Chapter 34

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   Elyza didn't get up the next day. At least, not on time. She could hear everyone packing there stuff up, but no one bothered to wake her at that moment.
   " you're not staying here like you thought you would?" Zalie was asking.
   "Nah, I can come back sometime. I think you guys could use my help anyway," Kenton replied.
   "I guess," Zalie sighed dramatically. "We certainly are a hopeless group."
   Kenton chuckled. "I'm sure you could handle yourself but they might not be able to. Well, you and Link anyway."
   Elyza felt indignant at that but didn't open her eyes. Maybe she was eavesdropping but it didn't bother her much.
   "Well, I hope you can take the heat," Zalie said. "The Gerudo Desert is brutal."
   "So you've been there?"
   "Yeah, with my dad. He's a merchant and we were going there to sell stuff. Pearls, and shells, and some fish. They don't really have those in the desert. My father wouldn't have brought me along, but he couldn't do the trade without me," Zalie explained.
   "Why not?" Kenton asked.
   "Well, they only let women into their town. Or, technically, vai," Zalie replied.
   "What? Guys can't go in?! That doesn't make sense," Kenton said.
   Elyza cracked an eye and saw Zalie shrug.
   "It's how they do it. The Gerudo are all women."
   "Wait. What?"
   "There aren't any male Gerudo. They have to leave town to marry because of that," Zalie said. "Cool, right, Elyza?"
   Drat. She'd noticed. Elyza sat up and opened her other eye. "Sure."
   "You should probably pack, Elyza. We're going to head out in a little bit. Link is talking to Teba, I think. And your brother is already at the stable making lunch," Zalie noted. She was finished packing herself. She looked to be waiting on Kenton, who was lazily shoving his clothes in his bag.
   "Right. Fine. Got it," Elyza said. She swung her legs of the bed. They hadn't all stayed in the village because there hadn't been room. Elyza liked the breeze up here though, even if it could be a little chilly.
   Zalie and Kenton left without her, chatting and laughing. Elyza shrugged to herself. Whatever. The innkeeper wasn't there at the moment so Elyza quickly changed her shirt and trousers, and pulled on clean socks and her boots. She packed the rest, and slung her bow on her back—she had Kenton's other one, since the Zora bow was a little worn and his was stronger.
   She grabbed her bag and left the inn, walking down the stairs and starting across the bridges. Elyza didn't really want to leave the village; it reminded her of Hateno oddly enough. A tune she could almost hear, crisp air, and wind blowing in the trees. She would have to savor the coolness now because the desert would not be pleasant in that regard. On the bright side, there was a new cultural experience to...experience. Maybe she and Zalie could have a girls day. Hylia knew, they needed one. The boys wouldn't be able to follow anyway.
   Of course, that same freedom would come with its own problems. How would Link find out how he could get to the Divine Beast? It's not like he would be able to waltz in. They would have to sneak him in somehow.
   Elyza crossed the last bridge and saw everyone around the cooking pot. They all looked well rested except for Link. Hmm.
   She dropped her stuff next to theirs and sat down. Elijah glanced at her, but handed over a bowl of soup. She didn't know the name of it, but that wasn't that odd.
   "So...Link, when are we going and why are you tired?" Elyza asked, starting to eat.
   "Soon and I was getting shrines this morning. As many as I could find around here. Some were hidden but I got them. I was up early is all," Link replied, yawning.
   Elyza nodded. "Makes sense."
   The five of them finished eating, and saddled their horses. Link on Ellis, Elyza on Frihet, Elijah on Royal, and Kenton and Zalie on their horse. She didn't know it's name.
   They started walking up the steep hill but Elyza didn't think they actually knew where they were going. That was a sure way to get lost.
   "Hey, um, does anyone actually know where we're going? Like, how to get there?" Elyza asked.
   "South? Can't be too hard to find," Kenton said.
   "It's south. I didn't come this way before but I remember crossing a series of bridges and islands," Zalie said. "If we come to that, we'll know we're on the right track."
   "That's a flawed plan."
   "When I went there before, I went along the Great Plateau if that helps," Zalie said.
   "Well, I know where that is. We can head there. We'll just follow the road until then," Link said.
   They group road on, going back the way they came. Over that thin bridge, past where the talus had been, and they stopped near the tower for the area for Link. He went up by himself to get it, which was infinitely faster because of Revali's Gale. He was up and back down in 15 minutes.
