Chapter 9

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As Link walked up the stairs, to the side was a young woman scrubbing the deck. She looked up and stood quickly when she saw Link.
"A man?!" she cried out. "Huh? Is that—?! It's...a Sheikah Slate! Could you be the Hero my grandmother told me about? What was his name? Li...Lin...ummm...." Link just looked at her. "Oh, it's not that I forgot...I'm just bad with speaking. As for me, my name is Pa...Paaa...Paaay... Oh! My name is Paya!" She finally got out. She seemed really embarrassed. "Phew! I got it out.... I know I should be able to say that easily as how it's my own name and all. I'm so...sorry. Anyway, my grandmother's been awaiting your return ever since I was little. Plea...Please hurry inside," Paya finished.
Link took a deep breath and nodded, then walked inside the house.
Inside was a modest sized room. There was a picture and furniture and a glowy orb next to some stairs but the main focus if the room was on a very old woman. She had on a large hat with dangling anchor things on it. Her head was bowed when Link entered but she spoke soon after he did.
"...So you're finally awake," Impa said, her head still bowed. "It had been quite a long time...Link." She raised her head and was smiling. "I am much older now, remember me, don't you?" Link looked down for a moment. "What is the matter?" Impa asked. "You are looking at me as though I am a stranger to you. It is I, courageous one. Impa. Surely you must at least remember the name Impa?" Link shook his head. Impa's eyes widened. "I see... So, you have lost your memory." Impa settled back. "Well, it matters not. In fact, that may actually be a blessing in disguise for the time being. Dearest Link...please come a bit closer." Link walked forward to stand before her. "A hundred years ago..." Impa began ominously. "Yes...a hundred years ago, the kingdom of Hyrule was destroyed.
"After you fell, Princess Zelda's final wish was to place you in a sacred slumber. And then...all alone... Alone, she went to face Ganon." Link felt his stomach drop. The Princess he was have supposed to protect went to face that monster. Alone. "Before Princess Zelda went to nobly meet her fate...she entrusted me with some words she wished to say to you. I have been waiting 100 years to deliver the princess's message. However!" Impa said. "These words, which the princess risked her life to leave you... Well, if you are to hear them... you must be prepared to risk your life as well." Impa stopped and eyed Link for a moment. "But I am afraid that burden may be too much to bear while you are still without your memories. I leave the choice to you. When you feel you are ready to receive the princess's message, return to me." Impa bowed her head again.
Link took it as a dismissal and walked back out the door, troubled. He went looking for Elyza and Elijah. He asked someone along the way and he was pointed along a path near Impa's house. He walked along the path that led to a cliff side looking out over the land that Link failed to save 100 years ago and the evil he failed to defeat.
Elyza and her brother were sitting at the edge of the cliff. They both turned at hearing Link's footsteps. Link waved for them to stay sitting as Elyza looked as if she would stand. He joined them at the edge next to Elyza. The twins looked at Link. "So, how'd it go?" Elijah asked.
Link sighed. "Well, I learned that I basically failed to save Hyrule from Calamity Ganon 100 years ago."
"Oh, Link. I'm sure it wasn't like that," Elyza said comfortingly.
"Maybe not, but I did fail. Ganon is out there still and I was there 100 years ago when it came and we lost."
"Well, maybe not quite," Elijah speculated. "I mean, after all, Hyrule isn't destroyed. The kingdom was but the land is still here. People are still around and Ganon seems stuck in the castle."
Link looked out towards Hyrule Castle. "Not for much longer."
"What do you mean?" Elyza asked.
"When I woke up, I heard a voice. The voice told me to wake. It seemed to lead me outside and showed me Hyrule Castle. And later, King Rhoam told me that Princess Zelda, his daughter, was holding back Ganon with her sacred power. And that her power was running out and that Ganon would soon be released. She was the one speaking to me when I woke up. She told me that Hyrule needed me, and that I was the 'light'. But, if I nearly died last time, why would I succeed now?" Link wondered sadly.
"You're not being fair to yourself Link," Elyza said sternly. "You said you lost your memory. How do you know that you didn't do everything you could? Maybe there was nothing you could have done. And Elijah is right. Hyrule is still alive, not the kingdom, but the people. You did not fail. You saved them."
"Not really. Zelda saved them. She trapped Ganon. Not me," Link replied.
"Yeah well, she called for you. If you want to make up for your so called failure, then go help her. Go back in to Impa. You're ready," Elyza told him, standing.
"You're right. I'll go back in," Link said, determined to make up for the past now. He would help Zelda. He would remember. Link stood and nodded to the twins. He turned around and walked back towards Impa's house. He strode up the stairs and pushed open the doors. He walked right up to Impa.
"The words that the princess risked her life to impart to you...I cannot pass them onto someone who lacks conviction. Are you prepared to risk your life for the greater good?" Impa asked seriously.
"I am." Link wouldn't fail again. He would make up for it.
Impa laughed. "Ha! Not a memory to your name, yet you are as intent as ever to charge forward with only courage and justice on your side. You have not changed a bit. Once a hero always a hero." Impa shifted. "Very well. Since you have lost your memory, I will recount for you all that has happened.
