I KNOW!!!!!

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I'm sorry for disturbing you again. I'm just super excited. I know when I ended this book, it pretty much means I'm not supposed to annoy you anymore, but I can't help this! It's already posted in Extraordinary, but I need to spread the word and get more help!

I've noticed something very dangerous circling the Internet. Not only has it affected people, but also technology. Let's call it a........ Plague of sorts. Now, I know not many people will call it a plague since it doesn't technically kill you but let's pretend. I mean, it's killing the Internet. Here's a scenario to help you understand what I mean.

Your at home, checking your Wattpad messages. You see one particular message. Your intrigued because it's from someone you haven't spoken to for awhile. The two of you start chatting and this person keeps sending this face. After awhile you become unnerved by said face. So you quickly say bye and check your notifications instead.
There's a few updates, a new follower and some comments on the story your writing. You become interested in the feedback and instantly look at them. Each of them are encouraging and asking for an early update on the chapter your not ready to post yet. What frightens you is the fact that all of them end in the face.

With a squeak you change from looking at Wattpad to one of your other social media sites. For example, snapchat. You've got a new snapchat from your best friend. Since you know how funny their photos and captions are, you click on it and prepare to screenshot anything of interest. You gasp and reel back at the sight you see. It's the face again.

Anyone like it! I don't know anything about snapchat, so please don't kill me if I've done something wrong.

The main point of that blurb was for you to realise how many times a day you see this face without realising it, and now that you know you should be frightened. This face is slowly taking over the world and before we know it, it will be plastered everywhere.

My dear Rosebuds, please help me stop the Retarded Cat Face Uprising. Help me start this revolution. Please help me take back our- o-h.....no! I-it's t-t-taking m-me as... well! Save y-yourself before it's too l-late! A-ahhhh :- noooooo! Run now and never return. I-I can't hold it o-off for much l-longer! :-..... :3 NOOOOOOOOO! It's taken me!

Okay, so that was a bit dramatic. And yes, I know it's not actually a retarded cat face. It's some cutesy face or something. Everything's in the eye of the beholder. And my eye tells me emojis are taking over the world, slowly creeping into our minds and corrupting them. And I'm still being dramatic here.

I would, however, like you guys to do something when you see a cat face though. When you see it can you comment or reply with THE RETARDED CAT FACES HAVE TAKEN YOU AS WELL, NOOOO! STOP NOW OR I WILL BE FORCED TO TAKE DRASTIC MEASURES!

Thank you guys so much for reading this and probably ignoring it since I'm a whack-a-do. But, if you did take notice of how often people use emojis, could you just say something along the lines of the line above? Thank you guys so much!!!!

See ya my beautiful, loving, loud, revolting (not gross but helping in a revolution), little Rosebuds!

-Wolfy out

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