Chapter 3- Ice

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My body keeps shaking and I can't stop it. I have got sick off of meat before but not like this. All I can think is this is how it ends. The wall parts for a second and I hear a squeak of some kind.

Light washes over me but I ignore it, in to much pain to figure out what it is. I feel my nose break and stretch, my back arches in hot red pain. More of me starts stretching and reshaping itself, and oh man did it hurt. I swear I almost passed out.

The pain eventually subsides and when it does I'm scared to move. What if I move and my leg falls off?

Something mumbles behind me and my eyes flick over to see a person standing there, it's mouth moving. I get up, confused as to why it's here.

Dinners here girls I call out to Amber, Nala and Trixie. Before I could stamp my foot, 3 black stripes jump through the water wall. I push the walker thing against the wall and snarl, it's eyes widen.

I loosen my grip, why I don't know, it was stupid enough to walk into my cave and make its presence known so why wouldn't I want to hurt it? It whimpers so I back off, Nala isn't happy about this and tries to get its neck but I tackle her before she can get there.

What are you doing you stupid cub? She snarls.

I-I don't... Know I whimper something's wrong

It's because our dinner isn't being digested yet Amber jumps in. She makes a lunge this time, and I pounce onto her, giving her a few warning scratches near her wind pipe. When I back off she growls but doesn't do anything else.

If you guys aren't going at it I am Trixie says, crawling towards it. My growl is low, dangerous and means business as I bring myself up to my full height.

Don't you dare weakling I snap. She and I both know who's stronger and she knows if she pushes it she might not see the next sunrise.

So what? We just let it go? What about dinner? Trixie is pissed off. Nice move Ice, you should know not to piss off Trixie. That's what Nala named me when I was found because of my ice blue eyes, I wasn't old enough to tell her my real name but I don't know it anyway.

Yes, we let it go and find something else for dinner I answer. We stare at each other, waiting for the other to back down.

Ice Nala starts its getting away.

Any likes? Thoughts? Comments? I'm getting really into this book, it's so fun to write. I just hope it's not too horrible, I know it must be tedious switching POV's like this and still on the same night but stick with me here.
Anyway, have a great day/night/whatever.


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