💚Chapter Forty Two💚

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+Melanie's Pov+

I woke up to see me and Aiden in a room together. We were tied up and I was tied up really tight. And had extra restraints. I then seen Aiden's head was down and I remembered she got shot in her arm. I started calling her name but she wouldn't respond back to me. After awhile someone was walking through the door.

"Oh, good. You're awake." "Let us go." "I'm not letting either of you go. In fact, I was planning on letting you go back to your little friends and I take Stephanie but now, I'm just going to take her. And you're going to die." "I'm not dying here. Not with you. And neither is Aiden." "You will if I say so."

He snapped his fingers and someone grabbed my head and pulled it upward. There was then a knife at my throat.

"You don't scare me!" "35 MEN! YOU KILLED 35 OF MY MEN!"

He came towards me and moved the knife but replaced it with his hand. He started to squeeze and I was easily loosing air. Then someone called his name and he stopped to turn around.

"WHAT?!" "There's a woman here to see you.." "Tell her to wait and get the hell out of this room!" 

I then heard a huge bomb go off somewhere in the warehouse. He looked towards me and smiled.

"Hm. Looks like Stephanie joined the party early."

I looked at him up and down and he walked out of the room. I then started hearing shooting and I knew I had to find a way out of here. I looked around the room to see what I could do but I couldn't see anything. Before I knew it Gus had came through the door and I smiled at him.

"Gus. Please. We have to hurry. They shot her and she's bleeding out." "Okay. I'm getting you guys out of here. I'm gonna need you to watch my back while I carry her out." "Got it."

He cut us out of our restraints and picked Aiden up. He then handed me a gun he had and I made sure it was loaded like how Aiden did. It was full so I clicked the gun back together and got ready for anyone who tried to hurt Gus or Aiden.

+Stephanie's Pov+

I was setting off bombs everywhere just waiting for the warehouse to start crumbling. I then seen Gus with a girl in his arms and Melanie running behind him. I ran towards them and smiled at Melanie. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I then pulled back.

"Alright, you guys go to the door and I'll set the rest of this place off. Are you okay Melanie?" "I'm okay. I'm better than okay now that you're here."

I smiled harder and hugged her again.

"Alright, you guys go."

Gus kissed me and they all started running. I set off the last couple of bombs and started for the door. Before I could get to it someone grabbed me and I started moving around to get out of their grip. I then flipped them over my back and they landed on the ground.

"Ohhh Stephanie. I've been waiting for this moment."

He stood up and looked towards me with a smile.

"Hit me with your best shot."

I walked towards him and punched him in the nose. I then kept hitting him and didn't stop. He then grabbed me and threw me to the ground. He got on top of me and put his hands around my throat. He started to squeeze and I started losing air. I grabbed and scratched at his hands but he wouldn't budge. He kept choking me and I started getting flashes of everyone I loved. I knew I couldn't die. I used the rest of the energy I had and punched him right in his jaw. He let me go and I got up. I head butted him and he fell on the ground. I then kicked him in his face and backed away from him. I started running for the door too and once I made it out I ran for everyone else.

The only ones who weren't outside was Emily, Bexey and Melanie who I assumed went to the hospital for the girl. I got into Gus's arms and we all watched the place burn to the ground. The flames calmed me and I finally felt whole again. We all then got into the car and headed on our way home. Emery, Goth and Jamie sat in the back with me while Gus drove and Tracy was in the passenger seat. Jamie was holding my hand and I was looking out the window. Now maybe I could be free and I could really be happy in my new life, with my new family. I was going to miss my old family like hell but, I had one right in front of me. And I wasn't planning on wasting it.

+Melanie's Pov+

Me, Bexey and Emily had made it to the hospital with Aiden and she was now getting help. I was in the waiting area nervous. I just hoped she was okay.

Bexey then spoke up and said,"Hey, everything's gonna be okay." "I hope so Bexey." "It is. Just stay calm okay?" "Okay."

His phone then dinged and he looked at it only to say,"Everyone's on their way now." "Good. Can I use your phone to call Elizabeth?" "Of course."

He handed me his phone then started talking with Emily again. I called Elizabeth and waited on her to answer. She answered on the 3rd ring and all I could hear was worry in her voice.

Elizabeth: Did you guys find her Bexey?

I put on my best British accent.

Me: Yeah. I think we did.
Elizabeth: Melanie!! Oh my God! Is that you?!
Me: It's me Liz.
Elizabeth: Oh my God! I thought I lost you! Are you okay?! Please tell me that you're-.
Me: I'm fine Liz. I'm fine. And I've never been better. I'm so happy to hear your voice.
Elizabeth: Me too. I was worried as hell about you. I'm coming to you. Where are you?
Me: I'm at the hospital right now.
Elizabeth: Send me the address. I'll see you soon.

She hung up and I held the phone smiling. Once I got back to Bexey and Emily they were talking to a nurse. I came over and asked the nurse how she was doing.

"She's doing fine now. She has been stabilized and can go home tomorrow once the papers are filled out. You're also welcome to go see her."

I smiled hard as she gave me the room number then I ran.

+Stephanie's Pov+

We finally got to the hospital and everyone started going inside. I stayed behind with Gus and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You did good today baby girl." "You did too." "I love you so much." "I love you more." "Can I ask you something?" "Of course. Anything." "In the car earlier with the idiot, you called Melanie your daughter. Do you really feel that way about Melanie?"

I smiled slightly and said,"Yes..I do."

He smiled at me and I smiled back then he put his arm around me and we walked into the hospital together.

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