Rainbows, butterflys and a little note.

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Hey! This is not a normal update for those of you who are like me and don't pay attention to the chapters title.

A few things. One- I'm running a contest. It's for a new cover for this book. Send in whatever you think is cool, I don't know if you can message me and add a photo or not... But either way, I'm going to make a Wattpad email so when I get that I'll tell you guys my name and you can send it in that way.
This contest will end on my birthday (1st April) and uh... I guess that's it on this topic? I've never run a contest before so yeah...

Second, I'm changing my updates. I will now update once a week because I'm way ahead and not publishing fast enough for my liking. If you haven't noticed I'm a very impatient person. Sometimes there will be surprise updates but not too often (I hope).

Last, I have to thank you again for your interest in my book. I've decided to hire some "people" to help me improve this book. By "people" I mean two idiots that I happen to call friends. YES! I'M TRYING TO OFFEND YOU! Soz Nikki and Tess but that's the way life is.

That's it for now. See you next chapter!



Hey Rosebuds, as you can tell I've finally started editing! Woohoo!

Starting from the top- the contest, it no longer has an expiry date. I want my readers to send in covers, banners, maybe even a trailer if your good at that stuff. I haven't really had much response to this book yet and I'm hoping to change that soon. I made my email and it's wattyatethemouse@outlook.co.nz

If you could send anything you make to that email I will be very grateful!

I also have another surprise, but that will have to wait until the end of the book.

-Wolfy out

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