❤️Chapter Fifty One❤️

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+Jamie's Pov+

"Tracy, where'd you go?"

He had disappeared on me and I started following where I had seen him go. Then I finally found him again. He was standing with a burning rose in his hand and I smiled. I walked towards him and he handed me the rose.

"I know how you don't like normal things."

That made me smile harder then I blew out the fire on the rose.

"Baby..I don't know what's going on or what your plan is but..everything's so beautiful." "Just like you love."

That made me blush and smile harder then he grabbed my hand in his.

"Do you trust me J?" "I do." "Good."

He looked forward and we walked through these sparkly, sheer red curtains. I was then greeted by the prettiest room I'd ever seen. There was candles lit in different places. Red balloons covered the entire ceiling. There were rose petals all over the floor. Everything was fucking perfect and I felt tears start to run from my eyes.

"No, don't cry baby. I want you to be happy tonight. Tonight is yours." "I am happy, these are happy tears."

Tracy smiled and said,"Close your eyes."

I looked at him then did what he said. I heard some shuffling around then music started playing. It was my song Let Her Go by passenger.

"Open your eyes beautiful."

I opened them slowly and there was this slideshow playing with pictures of me and Tracy. I started crying again and he put his hand out to me.

"May I have this dance princess?" "Yes. You may."

I grabbed his hand and we started dancing slowly to the music. He was spinning me and dipping me and moving around so swiftly. I thought I was in a movie. He picked me up and twirled me around then put me down and I couldn't look at him without smiling extra hard.

"So this was your big plan huh?" "Something like that." "Well I fucking love it. I love it all. And..I can't believe you really did all this for me." "This isn't it baby girl." "What else could there be? You've already done too much. First with this morning, then my girls day out, then the limo, then this place. It's too much already."

He stopped moving and he looked at me. This look was intense. I couldn't really read it too much more than that but, it seemed like something big was coming.

"I'm gonna need you to close your eyes again." "Tracy-." "Do you trust me?" "I do but-." "Close. Your. Eyes."

I looked at him hesitantly and I finally closed my eyes.

+Lil Tracy's Pov+

This was it. This was the moment the guys had got me ready for. The moment I had got myself ready for. I was afraid she'd say no. I had something nagging on my entire body that maybe she wasn't ready to be with me in marriage yet. Maybe it wasn't me that she wanted forever. But, now was the time to see how she really felt.

"Open your eyes baby."

She opened them and by now I was on one knee in front of her and I had the ring box open. She didn't say a word. She just looked at me. There was something in her eyes but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Now I know that you probably don't know what the hell is going on right now but..I love you Jamie..I love you so much..and I feel like..if I don't do this now then I'll never have the courage to ask you this big question..I need you in my life forever though Jamie..you make me happy and I don't want happiness with anyone else...I want you..forever. I need you..and when I think about a life without you it just doesn't even make sense in my mind..so..Jamie..will you please do me the biggest honor ever and be my wife?..."

I waited on her answer because she still wasn't answering me. She was still just looking. I was expecting her to say no by now. She then got on both of her knees in front of me and looked me deep in the eyes.

"Do you really want this Tracy? Am I what you really want forever?" "Yes."

+Jamie's Pov+

I couldn't believe what was happening but, of course I knew what my answer was.

"Yes Tracy. I'll marry you."

I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same back. I then pulled back so he could get the ring on me. Once it was on my finger I couldn't stop staring at it.

"It's beautiful." "Like you."

I started blushing and he stood me up. I smiled at him as we both stood back up again. I smiled maniacally and put my arms around his neck.

"So, what should we do now?" "I don't know. What would you like to do?" "I think you know what's on my mind. Now that you're officially mine forever and ever, I think it's about that time." "Time for what?" "You know." "I know..but I want you to say it." "Okay fine. Tracy, I want you to lay me down..and I want you to make sweet love to me." "That sounds perfect."

He kissed me and I kissed him back harder. Before I knew it, we were on the floor.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

I had woken up from my sleep and I seen Stephanie and Haidyn were still asleep. I went downstairs and seen Goth on the couch just staring into space with the living room light on.

"Hey..why aren't you asleep?" "I'm just thinking.." "About what? Is everything okay?"

I sat next to him and he kept staring forward.

"Emery asked me about kids.." "So.." "So..I don't think I'm ready for that yet..but..when she talked about it, she seemed really excited...and..I see the way she takes care of Haidyn and I know she'd be a great mom.." "But.." "But..I don't know.."

I looked forward too.

"Well, I made the hugest mistake of my life when I ran out on Stephanie and she told me she was pregnant...I'll regret that forever. I thought I wasn't ready for a kid either...until..Stephanie had Haidyn and she was born and..I looked into those beautiful eyes. I looked at..how small she was..how..innocent she was. And I thought about how I'd never let anyone hurt her...ever. And how I'd protect her from anything I could..and how much love I felt for her. I also knew that...I didn't wanna be my dad. I didn't wanna be the dad who didn't know his own child when one day she could be something amazing.."

I looked towards Goth and he was already looking at me.

"And I don't say any of that so you can feel pity for me, I say it just so you know that..I think you'd be, a great dad. And if you and Emery had a kid, you'd be ready." "You really think so?.." "I know so."

I half smiled at him and he did the same back.

"Now you should probably get back upstairs before she wakes up and realizes you're gone." "Yeah. Thanks Gus." "Anytime."

He walked upstairs and I smiled to myself then turned off the living room light and went back upstairs, too.

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