   The five of them kept on. It took a couple hours from the village to reach the Tabantha Great Bridge. When they stopped at the stable to get a little break, it was then when Link brought up a discomforting topic.
   "So...guys? I've been thinking. You know, once we've finished with the last Divine Beast, when it's time to face Ganon," Link started.
   "We're not letting you go by yourself so don't even go there," Elyza said firmly, hands on hips. The others nodded their agreement, even Elijah.
   "I wasn't gonna say that. You'd hunt me down," Link continued calmly. "But I was thinking we might separate. Now before you interrupt me, it's only for a short time. You can all go prepare to face Ganon with me, and I'm going to get as many shrines as I can and...I want to collect the rest of my memories. Frankly, it'll be faster without you guys since I can teleport on my own. I'll probably need your all's help to find the location, but I'd go by myself." Link visibly braved himself for their comments.
   But none came. Everyone appeared to be giving it real thought.
   Kenton was the first to speak up. "That's sounds good. It makes sense."
   "It would be nice to see my family, if only for a bit, and give myself some time to prepare," Zalie said.
   "It does make sense, Link. We'll go our separate ways for a few days before meeting back up to defeat Ganon," Elyza said. Elijah nodded.
   Link relaxed. "Thanks guys. I promise I won't go in alone." He smiled.
   "Well, while we rest a bit, can you show us your memory pictures?" Elyza asked.
   Link nodded. He pulled out his Sheikah Slate and brought up the pictures. Everyone looked over Link's shoulders.
   "That desert one. That's the Kara Kara Bazaar. We're going there. That one will be easy," Zalie said.
   "That spring? It looks like it's in Akkala. I think I've been near there before, or my mother told me about it at least," Kenton piped up.
   "That tree with the big bridge? It's down near the Bridge of Hylia. Elijah and I rode past that when he came and got me," Zalie added.
   "Most of those look like they're in Hyrule. Except that one overlooking that river. That's by the Lost Woods. Those rocks are in Eldin," Kenton said.
   "One of those looks like it's in the castle itself," Elijah said.
   "And that first one is right in front of the castle," Elyza said. "Not sure about that horse statue one. Maybe we'll run into it as we go."
   "Thanks guys. I'll just have to wander in Central Hyrule a bit to find most of them," Link said.
   "Link, you should go see Impa after you get all the memories. Couldn't hurt," Elyza added.
   He nodded. "You're probably right." He stood. "Alright, let's get going again."
   They swing into their saddles and left the stable, following the road, and passing those big mushroom trees. That big stationary storm was still there. They reached a crossroad and turned onto the road that headed south. They were only heading that way for a little bit when they came to a bridge and curious rocks. And a Rito playing an accordion.
   Link stopped and dismounted, walking over to the Rito. He started talking to him, and the Rito sang a song before Link came walking back, looking deep in thought.
   "Who was that?" Elijah asked.
   "His name is Kass. He's a Rito obviously, and he just sang a song about the region. It sounds like it leads to shrine. I have to shoot straight through 3 of these rocks, the holes in them at least. It should bring out a shrine," Link explained.
  He pulled out his bow and went walking around the rocks, looking through them. Elyza watched as he picked one and pulled out an arrow and aimed through one. He loosed and it shot through 3 of them, though it looked tight. He waited a moment before the ground to the left started to break and uproot, a shrine pushing upwards.
   Link glanced back at them. "Uh, be back in a bit, I guess." He walked into it and went inside, going down.
   Elyza sighed and dismounted. The others did the same. They led the horses off the road and sat down on the grass. They signed up for this so it wasn't like they could complain.
   Elijah absently handed out apples for everyone to snack on, and Kenton went to sleep by the looks of it. Elyza stood for a moment to dig in Link's saddle bags, looking for that children's book she had given him weeks ago. She pulled it out and sat back down, leaning against the rocks. Elyza started flipping through it.
   She skipped to the end, the last chapter that she had read before. She started reading it again.
  The Hero was taken to the Shrine of Resurrection to sleep and heal so that he may return one day to save Hyrule. The Princess continues to trap Calamity Ganon inside Hyrule Castle until the Hero comes.
   Well, she'd read that before. Elyza kept reading.
  The Shrine of Resurrection is a mysterious shrine with advanced technology made before the Hyrule we know was founded. The Hero is being healed from death, and the consequences of such are unknown. It was a gamble and could turn catastrophic should it not work or erase his memory. In that case, perhaps he will  still find his way to destiny. Hyrule must be rebuilt and returned to its former glory, and it cannot until the Calamity is sealed away.