"The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also the history of Calamity Ganon, a primal evil that has endured over the ages. This evil has been turned back time and time again by a warrior wielding the soul of a hero, and a princess who carries the blood of the Goddess. With the passage of time, each conflict with Ganon faded into legend. So listen closely as I tell you of this 'legend' that occurred 10,000 years ago.
"Hyrule was then blossoming as a highly advanced civilization. Even the most powerful monster posed little threat to the denizens of this realm. The people thought it wise to utilize their technological prowess to ensure the safety of the land, should Calamity Ganon ever return. They constructed four mechanical wonders that came to be known as the Divine Beasts. They also built a legion of autonomous weapons called Guardians. The Divine Beasts were piloted by four individuals of exceptional skill from across the land. And thus, the plan to neutralize Ganon was forged. Upon Ganon's inevitable return to Hyrule, the princess and the hero fought alongside the four champions against this ancient evil. The Guardians were tasked with protecting the hero as the Divine Beasts unleashed a furious attack upon their terrible foe. And when the hero wielding the sword that seals the darkness delivered his final blow...the princess used her sacred power to seal away Calamity Ganon.
"A hundred years preparation for the foretold revival of Ganon we strove to follow the lead of our ancestors 10,000 years prior. the end...despite our best efforts and careful planning, we underestimated his power. In order to avoid making that grave mistake again, the Princess left you these words." Impa leaned forward. "'Free the Divine Beasts.' That is what she said. The four Divine Beasts are the ancient weapons wielded by the four champions who Ganon defeated. The Divine Beast Vah Rudania, controlled by Daruk of the Gorons. The Divine Beast Vah Medoh, controlled by Revali of the Rito. The Divine Beast Vah Ruta, controlled by Mipha of the Zora. And the Divine Beast Vah Naboris, controlled by Urbosa of the Gerudo." Impa shook her head. "It would been extremely ill-advised to face Ganon without the power of the Divine Beasts to help you... You must infiltrate the Divine Beasts that were stolen away by Ganon 100 years ago and bring them back to our side. More information about these Divine Beasts can be found by locating the four races scattered across Hyrule." Link's Sheikah Slate lit up suddenly. "The Sheikah Slate will guide you on your way. You must go where it tells you and meet with each leader there. ...It seems to me that you Sheikah Slate is not yet complete. The device Princess Zelda left you is your guide and also your memory. Now, let's see...someone at the research lab in Hateno Village might be able to help you..."
"Hateno Village?" Link asked.
"It is a small of the very few places that avoided suffering significant damage during the Great Calamity. You are Princess Zelda's only hope...and Hyrule's, as well... You cannot turn back now. Follow your heart and seize you destiny," Impa finished intensely. She put her head back down.
Link stood there a moment, stunned by all this information. He finally turned though and walked outside. Well, I guess it's time to go to Hateno Village. I wonder what Elyza will think of that. And then I have I travel all over Hyrule and free these Divine Beasts. Guess I have a lot of work to do, Link thought.
This time, as Link walked down he stairs from Impa's house, Elyza and her brother were waiting at the bottom. They walked away together over to a small pond with a small statue of the Goddess like the one Link had found in the Central Plateau.
"So, now what?" Elyza asked.
"Well, Impa told me to head to Hateno Village. Your home. To fix my Slate. It's not complete or something," Link told her.
"Ah," Elyza said, her face thoughtful. "Well, I guess it will be cheap to stay there, if nothing else. How would Hateno fix your Sheikah Slate?"
"Um, Elyza, the building at the top. The weird lab thing," Elijah said.
"Oh that. Yeah. Never been inside though. There are rumors of a child up there though. A Sheikah girl. Could be able to help," Elyza speculated.
"It's settled then. We set out for Hateno Village tomorrow. Until then, what should we do?" Link said.
"Hm? Are you...Sorry to bother you, but are you a fellow traveler?" a man asked. He was turned towards Impa's house and was painting it. "I'm Pikango, by the way. As for me, I just looove art. In fact, I'm traveling the world in search of beautiful landscapes. Just between you and me...I hear there's a Great Fairy Fountain somewhere near this village. I hear its breathtakingly beautiful. Aesthetics aside, they also say the place can bestow some kind of mysterious power on people... However, since I'm an outsider, I can't get anyone to tell me any more details than that. These villagers never leave the safety of their village, so travelers like me are treated with suspicion. But I won't give up! Oh, and if I manage to find out anything, I'll be sure to let you know." Pikango turned back to his painting.
Link walked out of earshot with the twins then said, "That was kinda random."
"Yeah, a tad," Elyza said with a smile. "But, it did sound interesting. Oh! I almost forgot. There's a shrine up on top of that hill over there. We figured you might want to go in."
"Yeah, I should. Ok let's go," Link said and they walked together over and up the hill to the top where they found a shrine. "Uh, could be a while. I never know."
"That's fine. We're not really going anywhere right now," Elyza replied. Link nodded then headed to the pedestal on the shrine, opened it and went inside. "See ya in a bit." The elevator started to sink.
