+Stephanie's Pov+
+Dream+I was laying in bed when I started hearing Haidyn crying in her room. I got up and went to get her so I could calm her down. Once I did I laid her back down gently and walked back to my room. Gus was sitting up on the bed when I came back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." "You didn't. Is she okay?" "She's fine." "Come here."
I did what he said and sat next to him. He moved some hair from the side of my neck and kissed my shoulder softly. I moved my head a little to give him more access. He stopped and looked at me.
"You're beautiful."
I started blushing and he smiled. He then laid me down super gently and started butterfly kissing my skin. I moaned slightly and let him kiss on me. He finally came back to my face and started kissing me on the lips.
+Lil Peep's Pov+
I walked upstairs to me and Stephanie's room just to check on her. Everyone downstairs was asleep. I walked into the room and she was sleeping. The cover was coming off her so I went to put it back on her. She ended up waking up and she looked at me.
"Hey..I didn't mean to wake you. I was trying to get the cover back on you." "No..it's fine. What is everyone doing?" "They're all asleep. Taking naps, too." "Lay with me."
I laid down with her and she curled up with me. Laying her head into my chest. While Stephanie was falling back asleep Bexey yelled her name. She sighed then got up and went downstairs.
+Stephanie's Pov+
Once I got downstairs Bexey was going into the kitchen.
"Who is it Bex?" "Some woman and her daughter saying they wanna speak to Elizabeth's mom."
I went to the front door to see what was going on.
"Who are you?" "I'm Mandy's mother and I wanted to know why she has a bruise on her and why her friend said you took her switchblade and threatened her."
I closed the door on her and went to get Melanie. Once I got to her room I went inside. Melanie was scrolling on her phone while Liz was sound asleep next to her.
"What was the girls' name that accused you of kissing her boyfriend?" "Mandy, why?" "Her mom's downstairs." "Fuck. Okay, cmon."
Once Melanie started getting up so did Elizabeth.
"Hey, where are you going?" "Just downstairs for a second." "What's going on?" "Nothing. You just lay back down."
She got up all the way then we all went downstairs. I went to the door again and looked at Mandy's mom.
"So based off the story Melanie told me, your daughter and her friend tried to jump Melanie over Mandy thinking she kissed her boyfriend when she really didn't."
Mandy said,"She's a liar. She kissed my goddam boyfriend and she liked it."
Melanie got in front of me into Mandy's face and said,"I didn't kiss your fucking boyfriend Mandy. He came onto me and I told him to back off. You just don't wanna believe that your boyfriend's a whore." "He's not a whore you bitch. You're a whore for knowing he had a girlfriend and still kissing him."
I said,"Woah woah woah. Ladies. Stop being so hostile." "Did Melanie's friend tell you how she threatened my friend Jess with her own switchblade? Or how she kicked me in the back?"
Elizabeth said,"Yeah, after you were trying to tell your dopey ass friend to cut Melanie's arm! I honestly just need you and your mom to back the fuck off this porch before we have a goddam problem."
I said,"Liz! Stop it. Go in the house. You and Melanie. Now. And where's the blade?"
Elizabeth looked at me then shook her head as she gave it to me. They both went into the house while I looked back at Mandy's mom.
"It'd be wonderful if you'd control that girls mouth. Where is her mother?" "Look, I just need you to leave before those 2 in there take your daughters head off. And if I were you I'd stay away from them and tell your daughter to leave mine alone and learn to keep her boyfriend in check. You can also tell Jess we're keeping the switchblade til she learns how to fucking use it."
I tried closing the door but Mandy's mom stuck her foot in the door.
"I want the blade back."
I stepped onto the porch and her mom backed up.
"Lady, you've got 5 seconds to get off my porch before I go and get my goddam chainsaw. You woke me from my fucking nap and I already don't appreciate that so go and don't you or your daughter ever think about coming back here." "I'll call the police."
I looked her dead in the eyes and moved a little closer.
"Do you think I give a shit?"
She looked at me then her and Mandy walked off. I went back into the house and everyone was looking towards me.
Elizabeth said,"I'm sorry Stephanie." "There's nothing you need to be sorry for. She was a bitch. I can't believe she put her fucking foot in my door."
Melanie said,"Do you really have a chainsaw?" "I do." "Can I see it?" "Maybe." "Okay." "I'm going back to lay down."
Emery said,"I'll handle Haidyn."
Goth smiled at her and I smiled at them.
"Thanks guys."
I started going back upstairs and laid down on the bed. Gus came into the room behind me, closing the door.
"Are you okay?" "I'm okay. I'm sorry they ruined our nap." "It's okay." "Before I woke up I was having a dream." "About?" "You." "What about me?" "You were butterfly kissing me all over my skin. It felt nice." "Nice. I'm even in yo dreams." "Don't judge me." "I'm not." "You better not be because if you are, it's back to the no sex thing." "Fine. You'll only dream about it anyway."
I punched him in the arm and he grabbed it.
"Ow!" "That's what you get." "Not like it's not true." "It's not." "It is." "It's not." "Fine. But it definitely is true that if you don't do anything with me, you'll fantasize about it in your dreams." "I shouldn't have told you." "Well you did so ha."
I frowned and stood up to go to the bathroom.
"Aww, babe. I was just kidding. Come back." "Fuck you Gus."
I closed the bathroom door behind me and decided I'd just take a bath instead.