Chapter 10- Hunter

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I'm the next alpha of the Eclipse pack. And its great, I don't have to do well in school, I'm never in much trouble. Only downside- since I haven't found my mate I have to go on all business trips. No exceptions. So here I am, visiting the Falls Pack. Their named that because of the waterfall nearby, but it just so happens that when the last beta resigned their pack stared to fall apart.

The alpha invited us over because there's been many disappearance's from border patrol over the last few years and it's affecting the pack, a lot. From what I gathered from the meeting there have been wild cat sightings in the area. A few years ago one was spotted in the town itself, soon followed by 3 others. Alpha Granger suspects the 4 cats are the ones who keep taking his men.

And after that bombshell he wants us to train his men to be better fighters, my dad being my dad instantly agreed. We still have to stay for another day to sort out the details, luckily I was released from that torture.

Now what? I can tell Leo- my wolf- is itching for a run and I'd like to visit that waterfall. I let Leo take over, content to just watch the scenery go by. The 'jungle' is dense, why you would have a pack in North Africa I don't know. I didn't think wolves did jungle, I always thought they were more of a forest woodsy kind of animal but these guys seem to be ok with this. And it is nice here, pretty.

We pull up in front of the waterfall, it towers over me. I lie down and listen to the water rush past. One of the few panthers in the area bounces through the pounding liquid. What? Isn't there a wall or something there? I wait for the body to emerge but it doesn't. I just decide to approach when a girl with long, wet, black hair emerges. She's covered in dirt and is... Growling? 2 panthers, dark as night, follow her out carrying the body of a 3rd. Did they just... Kill it? Is the dead one the one that just went inside? But... There's no blood.

The 2 panthers start dragging the body with the help of the girl and naturally I follow. We only walk for 10 minutes, it probably wouldn't have taken about 2 minutes if they didn't have to drag around that dead weight. Eventually we get to a meadow, well a jungle meadow. The trees let in the light from the rising moon filter through, the rock floor covered in moss and leaves and plants. The cats and girl carefully place the dead cat on the ground, one immediately runs off.

The last cat and the girl just stare at the body and soon the last cat also leaves. I back up a bit, thinking there's nothing else to see when I hear a yowl. It's low, sorrowful. I turn to see a new black as night cat standing where the girl was just seconds ago. The yowl was coming from it. The wind changes, letting me take a whiff of the air.

I smell the river and the sweet smells of the jungle around us. I crash through the undergrowth, my wolf screaming at me. When I emerge she isn't intimidated by my size. Instead she takes on a fighting stance and snarls at me. I whimper and take a step back, I don't want her to be mad at me, especially since I just met her. She bares her teeth and again I step back again.

My eyes flick from her to the dead Panther behind her. She's protecting her food! Oh my god! She got those other two to bring it over here with the threat of becoming an appetiser! I take one last long look at her slim black figure before running off in the direction of the pack house. Someone's going to be doing some explaining...

Yay! Our first look through Hunter's eyes! I'm so happy to finally introduce him! As you can see, I've made Kendall whats-his-face Hunter. I was thinking of that James guy but thought he was too serious and always had his hair styled weird.


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