It reached they ground quickly and Link stepped out. There were two chests that Link threw open. Inside was a blade and a shield. Both were Sheikah gear.
Link walked out to where the floor was lowered and waited while the platform came up.
On the platform, there was a little robot thing. It looked kinda like a little Guardian, at least from the dead ones Link had seen. It pulled out a weapon and attacked.
Link dodged and felt a voice telling him moves that felt very familiar. Like he had done them in the past. Which he probably had if he had been the Hero.
Link jumped to the side and dashed forward to hit the tiny guardian. The voice came again and Link backflipped away from the strange sword. He dashed back in to attack. He slashed it more. The robot exploded and dropped its sword.
Link snatched the cool sword off the ground and put it in his bag. He ran through the bow open gate and tapped on the glass-like surface around the Sheikah monk. It said its normal words like they always do and Link left the shrine.
It was nice that this one was so short, though Link hadn't really been through an extraordinarily long one yet.
Link walked out of the shrine to find Elyza sitting in the edge of the shrine. She turned at his approach. "Hey! That was way shorter than the last one," she said.
"Yeah, this one just taught me fighting skills. The others are usually puzzles." Elyza nodded. "So, did you find this fairy fountain?"
"Well, I don't know. It's didn't look like a fountain, but we did find something interesting. C'mon. I'll show you," Elyza said, standing. She walked along a dirt path leading back into some woods.
Not too far down it was a big bulb. Like a flower before it blooms. It was all spiky, with stairs or maybe a ramp made out of glowy mushrooms.
"Here it is. What do ya think?" Elyza said.
"Well, it's something at least," Link said. Link walked up the ramp and put a hand on the bulb. He jumped as it spoke.
"Boy...sweet boy...please...listen to my story," the thing said.
"Uh, sure," Link said, bemused.
"I am the Great Fairy Cotera," It said, or rather she said. "This place was once a beautiful spring...but as time passed on, fewer and fewer travelers arrived to offer me rupees. As a result, my power has abandoned me. I'm nearly powerless now, so I beg your help. I need rupees to become whole again. All I need is 100 rupees... Once my power has been restored, I can help you do great things, boy." Suddenly, the bulb opened and a hand shot out. It had a bracelet and a ring. "Now...if you have the rupees, hand them over to me. Quickly! In order for me to regain my power, I need 100 rupees."
"Uh...Elyza? Do we have that much?" Link said.
"Yeah..." Elyza said hesitantly. "We'd only have 50ish left though."
"We'll get more," Link assured her. He turned back to Cotera in the bulb, still holding out her hand. "Here you go."
The hand snatched them and Cotera said, "Thank you. You are too kind." The bulb started to pulsate and shake. "Aah...the's overflowing!"
The bulb burst open into a lovely flower with a pool in the center. That pool started to bubble, like it was boiling, and a giant figure broke the surface and shot up. "Ah-HAAAAAAAAA!!!"
Link took a step back in surprise. The fairy was blonde with heavy makeup. She was wearing very sparkly clothes.
"Hahhhhhh.... Oh what a feeling! That first breath of fresh air after an eternity of's just so intoxicating!" Cotera exclaimed. She looked down at Link. "Thanks to you, I've been returned to my former glory. And as they say—one good deed deserves another. I can help you boy. Allow me to enhance your clothing. It's the least I can do, but I will need the necessary materials. With the power available to me...I should be able to enhance your clothing a little bit. Which clothing item would you like me to enhance?"
Link looked to Elyza, who shrugged, then pointed to his trousers.
"I think I can enhance the Hylian trousers. All right, let me do my thing!" Cotera said. Then she blew on Link. There were some sparkles in the air and then Links pants suddenly felt stronger. Not harder really, but more resistant. Cool, Link thought. Link also noticed that his bag felt slightly less full. Probably the aforementioned materials.
"All finished! I thought I would improve some other clothes for you, but it looks like that's not possible right now. Pleas come back here once you get some clothes or materials...or once you've restored the power of my sisters. See you later!" Cotera said, then got sucked down deep into the pool with a splash.
"Well, Link, I gotta tell you. I've seen the strangest things since you came back. That was probably the weirdest yet," Elyza noted.
Link sighed. "Yeah, That was pretty weird. The strangeness probably isn't over yet for me." Elyza chuckled. "So, where's your brother?"
"He's wandering in town. Oh! There's something else I wanted to show you!" Elyza exclaimed. She waved for Link to follow her. She ran past the fountain out father into the woods. There, sitting alone, was a small flower.
The flower was blue and white, and, as it was starting to get darker, it was glowing softly.
"Wow," Link said softly. "It's beautiful."
"I've read about them before. It's a wild flower called a Silent Princess. They're pretty rare from what I've heard," Elyza explained. "Anyway, I just thought it was pretty cool. We should probably go back to the village though. We've got to get to Hateno tomorrow. We want to be well rested." Elyza turned and walked back the way they came. Link got up too and started to follow, throwing one last glance back at the lone Silent Princess. I'll save you Zelda. Don't worry...I'm coming....

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