Saki said. "It's a place where Rito warriors prepare for aerial combat...I imagine he's gone there to gather weapons for another run at Medoh. As it happens, he made his way to the Flight Range on foot this time."
   Zalie turned out her "window" and looked at a platform with a symbol on it. "If you take off from Revali's Landing, it's a straight shot down to the Flight Range. Revali's Landing is a memorial for the Rito Champion, named in the hope that none will forget the events of that horrible day..."
   Link looked at the landing, and felt the familiar and welcome feeling of a memory returning as he looked. He soon saw into his own memory.
   Link was standing in the middle of the platform, looking upward where Medoh was flying—its coloring blue.
   He felt the wind pick up and whip Link's clothes. The gusts felt like a whirlwind circling him. Link saw as a figure shot up into the air from below using the whirlwind. It was a Rito that Link recognized from his first memory. Revali.
   Revali's flew down and landed on the railing of the platform. He presence exuded confidence and even arrogance.
   "Impressive, I know. Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky," Revali said smugly. "Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It's considered to be quite the masterpiece of aerial techniques, even among the Rito."
   Link had never met someone so punchable. He was so full of himself and condescending. And Link had barely heard a few sentences from him.
   "With proper utilization of my superior skills, I see no reason why we couldn't easily dispense with Ganon," Revali continued. He hopped down from the failing and walked towards and around Link, hands behind his back and chest puffed out imperiously. "Now then, my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note...but let's not—pardon me for being so blunt—let's not forget that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito." Revali continued around Link. "But despite these truths, it seems i have been tapped to merely assist you. All because you happen to have that little darkness sealing sword on your back. I mean, it's just...asinine."
  Revali looked at him and met his eyes. " think you can prove me wrong?" He got up in Link's face. "Maybe we should just settle this one on one?" He turned away, face mockingly thoughtful. "But where...? Oh, I know! How about up there?!" He gestured up at Medoh flying the sky. "Oh, you must pardon me." His tone hardened. "I forgot you have no way of making it up to that Divine Beast on your own." He crouched and the wind picked up and Revali launched himself into the sky up to Medoh calling behind him, "Good luck sealing the darkness!"
   The memory faded and Link blinked back to real time, and he turned back to Saki who was looking at him, alarmed.
   "Descendant! Descendant! Are you alright?" Saki asked, concerned. Link gave a small nod. "My apologies...I fear I have said far to much...if there is anything you do not understand, please do not hesitate to ask."
   Link nodded and left. He walked down the stairs to the platform, thinking of his "new" memory. Revali and Link had clearly not been friends. Link almost didn't want to save this guy's trapped spirit. His voice was annoying, and he couldn't punch a spirit.
   Link walked to the edge of the platform, looking straight ahead. He thought he could see a pass but he couldn't see past that. That would be where the Flight Range was. Link turned away. He needed to be able to teleport back to the village first. And, he would talk to Harth again now that he knew what happened. He could help Link or at least give him more information.
   He made his way back to Harth's hut and walked inside. He looked up, wincing slightly.
   "Hey, buddy...I'm guessing you caught wind of that monster circling around our village," Harth said. "I suppose I should get you up to speed on what went down."
   "Please do," Link said politely.
   "Here see this wound here on my wing? I got shot by that thing in the sky, Divine Beast Vah Medoh," Harth started. "Legend has it, that monster was once the protector of this village. But those days are long gone—as soon as Teba and I approached the thing, it just shot at us out of nowhere. We tried to fight back, but I was too slow and got hit. Thankfully, Teba caught me while I was falling from the sky. We had no choice but to retreat. When I think about what would have happened had Teba not been there... still gives me the bumps. So you planning to go find Teba? I will tell you everything I know."
   "Who's Teba?" Link asked. Honestly, Link needed to know who he was dealing with.
