Chapter 18

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Link found that it was hard to sleep that night. Despite the comfortable bed, he tossed and turned. It was possible that he would face the Divine Beast very soon. Perhaps the next day.
   He had no idea what that would really entail.
   Oh, he realized that he would have to shoot shock arrows at Ruta but what would he do once he was inside? He had no idea what to expect. Hylia, he hadn't even seen the Divine Beast yet! He knew next to nothing about what would happen. Link wasn't afraid, but he was anxious. He hadn't faced a lynel but he was mostly confident he could beat it. Even if he would have to do it alone. All of it.
   Finally, Link could not lay there anymore so he got up and went for a walk.
   Zora's Domain was very peaceful and, though it could have catastrophic consequences if it continued, the rain was serene. Link found that he really liked it. It was beautiful and Link felt like he could almost remember being here 100 years ago. He would like to see it in the sun though.
   Eventually, Link wandered around to the statue of Mipha. He remembered more of her now. She had been very kind to him in his memory and had healed him. They must have been good friends. After all, they had apparently known each other as children. It hurt Link more than ever to know that she fell 100 years ago and that he would never see her again, at least alive. Link was more than aware of all the time that had been lost while he slept in the Shrine of Resurrection. Mipha had even had feelings for him. Link couldn't remember his own towards her, unfortunately. Not that he could do anything about that now. Perhaps her spirit was still around, somewhere.
   Link shook his head and walked up near the throne room. There was a balcony there that he leaned against. He was pretty soaked now but he had some dry clothes back in the inn. He basically wore his old clothes he had gotten shortly after waking from his 100 year slumber.
   Did Sidon or King Dorephan know what happened to Mipha? Obviously, they knew she fell during the Calamity, but did they know any more?
   Probably not, Link thought. The Champions were together when Ganon came. They probably went straight to their Divine Beasts. They wouldn't have had time to see their families. A tragedy really. She would have been alone as she fought for Hyrule. A heroic death. Link almost wished he had died along with them. Then he wouldn't have all this responsibility. But, then again, that would leave Zelda all by herself, to fight a hopeless battle. Link owed it to her to try, at least.
   Link didn't feel like sleeping so he stared out at Zora's Domain until it grew lighter. He couldn't see the sun because of the rain, but it was brighter. He should probably go change. That lynel wasn't going to fight itself.
   Link turned around to find Elyza limping up to him, though she tried to hide it.
   "Elyza, you shouldn't be on your foot. It'll make it worse," Link said.
   "Eh, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much," Elyza said. He statement was undermined as she winced involuntarily. "So, when are we going?"
   "'We?'" Link asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm going alone."
   "Seriously, Elyza?" a voice said from behind Link. He turned again. Elijah. "We already talked about this."
   "And?" Elyza demanded.
  "And you can't go! Don't act like it's just about you! None of us can go! Especially you with that ankle!" Elijah retorted.
   "I don't need you to baby me! I can take care of myself!"
   "Guys? Guys!" Link tried to cut in. He was ignored.
   "You're so irresponsible, Elyza! You can't do anything you want! You'll only get in Link's way! A hinderance!" Elijah yelled.
   "Yeah?! That's all I am?! An inconvenience?!" Elyza shouted. "Just dead weight?! What've you done to help?!"
   "I've helped by not being a burden!" Elijah yelled back.
   "Fine! You think I'm a burden?! Then I'll just leave!" Elyza screamed. She dashed off down the stairs towards the bridge that led into the Domain. Elijah stormed away in the opposite direction. Link stood there, looking between them. Finally he went looking for Elyza.
       ——Elyza's POV——
   Elyza ran down the stairs over to the bridge. She noticed a difference in the railing and saw a ladder. She glanced back and slid down it below the Domain. She barely felt the warm tears on her face as she went. She went past two pillars and sat down behind the last one staring into the water.
   Why did Elijah have to be him? She was perfectly capable! Her ankle wasn't even bad! She did not need him to protect her! She did more than he did....
