💚Chapter Sixty Seven💚

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+Bexey's Pov+

Me and Stephanie were on our way home. I kept looking at her from the drivers seat and she hadn't said a word to me the whole ride. She was just staring out of the window. After awhile I had finally decided to say something.

"Stephanie..I know you're not okay..so I won't ask if you are..I just....I hope you know that you can talk to me." "Bexey I don't wanna talk about anything, okay? I'm fine." "Stephanie I don't think that's true.." "Well I don't care." "See. That right there. I know you're feeling lots of things right now at the same time and you don't know how to handle it so you're trying to push me away by being mean to me." "Stop the car." "No. I'm not stopping the car." "Stop the car Bexey." "No." "Do I have to pull the wheel?" "You wouldn't." "I would." "Then do it."

+Stephanie's Pov+

He looked at me and I was already looking at him. I tried getting the wheel and only got it enough that Bexey started to swerve a little bit which made him slow down. When he did I unlocked the door and rolled out. When I finally stopped rolling I groaned in pain. I got up and seen Bexey stop the car. He got out and started to run after me but I had already started limping away. I didn't want to go home. I didn't know why but I didn't. I just wanted to be gone for a minute. After awhile Bexey had caught up to me and grabbed my arm. I slapped him across the face with my other hand and he rubbed his face.

"Really? We're slapping each other now?" "Keep your hands off of me and I won't slap you."

He touched my shoulder and I slapped him again. He touched me on the shoulder again and this time I pushed him.

"Leave me alone Bexey." "No. I'm not leaving you alone. And you can't make me." "Bexey. I'm serious. Stop fucking touching my shoulder." "Why don't you fucking make me?"

He touched my shoulder again and this time I pushed him so hard that he fell. I got on top of him and was about to punch him. He didn't try and lift his arms to block it either.

"Hit me. I don't care. You can do whatever you have to, to express how you feel. And how you feel is not fine or else you wouldn't be trying to punch me right now."

I slowly put my arm back down and got off of him.

"No. I'm not fucking fine. They were alive Bexey. The entire fucking time they were alive. They were out there and I didn't fucking know it. I'm a terrible sister." "No you're not. You didn't know." "Did you know that I didn't even go to the funeral? I didn't go to my own family's funeral. I didn't fucking go. My dad thought I would but I never showed up. And he tried acting like he wasn't mad at me that I didn't. But I knew he was. I knew he probably hated me. I was off getting high during their funeral. I was partying. I was drinking. I was having the time of my fucking life knowing my mom and my siblings got into a car accident. When I got the call from the hospital that they were dead I gave up. I gave up on them." "It's not your fault. Don't you get that? You were hurting. You wanted to relieve your pain." "I'm disgusting Bexey. I'm a vile human being and I wouldn't be surprised if my brother and sister never forgave me. I'm a fucking idiot."

I stood up and started limping away again.

"Just leave me here. I'll be back when I get back." "Where would you even go?" "Somewhere. I just need a minute by myself." "Don't you think that Elizabeth and Jack want to tell you where they've been? Don't you think they wanna see their sister? Don't you think you're being selfish right now? They need you. Now more than ever. And you're coming with me right now so you can go see both of them."

I looked at him and shook my head.

"Fine...I'll go.." "Because I'm right." "This isn't for you. It's for them." "Sure Stephanie." "Don't push it Bexey." "You don't push it."

I rolled my eyes as we walked back to the car together.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

I was waiting in me and Stephanie's room for her to get home. Her and Bexey still weren't back yet. I was worried something had went wrong. Or worse. After some more time of waiting I was about to call Bexey but then Stephanie walked through the door.

"Thank God. Where were you?" "I was trying to leave but..Bexey got me to come back.." "Why were you trying to leave?" "Because...I didn't wanna come home and face them.." "Why not? They tried staying up to wait for you but they both ended up going to sleep." "Like I told Bexey. I'm a terrible sister and I didn't want them to tell me that. I didn't want them to see me and ask why I never came looking. Why I never felt them. I don't even know how long they were out there." "Stephanie stop." "I won't stop. Because it's my fault they were still alive out there alone, it's my fault I didn't know cause I didn't go to the funeral, it's my fault we were back in a situation where someone almost got hurt. It's my fault for everything. Everything thats gone wrong is because of me. It's always been me." "Now that's bullshit. That's all bullshit." "It's bullshit? Are you fucking kidding me? That's what you're gonna say to me right now?" "Yup. Cause it is. You know none of this is your fault. You fucking know that."

I shook my head and started pacing around the room.

"Fuck you Gus." "Fuck you. You don't get to sit here and be fucking sorry for yourself. You got your sister and brother back. You fought like I've never seen you fight for anything else. You got rid of the rest. Why can't you be grateful and just realize that you got what you wanted? What you cried over. What you blamed yourself for enough already."

I stopped pacing and looked at him. I walked towards him and started to hit him in his chest.

"I hate you! I hate you I hate you I hate you!!! You never listen to me!"

I kept hitting him and after awhile he started to grab at my arms. He got me onto the bed and started to hold me down.

"Stop..fighting me!" "No!"

I kept fighting him and didn't stop for anything. He kept trying to hold me and I punched him. He let me go and I tried getting back up. He grabbed me before I could though and he got me down again.

"Stop fighting with me!"

I finally stopped and screamed as loud as I could. I kept screaming while he kept his tight hold on me. I then started to cry and I couldn't stop. He didn't let me go either. He kept his hold on me. As I continued to cry he then started to loosen his grip.

"That's right..let it out."

He moved some hair out of my face and looked at me.

I looked back at him and said,"He was right..." "Who?" "He was right..I'm a monster..."

I kept crying and Gus let me go. I stood up to go by the balcony door.

"You know that's not true either...you want to feel bad for something Stephanie..but there's nothing for you to feel bad for.."

He came and stood behind me.

"They're here and they're safe now...and none of this is your fault..none of it."

As I cried harder I turned around and he pulled me into his chest.

"I'm sorry Gus.." "You don't need to be sorry..it's okay..I'm here for you. And I love you for all of you."

He kissed my head and kept his arms around me. When he let me go he picked my head up.

"I put Haidyn to sleep already so you should get some sleep." "Gus I-." "Please. For me. Who you actually hit pretty hard earlier." "I'm sorry." "It's okay. I'm a man. I can take it." "Well..I'm gonna take a bath first before I go to bed.." "I'll run your water." "Okay." "Okay."

He kissed my forehead and went to run me some bath water while I got myself some pajamas.

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