Chapter 11- Hunter

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I need to know who she is, what she is. Father says we'll need to make another trip or two back here in the near future. Maybe then I'll get some answers.

"So son," father starts, "did you find anyone while you were out?" He lifts his eyebrows suggestively.

I shrug, "there was this one girl..."

He perks up, "what's her name? Is she cute? How old is she? When can I meet her?" He bombards me with mate related questions.

"I... Don't know anything about her except that she's deadly. I tried to talk to her and she... Uh... Growled," he looks confused.

"But you have power radiating off of you, why would she growl?" I shrug, "anyway. What does she look like?"

I start describing her long black hair, her striking blue eyes, her high cheek bones and how she's on the thinner side. I make sure to leave out the part where she's covered in mud and is naked and how I suspect she shifted into a panther. Father's face brightens more and more with each word I say.

"Sounds perfect for you," he says once I'm finished. I frown.

"How can you tell?" I ask.

"You already look like a new man, even happier then before," he states before looking out the window.

I am happier. Even if she growled, I feel lighter, more carefree. I pull my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through my games. Eventually I settle on minecraft so I can build a sculpture of her. Since its a long ride home I build her human form (inserting clothes) as tall as I can, before moving onto her 'wolf'. Father looks over my shoulder as I start on her front paws.

"Is the girl that you built your mate?" He asks, I've been teaching him how to use simple technology.

"Yup," I answer. Lost in making her 'wolf' just right.

"Then why does the other one not look like a wolf?" He asks.

"Because it's not," I answer again before realising how stupid that was. Parents are always nosy no matter what.

"Then what is it?"

"A cat that I saw before I found her," I answer. It's kinda true... Sorta. I did see a cat before I saw her, but it was a different one. He shrugs and keeps watching the tall statue grow into a full size cat. I'm finished both by the time the 3 and a half hour ride is up. I jump out of the car and run inside.

I need some help from Taylor. She's going to be the next beta when I take over, her parents are the current beta's so it fits. I mind-link her and tell her to meet me in my office immediately. She agrees. I enter, not a single laboured breath leaves me, and she soon follows.

"Everything alright Hunter?" She asks worried, when she's nervous I've noticed she always plays with her long red hair. Her hazel eyes stare at me, I sigh and tell her about the girl. Taylor listens silently while I talk.

"-then she growled so I left," I finish.

"So this girl is-"

"My mate, yes. But she's feral. I need help getting her out, the sooner the better," I answer. She pouts and crosses her arms.

"This you is horrible, you need to lighten up. Where's the fun Hunter that we all love?" Is she serious! I've just found out my mate is a vicious wild animal and she's asking where my fun side is gone!

"I killed him and threw him in a lake," I reply bluntly. She gasps in mock horror before continuing.

"Really? Which lake? If I can pull him out he might live and get rid of you mean Hunter," God? Can she be anymore annoying right now.

"Are you going to help me or not? Because if not I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind taking your spot as next beta," I threaten. She's the best beta I could ask for but right I don't want jokes I want my mate.

She sighs, "the answer to your problem is simple really. Ask around about her, see if anyone knows who she is."

I race over to hug her. Girls are amazing! I doubt her brother would have come up with that. I squeeze her, trying to pop her, and shout thank you over and over again. Before I can finish my chant she pushes me off of her.

"Now how about we watch a movie?" I nod, "how about monsters inc?" I laugh and nod again. She always teases me about my obsession with that movie. I used to watch it all the time when I was little and even now that I'm 19 it's still the best movie ever.

Ha! I'm in love with Sully from monsters inc. I've been watching it on repeat since I was probably 3..... What? It's a good movie.

I don't have much to say today, so.........

-Wolfy out?

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