   Elyza sobbed quietly. She put her head on her knees and wrapped her arms around them. She glanced into the shallow water. Something sparkled in it. Elyza wiped her eyes and looked more closely. She stood up above it. It looked like a bow.
   Elyza took her boots off and rolled up her pants and stepped into the water. It was pretty cold but not unbearably. She used her feet to scoot it where it was more shallow and reached in and pulled it out.
   It was a silvery Zora bow, by the looks of the craftsmanship. It was elegant but sharp. Elyza tested the bowstring a bit. It pulled back nicely, not too loose or to hard to pull. Well-made. Elyza walked back to the pillar and sat down, examining the silver bow more closely. Since it was all the way down here, Elyza assumed nobody would care if she took it. Her other one was old anyway.
   "Elyza? Elyza, are you down here?" It was Link's voice. "C'mon Elyza, you can't be anywhere else. The Domain isn't that big."
   She stayed where she was and said nothing. Link had already proven that he was with Elijah. He probably thought she was a burden too. Not like it was his fault that her ankle was twisted or anything.
   "Elyza? Look, I'm sorry that you can't come. I wish you could," Link said. He didn't seem to know where she was. "You're not a burden, whatever Elijah says."
   "You agreed with him. That I should stay behind," Elyza replied, voice echoing. Link walked around the pillar. His eyes found her.
   "Yes. You all have to stay. That's not specific to you," Link replied, frowning.
   "It kinda was, Link."
   "Because of your ankle. Look, it's my fault that you have that ankle, so if you're going to be angry, be angry at me. I just don't want to get you hurt again," Link said, sitting down beside her.
   "I don't need protection. I'm not a child. I'm fully capable of taking care of myself," Elyza said, not looking at him.
   "I know that, I just..."
   "I appreciate the sentiment but it's kinda annoying."
   "Understandable. I get it. I just don't want you to be injured further. I'm sure that's what Elijah wants too," Link said. Elyza said nothing. "You know, in the memory I got here, Mipha was healing me." 
   "She was?" Elyza asked, finally looking at him.
   "Yeah, a special power I guess. I don't know if anyone in the Domain has it, but maybe you should ask around. They could fix your ankle," Link suggested.
   "That'd be nice. Then I could go with you."
   "No, you still couldn't. I can't take anyone up the waterfalls with me. I don't even know how that's going to work with just me. The Divine Beasts are something that only I'm going to be able to do. No one but me can go inside. It's not practical to bring anyone with me. Sorry." Link leaned back.
   "It's fine, I guess. It makes sense. I guess I just don't want you to feel like you have to do all of this by yourself," Elyza said.
   "Yeah, I know. I wish I didn't have too," Link said. He stood. "Anyway, I gotta go. That lynel won't kill itself."
   "Right. Be careful, Link."
   "I will." He left. Elyza grabbed her new bow and headed back up the ladder.
      ——back to Link——
   Link grabbed his broadsword beside his bed and shield that he had found. Link didn't know how tough the lynel would be and he wanted to be prepared. He also changed into the Zora armor. He didn't know how swimming up waterfalls would work but it was probably some magic or enchantment. Link walked back out of the inn with all his gear to find Elyza waiting. She held out her old bow. Link had noticed how she had found a new Zora one.
   "Here. You might need it. You know, for the Divine Beast and maybe the lynel. It can take some more use," Elyza said.
   "Thanks, Elyza," Link said sincerely.
   "Good luck with that lynel, Link!" Link turned to find Zalie smiling behind him. "Need any tips?"
    "You ever fought one, Zalie?" Link asked, amused.
   "There are a couple in Faron. You hear a lot of stories when you live by a stable. Many travelers come," Zalie explained.
   "Well, sure I guess."
  "Great! First, they are supposedly honorable, meaning they shouldn't attack unless they feel threatened, or you're being threatening or get too close. Second, they reportedly have amazing aim and hearing. Third, they apparently can shoot fire and stuff. Cool, right?" Zalie said, all with a bright smile on her face.
   "Well, that doesn't sound bad. What, can they teleport too?" Link asked, with some sarcasm.
   "Sometimes," Zalie replied.