   "Teba. Him and I go way back. As far as flying goes, he is undoubtedly the best in the village," Harth explained. "His only downside is that he's reckless...and has a bit of a temper...and he can be rude. But we look out for each other. But the way he was talking...saying that he was going to 'blow Medoh out of the sky.' He wants to go back up there...alone. Which is absolutely insane. What kind of moron with a wife and kid does that? Anything else you wanted to ask about?"
   "No, I'm fine. Thanks, Harth," Link said.
   Harth nodded. "...Help Teba for me."
   "I will," Link promised. He gave him and fist and left.
   Link walked out and sighed. He walked down a little ways and over a bridge to a shrine. He saw Elyza with Kheel and waved. Zalie and Kenton weren't there. Where were they? And Elijah? Well, they didn't always have to be next to him.
   Link walked to the shrine and activated it. He walked inside and let the elevator take him down into the shrine.
   A few hours later, Link came out of the shrine. Thematically, it had dealt with "flight" and air. Well, now he could teleport back when he wanted.
   Link looked around for his friends, but none were within sight. Perhaps they were at the inn? Link wandered down the stairs until he made it to the inn. Nope. Where were they?
   He looked through the whole village looking for them but didn't find them anywhere. They clearly weren't here. If they were, they'd have to have climbed to the top of the rock pillar the village was built around. That would be crazy. It seemed like something Kenton would do. No. They probably went back down to the stable. It wasn't far and maybe they were having food down there.
   Link nodded to himself and left the village, crossing the bridges and islands back down to the stable. He saw smoke so there was a fire going. Elijah was probably cooking. Perhaps the Flight Range could wait till tomorrow.
   He found them all there, sitting around the fire, Elijah spooning out some stew to everyone. They all smiled when he sat down with them.
   "You guys had me worried for a bit. Couldn't find you in the village," Link said, helping himself to some stew.
   "Sorry about that. We weren't sure when you would come out the shrine and we couldn't really send you a message," Zalie apologized.
   Link shrugged. "I almost thought you guys had climbed to the top of the village. And by that I mean you were above the village at the very top."
   They all laughed, smiling. It was something they would do honestly.
   "I don't know if we'd all do that, but Kenton sure would," Elijah said.
   "Maybe not. I want to learn from the Rito and you can't do that sitting on top of the world," Kenton corrected.
   "But you didn't deny that you would do that," Elyza pointed out.
    Kenton shrugged. "Fine. Maybe I would. Heights are interesting."
   "So...Link? What'd you find out?" Zalie asked.
   "Well, Medoh isn't actively attacking, but it shot down Rito that have flown up to stop it. None dead as far as I know but Harth—the bow maker—was injured. Teba—his friend—is determined to go back up and is currently at the Flight Range. I've got to go help him to take down Medoh. And I got a memory back of Revali, the Rito Champion. He's kind of a jerk but I guess that's secondary," Link said.
   "Oh. Ok then." Zalie sat back. "That sounds urgent."
   "Yeah. I'll probably go see him today. Still plenty of time left in the day," Kink said, glancing at the sky. It was early afternoon. "I'll have to make some elixirs to survive in the cold though.
   "Do you want us to come with you?" Zalie asked.
   "You could come, but you'd have to walk to the Flight Range. I'm going to glide there but I can't exactly take you all. And you'd have to walk back because I suspect that I'll head straight to the Divine Beast from there," Link said.
   "Well, I guess the rest of us better get started then," Zalie said, standing.
   "I'm good. Never been a huge fan of freezing cold," Elijah said.
   "Can't one of us glide with you?" Elyza asked.
   "In theory. I don't know how long you could hold on," Link said.
   "I'm definitely going. This Flight Range sounds like some type of training ground," Kenton said, determined.
   "It is. They practice aerial combat there," Link said, nodding.
   "Well, I'm gone. See ya there." Kenton got up and started walking in the wrong direction.
   "It's the other way. And you'll want some coat or elixir so you don't freeze to death," Link called to him.
   Kenton turned around smoothly. "Right. I knew that."
   Link chuckled. "Alright. I'll see some of you there then." Link waved and went back to the village.

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