💛Chapter Fifty Eight💛

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+Aiden's Pov+

Me, Melanie and Elizabeth were in her room listening to music and vibing out. Elizabeth was dancing along with the music while painting her nails and Melanie was in Elizabeth's mirror playing around with her hair.

I looked between them and said,"So how long have you 2 known Stephanie?"

Elizabeth spoke up and said,"Well, she met me first then Mel. I was running away from a situation I thought I'd never get out of and Stephanie and Gus ran into me on the street." "Like, they hit you with the car?"

Melanie laughed and so did Elizabeth.

Then Elizabeth said,"No. I was running and I came upon the street then they ended up stopping when they seen me. I had a gun and I was scared that they were murderers or something but then, Stephanie took the gun from me and unloaded it so fast I didn't even know what happened. Then they took me in. She let me stay with her and it was the best thing ever. I was finally..happy." "Then what happened?" "She helped me find my family and I started living here again. I thought that my family wouldn't have even wanted me back. I wondered why they didn't come looking for me ever. I was all fucked up for awhile about it but then, Stephanie got me back home and..it felt great to be with them again."

I looked towards Melanie.

"And what about you?"

She turned around towards me and leaned against the dresser mirror.

She then said,"My mom didn't want me. And no I'm not sad or anything about it. I'm actually kinda glad she didn't." "Why?" "Because I wouldn't have been able to stick around Stephanie. Stephanie's like, the mom figure I never had. But also like a sister. She's just..really comfortable to be around." "What do you think it would've been like if you guys hadn't have met her?"

Elizabeth said,"I probably would've been in the streets somewhere. Not knowing I had family."

Melanie said,"I probably would've been around some more crazy shit with my mom. Hating my life to death. Feeling hopeless." "Is that how you felt with your mom?" "For sure. She sure wasn't a Stephanie."

I then said,"So..Stephanie's really important to you guys huh?"

Melanie said,"She is. And, I hope I know her a long time."

Another song came on and Elizabeth put down her nail polish.

She then said,"Wait, this is my song."

She turned up her speaker and got up to start dancing.

Melanie said,"What song is this?"

Elizabeth said,"Just come on and dance bitch."

Melanie laughed then started to dance with Elizabeth. Elizabeth then started singing the lyrics. She hopped onto her bed like she was at a concert singing to Melanie and Melanie was acting like her fan girl.

'Jenny darling, you're my best friend
But there's a few things that you don't know
Why I borrow your lipstick so often
I'm using your shirt as a pillow case

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
Cause you're really my dearest friend'

Once she started the next part of the song Melanie came towards me. She put her hands out to me. I smiled and got up with her to start dancing.

'Jenny darling, you're my best friend
I've been doing bad things that you don't know about
Stealing your stuff now and then
Nothing you'd miss, but it means the world to me

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
Cause you're really my dearest friend'

As the song started breaking down Melanie started really dancing and I just stared at her.

'I wanna ruin our friendship
I don't know how to say this
Cause you're really my dearest friend
Jenny, take my hand
Cause we are more than friends
I will follow you until the end

Jenny take my hand
I cannot pretend
Why I never like your new boyfriends
Oh, your love for them won't last long
Forget those amigos

Oh, your love for them won't last long
Forget those amigos
Forget those amigos'

She was so pretty and free. I loved it. And I loved being around her. I was happy around her. I watched how her hair swayed all over and how into the song she was. The adorable smile on her face as she was in her own world. She then seen me looking at her and came over to me. She looked into my eyes as she hooked her arms around my shoulders. She then kissed me as the song continued and went back to its normal pace. It was the most electric kiss I'd ever had. And I didn't want it to end but it did. Melanie pulled back and smiled at me. I smiled back.

Elizabeth said,"You fuckers are way too cute."

Melanie said,"That was a good song, I might start listening to it."

I said,"Me too."

Elizabeth smiled and we continued dancing around to music with each other.


Here's a new chapter to read until I get the next one going. The next one will be much longer though so, just a heads up. :)

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