+Stephanie's Pov+
I was crying on the edge of the bed when a knock came to my bedroom door.
"Come in!"
I started wiping my tears and the person came in. They sat next to me then I seen it was Emily.
"What's wrong Stephanie? I've been worried about you all day." "I'm just having a bad day and I don't wanna ruin anyone else's. It's better if I'm on my own right now." "Stephanie...what happened to you?.."
I started crying and she frowned at me.
"I don't wanna talk about it." "Well I don't want you crying. Whatever happened, please just...come downstairs with us. Please. I hate when you're sad. You look so different when you're sad because your happiness is so infectious. You're such a kind and devoted person and I'm so happy to say I'm apart of this family. Finding Bexey and finding some girl friends who actually give a damn about me. You're my friend Steph and I want you to be happy. And you know if there's ever anything you need to talk about there's so many people available at any time and I just want you to know that." "Why are you guys friends with me? I'm a literal mess."
I kept trying to wipe my tears away and Emily grabbed my hands. She wiped them away and I finally stopped crying.
"Because..we're all a mess but, that's what connects us and makes us so familiar to each other. You brought everyone together when you found Gus and now everyone feels apart of something. We want you to feel apart of something, too."
I smiled slightly at her and she pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back and sighed.
"Everything's going to be okay Stephanie."
I hugged her tighter and she let me. After awhile a knock came to the door.
"Stephanie, you in there?" "Yeah! I'm here!"
The person opened the door and came in. It was Bexey with a plate.
"Hey..I knew you probably wanted some space so..I brought a plate." "Thanks Bex but..I'm gonna eat downstairs with you guys."
Emily smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I'll take this back downstairs then."
He left and me and Emily then went downstairs.
+Jamie's Pov+
I went in the kitchen and seen Stephanie sitting on the counter smoking and eating. The boys were downstairs in the basement smoking and Haidyn was playing with one of her toys in her crib in the living room.
"How do you like the food?" "It's really fucking good. I just wish there was some music playing at this point." "What song?" "Love Casualties by drippin so pretty." "Okay."
I got the speaker together and played the song for her. She started nodding to the beat then once he started singing she started singing, too. I watched her and started singing with her. We both started dancing in the kitchen aimlessly. After awhile Emily came in the kitchen and started dancing with us. When the song was over, we were all laughing at each other. Then Emily sat at the table while Stephanie got back on the counter.
Stephanie then said,"Oooo, play Celoso by Lele Pons."
I smiled then played the song.
"Hey, what do you guys think about me dyeing my hair red and black?"
Me and Emily looked at Stephanie and she smiled at us.
I smirked and said,"Go for it." "I agree."
Stephanie went to go get her keys and she went to pick Haidyn up.
"Cmon girls, we're going to get some hair dye."
We got ready and we were on our way.
+Yunggoth's Pov+
"Okay so guys. I think I found a girl I like."
Bexey said,"Where'd you find her?"
Gus and Tracy looked at me waiting for an answer.
"We had a conversation at Starbucks and since I got her number, we've been talking."
Gus said,"Okay. What's her name?" "Her name's Emery. And when you guys meet her, don't judge her. And don't stare." "Stare at what?" "Her eyes are like, purple. She thinks she looks weird but I actually think it's cool." "Well I'm ugly so she has nothing to worry about."
Bexey said,"Shit I am too. Once these contacts come out and this grill, it's over. My energy's off. I feel uncomfortable and exposed."
Tracy said,"I know I'm a ugly boy."
I said,"You guys need to stop. You all look fine and I'm ready for you guys to meet her."
I smiled and hit the blunt again.
+Stephanie's Pov+
"Guys, this has to be perfect for Bexey. And my friend Katie's coming over if you don't mind."
I smiled at Emily and said,"Cool." "Why are you smiling at me like that?" "Because I'm just so happy for you is all." "I feel happy."
I seen Jamie half smile and I latched arms with Emily. We all went into Gucci and split up to start looking for things. Haidyn was looking all over the place while in her carrier on my chest. I smiled then gave her pacifier to her.
+Emily's Pov+
I was walking around the store when I seen a dope outfit. It came with a jacket, tee, and pants. It was nice. I started humming Cookie Thumper by Die Antwoord in my head since we listened to it on our way to the mall. I loved the chorus to death. I looked at the price tag of the outfit and it said $500.
I looked in my wallet and I only had $200. I sighed and Stephanie started walking up.
"Is that what you want for him?" "Nope. Let's keep looking." "Emily. If you want it lets get it. I don't mind putting in on it. Bexey's cool. And you're cool." "Fine. But I'm paying you back." "No you're not."
I sighed then we went to buy the outfit.
"And you better not tell him the part of us buying it together. Don't put me in it. This is a gift all from you because you're a good girlfriend and you wanted to get something nice for your boyfriend." "But you paid for half the-." "No I didn't. I don't know what you're talking about."
I looked at Stephanie and shook my head at how stubborn she was.
Jamie looked up from her phone and said,"I deal with the stubbornness all the time Em." "She's like this all the time?" "Mhm."
Stephanie looked and said,"Nuh uh. I am not stubborn okay?"
Jamie said,"The fact that you said you aren't stubborn means your stubborn because you don't wanna admit that you're stubborn." "Hey, don't use your tactical words and shit on me. I'm good. Okay? I'm not stubborn." "Ask Gus." "He'll say no." "Will he?" "Yes." "Call him." "Fine. I will."
+Stephanie's Pov+
I dialed Gus and as I waited on it to ring he finally answered.
Gustav: Hello?
Me: Hi. Am I stubborn?
Gustav: Umm, yes. You are. But that's okay. It's good that you're stubborn.
Me: Alright.I hung up on Gus and sighed. We then left the mall and started going back home.