Chapter 13- Hunter

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We were called back sooner then expected, only 3 days after we got back. I spent the entire time joking around with my friends, never once mentioning my mate. Thankfully neither did Taylor.

Now. In the car. I'm a ball of nerves. What do I ask? Who do I ask? The alpha won't be a good choice. Maybe the beta? Nah, then the alpha will find out anyway. Maybe if I go to the school I could find someone... I'll ask the first person I see, they could point me in the direction of someone else and so on until I find someone who knows about the girl. Sounds like a good plan to me.

"Hunter! We're here boy, get out of the car," father says getting frustrated. I nod and climb out as fast as I can.

"William!" Alpha Granger calls out, motioning for us to go inside. I follow both alphas through a maze of hallways and end up in a familiar office. Father, Alpha Granger and I enter and start up conversation immediately.

"Any updates?" Father asks.

"Only 3 panthers spotted in the last 3 days, all different," Granger says.

"That's because the 4th is dead," I mutter. Father picks it up with the super hearing thing.

He turns to me," how do you know son?" I shrug.

"Last time I was here I took a look at the waterfall and there was a cats body there," I answer. Both their eyes widen. Granger looks relieved to hear his problem become smaller while father looks like he's about to pop in outrage.

"You did what?" He yells standing up, his chair flying across the room. I shrug like its no big deal.

"I just went to have a look around, visit the waterfall and stumbled across the body of a panther. That was just before I found my mate," I answer. My father looks like he's about to shift right here right now.

"William," Granger starts, "it's ok. When I invited you here I knew you'd want to look around. It's really ok and your son just gave us some valuable information."

"And what if he had died? His brother would have to take over but he's only 8!" Father shouts.

"He's an alpha, William. He can handle himself."

"But you said those cats can kill your best warriors!"

"He only saw a body not a live cat."

"What if he had encountered a live cat!"

"He would have come away with a few scratches."

"Right here you know," I say waving my hand. Both turn to look at me.

"Hunter, would you mind stepping out for a bit while I make your father see reason," Granger asks politely. I nod and walk out of the room, feeling like a 5 year old that's just been shunned.

Maybe I could go back to the waterfall? That's not too bad of an idea. I stand in the foyer for about 5 minutes, deciding what to do and end up walking out of the building.


There it is. The place where I'll get my answers. Falls pack high school. And it's lunch break. I walk to the nearest group of people, they seem kinda nerdy with books and glasses but whatever. They watch me approach with caution.

"Hi," I say with a little wave. A brunette with a round face and soft green eyes is the first to talk.

"Hi, is everything ok?" She seems cherry enough. I nod.

"I was wondering if there was someone that could tell me about this girl I met..." I trail off. How do I tell complete strangers about my love life.

"What does she look like?" The brunette asks.

"Uh... Really long black hair, blue eyes, on the thinner side. Although I didn't meet her in town so I don't know what-"

I cut off by a boy with blonde hair and big round glasses, "that sounds like the girl Ryder has been ranting about for the last few years," the others nod in agreement. My face lights up.

"Think you could point me in his direction?"

"Nope. You'll have to ask the main office," the boy answer. I thank them and walk off towards the tall building in front of me. Then I realise I don't know his last name. I turn back to face the group.

"What's his surname?" I call out.

"Thomason!" the girl calls back. I nod in appreciation and walk inside.

There is only one person behind the desk when I walk in so I ask her where he would be next lesson. She shakes her head at me.

"I'm sorry sir but he's been marked absent all day," she says. I groan. Now what?

"Thanks anyway," I mumble as I walk off, eager for a run.

Yay! Another chapter down! I really need to start making these longer...... Oh well. I don't have much to say today so.....

-Wolfy out

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