💛Chapter Thirty Eight💛

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+Stephanie's Pov+

I was outside by the pool smoking a blunt with a cover over me and my feet in the pool. My phone then started ringing but there was no name to the number. I declined it and kept smoking. After awhile I had heard the side door open then close. I looked to see who the person was and it was Gus. He sat next to me but crossed his legs together.

"You okay out here?" "I'm okay." "Haidyn's asleep in her room." "Want some?"

I put the blunt his way and he grabbed it from me. He started smoking and I grabbed his hand in mine, putting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Gus." "I love you too babygirl."

I picked my head up off his shoulder to look at him. He looked back at me and I kissed him. He kissed me back then passed me the blunt. I started smoking it and he looked back up towards the sky.

"Wanna watch Dexter?" "What's that?" "You've never seen Dexter before on netflix?" "No." "It's a show about a blood analyst that works for the police but he kills the serial killers that are supposed to be arrested." "I don't mind what we watch baby." "Okay."

I passed the blunt back to Gus after I hit it one more time. We passed it back and forth a couple more times until it was gone. We then went back into the house and to our room. I jumped into the bed and turned Dexter onto the tv. Gus came and sat next to me and I cuddled up to him. A few minutes into the show though my phone started ringing. I answered it because it was Elizabeth. Immediately when I answered she was talking fast and I couldn't understand her. When I finally got her to slow down she started talking clearer.

Elizabeth: Melanie is gone, she was taken while we were out and I don't k-know where they took her.
Me: Okay, I need you to tell me exactly what happened.
Elizabeth: M-Me and Mel were walking, coming from eating ice cream and I went to get a napkin but when I was coming back they were putting her i-in a van and they took off.
Me: Okay, hey, I'm coming over right now and we're going to find her. I promise.
Elizabeth: I'm a-at home and I'll wait for you.
Me: Okay. Stay there.

I hung up the phone and I was already in the route of getting dressed. Gus asked me what was going on.

"Melanie's missing. Elizabeth said she saw people putting her in a van while they were out for ice cream." "Let me come." "Okay. Cmon."

He started getting dressed too and we were headed on our way.

+Elizabeth's Pov+

I was sitting in my room waiting on Stephanie to get to my house. I kept wanting to cry more but I had already cried enough. I had to find my friend. She was out there somewhere and I didn't know where but I seen her get snatched. Why'd I try going to get the fucking napkin? Why the fuck did I leave her by herself? I could see her struggling...I could see her. I was hoping that where ever she was, she knew I was coming for her. And I wasn't going to stop until I found her. I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone opened my room door and called my name. I turned around to see Stephanie and I ran towards her. I wrapped my arms around her and she held me back.

"Are you okay?" "I'm fine. But, we have to find her. I know how her mom is and she has no other family besides her. No one else will look for her."

I started crying again and Stephanie rubbed my hair.

"It's okay. Shhh. We will find her. I promise. I love her too and I won't let her just stay out there. We're gonna figure something out. But, you will stay here with your family because I don't want anything happening to you too." "No. I'm helping you find Melanie." "No. You're not. You need to stay here and be safe. You will be the first person I talk to once I find her. I promise."

I looked at her then she just held me again.

+Stephanie's Pov+

I went back downstairs with Elizabeth's parents where Gus still was and I looked towards Elizabeth's mom.

"I will be back once we find her. Please just keep her safe here and then we'll work from there." "Thank you for coming over to talk to her. I know she's honestly worried. Those 2 have become very close and I can tell." "Well thanks for letting us in, I'll keep you posted." "Bye Stephanie. And please be safe." "I will."

I hugged her one more time then me and Gus went to get back in the car.

"Stephanie, we're gonna find her. I promise." "When we find her...all hell's breaking loose..and I hope they know it. And I want you to be no part of it." "What?" "I want you to stay out of this. If you or anyone else I love gets hurt in the crossfire of this, I will never forgive myself." "Stephanie. I'm coming with you. Whatever plan you have right now running through your head, I want a part of it and I don't want to be left out. I love Melanie too." "No questions about it Gus. You're not in this."

I was about to start the car until Gus grabbed the keys out of the ignition.

"Oh, real fucking mature Gus." "I don't care. We're not moving this car until you tell me I'm in your plans." "No. I won't. Because you're not. I'm calling Boosie and he's going to help me."

I grabbed out my phone but of course, before I was able to dial Boosie, Gus grabbed it out of my hand.

"I'm coming..with you." "No. You're not."

I snatched my phone back and tried getting the keys but he snatched them farther away from me. I looked over at him and he looked back at me. Then I jumped on him and after awhile we were fighting in the front seat back and forth for the keys.

"Give me the fucking keys Gus!" "No!!"

He finally opened his door and got out of the car. I got out too and walked towards him angrily. He then turned for a second so I took that as an opportunity to jump on his back.
He started moving around in circles to try and get me off but I stayed latched on to him. I finally got the keys from him but then he grabbed me and swung me into the grass over his back. He got on top of me and took the keys back.

"I'm fucking coming!" "No you're not!"

I flipped us around and got the keys back. I then got up and ran back to the car. I hurriedly got into the drivers seat then locked all the doors. I looked around all the windows but didn't see Gus anymore. So I smiled happily until he jumped up in my window. I jumped out of fear and opened my door, making sure to hit him with it.

"You're not coming Gus! So stop this shit!" "I am! And you know why?! Cause I am your husband! What the fuck would your dad say if he knew I left you to go do something like this by yourself?!"

I slapped Gus in the face as hard as I could and he just took the hit.

"Don't you ever bring my father into any conversation like you knew him! You don't know shit and you damn well don't know what he wanted!"

I then took a step back.

"He's dead Gus. He's fucking dead. And you will be too if I drag you into this." "I don't care. I'm not scared of whatever people took Melanie. I'm only worried about bringing her back home. To her family. And yeah maybe I don't know what your dad wants but what I do know is that I know what I want."

He started walking away and I sighed.

"Gus wait."

He stopped walking and turned towards me.

"I'm sorry." "Are you done having a temper tantrum though?"

I looked at him and he laughed a little bit.

"Yes, I'm done." "We do this together?"

I looked at him again and sighed.

"Fine. We do this together." "Great."

I threw the keys at him and he caught them in his chest but they almost dropped. I smirked and we then got into the car and drove back to our house to plan things out.


sorry about the long chapter guys, I was trying to find ways to finish it out, but I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see all you beautiful people in the next chapter hopefully💕💕

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