Chapter 21- Ryder

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P.S. I made these myself since no one entered the comp. I'm so proud! *wipes tear from eye*. Now read on my lucky ducks!



I land, still shaking, on the ground with a thud. I want to cry out, oh how I want to scream, but I don't. I don't need amber eyes and her little friend turning up for some dinner.

I clamp my mouth shut, my teeth piercing my jumper. I feel every crack of my bones, every muscle remoulding itself. I lay there in agony, watching my body slowly grow fur, my hands slowly change into paws. I feel my spine crack in multiple places then instantly heal in a new position.

After I'm fully remodelled I just lay there. I can see why Peace did, I'm afraid that if I move something's going to happen causing me to shift back. I would have lay there all day if I hadn't heard a stifled shout behind me. I lazily lift my head, facing death would be easier then risk moving right now.

Behind me is one of the Warriors on patrol. How come he wasn't here when Peace was stolen? I want to scream at him, tell him how idiotic he is, but I can't. Instead I stand on shaking paws.

"Are you ok?" He asks. I shake my head then throw my paw in the general direction of town.

"Town? Alright then," he grabs my belongings and helps me towards the pack house.

I collapse at the doorstep, exhausted from my early shift. Maybe I'll just sleep here tonight...

The man bangs on the door which immediately opens. I stay where I am, completely zoned out. Well, until I feel someone lifting me up. Scratch that, two someone's. My limp body is carried off into the giant building. I fight to stay awake, I really do, but before I even get up the stairs I've blacked out.


I wake in a hospital room. My eyes instantly close due to the blinding light reflecting off the marble walls and floor. My ears perk. I can hear a steady thump, the clacking of shoes outside, the sound of a pen on paper. It's so surreal.

I try to sit up only to find I'm held down by the sheets. And it's not like I have hands to push them away. I howl. It's a lot louder then I would have liked but I blame the echo in the room. A nurse rushes in, seeing how I'm tied to the bed. She quickly presses the call button for the doctor. He enters only seconds after.

I watch him closely, he gives me the creeps. Or maybe it's just being in a hospital altogether. He looks at the heart monitor and my chart before speaking.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to shift back," he says without looking up. I whimper at the thought. I saw Peace shift for the second time and it looked just as bad as the first. I do not want to go through that again.

The doctor raises his eyebrows while I whimper and shake my head vigorously.

"Look, sir, your going to end up shifting anyway so why not do it now?" He asks. I wish I could talk or use the pack link but it's not possible. You get the pack link when you get your wolf and so far I haven't gotten anything.

"Sir, please. Your... Sister... She's dying. I need you to shift so you can see her before she passes," he says. I know he's lying but it's too close to the truth.

Peace could very well be dying on the inside. They could be forcing her into society. She could be considering suicide. No, I can't let that happen.

My body starts shaking again. The pain is slightly dulled but still excruciating. I hear the clicks and snaps of my bones reshaping themselves. I can feel the hair on my hands, torso and feet retract. I feel it all. This time I do cry out, knowing I won't become someone's snack for doing so.

Eventually the pain subsides and once it does I lie there, shaking. It's too much. I can feel the exhaustion once again setting in. My eyes drift shut, darkness soon overtaking my vision.


Once again I wake on a hospital bed, disoriented. I blink at the blinding light. Soon enough I can see. The chair next to the bed has a set of clothes resting on it. I hurriedly put on the baggy pants and shirt, and not a moment too soon.

Almost as soon as I sit back down the door opens revealing my panicked parents. Mum rushes over and wraps me in a hug, kissing my head, cooing nothings into my ear. Dad stands off to the side and he looks pissed.

"What happened?" He asks after mum lets go.

"I shifted," I shrug as if it's no big deal when in reality it's not. It's a huge deal.

"And why did you shift?" Mum asks, still sitting beside me. She looks like she hasn't slept in days.

"Because that alpha that visited stole my sister," I answer.

"Sister?" Dad roars, "your sister is dead! This has gone on long enough. If you keep living in this fantasy of yours I'll have you shipped off to... To... To some camp, maybe a private school so you'll get out of stupid faze."

"I've seen her though, I've hugged her, I watched her shift for the first time, I'm the only one who believes. I still don't get how you can't recognise your own child," I whisper the last part.

I had never met her before and one look into those eyes I knew who she was. I have studied the photos that dad destroyed.

"No. You didn't watch her shift. You haven't seen her before in your life because she died before you were born. And if she is she would be wild. She wouldn't let you near her. But since she isn't alive anymore you need to snap out of your dream," his eyes fill with tears.

"I'm not dreaming! I saw her! I tried talking to her! I am the only one who didn't loose hope! And if your not going to help me, I'll get her myself!" I scream, storming out of the room.

I will find her. Even if it means fighting an alpha.

Ooh, Ryder's in trouble. What he gonna do?


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