Chapter 29- Hunter

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Sh*t. She ran. Damn it. I need her here.

"Go get her!" I scream at the nearest guard. He jumps before running off.

I can't believe Pea- Ice- ran away. It's like she hates me. I sigh and slide down the wall. What's up with the whole 'Ice' thing anyway? Why can't I of all people call her by her real name? It makes no sense. And why isn't this stupid bond working? Isn't it supposed to affect how you react to a certain person? Aren't you supposed to be nice to them?

I sigh again and rub my head. This is all too confusing for me. Somehow I'll have to gain her trust, mark her, and find out how I keep her here for good. I can't have her running off again like she has just done. I thought we were past this.

One of the guards rushes into the room, panting and slightly sweaty.

"Sorry to disturb you alpha, but she got away, as did the boy. They were headed east following the main road," the man pants. I jump to my feet and start walking out the door.

"Get Shaun to meet me in my office in 5 minutes. I need to discuss some important matters," I shout walking in that general direction.

"And get Taylor as well, we'll need a level-headed person," I add. I feel the man hurrying off.

Good, I'll need all the help I can get. Once again we'll need a plan. And once again it involves capturing Ice.

So sorry guys. This is a short chapter! I feel mean now. Please remember to send in any art you do!


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