💙Chapter Seventy Four💙

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+Stephanie's Pov+

Everyone was coming back into the house and Gus was getting Haidyn upstairs while Tracy was helping him get the crib. Boosie had left with his kids already. The girls were gravitating toward their rooms and so were Elizabeth and Jack. Bexey and Goth were in the kitchen putting things away. I went in there with them.

"You guys need any help with anything?"

Bexey said,"No. I think we're fine."

Goth said,"Yeah we're all good."

I sat in a chair at the table and smiled slightly.

"I'm gonna miss you two knuckleheads."

Bexey looked at me.

"Aww, feeling a little sentimental are we?" "Maybe. But don't make a big deal out of it."

They laughed and came to sit with me at the table once they were done with the rest of the stuff.

Bexey said,"I'm gonna really miss Emily. It's gonna be hard without her."

I said,"It's gonna be hard without Gus for me. Without all of you really. I'm gonna miss all of you guys a lot."

Goth said,"Never thought I'd hear you say those words."

I laughed and they started laughing too.

Bexey said,"Well, we'll be a phone call away. We can all still connect with each other." "I know..but it's just not the same as when all of us are together."

Goth said,"Yeah but it'll be okay. We promise that we'll be back to annoy you in no time. Right Bexey?" "Right."

I smiled at them and individually gave them hugs.

"Make sure you guys say goodbye to me before you leave tomorrow, okay?"

Bexey said,"We will."

I smiled at them then went upstairs. When I got to me and Gus's room he was sitting on the bed on his phone.

"Hey." "Hey." "Is Haidyn asleep?" "Your sister has her. She said she'd put her to sleep for us. So I made her a bottle to feed to her." "Oh, okay." "So..you gonna put that outfit back on for me or what?" "Are you ready for it?" "Yes." "Okay. I'll be right back." "Okay."

He went to close and lock the door then he sat on the bed as I went into the bathroom to change back into the lingerie outfit. Once I was done I went out to Gus and he smiled. I asked him to use his phone and he gave it to me.

"I'm gonna play a song and do a little dance for you, would you like that?" "Yes."

I smiled and played Lil Bo Weep's song Throw Down Your Fears. Once she started singing I started to dance. Not missing a single beat. I was sexily dancing then I went towards him and put my hands on his chest. I ran them up to his neck and held his head in my hands. He was completely hypnotized and wouldn't take his eyes off me. I then got off him and when the beat slowed down I dipped and came back up slowly so he could see all of me. He followed my every movement and I came towards him again. I got on my knees and made a space between his legs. I pushed his knees apart more and he still had his eyes on me. I then ran my hands slowly up his thighs and kept going until I got to his waist. I then stood back up slowly and got onto his waist, putting one knee first then the other one. I then balled some of his hair up into my hand.

I pushed him back onto the bed and he whimpered a little. I smiled and went down to his neck. He tried putting his hands on me but I grabbed his arms and held them above his head.

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