❤️Chapter Seventy Six❤️

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+Stephanie's Pov+

It was late and I was sitting in the back by the pool and Elizabeth, Jack and Haidyn were asleep in the same room in the house. I was laying on a pool chair looking up at the stars. After awhile Emily came outside and I smiled at her.


She sat in the chair next to me and said,"Hey. What are you doing out here?" "Nothing much. Just looking at the sky." "See anything spectacular up there?" "Not really but they're nice to look at." "Yeah. I just got off the phone with Bexey. And I miss him already." "Was it something he said?" "No it's just..the way he talks to me. It just makes me miss him being here." "Yeah. I know how you feel...but at the same time..I feel like Gus deserves this break away from me." "What do you mean?" "It's just that, I feel like he could use some time away from me being around him constantly and I feel like I'm always hogging him from others.." "What others?" "His fans and stuff. I feel like when he's on tour he finally gets to have fun and do what he loves and...I don't know.." "Don't think like that. I'm sure he misses you a lot. And if you miss him call him and tell him that." "I know..I'll call him." "Yeah. Just tell him how you feel." "I will.." "Thank you."

She smiled and I looked back up at the stars.

"I'm gonna go to bed though so..goodnight. Maybe tomorrow I'll try seeing if I can find us something to do." "Okay. Goodnight."

She got up, hugged me then went into the house. I looked at the stars one more time and pulled out my phone. I went to Gus's name and I debated on if I should even call him or not because it was late. I called him though and waited on him to pick up. The phone kept ringing though and after awhile his voicemail came up. I sighed and figured I'd leave him alone. I then got up and went into the house so I could go upstairs and lie down. I closed and locked the slider door behind me and closed the curtains. I then went upstairs and as I was going my phone was vibrating. I seen Gus was calling me and I answered.

Gus: Hey.
Me: Hey. I'm sorry I called before.
Gus: Why would you be sorry? I missed you.
Me: Because..I just don't want you to think I'm hounding you. I know when you're on tour you get to be away from me and it's probably nice to-.
Gus: To what? Be miserable? To wish I was there with you and Haidyn so I'm there for you guys and you don't get overwhelmed? To not be able to hug you and kiss you and feel you play in my hair? Nothing's nice without you and I miss you already. I get constant anxieties before every show hoping I don't fuck up or make myself look mediocre or unprofessional and all I want is for you to calm me down. Massage my hand and tell me things will be alright even though they might not be. I love you Stephanie and being on tour does not mean I'm happy to be away from you because I'm not.
Me: Well..I love you too Gus.
Gus: I mean it. I love you. And please kiss Haidyn goodnight for me.
Me: I will. We'll talk tomorrow?
Gus: Yes. And I'm sorry I didn't answer before when you called. I was working on a new song.
Me: It's fine. I knew you were busy.
Gus: Don't say it like that.
Me: I didn't mean it like that. I swear. I'm proud of you and I'm happy for you.
Gus: I know. And goodnight baby.
Me: Goodnight.

He blew kisses at me into the phone and hung up. I then ran to Emily and Bexey's room. When I got to the door I knocked.

I then heard,"Come in."

I came into the room and quietly closed the door behind me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" "I'm fine but I was thinking...what if we go on tour with everyone else."

Emily sat up.

"You want to?" "Yeah. Maybe in a couple weeks we can go to where ever they are and just follow them in a separate rv or something." "What made you want to?" "Talking to Gus."

She smiled at me and I then said,"You can't tell Bexey though. And I can't tell Gus. We also can't tell the others." "You want it to be a surprise?" "Yes. A complete and total surprise. So for the next couple weeks we can act sad still over the phone then we'll just appear at one of the shows." "Okay. I'll try. I'm kinda too excited right now to try acting sad though." "We've gotta contain our excitement."

We both smiled at each other and giggled.

I then said,"For the next couple weeks we're gonna be packing bags and I think we should have a makeover day." "What kind of makeover are we talking?" "I'm talkin hair dye, new outfits, new everything so we can look good. We can get Emery and Jamie stuff too in the midst of things." "That sounds good to me." "Okay. It's settled then. We're going on tour." "Ah!"

She smiled excitedly and clapped her hands softly. I smiled at her excitement and got up from the bed.

"Tomorrow we start with getting some new suitcases." "Okay. Goodnight Stephanie." "Goodnight Emily."

I left the room and closed the door quietly behind me again. I then went to Elizabeth and Jack's room. They were all asleep and Haidyn was sleeping in her crib next to the bed. I smiled at them then went into my room to grab a blanket and pillow. I came back with them and made a pallet on the floor. I looked at everyone one more time then started going to sleep myself.

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