   Link laughed but then he met her eyes. "Oh, shoot. You're serious. They can fricking teleport."
   "Don't worry. They aren't supposed to do it often. Only when they are, like, really really mad. Just kill it quickly!"
  How on Hyrule was she so happy saying that? Guess she's just funny that way.
   "Right. I'll just do that. Anyway, I'd better go. See you guys later maybe," Link said. "If I don't die," he added. Elyza looked worried but Zalie was still smiling confidently. Link shook his head and walked off. This would be fun.
   He jogged up the stairs over a bridge, passing some Zora guards. To his right was a big dam and to his left were a bunch of waterfalls. There was a sign at the fork in the path. Left was a shortcut to Polymus Mountain; right was the east reservoir lake. Link went left.
   As he walked up to the waterfall, Link noticed the pretty fauna. It was pink and looked like coral. The trees were pines and grew tall. The whole area was so beautiful. Link could see why the Zora thought of this place as the pride of their people.
   Stepping up to the pool where the waterfall crashed, he stepped into the pretty chilly water and swam over to the waterfall. He took a deep breath and dove at the water fall. Somehow, he could feel himself being pulled upward and Link kept swimming, eyes shut. He opened his eyes as he burst from the waterfall at the top and used his paraglider to glide back to the ground.
   Link grinned. That was awesome. He ran up to the next waterfall and did the same thing, but with his eyes open. This was a mistake though. He had to close them; water kept splashing his eyes. Either way, the feeling was exhilarating. Zora could do this all the time?!
   Link went up the path to the final waterfall and jumped into the waterfall and swam up. He burst free of the waterfall again and dropped at the top.  He looked around. There were a couple trees next to the blue cliffs. Link walked up towards the peak of the mountain along a grassy path. There was another sign up there. It said "Shatterback Point this way." Good. Link walked cautiously up until he came to a flatter area, aside from the giant boulders and trees. He didn't see any lynel right away.
   Link carefully climbed atop one of the boulders and crouched there, looking around. He nearly fell off the rock as he heard a roar. Link looked around again. Nearby, he saw the lynel.
   It was a red color, with big menacing horns. If not for its big, shaggy, distinctly not Hylian head, he would have thought it half Hylian. It had 4 legs, looking like a horse body. It had a big bow on its back as well as a sharp shield and a cleaving sword. All of it looked lethal if you got hit. Fortunately, Link only needed the shock arrows, and there was a bunch of those lodged in trees and the ground. He might not need to fight the lynel to get enough arrows. Unfortunately, there didn't look to be enough arrows just laying around. Guess he'd have to fight it.
   Link moved to climb down, but his feet scraped the rock loudly. He froze as the lynel swerved his way. It looked around but didn't seem to see Link. Right. Really good hearing. Move quieter, Link. He started down again, going slower and carefully. He dropped softly to the ground.
   Link glanced around the rock, and stifled a gasp. The lynel was right there. Link took a deep breath and pulled out Elyza's bow as quietly as he could. He aimed carefully right at its face and loosed.
   The lynel roared and fell to one knee. Link rushed out, attacking anything he could reach. It did some damage but the lynel's skin was tough. It soon stood and jumped back a ways. It roared again and raised its sword in two hands, rearing up on its hind legs.
   Link felt a chill and sprinted as fast  as he could away. He could feel the heat of an explosion behind him and shock wave but didn't get burned. Link whirled around. The lynel was charging at him so Link jumped out of the way and attacked his side. He must have actually hurt it more this time for it roared in pain and jumped away. The lynel put its weapon away and started shooting fireballs at Link.
   Link yelped—a very manly yelp—and sprinted to the side to not get hit. The fireballs seared the grass behind Link and started updrafts. Link whipped out his paraglider and rose up one and time slowed as he shot the lynel in the face. It dropped to its knee again and Link stabbed with all his strength, frantically trying to kill it. He attacked the area he'd been attacking and it finally broke through the skin. Link stabbed it there and twisted the sword and pulled it out. The lynel dropped to the ground, dead.  
