Chapter 24- Hunter

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hey guys! i don't know whats happened to this chapter, my computer says its published and my tablet says its not so if your reading this from something other then chapter 23 please ignore this. I'm trying to fix it.



I watch the screen. Peace is making great progress. She's only been in the 'safe room' for 15 minutes and is already able to form a word- house. I'm so happy Katharine was available. I told Alicia that she could go f*ck herself and to get her evil brunette ass out of my office. In more words the that of course.

I wasn't about to let her teach her Luna how to operate like a normal wolf then have her steal the Luna's position. That would be wrong.

Another word resounds from my mate mouth. Her voice- though unsure of itself- is like heaven. It has this soft caring side to it but it's mixed with a very sharp, hard edge. Do you get what I mean? Probably not, I'm not good at explaining things.

She repeats the word again and again as if testing it.

"Wo-lf," she says, "wo-lf. Wolf. House. Wolf."

It's a very cliche thing to say but I start to love her more. I don't really get it though, must be the bond doing this, making me all soft and mushy. Like a girl.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Lots of things. How are you Shaun?" I ask my head warrior while shutting the screen off. I don't want to reveal too much of the mate thing until Peace can, you know, talk.

"Good good. You coming down for lunch or..."

"I'm getting there. Give me a minute," I answer, shoving him out the door.

"If you ain't then I'll get Taylor up here!" He shouts as I slam my office door in his face.

I turn on my laptops screen to watch the last few seconds of her speaking lesson.

"Food. Food, wolf, house. Food, wolf, house!" She jumps up and starts running around the room. I laugh at the sight and text Katharine.

Next up lunch, then maybe some clothes... -H

Sure thing boss -K

I smile.

Ek! I am so happy! I've been drafting a few books since in my secret chapters I'm getting close to finishing and I've come up with THE BEST IDEA EVER!!

Anyone ever read the book Lets Play A Game or The Selection or Cinderella. It's kind of a mix of the three. Here's the description.

It was senior prom. The theme was masquerade ball. I had attended for once. He was there like always. I was tricked into dancing with him. He tried to open me. I didn't let him. He wanted my name. I never told him. Now he wants to know who I am. The pretty girl with the strange eyes and blue mask. I don't tell him it's me. He asks everyone he knows. Now the school is searching for the quiet girl, the lonely girl amongst the crowd. Now their searching for me. But the jokes on them.

Because as fate would have it, this time Cinderella never lost her shoe.

I am so happy! I only started a few days ago but I'm already writing chapter 12!!!! Hopefully I'm going to start publishing it in a week or two, while I keep on writing this one of course.

-A Very Very Very Happy Wolfy

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