   "Hey, Elyza, whatcha reading?" Zalie asked.
   She looked up. "A book."
   Zalie rolled her eyes. "Clearly. I meant, what is it about?"
   "See for yourself." Elyza handed the book to her. She took it and started reading.
   After a minute or so, she said, "Wow, it's on Link and Hyrule 100 years ago." Elyza nodded. "It's written a little weirdly though. Like, a children's book, a history book, and lore all wrapped up in one." She handed it back.
   "Yeah, it's a little weird," Elyza agreed.
   "So, where are you gonna go once we finish with the Gerudo?" Zalie asked.
   "I don't know. Home maybe? I haven't thought about it yet," Elyza said.
   "I'm going home. I'm making sure that my garden hasn't died completely from neglect," Elijah said.
   "Well, then I'll probably come with," Elyza sighed.
   "I don't really want to go back to the stable. I mean, I might say hi, but that'd be it," Kenton said.
   "I'm definitely going home. I haven't seen my family since you gave them that letter, Elijah," Zalie said. Elijah looked down.
   Elyza patted his back. Kenton looked at little confused but that was normal for him.
   "I feel like I'm missing a lot here, and no one explains it till I ask," Kenton said, shaking his head and sighing.
   "My mother and their aunt didn't know that their mother died, her sister. Elijah gave her a letter explaining," Zalie explained.
   "Ah." Kenton nodded in understanding.
   "Perhaps I should come with you, Zal. You know, explain better," Elijah said.
   "That's ok, you don't have to if you don't want to," Zalie said.
   "We should though. I want to see her anyhow," Elyza said.
   "Um, do you mind if I come with?" Kenton asked.
   "Sure. If you want. I don't think our hut can fit you all though," Zalie laughed.
   "Well, we can go there for a bit, then we can go up to Hateno. Our house has more room, and we have a kitchen too," Elyza suggested.
   "That sounds like a plan. We'll do that,"
Zalie said.
   A few minutes later, Link emerged from the shrine. They all hopped into their saddles and started up again.
   They rode across the bridge and started up a hill when Elyza noticed a familiar structure up ahead on top. She frowned. Wasn't that one of Link's pictures? The one they didn't know?
   Elyza pointed at it. "Hey, isn't that one of your memories?"
   Link nodded. "It looks like it." Link sped up and galloped to the top of the hill, everyone following. They dismounted and followed Link, feet falling on stone. Link walked up to the statue of the rearing horse and stared at it, his eyes glazing.
   Elyza passed him and walked to the edge. The hill was high and so Elyza could see far. The Dueling Peaks and Mount Lanayru, as well as Death Mountain and what that little Rito girl had called Hebra Peak. Hyrule didn't seem so big from here. 
   The others joined her and they watched Hyrule until Link came back from his memory a few minutes later.
   "So, what'd you see this time?" Elyza asked.
   "Zelda and I were riding and we stopped here. I think this memory was right before the first one I got. Before Ganon came. We appeared to be getting along so that's good," Link said. "I think she started out not liking me but eventually did."
   Elyza nodded. "I wonder if any of your memories are from during the Calamity."
   Link shrugged. "Probably."
   Elyza eyed him and his nonchalance. She would let it go, but she could tell he didn't know if he wanted to know what happened.
   "Anyway, we should get going. We can probably make it to a nearby stable for the night," Link said.
   Elyza nodded. They hopped in the saddle again, and left the statue behind, riding onward. She couldn't judge how much longer they would have to ride, because she didn't know where the nearest stable was but they would probably run into one pretty soon.
   They rode down a long hill and across a bridge, and around a bend when, sure enough, a stable came into view.
   Elyza led the way down to the stable and dismounted as they reached it. She checked in the horses for everyone and got beds for the night. The sun was going down already. 
   Elijah was already making food and everyone was sitting by the cooking pot. Elyza walked over and joined them.
   "...see that structure up there?" Kenton was asking.
   "Yeah, what is it?" Link asked.
   "It's the colosseum. It used to be a place for soldiers to test themselves with battles and stuff," Zalie said. "Nowadays, I think a bunch of monsters are in there, including a Lynel. Supposedly, they had good weapons."
   "Hmm." Kenton leaned back, thoughtful.
   Zalie rolled her eyes and looked at Elyza. She knew exactly what he was thinking.
   Later, after they ate, Elyza asked for directions to the desert. She didn't want to trust just following the road. After that, she turned in, and went to sleep.

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