   Link sat on the ground, exhausted. At least it had not shot at him or teleported. Even still, he decided that fighting these was something he'd rather not do to often. Especially by himself. He forced himself to his feet and grabbed the lynel's quiver. It was full of shock arrows. Link took them and walked around gathering up the arrows stuck around.
   Once he had gathered enough, Link looked around. Shatterback Point was just ahead. It would give him a good view of the area. Link walked slowly up the winding path and walked out onto blue stone. There was a sign there that exclaimed, "JUMP AT YOUR OWN RISK!!" Link walked to the edge.
   And there was the Divine Beast. Vah Ruta. Water was shooting up into the air through the Beast's trunk. It was also coming out in four waterfalls around the Beast. It looked like an elephant and glowed a sinister reddish pink. Link could see why the Zora were so worried. Turning away from Ruta, Link saw Zora's Domain not too far away. Looking down, Link could see what that sign meant. It was an awful long way down. Well, if gliding down wasn't effective enough, Link would dive off. However, he didn't want to get too close to the Divine Beast. There's no telling how it would react to his presence seeing how it was being controlled by Ganon.
   Let's see...Sidon told me to meet him at the East Reservoir Lake. Right here in front of me. Probably down at those docks, Link thought. I should probably go back down to Zora's Domain though to let my friends know I'm ok. Link nodded and jumped off Shatterback Point.
   He fell a bit but pulled out his paraglider and glided down to the Domain. Link thought he could see Sidon down by those docks, but passed by. He floated over the bridge and dropped down. His friends weren't out in the open so Link assumed they were in the inn. Link walked down the stairs into the the inn. His friends were sitting on the beds talking.
   Zalie noticed first he was back. "Link!You're alive! Good job!"
   Link walked over and joined them. "Yeah, barely. Felt like luck."
   "Either way, did you get the arrows?" Elyza asked. He nodded.
   "Alright. Let's go tackle the Divine Beast!" Zalie exclaimed.
   Link looked over at Elijah. Elijah's face was impassive but Link could see a glimmer of relief in his eyes. Guess he really does care, Link thought.
   "Ok. You guys can come up to the reservoir with me," Link said. "Elyza, did you ask if there was a healer around?"
   "I did," Elyza answered. "Couldn't find any. It's apparently a rare gift."
   "Oh...well, you should—"
   "No. I'm not staying down here. I'm coming up with you. It's not that long of a walk. I'll be fine," Elyza interrupted.
   Link shrugged and nodded. She was determined. Elijah looked like he wanted to argue but didn't. He did help her stand and put her arm around his shoulder to help her walk. Zalie walked next to Link.
   They walked back up the steps and over a bridge and went right towards the dam. They were going relatively slow for Elyza. They reached the dam and climbed up the flights of stairs that led up to the docks on the reservoir. When they got to the top, Link saw a little pavilion with a bed underneath. There were some pots and Sidon was standing near the edge of the docks staring out at the Divine Beast. Link left his friends and walked over to him. It was now or never.
   "Sidon," Link said.
   He turned. "Glad to see your ready to go, Link. Are you ready for this? Do you have your armor and shock arrows?"
   "Yep. I'm ready!" Link said.
   "Wonderful!" Sidon exclaimed. "You never cease to amaze, Link! Now then, let us go and appease that Divine Beast as one! Here we go!!" Sidon flipped backwards off the docks into the water. "Gaze now upon the Divine Beasts back!"
    Link looked up at the Beast. It was much bigger from down here. Link thought he could see glowing magenta orbs.
   "Do you see those glowing, pink orbs? You will need to shoot each of them with a shock arrow! With your Zora armor, you now have the ability to ascend waterfalls! So I shall take you right up to the side of the Divine Beast, and from there you can swim up and take aim. I know you can do it! I believe in you!" Sidon called. "Now, hurry up and get on my back!"
   "Alright, I'm ready!" Link turned and waved to his friends and turned back.
   "Good answer! Let's get going!" Sidon said. Link jumped into the cold water and swam over to Sidon and climbed aboard. "OK! Here we go!!" Sidon swam quickly towards the Divine Beast.
