💚Chapter Twelve💚

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+Stephanie's Pov+

I woke up but Gus wasn't beside me anymore. I started rubbing my eyes and stretching to get out of tired mode. I then went to my bathroom and started getting ready for the day. After I had gotten out of the shower and brushed my teeth, I was getting dressed then noticed my wedding ring wasn't on my finger. I started looking around the room. Searching everywhere for it. Then I remembered I gave it to Gus last night.

I finished getting dressed and just let my hair stay down. I went downstairs and to the kitchen only to see Gus sitting at the table. Staring at my ring. He noticed me after awhile and half smiled.

"Good morning." "Good morning. How'd you sleep?" "I slept okay. How'd you sleep?" "I didn't really."

I sat next to him and he started looking at the ring on the table again.

"Why?" "Because. I was up thinking almost all night." "About?"

I looked at the ring on the table and looked back at him to see him looking at me.

"You gave me your ring last night. You put it in my hand and told me all of this stuff about how you don't deserve me and you deserve a Tony and what I could have-." "Stop. Please don't even finish." "No. I'm gonna finish. And the only reason I am is because you don't deserve a Tony. You don't deserve to not have Haidyn. You don't deserve to feel like you have me trapped just because we had a kid together. You don't deserve to feel ugly. You don't deserve to feel like you're not the best looking thing I've ever seen. You don't deserve to feel like you shouldn't be married. The world has kicked you around and put you in positions some people wouldn't fucking dream of. You've adapted to that and made a new life for yourself. And goddammit as long as I'm alive I'm gonna make sure you keep this new life you've made. You can't just throw it all away because you feel like you don't deserve it because you do. You just don't understand that yet. So.."

He grabbed the ring and put it back on my finger.

"I never wanna see you take this ring off again because I am proud to have put that ring on you."

I started playing with the ring then he grabbed my face softly and kissed me. I kissed him back then after awhile we pulled away.

"Now, are you hungry?" "Mhm." "What do you want baby? You wanna go out or you want me to cook? Everyone else went out to eat for breakfast." "Can we go out?" "Sure. Are you ready to go?" "Yeah. I've just gotta go get my phone from upstairs." "Okay."

I went upstairs to grab my phone. Once I grabbed it I came back downstairs then me and Gus left.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

"So what do you wanna eat?" "Anything's fine. I don't really have a taste for anything specific." "Ooo, how about we get some snacks and go to the beach." "That actually sounds really nice."

I smiled to myself then Stephanie grabbed my hand and held it.

+Stephanie's Pov+

We got to the store and we both went in. Once we did, we split up to go find the things we wanted. I went straight to the candy aisle and started trying to choose all the best candies for me and Gus to share. Once I did that I went to go grab a basket since my arms were getting full of candy. After that I started looking for things for sandwiches.

I grabbed hard salami, spinach, and pretzel bun bread. Along with some mayo and cheese just in case Gus wanted some on his sandwich. I got 2, 6 packs of mini cokes and 2 bags of variety chips. After all that I went to try and find Gus. When I did find him he was taking a picture with some girl who had her chest bulging out of her shirt and shorts on that made her ass just barely show. Makeup all over her face like a mask. I sighed and waited for him to be done. Waiting patiently with the basket in my hand. I watched how happy the girl looked while taking pictures with my husband. It made me want to smack that stupid smile off her face. Once he was finally finished he came over to me as she walked away excitedly.

"I'm sorry baby. She knew me and-." "Stop apologizing for doing your job." "Okay."

We went to pay for the things we had. Gus had gotten some plastic cups, plates, and a box filled with plastic knives, spoons, and forks. Once we bought everything we took it out to the car and put everything in. Once we were done we headed on our way to the beach.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

We were on the sand setting up a cover then grabbing out all the food. I started making me and Stephanie sandwiches while she ate candy and watched the water. When I was done making the sandwiches I handed her one and she smiled.

"Thank you Gus." "You're welcome."

I started eating mine and watching the water with Stephanie.

"Thanks for bringing me out." "Don't thank me. You know I like taking you out." "But I still have to say thank you because that's the polite thing to do when someone takes you out." "Fine."

+Stephanie's Pov+

I kept eating my food then once I was finished I threw my trash in the bag Gus brought. I then took my shoes off and got up. I started walking towards the water and once my feet was underneath it I sighed happily. After awhile someone came and stood next to me while I was throwing rocks in the water.

"Hi." "Hi." "I seen you over here looking at the water and I just thought I'd say hi." "Oh." "You know how to skip rocks?" "Are you kidding me? I'm the master of skipping rocks." "Can we find out?" "Fine. The person who's rock skips the most wins." "Fine. What's the prize?" "I don't know. Ice cream. On me." "You drive a hard bargain. But deal."

We shook on it and I smirked at him.

"Ladies first." "Don't pull that. You first."

He chuckled then skipped his rock. The rock skipped 6 times.

"Now your turn."

I skipped my rock and it skipped 8 times.

"8 to your 6. I think I'm gonna win this." "I think someone's being too cocky." "We'll see."

He got another rock and skipped it. This time he skipped it 8 times.

"Beat that." "I will."

I got another rock then skipped it. It skipped 9 times.

"Hm. What was that about 'beat that'?"

He rolled his eyes and playfully yawned.

"Oh goodness, look at that. You're boring me." "Fine. One more time." "Fine."

He grabbed another rock and skipped it. It skipped 10 times.

"Your turn."

I grabbed a rock and skipped it. It skipped 11 times.

"Alright, since I've won this, you just buy me an ice cream and we'll call it a day." "Fine. But..can I see you again?" "If you respect the fact that I have a husband then yes. Maybe you will." "I do." "Okay. Now how about that ice cream?" "Cmon."

So we went to the ice cream stand and he got me a large chocolate ice cream with sprinkles all over the top.

"Thanks." "You're welcome. Enjoy the free ice cream." "I definitely will."

He half smiled at me and I walked back to where Gus was sitting while eating my ice cream.

"Where'd you go?" "Nowhere." "Who was that guy?" "I don't know. We made a bet over rock skipping and he already lost 3 times when we started so he just bought me a ice cream since he knew he lost the bet." "So you got free ice cream from a random guy?" "Well when you put it like that, you make me feel like an idiot." "You know that's not how I meant it." "I know."

I continued eating my ice cream then Gus just looked at the water.

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