Chapter 4- Ryder

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I watch as the blue eyed Panther starts fighting off the other 3, the green eyed one goes to attack me first and I try to melt into the wall. When nothing rips my throat out I look up to find blue eyes on top of green, it looks like their having a conversation.

I muffle a shout when gold eyes turns towards me, already in hunting mode. Again, blue stops her/him as it approaches and they have another squabble. While they do that I see a second with gold eyes army crawling towards me, that evil glint in his/her eye.

Gold 2's eyes flick over to a snarling blue and they start a staring contest. While they do that I pick my bag up off the floor, leaving the flashlight on the other side of the cave, and slide along the wall. I'm almost at the exit when I stupidly look up, meeting the eyes of green.

It alerts the others and I make a run for it, not caring that I'll be in trouble when I get home dripping wet. I end up stumbling along because I can't see. A set of paws pound after me, I can tell whichever one it is going slow. My foot snags a tree root and I fall head first onto a rock, soon overcome by darkness.


My eyes try to open, failing miserably. Quickly I asses the situation. I'm moving, being dragged by my collar, my head is pounding and sticky, my feet sore from the ground underneath me. Again, I try to pry my eyes open, this time it works.

From what I can see in the darkness I'm in town. About 3 blocks away from my house. Looking up all I see is the bottom of a snout. Since I don't think it can understand me I point in the direction I want to go. It nods and follows my directions until we get to my house.

Using an unheard of ability it opens the front gate and marches up to the front step, dragging me with it. I'm dropped gently on the doorstep when it goes to leave.

"Wait," I whisper. It turns its piercing blue eyes on me. I know those eyes, I know I've seen them before. I reach out to touch its black fur, it's soft yet brittle. I let my hand wander down its back- enjoying the feel of it under my fingers. Eventually it pulls away and gives me one last look at those eyes before running off into the shadows.

"Peace," was all I managed before I once again blacked out.

I honestly don't know what to say in authors notes so... What do you think? I have a feeling that this is becoming predictable but whatever. If you don't like predictable then that's your problem. I hope you guys like the really early update, I got super bored and I know I hate waiting forever for a book to update.

Vote and comment, I love knowing what you guys think.


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