      ——Elyza's POV——
   Elyza watched as Link and Sidon swam off rapidly towards Ruta. This would be interesting.
   "See? Sidon could have totally taken us way faster to the Domain on his back. How rude," Elijah said sullenly. Elyza smiled grimly.
    Elyza stood up and shakily limped to the end of the docks and sat down on the edge. She had her boots on because of the rain, but she took one off and out her hurt foot in the cold water. It numbed some of the pain and allowed Elyza to ignore it as she watched Link and Sidon.
   She could barely see them. The Divine Beast had started shooting blocks of ice at the two of them and, when they moved out of the way, it followed them. Elyza thought she could see Link's Sheikah Slate as the blocks of ice crumbled in the air. Sidon swam up to the side of the Beast—Elyza couldn't see too much now—but she saw Link suddenly in the air and shoot one of those orbs.
   They continued like that. Ice blocks shooting out from Vah Ruta, Sidon and Link dodging and destroying them and swimming up the waterfalls to shoot the orbs. Ruta eventually started shooting spiky balls of ice at them, but Link destroyed them all the same.
   Finally, Link climbed a waterfall and shot the last orb. The Divine Beast cried out and the waterfalls from it ceased. It fell deeper into the water, but the trunk kept shooting up water—less though. Elyza could see Sidon and Link swim around and vanish from view. Elyza could only assume that Link went inside Ruta. Soon, the Beast rose taller and stopped. The sky started to clear and the rain became steadily lighter until it stopped a few minutes later.
   Elyza pulled her feet from the water and grabbed her boots and stood. She hopped over to her family and sat down on the bed under the pavilion.
   "So...what do we do now? Wait for Link?" Elyza asked, breaking the silence. She could see Sidon swimming back to the docks.
   "I guess," Zalie answered. Sidon hopped up onto the docks and walked over to the stairs. "Hey! Prince Sidon!" Sidon stopped and looked at them, then walked over.
   "Yes?" He asked.
   "What is Link doing in there? How long will he be in there? Will he be ok?" Zalie asked quickly.
   "I know not. He is to appease the Beast from within. That is all. I cannot go in. Only a Champion can. Perhaps...but no. It is unlikely," Sidon answered. "We shall simply wait to see if he succeeds. I must go now. Perhaps you should too, friends of Link." He walked away and down the stairs.
   "Well, I'm not going until Link comes out of that thing," Elyza said, determined. Nobody fought her on that. They all sat down to wait.
    As the hours went past, very few things changed. All that they could see was the occasional moving of Ruta's trunk. Elyza thought she saw Link on top of it at one point but she wasn't sure. It was quiet for a long while. No one said anything—they all felt that worried tension as they waited. Would Link come out? They didn't know.
   Finally, somebody said something. "Guys? Perhaps we should go back down. There's no telling how long this will take. Let's go," Elijah said. Zalie looked like she wanted to cry but confident at the same time. She nodded reluctantly. Elyza just stared at Ruta.
   "C'mon. Elyza? We'll wait down at the Domain. He'll know where to find us," Zalie said gently. Elyza stood up and started walking back down the stairs. Their progress was stopped as they heard a great sound. Like a crashing waterfall. They all looked at each and rushed back up the stairs, Elyza ignoring her foot. They got to the top to see Ruta moving.
   Not just the trunk. Like, the whole Divine Beast was sinking. It continued down till it was completely out of sight. The three of them looked at each other wide-eyed and ran as fast they could down the stairs.     
   They dashed over the bridge and down to the front of the Domain. They waited a minute then saw Ruta climbing up a mountain. It reached the top and raised its trunk in what seemed like triumph. It wailed and crashed down on the mountain. It kept its trunk raised and a red beam of light erupted from near its trunk and shot out into Hyrule.
   Elyza looked at the others, increasingly worried. She could see the same question in there eyes. Where was Link?
   That question was soon answered. A ball of light came down from the sky and touched the ground in front of them. It shaped into a human being and the light disappeared, leaving Link standing in front of them. He looked triumphant and happy. Elyza cried out in joy and gave him a hug. Zalie and Elijah joined in.
