💙Chapter Fifty Nine💙

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+Stephanie's Pov+

Everyone was outside by the pool, hanging out. I was in the house in the living room with Haidyn, sitting on the couch. I was rubbing her head and listening to everyone party outside. I could tell by now she was getting sleepy so I put her onto my shoulder and started to rock her a little bit. Sadie then came and sat next to me. I started to pet her on her head and her tongue came out of her mouth. I smiled and then she jumped off the couch and ran off. Gus then came into the living room and sat next to me.

"Hey baby." "Hey." "Why are you in here all alone?" "I'm just chilling with Haidyn." "Do you want me to take her? I can put her to sleep if you want me to." "No. You go have fun, okay?" "Are you sure? Cause I swear I can-." "I know you can. But like I said, you just go have fun. I'll take care of Haidyn." "Then maybe.."

He touched the top of my shirt with his fingertips.

"I can take care of you later?.." "You'll probably be tired by then." "No. But I can tire you out any day."

I hit him playfully and said,"Hey. Not in front of the baby mister." "Fine. But you know I'm right."

He smiled and got up to go back outside. I smiled to myself and continued putting Haidyn to sleep.

+Yunggoth's Pov+

I was staring at Emery from across the pool as she talked to Jamie and Emily. She was so beautiful. Everything about her made me fall more in love with her. I then started to think. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a baby with her. I then was knocked out of my thoughts when Bexey hit me.

"Hey, you okay? You're staring off into space there." "I know..I'm just..thinking about something." "One thing specifically or multiple things?" "One thing specifically." "I see." "Bexey can I ask you something and you'll be completely honest with me?" "Always." "What do you think about me and Emery?" "I think you guys are really good together. Why?..You guys in a fight or something." "No. We're not. I just wanted to know." "Well yeah, I like her for you. I think you guys are a good couple. I see that she makes you happy and that you really like her." "So, you don't think it matters that we haven't known each other that long?" "You guys have known each other long enough. And time shouldn't matter. It's how that person makes you feel. How does Emery make you feel when you're with her?" "Happy. Unconditionally happy." "Then there's your answer." "Thanks dad." "Don't ever say that again."

He looked at me with a super serious face then we both started laughing. I then went to go talk to Emery. Once I got to her I looked between her, Jamie, and Emily.

I said,"Hey. Can I borrow your friend for a minute?"

Jamie said,"For what?" "I've got a question to ask her." "Is it serious?" "I think so." "Alright fine. But don't keep her too long."

We all started laughing then Jamie and Emily walked over by the guys.

Emery looked at me and said,"What was that about?" "So..do you still...did you still wanna..." "Spit it out babe. What's wrong?" "I was just curious if you still wanted to..have a kid...with me.."

A smile started forming on her face.

"Are you serious?..." "I'm serious. If this is what you want..I want it, too. Every time you talk about kids you're so happy and..I love to see you happy." "So..you're not just doing this because I wanna do this?..." "No. Not at all. I think we should do it. I'm ready."

Her smile got even huger and she grabbed my hand and took me inside. All our friends yelling out to us asking where we were going on our way in.

+Stephanie's Pov+

I was upstairs in me and Gus's room with Haidyn's baby monitor set up on the nightstand. Scrolling on my phone aimlessly. After awhile Gus had came into the room. He came to lay next to me.

I looked at him and said,"Tired?" "Yeah. A little bit. What chu doin?" "Nothing. Just scrolling on my phone."

He came up to where I was laying and laid his head right into my lap. I put my phone down and started to play with his hair.

"Stephanie.." "Yes?" "Can you sing to me please?" "Sure baby. What do you want me to sing?" "That song..that really slow one...from the little king or whatever.."

I giggled and said,"You mean the little prince?" "Yeah..sing it to me.." "Okay."

He got even more comfortable laying in my lap and I started to sing the song equations to him as I played in his hair. By the time I was done singing the song his eyes were closed. I smiled to myself and kissed his cheek.

He then said lightly,"Your voice is so pretty.." "Mhm, you just go to sleep."

He got quiet and I leaned my head back onto the headboard. I then started going to sleep myself.

+Emery's Pov+

Me and Goth were laying next to each other and looking up towards the ceiling.

"Goth, are you completely sure that you wanna go through with this?.." "Yes. I'm sure. And soon we'll get married, too. We can do this. As long as I have you and everyone else I can do this. I promise."

I turned towards him and smiled.

"But Goth, if you don't want this right now I can wait, we can have kids later. I'll wait for you. I'd love to have kids with you Goth. I would. But if you don't want to right now we don't have to."

He looked into my eyes and said,"Nothing's stopping us."

He then started getting closer to me. I started to look at his lips and I guess he noticed. He leaned in and started to kiss me. I started to kiss him back then he went towards my neck. I got on top of him and leaned down to kiss him more. He put his hands on my waist and I leaned up to take my shirt off.

When I looked down at him I said,"Are you sure this is what you want?" "I'm sure."

I smiled and we started to kiss again.

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