+Lil Peep's Pov+
Stephanie had just gotten out of her bath and she was so mad at me still that she didn't even get dressed in front of me. Once she came back out of the bathroom she looked at me then walked out of the room.
"Stephanie cmon! Don't be like that! I wasn't laughing at you!"
She came back and looked at me angrily.
"Yes the fuck you were!" "I wasn't! Baby I promise!"
She stuck her middle finger up at me and started walking away. I went to catch up to her then grabbed her arm.
"Babe stop being mad. I'm not laughing at you." "Then what are you doing then?" "I'm just happy that I can even make you happy while you're sleeping." "But you were making in front of me and I don't know about you but I didn't feel this with Tony so I figured it'd be a big deal to tell you but you just decided to laugh at me because you-."
I grabbed Stephanie by the back of her head to pull her towards me and I kissed her. She stopped talking of course and I just continued to kiss her for a little while longer. Once I stopped she looked at me.
"Now can you stop saying how I'm laughing at you and just except the fact that I'm happy?" "Fine. But I won't tell you again." "You have to." "No." "Please." "No." "Please.."
I looked her in the eyes and she looked away from me.
"No Gus."
She walked away and I went back into our room.
+Stephanie's Pov+
I got downstairs and seen Melanie and Liz going out the back door. They walked out before I could catch them so I ran to open the door then I yelled their names. They came walking back and I looked at them.
"Where are you guys going?"
Elizabeth said,"To my house. Mom's making beef stew and mashed potatoes." "Vegetables on the side?" "Mhm." "Sounds delicious." "I could bring some back if you want." "No. It's fine. You guys just have fun." "Kay, see you later."
She hugged me and before I let her go I said,"How are you guys getting there?" "Bus." "I'll take you." "You don't have to." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure. I promise I'll text you once we get to my moms." "Okay. I'll see you guys later."
I opened my arms for Melanie too and then they were both hugging me at the same time. They then left and I went back into the house, locking the door behind me. Once I went back to me and Gus's room he was just getting off the phone.
"Who was that?" "No one. What's up?" "Nothing." "Okay. I'm about to step out for a minute, is that alright?" "You're leaving?" "Yeah. But just for a couple minutes." "Is it because of the thing from earlier? Are you mad at me?" "Baby, no. I'm not mad at you. If you don't wanna tell me what you dream about, you don't have to."
I started looking down, playing with my fingers.
"Okay, well I'll see you when you come back then."
I walked out of the room and I heard him walk after me. He grabbed my arm and looked at me.
"I love you. And I'd also like a kiss from you before I go." "Right."
I kissed his cheek and hugged him as hard as I could. He hugged me back and I sighed. Knowing he was probably mad at me. He then kissed my forehead and walked away. I went to my dance room and I closed the door behind me. I sat in a corner and just looked around the room. I was praying that Gus wasn't mad because of the dream thing. I just felt like he was making in front of me but I know he just loves me. He also still wanted to hug and kiss me before he left meaning maybe I didn't piss him off at all. My mind was just overthinking and I know everyone downstairs didn't want their day ruined so I stayed in the corner by myself in the dance room just overthinking.
+Bexey's Pov+
I went upstairs to check on Stephanie because she hadn't been down since Gus left. Me, Emily, Goth, and Emery had been downstairs with Haidyn so I just wanted to make sure she was alright. I looked in her and Gus's room but I didn't see her. I went to knock on their bathroom door and she didn't answer. I looked in the other rooms then finally found her in the dance room. She was sitting in a corner with her knees up to her chest and her head down in her arms.
She looked up at me and smiled slightly.
"Hi Bexey." "What's the matter?" "Nothing. I'm fine." "Why are you sitting in here alone then?" "Just because." "Where'd Gus go?" "I dunno." "Come downstairs with us. We can all watch a movie or some of that tv show YOU that came out." "I did wanna watch that." "Cmon. There's no need for you sitting here by yourself. Haidyn woke up too." "Okay cmon." "Thatta girl."
I smiled slightly and he helped me stand up then we went downstairs.
+Lil Peep's Pov+
Here I was. Just had bought some xanax and was planning on taking 2. I shouldn't take them. I promised Stephanie I wouldn't fuck with this shit anymore. I told her I wouldn't. I couldn't. But something in my mind was telling me I must. I was trying not to listen to it but I had already bought them. They were right in front of me. I put them into my pocket and just started walking again.