   "So, was that you who moved that beast?" Elyza asked, releasing him.
   "What? No. It was Mipha," Link answered, chuckling a bit.
   "Her spirit was trapped in Ruta when she was defeated by Waterblight. She is free now," Link explained.
   "Waterblight?" The rest of them asked.
   "Yeah. It's kinda a form of Ganon. A little, I guess. Not quite him but from him certainly. I had to fight it to free Ruta," Link continued.
   "Well, we're glad you're ok, Link," Elijah said. He nodded. He looked to Elyza.
   "Mipha gave me her ability," Link said.
   "What? You mean her healing?" Elyza replied, confused.
   "Yeah. Mipha's Grace. I can heal myself, but since I got her ability, I don't see why I couldn't heal you." (I think it makes sense. He did get her power and she could heal. Still has a recharge though. He can't use it all the time.)
   "Well, I guess we can try." Elyza sat down and Link knelt and placed his hands above her ankle. A glowing silvery blue light came from his hands and Elyza could feel the pain go away and her ankle pop back into place. It didn't hurt anymore. "Wow! It worked!"
   "I'm glad. We should probably go inform the king that his problem is solved, though," Link said. They all nodded. Link led them up the stairs into the throne room when Dorephan addressed them immediately.
   "Link! You did well to survive your trial! I have been awaiting you return!" the Zora king boomed. It seemed that all of the Zora had come into the throne room to hear. "The violent downpour has disappeared, as has the threat to Zora's Domain. It is all little more than a bad dream now. Thanks to your efforts, there is no longer any danger of a great flood laying waste to Hyrule! You appeased the Divine Beast Vah Ruta and thusly saves Zora's Domain! We are all truly grateful! What you did for us is more than we could have ever expected of you."
   "Link...I just sincerely apologize for my harsh treatment of you," Muzu said. "That whole time, you were thinking of Hyrule's and Lady Mipha's well-being, just like the rest of us. All the members of our council humbly fold our fins back in gratitude, along with the rest of our people. Perhaps the older generation of Zora, myself included, misunderstood Hylians after all. It would seem so. That said, I would be overjoyed if you could find it in your heart to forgive me. Of not now, then perhaps one day." He nodded at Link.
   "Link! I must reward you efforts!" Dorephan exclaimed. "Now then! I implore you to collect the treasure inside that chest over there." He gestured to the left to a chest. "It was treasured by Mipha. A memento of sorts. I would like you to have it as a token of our friendship. Please take good care of it.
   "By the way, Link. I see that you are without your trusty blade...the sword that seals the darkness. Did you perhaps lose it when you lost your memory?"
   "Perhaps," Link answered. He knew about it of course from the book that Elyza had given him. She had seen him read it all.
   "What? Is it truly lost?!" Dorephan lamented. "That is the blade that only you, the Hylian Champion, can wield. It undoubtedly found a safe place to wait for you...sleeping soundly, just like its master.
   "Link, all of the Zora thank you from the depths of our hearts for your heroic and selfless work! ...And you too, Sidon. As your father, I am proud of you for fighting the Divine Beast alongside Link. You have grown much recently. I know you will be a worthy heir when your time comes."
   Sidon looked down. "Father...I...thank you!"
   "The heavy rains have stopped, and the Divine Beast is our ally once again! How glorious! Truly splendid!" King Dorephan said. He chuckled.
   "Link! This is wonderful!" Sidon exclaimed. He gave one of his winning smiles. He walked forward and took Link's hand and shook it. It was kinda weird seeing as how Sidon was so tall and Link...wasn't. "Link! Thank you so much! Truly, I could never thank you enough! You helped save our home from vanishing away. This calls for a top-tier expression of gratitude! ZO! ZO! RA! RA! RA! With all my heart...thank you!!" He let go of Link and all the Zora burst out into loud cheers for Link. Link smiled wide and walked over to the rest of them.
   "Well, that's a fun way to end an adventure!" Zalie yelled over the noise. Elyza smiled and shook her head.
   "End?!" Link yelled back. "We've got plenty more adventure ahead! This is just the beginning."

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